Only a Timelord could appear to be doing so much at once praying for WOWs and the whole world to save it from communism, teach and preach, preside over HQ, fly around the world etc and yet still find time for screwing and seducing!
What about the story that it was a Corps Prayer meeting lead by VP that resulted in the death of Vice President Nelson Rockefeller. The story goes that he was the lead conspirator in the drive to replace the Constitution and that the prayers of VP and the Corps (Superman and the Justic League) brought the hand of the Lord down upon him.
And to think, VPW and TWI taught that death was of the DEVIL!!!!! Shows who they were really in league with now, doesn't it ;)-->
This one isn't in the Superhero category, but I remember being told that VP prayed for each W.O.W. Ambassador each day. The year I went, there were over 3,000! I remember wondering how the heck he could find time to pray for 3,000 individuals each day. It was because he was SUPERspiritual, no doubt.
PS. Love the revised Capt. America theme song, Zix!
It is written that "The prayer of a righteous man avails much". VPW prayed for me evidently and I left the WOW field after only 2 months. Shows how righteous he really was now, don't it! ;)-->
I am Beast, never read about him but been called that afew times
You are Beast! You are brilliant and extremely clever. You can handle almost any problem swiftly and efficiently. You are devoted to philosophy and are always up for a good discussion. Sometimes, though, your anger gets the best of you and you upset those whom you care about
mstar: Beast (Hank McCoy) was one of the starting X-Men, originally designed to be the team strongman, or "brick" in superhero game terms. He was incredibly dextrous if not Hulk-level strong. He started out talking like a dockworker, but Stan Lee changed him to being the brains of the team to further cast against type. When the original X-Men split up (i.e., when their sales dropped in the early 70s and the book was nothing but reprints) Hank supposedly went into bio-research, and a lab accident turned him blue and fuzzy. (More to look like a Beast, one supposes, because he never did in the X-Men) He then joined up with the Avengers for several years, making a couple of cameo returns when Wolverine and the other new X-Men shot sales through the roof. (like issues #111-114 of Uncanny X-Men)
If you have the DVD for the second X-Men movie, Dr. Hank McCoy is briefly seen in a background television screen.
(Okay, I think I just burned my geek quota for the day...)
The Secret Signature of the Day has been cancelled by the HTML Police.
Or so the Germans would have us believe...
[This message was edited by Zixar on January 15, 2004 at 15:42.]
You are Storm! You are very strong and very protective of those you love. You are in tune with nature and are very concerned with justice and humanity. Unfortunately, certain apprehensions and fears are very hard for you to overcome, and can often inhibit you when most need to be strong.
Pirate: Yes, Angel was an interesting concept. Warren Worthington III was young, fantastically rich, and good-looking. Yet, he had to hide two six-foot wings to go out in public.
I think that's why the X-Men have such a broad appeal, because everyone of them is a misfit but became a hero anyway. For every weakness, there's a strength. Courage in the face of prejudice, that sort of thing. I think X-Men #94 was the real turning point in comics, moving the genre away from stupid kid stuff to thought-provoking science fiction (which is really just thinly-veiled social commentary and morality plays anyway.)
The Secret Signature of the Day has been cancelled by the HTML Police.
WordWolf: Hate to out-geek you there, WW, but GSX#1, while the true first appearance of the new X-Men, was written by Len Wein, and not Chris Claremont. IMHO, it was Claremont (as well as John Byrne and Terry Austin, the art team) who was responsible for the direction the book went in from #94 (well, #108 for John Byrne, but...)
...Okay, didn't know this before, but Chris Claremont actually helped a little bit with the plotline for Giant-Size X-Men #1, so bang goes my geek point for the day...
[even later] Cripes, guess I should have gone back and re-read the masthead for X-Men #94... Len Wein wrote the plot for 94, Claremont just did the script. In other words, you're right, I'm wrong. (Claremont soloed with issue 97, the Cyclops vs. Havok fight.)
[This message was edited by Zixar on January 16, 2004 at 22:17.]
Boy, has THIS thread jumped the track. Oh well, I wonder what all my old comic books are worth today... I think I still have the whole Claremont/Byrne run of the X-Men. 94-150 or so.
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Dot Matrix
I'll tell you watching LCM fly around stage with Murphy in his red tights-- well folks I think that was his superduper outfit! Bet he changed in a phone booth and appeared at evil churches everywhere
Even MORE evidence that the quiz was correct! Coincidence? I think not!
The bad thing is that when I tried to picture other posters as X-men, I saw Ex as Rogue (Her gentleness). Now that mind picture is ruined. :-(
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Trefor Heywood
He must have been our British TV hero Dr Who[/i.
Only a Timelord could appear to be doing so much at once praying for WOWs and the whole world to save it from communism, teach and preach, preside over HQ, fly around the world etc and yet still find time for screwing and seducing!
Trefor Heywood
"Cymru Am Byth!"
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I got Professor X also.
If lcm's a TimeLord, does that mean he'll keep
coming back with different "face"?
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dag-gummit I'm "Gambit".
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And to think, VPW and TWI taught that death was of the DEVIL!!!!! Shows who they were really in league with now, doesn't it
I don't need no stinkin' crown!
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It is written that "The prayer of a righteous man avails much". VPW prayed for me evidently and I left the WOW field after only 2 months. Shows how righteous he really was now, don't it!
I don't need no stinkin' crown!
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I am Beast, never read about him but been called that afew times
You are Beast! You are brilliant and extremely clever. You can handle almost any problem swiftly and efficiently. You are devoted to philosophy and are always up for a good discussion. Sometimes, though, your anger gets the best of you and you upset those whom you care about
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I am MIND WARP my thoughts cannot be opposed....
You will agree..............You willll agreee.....
You will......You
........I think you guys are right.
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(((( JT )))) just got here. need coffee and will catch up !!!!!
(edited to ps. you were talking to me on that other thread, weren't you, JT ? if not, i'm really embarrassed)
[This message was edited by excathedra on January 15, 2004 at 10:06.]
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mstar: Beast (Hank McCoy) was one of the starting X-Men, originally designed to be the team strongman, or "brick" in superhero game terms. He was incredibly dextrous if not Hulk-level strong. He started out talking like a dockworker, but Stan Lee changed him to being the brains of the team to further cast against type. When the original X-Men split up (i.e., when their sales dropped in the early 70s and the book was nothing but reprints) Hank supposedly went into bio-research, and a lab accident turned him blue and fuzzy. (More to look like a Beast, one supposes, because he never did in the X-Men) He then joined up with the Avengers for several years, making a couple of cameo returns when Wolverine and the other new X-Men shot sales through the roof. (like issues #111-114 of Uncanny X-Men)
If you have the DVD for the second X-Men movie, Dr. Hank McCoy is briefly seen in a background television screen.
(Okay, I think I just burned my geek quota for the day...)
The Secret Signature of the Day has been cancelled by the HTML Police.
[This message was edited by Zixar on January 15, 2004 at 15:42.]
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Apparently, I am Storm.
You are Storm! You are very strong and very protective of those you love. You are in tune with nature and are very concerned with justice and humanity. Unfortunately, certain apprehensions and fears are very hard for you to overcome, and can often inhibit you when most need to be strong.
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It was me. :-) I sent a note to you because I had mentioned you in a post. Just in case your ears were burning.
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I'm Cyclops.
Darn. The Angel was always my favorite, but he's not even one of the choices.
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You must be hell on an opthomologist. ;-)
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thanks dearest brother, you can burn my ears anytime with your kind love
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Hello fellow mutants
Mind warp here.
Here is a link to a real mutant in Russia. She has x-ray vision
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just wanted to say i am laughing my fool off
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You make me feel light and spirited.
I am still trying to tone it down but some things really get me going. The only thing that seems to help is reading your posts.
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ohhhhhhhh thank you early, that means so very much to me
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Pirate: Yes, Angel was an interesting concept. Warren Worthington III was young, fantastically rich, and good-looking. Yet, he had to hide two six-foot wings to go out in public.
I think that's why the X-Men have such a broad appeal, because everyone of them is a misfit but became a hero anyway. For every weakness, there's a strength. Courage in the face of prejudice, that sort of thing. I think X-Men #94 was the real turning point in comics, moving the genre away from stupid kid stuff to thought-provoking science fiction (which is really just thinly-veiled social commentary and morality plays anyway.)
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Geek moment...
Zixar, it was GIANT-SIZE X-MEN #1 that first
featured the "new" X-Men- Sunfire, Storm,
Colossus, Nightcrawler, Thunderbird, etc.
X-Men 94 was the first issue in the regular
series after they replaced the original team.
The X-Men as a whole have always (since the
70's, at least) been symbolic of outsiders and
discrimination of various kinds, regardless of
the type. That's what makes them so accessible.
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WordWolf: Hate to out-geek you there, WW, but GSX#1, while the true first appearance of the new X-Men, was written by Len Wein, and not Chris Claremont. IMHO, it was Claremont (as well as John Byrne and Terry Austin, the art team) who was responsible for the direction the book went in from #94 (well, #108 for John Byrne, but...)
...Okay, didn't know this before, but Chris Claremont actually helped a little bit with the plotline for Giant-Size X-Men #1, so bang goes my geek point for the day...
[even later] Cripes, guess I should have gone back and re-read the masthead for X-Men #94... Len Wein wrote the plot for 94, Claremont just did the script. In other words, you're right, I'm wrong. (Claremont soloed with issue 97, the Cyclops vs. Havok fight.)
[This message was edited by Zixar on January 16, 2004 at 22:17.]
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Boy, has THIS thread jumped the track. Oh well, I wonder what all my old comic books are worth today... I think I still have the whole Claremont/Byrne run of the X-Men. 94-150 or so.
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Ginger Tea
vic & co. were just sad, sorry, terribly dressed preacher-men...with game.
That's all.
They'd have been busted in the big cities!
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