Thanks for taking the time and caring. Much of the healing I got after TWI came from pastors and ministers who embraced me with non judgemental love. You are clearly one of these most special of Gods servants.
Thank you for your kidn words and thoughts. Thanks also to those who added kind words to the earlier John Juedes thread. They are an encouragement to me.
Web sites are generally anonymous- I don't know just who reads it and why, nor the reactions they have to it (other than the email I get). So it is helpful and encouraging to hear of some people who have benefited from it.
Along these lines... please consider thinking of a friend, relative, teacher, etc who has been an encouragement to you in some way over the years and send them an appreciative email or note thanking them. We all need encouragement from time to time.
Thank you for your kidn words and thoughts. Thanks also to those who added kind words to the earlier John Juedes thread. They are an encouragement to me.
Web sites are generally anonymous- I don't know just who reads it and why, nor the reactions they have to it (other than the email I get). So it is helpful and encouraging to hear of some people who have benefited from it.
Along these lines... please consider thinking of a friend, relative, teacher, etc who has been an encouragement to you in some way over the years and send them an appreciative email or note thanking them. We all need encouragement from time to time.
John --- you've taken on a thankless job,
but some of us would like to thank you for it, nonetheless
John Thanks for the hard research and work at making public what I would say many TWI followers would have a hard time even thinking about looking for. Like VPW's death cert, talk about a cold shower!
Now, now Excie, you know 11 pm to some of us, *cough* *cough*, is just like 11 am is to day people. I did get up early today though ... at 2:30 pm, so I bet I will actually go to bed (my) tonight at 4 to 5 am instead of my normal 6 to 7 am. :) (You *know* I couldn't resist saying that to ya sweetie.)
John, I have emailed with you many times, but not in the past few years due to illness mainly. Now that I am under a doc's care and on SSI, I do owe you one if nothing more than to say hi and how much I love you for all you do to help the victims of TWI personally as well as in here.
You may not know me under this nickname as I more than likely emailed you using my real name, which very few know. It doesn't matter though, I'm not writing this to be remembered for emails done back then, but to just say hi and how loved you are by so many on this site who have been helped by your website. :)
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I liked the plagiarism layout. Other info too.
Not sure what all the fuss is about.
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Thanks for taking the time and caring. Much of the healing I got after TWI came from pastors and ministers who embraced me with non judgemental love. You are clearly one of these most special of Gods servants.
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Dear nandon, Bolshevik, Templelady,
Thank you for your kidn words and thoughts. Thanks also to those who added kind words to the earlier John Juedes thread. They are an encouragement to me.
Web sites are generally anonymous- I don't know just who reads it and why, nor the reactions they have to it (other than the email I get). So it is helpful and encouraging to hear of some people who have benefited from it.
Along these lines... please consider thinking of a friend, relative, teacher, etc who has been an encouragement to you in some way over the years and send them an appreciative email or note thanking them. We all need encouragement from time to time.
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John --- you've taken on a thankless job,
but some of us would like to thank you for it, nonetheless
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Seth R.
John Thanks for the hard research and work at making public what I would say many TWI followers would have a hard time even thinking about looking for. Like VPW's death cert, talk about a cold shower!
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you're so right john j. about telling people how they've helped us
i do want to thank you
and i think you should go to bed earlier (((((((((((((( many hugs )))))))))))))))
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Now, now Excie, you know 11 pm to some of us, *cough* *cough*, is just like 11 am is to day people. I did get up early today though ... at 2:30 pm, so I bet I will actually go to bed (my) tonight at 4 to 5 am instead of my normal 6 to 7 am. :) (You *know* I couldn't resist saying that to ya sweetie.)
John, I have emailed with you many times, but not in the past few years due to illness mainly. Now that I am under a doc's care and on SSI, I do owe you one if nothing more than to say hi and how much I love you for all you do to help the victims of TWI personally as well as in here.
You may not know me under this nickname as I more than likely emailed you using my real name, which very few know. It doesn't matter though, I'm not writing this to be remembered for emails done back then, but to just say hi and how loved you are by so many on this site who have been helped by your website. :)
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