I find the most difficult recipes I can find and then make em.
I am very well known by my husband and children for using a recipe as a "guideline"....I rarely, if ever, follow a recipe exactly.
Cooking relaxes me.....I love the challenge of just me and the food and making it taste better than it ever has.
My daughter, Kat and I even have challenges. We will find recipes for each others that are almost impossible to make....and challenge each other to make em.
My boss at my last middle school used to enjoy asking me about what I had for lunch and how it came about!!!
Thank goodness I have a supportive family who indulges my every kitchen gadget!!!!
You remind me of my mom & grandma. They never went by the recipes either. Especially my grandma. She would season by hand, no measuring, nothing. And it would always be perfect. She continued to cook every Thanksgiving and Christmas meal up until she passed away at 89.
A good drive with the radio cranked and the woofer thumping...
A good adult beverage... with a good cigar...
A good adult moment... (c'mon... like no one else has thought of this...?)
I think I need more of all of the above!
I've been trying to think of stress releivers for myself... got so in the habit of thinking all the time that I "just need to control my thinking and renew my mind" that I sorta forgot HOW to destress. (that, and I used to just grab a cigarette - too bad a quit)
I do garden, and it helps. I also like to watch the weather - storms especially - love to see the clouds coming together and the lightning. Nothing like a good storm to relax me. I think we may get one tonight.
Knitting relaxes me and I love to see the reactions of people when I give them something that I have knit for them.
A few days ago we had company. The man I had met once and his wife and 2 young daughters. I gave the girls each a pink (of course) scarf. They loved them. Then I asked the mother what her favorite color was and she said blue. I had just the perfect scarf for her. Yes, I know it is July and hot, but in a few short months, those 3 will be sporting their new scarves and will think of me when they do.
Then, this weekend, my godchild came up for my niece's wedding. I gave her mom a couple of cotton dishcloths that she loves. The godchild saw a pillow that I had knitted and wanted one like it. I just finished the knitting and will have to stuff it and sew up the edge and mail it to her. She will love it.
So I LOVE TO KNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it is a major stress buster!!!
Counted cross stitch or quilting. There is a rythym and repetitiveness to both of these activities that I find relaxing and soothing.
Crochet, knitting, embroidery, genealogy, pieceing and cooking--all activities I love, require an attention to varying details that the above two don't have. When I am stressed it is usually because I have been overwhelmed by details so the idea is to get away from same.
THe ultimate stress reducer is reading--I mean reading for 8-10 hours straight with just potty breaks. When I do that I am beyond stressed and simply tuning out the world. When my mom was still alive and I would go home to Spokane and deal with her health issues I would often spend 3-5 days doing nothing but reading except for meals or other "can't put off" business.
Lorna could always tell how stressed I was by how long I spend curled up on the right side corner of her couch reading!
GOLF! ...although it might be considered 'spiritual' and/or 'religious'...
yeah...it seems our western dualistic culture has this strange way of separating 'spiritual' stuff from the stress-relieving stuff of the ordinary life
yet many eastern cultures still have no idea what the english word 'spiritual' means
one might even say that life itself is our most authentic 'religious' activity
but in going along with the language of the thread...i would hafta say that one of my main non-religious, non-spiritual stress relievers is money...lol
And mental health days!! At least one when I need it, two if I can manage it. No phone, no people needing even one thing from me. I park my car somewhere else, only answer the phone if it's one of my kids and do nothing, alot of it. Eating what I call stupid food, stuff I'd never keep in the house normally, and watch mindless television or sleep.
Sometimes a run away to the cabin on the river.
After one of those days I'm decompressed, rested and ready to go until I need another one. The best part of these days is allowing myself to not feel guilty about them.
Running on an isolated trail is one way for me, but I've found a new one which is alot more relaxing..................I have this huge meadow right in the back of my house and the grass or wheat is aleast 3 and a 1/2 feet tall, when I need some quiet time alone I head out there with a blanket and some poetry books. I lay down on the blanket and all I can see is the tops of the wheat and the blue sky, I am totally hidden from view and all I can hear is the sound of crickets, cecadas, birds and the wind blowing through the tall grass. I absolutely love it, a great way for me to just let everything go and recharge and the beauty of it is, it's righ outside my back door!!
Sometimes when my kids are in bed fast asleep, I sneak out there at nite and star gaze from the same spot
Forgive me Cowgirl... but it's a good thing you live far away from me... I'd sneak up on you and yell "BOO!" ...then you'd probably hit me with your books but I'd still laugh and think it was funny!
Tommmmmmmmmmmmm!! LOL!! You crack me up!! If you did that, I'd probably scream at you for scaring the daylights out of me and then I'd have to wet you down with my super soaker that I keep with me at all times in case predators like you come sneaking up on me..lol!
Long hikes in the countryside, ideally somewhere remote.
Tending my garden.
Reading (more or less anything) especially thrillers or legal novels.
Fondling my cat Twinkle.
But those are just some of the things I like to do.
Stress, what stress? Since I got my head back in order a year or so ago, life has been awesomely good. I cast all my cares on You Know Who and get on with enjoying what goes on. Life's never (never) been better.
Exercise is a very good stress reliver for me. My favorite exercise is playing racquetball. Sometimes I will take the ball and either draw a face or write a name on the ball before I start hitting it.
Yes, Chas likes cigars... good cigars... I used to work in printing and had a client who always brought me a Macanudo everytime he came in for a signoff. I decided to try it and liked it.
A good cig, a good beer, and some good music - ah, that's summer!
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I find the most difficult recipes I can find and then make em.
I am very well known by my husband and children for using a recipe as a "guideline"....I rarely, if ever, follow a recipe exactly.
Cooking relaxes me.....I love the challenge of just me and the food and making it taste better than it ever has.
My daughter, Kat and I even have challenges. We will find recipes for each others that are almost impossible to make....and challenge each other to make em.
My boss at my last middle school used to enjoy asking me about what I had for lunch and how it came about!!!
Thank goodness I have a supportive family who indulges my every kitchen gadget!!!!
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Bluegrass music and playing fiddle.
Hard to feel mad at the world when yer swatting out a high paced bluegrass tune,
either in a field at a Bluegrass Festival, or on stage:
but --- that's just my IMO. ;)
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Tony Soprano
Ms. Cindy....
Ahhh...food...YES! that is a good one!
You remind me of my mom & grandma. They never went by the recipes either. Especially my grandma. She would season by hand, no measuring, nothing. And it would always be perfect. She continued to cook every Thanksgiving and Christmas meal up until she passed away at 89.
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Water--the lake or a bubble bath!
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A good drive with the radio cranked and the woofer thumping...
A good adult beverage... with a good cigar...
A good adult moment... (c'mon... like no one else has thought of this...?)
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I think I need more of all of the above!
I've been trying to think of stress releivers for myself... got so in the habit of thinking all the time that I "just need to control my thinking and renew my mind" that I sorta forgot HOW to destress. (that, and I used to just grab a cigarette - too bad a quit)
I do garden, and it helps. I also like to watch the weather - storms especially - love to see the clouds coming together and the lightning. Nothing like a good storm to relax me. I think we may get one tonight.
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Chas smokes cigars????
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i have pets a garden from seeds but my best ignore this world and let it go thing to do is.
im a character in a game that batles monsters for rewards i keep busy training my baby dragons geez how awful that sounds but there it is.
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I so love that term adult moment!
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Knitting relaxes me and I love to see the reactions of people when I give them something that I have knit for them.
A few days ago we had company. The man I had met once and his wife and 2 young daughters. I gave the girls each a pink (of course) scarf. They loved them. Then I asked the mother what her favorite color was and she said blue. I had just the perfect scarf for her. Yes, I know it is July and hot, but in a few short months, those 3 will be sporting their new scarves and will think of me when they do.
Then, this weekend, my godchild came up for my niece's wedding. I gave her mom a couple of cotton dishcloths that she loves. The godchild saw a pillow that I had knitted and wanted one like it. I just finished the knitting and will have to stuff it and sew up the edge and mail it to her. She will love it.
So I LOVE TO KNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it is a major stress buster!!!
Thanks for a cool thread, Tony Soprano!!!
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polar bear
Nothing like, sailing (especially on a warm night with the full moon lighting your path-heaven.
Dinner with friends and family. Have you seen the movie- "Notting Hill". I love the dinnner scene.
Good music, (live is the best).
And of course "adult moments".
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Counted cross stitch or quilting. There is a rythym and repetitiveness to both of these activities that I find relaxing and soothing.
Crochet, knitting, embroidery, genealogy, pieceing and cooking--all activities I love, require an attention to varying details that the above two don't have. When I am stressed it is usually because I have been overwhelmed by details so the idea is to get away from same.
THe ultimate stress reducer is reading--I mean reading for 8-10 hours straight with just potty breaks. When I do that I am beyond stressed and simply tuning out the world. When my mom was still alive and I would go home to Spokane and deal with her health issues I would often spend 3-5 days doing nothing but reading except for meals or other "can't put off" business.
Lorna could always tell how stressed I was by how long I spend curled up on the right side corner of her couch reading!
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Better than *senior moment*, eh??? ;)
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Tom Strange
GOLF! ...although it might be considered 'spiritual' and/or 'religious'...
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yeah...it seems our western dualistic culture has this strange way of separating 'spiritual' stuff from the stress-relieving stuff of the ordinary life
yet many eastern cultures still have no idea what the english word 'spiritual' means
...cuz everything is 'spiritual' to them
food, music, dogs, sex, games, sports, nature, etc...
one might even say that life itself is our most authentic 'religious' activity
but in going along with the language of the thread...i would hafta say that one of my main non-religious, non-spiritual stress relievers is money...lol
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Absolutely reading.
And mental health days!! At least one when I need it, two if I can manage it. No phone, no people needing even one thing from me. I park my car somewhere else, only answer the phone if it's one of my kids and do nothing, alot of it. Eating what I call stupid food, stuff I'd never keep in the house normally, and watch mindless television or sleep.
Sometimes a run away to the cabin on the river.
After one of those days I'm decompressed, rested and ready to go until I need another one. The best part of these days is allowing myself to not feel guilty about them.
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Running on an isolated trail is one way for me, but I've found a new one which is alot more relaxing..................I have this huge meadow right in the back of my house and the grass or wheat is aleast 3 and a 1/2 feet tall, when I need some quiet time alone I head out there with a blanket and some poetry books. I lay down on the blanket and all I can see is the tops of the wheat and the blue sky, I am totally hidden from view and all I can hear is the sound of crickets, cecadas, birds and the wind blowing through the tall grass. I absolutely love it, a great way for me to just let everything go and recharge and the beauty of it is, it's righ outside my back door!!
Sometimes when my kids are in bed fast asleep, I sneak out there at nite and star gaze from the same spot
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Me?...I cut the souls off my shoes, sit in a tree and play the flute...
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Tom Strange
Forgive me Cowgirl... but it's a good thing you live far away from me... I'd sneak up on you and yell "BOO!" ...then you'd probably hit me with your books but I'd still laugh and think it was funny!
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Tommmmmmmmmmmmm!! LOL!! You crack me up!! If you did that, I'd probably scream at you for scaring the daylights out of me and then I'd have to wet you down with my super soaker that I keep with me at all times in case predators like you come sneaking up on me..lol!
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Long hikes in the countryside, ideally somewhere remote.
Tending my garden.
Reading (more or less anything) especially thrillers or legal novels.
Fondling my cat Twinkle.
But those are just some of the things I like to do.
Stress, what stress? Since I got my head back in order a year or so ago, life has been awesomely good. I cast all my cares on You Know Who and get on with enjoying what goes on. Life's never (never) been better.
(edited to remove extraneous word)
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Exercise is a very good stress reliver for me. My favorite exercise is playing racquetball. Sometimes I will take the ball and either draw a face or write a name on the ball before I start hitting it.
And of course "Adult moments"

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A good cigar.
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Yes, Chas likes cigars... good cigars... I used to work in printing and had a client who always brought me a Macanudo everytime he came in for a signoff. I decided to try it and liked it.
A good cig, a good beer, and some good music - ah, that's summer!
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