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Would you *seriously* go back..


Would you REALLY go back?  

79 members have voted

  1. 1. What say ye?

    • Give me the blue pill. I want to wake up in twi la la land
    • If they would ask me
    • If they asked, and fixed a few things..
    • if they BEGGED, and fixed a LOTTA things
    • If they paid me enough
    • Only at gunpoint..
    • Only if I could bring ripe tomatoes to SNS
    • Never, ever, ever ever again..

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  lindyhopper said:
I might, in fact, be going to the Camp Gunni for a family vacation with the rest of my still twi affliated family in the next year or two.

We can camp in a luxurious log cabin, ride the rapids, go horseback riding, hike, and tons of other things that we could have done plenty of other times at one of thousands of other places over the years, but never considered it until TWI officially brought up the idea recently as a way to save their CO real estate. <_< What a BLESSING! I can hardly contain my blessiness. I'm blessed beyond blessidy bless blessed.

I might go to one of my family's fellowships if I were in town visiting and staying with them. I wouldn't make a habit of it though and I wouldn't be a party line conversationalist afterwards.

You mean you're not "marked & avoided"? ;)

Seriously, I think it's a wonderful idea -- any time you can get together with family and enjoy each other's company it's always a blessing. I hope it goes well for you.

BTW -- I was just recently in Colorado (visiting my brother). If you have the chance you should go see "Garden of the Gods." It's awesome!

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I live in CO, Larry, so I well aware of the many amazing places here and we try to take advantage of as many as possible while we are here.

I don't think the Gunni vaca will be bad at all. As far as I know, it is not organized in with any twi activies. It is strickly a vacation atmosphere. What a novel idea!

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I've never been to Gunnison..

I've been to Emporia, before they sold it.. been to Indiana campus, before that was gone..

haven't been to Tinney either. I wonder if they still have the property there..

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I am part scottish....and we have an old saying that I often think of when in the neighborhood of twi or other abusive/uncaring beings....that saying is:

Fool me once....shame on YOU.

Fool me twice....shame on ME.

Nuff said.

I am part scottish....and we have an old saying that I often think of when in the neighborhood of twi or other abusive/uncaring beings....that saying is:

Fool me once....shame on YOU.

Fool me twice....shame on ME.

Nuff said.

(no offense meant to you lindyhopper in being with your family....you are a wonderful man!)

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so does that mean there's no 6 am yoga-for-the-lord? (or whatever the heck they call it).

how strange. does this mean it's open to the public now?

excuse me minnie, i would be blessed (and so would you) to reprove you (barf big wink)

are you referring to devotion with motion ????

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Go back? Sure. Definitely. Anytime now. Absolutely. Oh if only I could. Maybe I can! Yeah, maybe! just maybe! That would be great. What a great idea. Yes! Oh yes oh yes oh yes!!! It would be better than ever. Things would finally be back to normal, in fact, they'd be even more normal than they ever were, I'm sure of it.

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  • 2 months later...

I have to confess, I don't understand the categories. I'd have to choose "other" if there was such a button, but that would be no help for statistical purposes.

I can provide a narrative answer in my own words, and then if you would be so kind as to translate, squirrel, what category I should be in, I will duly vote, trusting in your rodential wisdom.

There is no going back. I miss a lot of things, and I depise and am ashamed of a lot of things. I am today a passionate, non-religious Christian, or I'm trying to be. That's my best guess so far as to what Jesus would have me to be. I may quit theological thinkering altogether, and plant a garden or something. Maybe adopt an unwanted 12 year old. Maybe I'll buy an old boat and sail over to Greece for a few years... visit the Isle of Patmos, I will, and eat gyros and dance with no shoes on.

Go back? Naw. But I would like to have a REAL cup of coffee with debbieb, and reminisce and laugh about a year with her that was a gift to me. But then we'd catch up and look forward.

Edited by anotherDan
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I sorta feel like anotherDan does; even if all conditions were exactly the same as they were while I was "in", I would not want to subject myself to that sort of authoritarian, unidimensional lockstep thinking.

I'm just not the same person I was then.

I liked the vast majority of folks I knew and fellowshipped with while affiliated with the Way (and hope most of them liked me), but I wouldn't be able to buy into the BS like I did back then, and that would definitely affect my "standing" in the fellowship.

Also, I've grown more accustomed to using the word "No" when someone asks me to do something I don't already want to do. Forget about being "blessed"; if I don't want to do it, I'm not gonna.

Nope, the Way and I just wouldn't be a good fit anymore.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Would I go back just because a different leader is in charge? No.

Would I go back if TWI formally issued apologies to all of the Christian believers that were harmed by actions of the TWI BOT members? No. I won't happen, but even if it did, it would only be the 1st step toward reforming TWI.

Would I go back if TWI made conciliatory efforts toward John Lynn, John Schoenheit, Vince Finnegan, Bo Reahard, etc. to get all the parties together to work toward biblical truths rather than standardized TWI doctrine? No. Again, it will never happen, and even if it did, I don't see TWI BOT members and these other former clergy being able to work out differences in an effort to seek truth rather than propound different doctrines.

So the things that I would require TWI to do to consider coming back will never happen. Why consider coming back when it is obvious that the egos involved will never lead to reforming TWI the way it should be reformed.


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I said never ever - but gunpoint works just as well. After being in there my whole life and only now realizing what the did to me (if you've never known anything else it's hard to realize that you are being abused) it is very difficult to even think of going back.

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Welcome, Nero. Thanks for the comments.

*mr* linder. Please forward the results of the survey to the chef in your establishment.. three out of four here have rated it with less than one star.

in fact, the best you got was one star.

Maybe you need a new chef..

and menu..

and decor..


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