Guess I just have a small mind. Why the hell didn't I just believe I could walk on water on those occasions when my ball went splash? Seemed like taking a mulligan was easier to do.
I wouldn't know what to do with them even if that's possible. ;)
CONFIDENCE, TRUST AND FILTHFULNESS that's all it takes and you'll see big results because:
Granpa Groper said it, I believe it(cough), that settles it (gag)
ps I dont belive it anymore.
Exie- i'm trying to bring it back on topic, truly I am
someone said on here that there's like 12 layers of garbage on this thread or something like that
the reason i like my garbage story layered - instead of starting a thread about vpw and his ways - is because it makes me feel like garbage - and it takes a lot for me to put it out there
so go on and laugh
and now if someone says "oh poor excie, dah dah dah" then i will be accused of being an attention-getter and the like - garbage again
i've been honest and i've tried not to get personal or mad at anyone
it's hard for you to understand, i know, but derailing a thread, in my case, is so different than playing golf
i'm not bitter, i'm not going nuts, i'm not mad at anyone
and doreen, if you're mad or upset, feel free to private message me
My dear I apologize if I've come across as making "light" of your experience. The air is a little thick in here and I thought it needed a bit of lightening up. It seems that the direction was leading to -- "Let's gang up on Deciderator. He's saying things we don't want to hear." I may not like what you (not you personally) say and you may not like what I (not me personally) say, but if you have the right to attack someone for saying something you don't want to hear then likewise others have the right to attack you if you say something they don't like hearing said. Don't you see that? Attack ideas, concepts or what have ya -- but attacking people just because they don't agree with you is pure b.s. So sorry.
:) Well, I suppose it depends on how you look at it. I take it you objected to my attempt at a little humor because you felt I wasn't giving you due respect of your experiences. I didn't even have you in mind when I did what I did.
I don't even see where Deciderator was being ganged up on??/ :huh: :huh: :huh:
Larry - can you copy a few of those posts?
Dooj, I didn't say he WAS being ganged up on. I said it seemed it was LEADING to it. My post about golf came after the ones related to comments made about Deciderator.
A few people made comments about this statement that CID made, and wondering why he said it:
Wrdsnwrks said:
Great testimony Jonny! It really inspires me. I pray that there are many more great miracles and salvations like this in your life and those you inspire.
IMO that's what life's all about, loving Jesus and doing the works He did and greater. Lord give us more of you!
Cid said:
The sad part is there are probably some here who wisht it had never happened....
The sad part is there are probably some here who wisht it had never happened....
Here are the next few after that:
Dmiller said:
Eh??? What do you mean by that?
Then Excie said:
thank god and my lord jesus christ for things i learned in pfal that brought be closer to them
i'm also very sorry i ever met vpw
and i think our lord understands me (same with you, of course)
(i don't agree that he, vp, was a man like any other with his good points and bad ones ~ what i mean is that minimalizes "regular" guys ~ i believe he had a responsibility when he decided to speak for god)
hope that makes sense
Then, Dot said:
Why would you say that? I am able to seperated the power of the living God from a weirdo teaching a class.
Johnny believed the Bible and a miracle happened! Praise Jesus!
Excie came back with:
i'm glad it happened for lingo's dad, i thank god
I'll skip Dot's next post - but it's not that bad - you can find it and quote Rascal:
I too am at a loss as to why anyone would think I wouldn`t rojoice at God`d goodness to any single one of us.
One of the most clear cut miracles I ever swa happened to me while I was in twi........
I have a friend that I admire greatly because of her spiritual wallk....she is awsome....she is also a mormon..
I have another good friend...we have learned and grown together as christians...I have seen God work mightily in her life...she is a staunch catholic...
I have a friend who is an agnostic...her child drown...her baby was found by a two year old that refused to give up when the adults wouldn`t listen...she percevered untill someone would listen....the babies lifeless body was pulled from the vitals...someone preformed cpr....she lived...I rejoice that God was at work in that situation...
The way I see it...God works and I thank him for it no matter how spiritually bankrupt the organization that we chose to involve ourselves with and within whatever perameters we set up within which we will allow him to work.
It was un ugly thing to say `cid..
I just don't see Deciderator about to be attacked - his words maybe - but not him.
And from what I've seen of Deciderator - he can handle himself.
A few people made comments about this statement that CID made, and wondering why he said it:
Wrdsnwrks said:
Cid said:
Yes, I saw the statement and questioned his meaning as well. But ya know what -- I suspect there are some among us that really do fit the statement he made. There are some people who think believing in God is the same as believing in Santa Claus and any adult who believes in the former are just as nutty as those who believe in the latter. But be that as it may, Cid is just expressing his opinion -- you don't have to believe it's true.
Yes, I saw the statement and questioned his meaning as well. But ya know what -- I suspect there are some among us that really do fit the statement he made. There are some people who think believing in God is the same as believing in Santa Claus and any adult who believes in the former are just as nutty as those who believe in the latter. But be that as it may, Cid is just expressing his opinion -- you don't have to believe it's true.
Of the quotes I presented NOT ONE person said they were upset about God delivering Jonny's dad.
At best, Cid's comment was a "non sequitur," at worst it was a snide comment meant to stir the pot.
Okay, wait! Time out! Just what is this term "non sequitur"? I have seen it thrown around the forums here, and I wann know what it means and what you meant by that. Education Break:
Okay, wait! Time out! Just what is this term "non sequitur"? I have seen it thrown around the forums here, and I wann know what it means and what you meant by that. Education Break:
I just don't see Deciderator about to be attacked - his words maybe - but not him.
And from what I've seen of Deciderator - he can handle himself.
I'm sure he can. But should he have to?
At best, Cid's comment was a "non sequitur," at worst it was a snide comment meant to stir the pot.
Possible. Obviously, if that was the case he achieved that purpose. But what the heck do I know. He might choose to clarify what he meant or he might choose just to ignore this whole pot-stirring porridge. I wouldn't blame him if went with the second choice.
I should go back to talking about golf and those big balls. I'm working on my believing as we speak. ;)
A thread about PFAL which is inadvertently includes VPW cause he was the teacher.....
For years you have been blurting things out in the background like a frightened girl. Then, when you could not write it, or were yelled at, you would delete it, drink a beer because it was all so awful, and withdrawl.
Finally, you have risen up enough to get it out on a page, and I know extra details of horror you still did not put in your testimony, and you are met with disbelief, disdain, cruel questions and then a big "to do" about derailing a thread.
Yet, some of the same people who complained about your derail, which was your 1st stop to actually heal, are now feeling just fine about discussing golf.
Your being raped by the Head of TWI was NOT important enough to be heard on a "derail", but golf is.
The reason you cannot put it out there as a “thread” is because you cannot have it as the MAIN focus, but rather as an A- B story line within another thread. I do not think anybody gets that, and instead you have one of the Iams say she had to go through whatever it was 12 layers of garbage – that GARBAGE was the discussion of how this man you trusted, who taught you about Jesus, gave you a drink (suspiciously drugged) and raped you while you were on your way to see your finance.
Instead, of anyone getting how you were finally able to fight back by saying what happened, you feel dismissed and less important than golf.
I get it
Yet, one on one with any of them in a face to face and I bet they would listen, comfort you, and let you heal.
Face to Face I bet most woud have wept with you as your poured out ALL the details.
Cyber world makes it easy to forget human fraility. In your shoes, I would have felt the same way
And ya know, that scene at the hospital, and my Dad's healing has become a cool thing in our family's history. Pop lived for another twenty years after that, and that "And thank you so much son, I am so proud of you" thing brings tears to my eyes every time I think of it. Even right now.
Yet, some of the same people who complained are now feeling just fine about discussing golf.
Good freaking grief! You ain't "got" nothing my dear. And you definitely ain't paying attention -- at least to WWolf and one of his "sermons" he's so fond of laying on me.
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Mark Clarke
I still believe those few things, with one qualification. We were taught we didn't go to heaven "right away" as you put it. But they were rather vague about what happens in the end. I believe we do
Since leaving TWI, I have kind of devolved back almost to where my beliefs were just before getting into TWI. Although in my family we were raised Southern Baptist, we never believed Jesus was God.
Unlike oldies, I believe that the majority of what was taught in pfal was wrong... However, as a Christian, I do believe in "eventual" eternal life and I believe that Jesus was the son of God and not
CONFIDENCE, TRUST AND FILTHFULNESS that's all it takes and you'll see big results because:
Granpa Groper said it, I believe it(cough), that settles it (gag)
ps I dont belive it anymore.
Exie- i'm trying to bring it back on topic, truly I am
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Larry N Moore
My dear I apologize if I've come across as making "light" of your experience. The air is a little thick in here and I thought it needed a bit of lightening up. It seems that the direction was leading to -- "Let's gang up on Deciderator. He's saying things we don't want to hear." I may not like what you (not you personally) say and you may not like what I (not me personally) say, but if you have the right to attack someone for saying something you don't want to hear then likewise others have the right to attack you if you say something they don't like hearing said. Don't you see that? Attack ideas, concepts or what have ya -- but attacking people just because they don't agree with you is pure b.s. So sorry.
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did i attack someone ?
never mind
i'm taking things personally
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Larry N Moore
:) Well, I suppose it depends on how you look at it. I take it you objected to my attempt at a little humor because you felt I wasn't giving you due respect of your experiences. I didn't even have you in mind when I did what I did.
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like i said sorry and never mind
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I don't even see where Deciderator was being ganged up on??/ :huh: :huh: :huh:
Larry - can you copy a few of those posts?
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Nope, I was just having a little fun with a humorous post and it brought back some memories.
I'll creep back into the shadows again, sorry to disturb.
EDIT -didnt see your edt until after I posted
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Larry N Moore
(((((((hugs))))))). You can take that personally (if you like).
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sorry again
you don't have to crawl back anywhere
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Larry N Moore
Dooj, I didn't say he WAS being ganged up on. I said it seemed it was LEADING to it. My post about golf came after the ones related to comments made about Deciderator.
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J0nny Ling0
A few people made comments about this statement that CID made, and wondering why he said it:
Wrdsnwrks said:
Cid said:Link to comment
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Okay - this was his last post:
Here are the next few after that:
Dmiller said:
Then Excie said:i
hope that makes sense
Then, Dot said:
Excie came back with:I'll skip Dot's next post - but it's not that bad - you can find it and quote Rascal:
I just don't see Deciderator about to be attacked - his words maybe - but not him.
And from what I've seen of Deciderator - he can handle himself.
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Larry N Moore
Yes, I saw the statement and questioned his meaning as well. But ya know what -- I suspect there are some among us that really do fit the statement he made. There are some people who think believing in God is the same as believing in Santa Claus and any adult who believes in the former are just as nutty as those who believe in the latter. But be that as it may, Cid is just expressing his opinion -- you don't have to believe it's true.
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Of the quotes I presented NOT ONE person said they were upset about God delivering Jonny's dad.
At best, Cid's comment was a "non sequitur," at worst it was a snide comment meant to stir the pot.
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J0nny Ling0
Okay, wait! Time out!
Just what is this term "non sequitur"? I have seen it thrown around the forums here, and I wann know what it means and what you meant by that. Education Break:
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Non sequitur is Latin for "it does not follow."
I'm smart!
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Larry N Moore
I'm sure he can. But should he have to?
Possible. Obviously, if that was the case he achieved that purpose. But what the heck do I know. He might choose to clarify what he meant or he might choose just to ignore this whole pot-stirring porridge. I wouldn't blame him if went with the second choice.I should go back to talking about golf and those big balls. I'm working on my believing as we speak. ;)
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J0nny Ling0
Okay, thanks!
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Dot Matrix
get it Excath
A thread about PFAL which is inadvertently includes VPW cause he was the teacher.....
For years you have been blurting things out in the background like a frightened girl. Then, when you could not write it, or were yelled at, you would delete it, drink a beer because it was all so awful, and withdrawl.
Finally, you have risen up enough to get it out on a page, and I know extra details of horror you still did not put in your testimony, and you are met with disbelief, disdain, cruel questions and then a big "to do" about derailing a thread.
Yet, some of the same people who complained about your derail, which was your 1st stop to actually heal, are now feeling just fine about discussing golf.
Your being raped by the Head of TWI was NOT important enough to be heard on a "derail", but golf is.
The reason you cannot put it out there as a “thread” is because you cannot have it as the MAIN focus, but rather as an A- B story line within another thread. I do not think anybody gets that, and instead you have one of the Iams say she had to go through whatever it was 12 layers of garbage – that GARBAGE was the discussion of how this man you trusted, who taught you about Jesus, gave you a drink (suspiciously drugged) and raped you while you were on your way to see your finance.
Instead, of anyone getting how you were finally able to fight back by saying what happened, you feel dismissed and less important than golf.
I get it
Yet, one on one with any of them in a face to face and I bet they would listen, comfort you, and let you heal.
Face to Face I bet most woud have wept with you as your poured out ALL the details.
Cyber world makes it easy to forget human fraility. In your shoes, I would have felt the same way
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for some of us, the opposite is true..
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J0nny Ling0
And ya know, that scene at the hospital, and my Dad's healing has become a cool thing in our family's history. Pop lived for another twenty years after that, and that "And thank you so much son, I am so proud of you" thing brings tears to my eyes every time I think of it. Even right now.
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Larry N Moore
Good freaking grief! You ain't "got" nothing my dear. And you definitely ain't paying attention -- at least to WWolf and one of his "sermons" he's so fond of laying on me.
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Dot Matrix
I get how SHE feels
Are you that self absorbed that you can't SEE that?
Sorry Ex
I said
Apparently, I over stated their compassion
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