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Would you *seriously* go back..


Would you REALLY go back?  

79 members have voted

  1. 1. What say ye?

    • Give me the blue pill. I want to wake up in twi la la land
    • If they would ask me
    • If they asked, and fixed a few things..
    • if they BEGGED, and fixed a LOTTA things
    • If they paid me enough
    • Only at gunpoint..
    • Only if I could bring ripe tomatoes to SNS
    • Never, ever, ever ever again..

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This is like asking Rodney Fox if he would willingly sacrifice himself to be a Great White Sharks dinner. Tis to laugh!!! ROFLM*OWPMPADACOP (rolling on floor laughing my * off while peeing my pants and drawing a crowd of psychiatrists)

Edited by templelady
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Picture this: As an adult, I allow other adults to be between me and Jesus...AGAIN!

CES and its offshoots call it your "covering."

Reality: Same lemonade stand. Different sign.

Result: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results :doh:

ROFLMAO, Hamm!!!!!

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well.. if they cut five or six holes in the main curtain..

had the directors stick their heads through them.. loy would make a special appearance in the middle hole, of course.

Passed out the tomatos..

I'd have to at least consider at least one final Sunday night sevice..

might be entertainment worth the price of gas for an over 250 mile trip..

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  oldiesman said:
But I wouldn't be afraid of going back and checking them out to see what is happening.

Would you?

no need, it is still sucking the life out of the majority of people. vpw is still the authority of the Bible and God Almighty.

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  oldiesman said:
But I wouldn't be afraid of going back and checking them out to see what is happening.

Would you?

Afraid? No my dear brother, I'm not afraid of "checking them out". TWI was not the first church that I walked away from but it will be the last. (It was my first cult. I guess that carries it's own kind of distinction.) I can see from a distance that it is not the type of "fellowship" that I would wish to be involved with. I dont have to walk back through the doors to see that much, but would I? Sure I would stop in to "see what I may see" but I can tell you with 100% certainty that I wouldn't stay.

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Never, ever, ever…. The reason is because I would be going back to something that never existed. It never was what I thought it was so I can't go back to something that never existed.

If it really was what I thought it was, I might be able to go back BUT if it really was what I thought it was, I wouldn't have left in the first place. So, the answer is never, ever, ever…

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  MountainTopCO said:
Never, ever, ever…. The reason is because I would be going back to something that never existed. It never was what I thought it was so I can't go back to something that never existed.

If it really was what I thought it was, I might be able to go back BUT if it really was what I thought it was, I wouldn't have left in the first place. So, the answer is never, ever, ever…

That's about the finest piece of logic I've seen here for a long time..

Same for me. If it was what I thought it was, I wouldn't have been eyeball to eyeball with a madman.

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  oldiesman said:
But I wouldn't be afraid of going back and checking them out to see what is happening.

Would you?

Afraid???? NO. I don't think anyone here is afraid. Its not about that at all.

They(TWI) can perfume the hog, bathe the hog, dress up the hog........................

its still a STINKY PIG !

(A house on sinking sand.......foundational issues galore...............there is nothing there to change ! They should just die and start over with only good folks willing to ''re- think, re-do, re-learn, re- research...) When hell freezes over?????????

oink oink , Pass the tomatoes.....................

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God first

Beloved All

God loves you my dear friend

the only way I go back if they gave me full power to do with the Way as I saw best

first thing I do is close its doors

sale everything and divide the money with all present and past people of the way cult

then I teach love free living in the old EX- leader's house (Rosie house) to all will listen by live radio on like Grese Spot Cafe new radio - Talk Shoe

as the EX-Leaders that I fired pay for it

then go on live TV news and tell the world the Way Ministry was a cult but its close now

I guess that all so far

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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  year2027 said:
God first

Beloved All

God loves you my dear friend

the only way I go back if they gave me full power to do with the Way as I saw best

first thing I do is close its doors

sale everything and divide the money with all present and past people of the way cult

then I teach love free living in the old EX- leader's house (Rosie house) to all will listen by live radio on like Grese Spot Cafe new radio - Talk Shoe

as the EX-Leaders that I fired pay for it

then go on live TV news and tell the world the Way Ministry was a cult but its close now

I guess that all so far

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Ditto for me

Edited by gladtobeout
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IF I were in Ohio; and

IF I happened to be at/ or near New Knoxville; and

IF I had time to waste; and

IF they would allow me on grounds:

Yea -- I'd go back for a day, but certainly not for good.

It would be interesting to me (knowing what I do now about twi),

to sit there and evaluate the SNS in a more objective light.

I agree with MountainTopCo -- what I thought was there really wasn't.

But it still might be interesting to go and see the *tangible results*

(of something that should have been there long ago),

manifested in this day and time as *The Present Truth*,

while falling far short of the mark (again -- knowing what I do know).

I'm not a patron of the arts (going to plays, etc.) ---

but to me a SNS might qualify as --

either a tragedy, a comedy, or both.

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God first

Beloved gladtobeout and dmiller

God loves you my dear friend

gladtobeout yes Ditto

dmiller you got me thinking maybe at Sundat night teaching if I went they call some to manifest I jump up fast and give them what God moves me to say

I bet they like that because I can be long winded these days

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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I remember I had a nightmare a few years ago. It was something like this: I woke up and found myself at ROA. Craig was there and he was making us take a Corps assignment again. I woke up in a cold sweat and with great relief realized it was only a dream.

Pretty sure the only way I would go back there, even to visit, would be in a nightmare.

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the only way I go back if they gave me full power to do with the Way as I saw best
Thanks for your reply Roy. I think in a way, we have full power to do with the way as we see fit.


I remember I had a nightmare a few years ago. It was something like this: I woke up and found myself at ROA. Craig was there and he was making us take a Corps assignment again. I woke up in a cold sweat and with great relief realized it was only a dream.

Pretty sure the only way I would go back there, even to visit, would be in a nightmare.

I quit smoking (tobacco) about twenty or so years ago.. until recent years I would wake up from a dream where I was still smoking.. "what in the *?*#@ am I doing to myself was my first conscious thought..


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