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How did Rosie get to be president?


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  GrouchoMarxJr said:
I always felt that Rosie was chosen to be president because Martindale thought that he could easily return as president and replace her...she has no teaching ability, has no charisma and as a woman, posed no threat to his being the man of Gawd...(she was merely keeping his seat warm and posed no threat to rise up on her own and replace him)

Rosie is a cut throat administrator and could keep the trains running on time...plus, she was sleeping with Martindale's wife which almost made her part of the family... :biglaugh:

Groucho: I like your posts - plus you are really really funny at times, but you crossed the line on that one bro. Stop slandering those guys, if it were that type of behavior God would never allow that type of evil to function within a group who is trying to do right period. Just chill bro stick with making jokes and not saying things you can't prove; nor provide proof of certain behavioral patterns. Remember how many of you demoted Ex WC were falsely accused of the same thing. Don't do that bro it's very ugly.

Edited by Captain Spiritural
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On the contrary, I think Groucho is simply stating the obvious.

And, even if he's entirely wrong, it's not like it's normal people he's slandering. It's the pondscum of WayWorld leadship.

I don't much care if their names and reputations get dragged through the mud, thank you very much...

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  George Aar said:
On the contrary, I think Groucho is simply stating the obvious.

And, even if he's entirely wrong, it's not like it's normal people he's slandering. It's the pondscum of WayWorld leadship.

I don't much care if their names and reputations get dragged through the mud, thank you very much...

Yeah ok I don't care for corrupt god-complex, high country leadership, neither, but still the fact still remains where is the proof that these people are operating that type of SIN. That's a very serious statement and individuals will be held accountable some day. Hey bro if it's true then I apologize to Mr. Groucho. Proof !

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  Captain Spiritural said:
Yeah ok I don't care for corrupt god-complex, high country leadership, neither, but still the fact still remains where is the proof that these people are operating that type of SIN. That's a very serious statement and individuals will be held accountable some day. Hey bro if it's true then I apologize to Mr. Groucho. Proof !

"God would never allow that type of evil to function within a group who is trying to do right period"...???

That's a huge assumption you are making...You are assuming that twi is trying to do "right"...and you are assuming what God would "allow"...I've seen far worse evil in this world that God "allows"...I think it has something to do with people's freedom of will.

...besides, there are many people (Christians included), who do not consider being gay as a "SIN"...As George said, I was stating what is obvious to me...I would be flabbergasted if I were wrong about that...and if I am to be held "accountable some day" for those remarks...well, there's a host of other things that I have done that are of greater concern to me in my "accountability".

Be that as it may, I think that Rosie and Donna having a gay relationship is as obvious as Barry Bonds doing steroids, Lee Harvey Oswald shooting JFK, and VPW being a sexual predator...and NONE of those things have ever been proven in a court of law.

Captain S...No offense intended towards you, I was just speaking off the cuff.

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I'm not speculating anything. The thing about JP was mentioned at lunch, so there was not doubt about Don's disappointment with his brother's decision to not support the ministry and to go elsewhere for fellowship. Don said himself that he was going to write JP a letter to tell him so and send it Fedex. I remember that clear as a bell. I was new on staff and couldn't figure out why this was public information.

don't i miss those lunchtime public humiliations !!!!

FedEX what a waste of ABS :biglaugh: hope they're using email now ~ gets their faster !

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Groucho:Barry Bonds doing steroids no way Bro get real the guy only took/ NO2/ Creatine/Yohommie/Whey Protein1800mg: Plus he passed every urine test given to man, come on Groucho don't do that to Barry. I do see the freedom of will catagory - my bad but Lee Harvey Oswald shooting JFK nope it was Mafia(C#A) you do the math on that one please.

Rosie and Donna having a gay relationship ? I dont believe Ms Donna's mind is that evil to open up to that type of behavior, plus she knows she must be strong for her kids

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And, even if he's entirely wrong, it's not like it's normal people he's slandering. It's the pondscum of WayWorld leadship.

I don't much care if their names and reputations get dragged through the mud, thank you very much...

"not normal people he's slandering.."

thank you George..



I suppose one could argue the subtle differences between mugging and armed robbery..

I think they tarnished their own reputation to the extent that if you call them ANYTHING, it's an improvement..

It is a telling fact that when loy was "removed" from his position and residence at twi, donna stayed behind with ole rosie..

as.. "administrative assistant".

Her own, conscious choice.. she chose a position with "rosie" over accompanying HER OWN HUSBAND.

Looking at it from rosie's point of view..

at a time when a wife and family was unceremoniously put in a U-haul truck to accompany the husband and father when he was fired, as an almost standard operating procedure at der vey..

rosie makes an EXCEPTION for donna???

One must ask "why"..

"oh, I felt sorry for her.."

Oh. She didn't feel sorry for anyone else?

Ra*lp D. knew what was going on between the two..

At least one person claims to have caught them in the "dirty deed"..

The "couple" went on vacations together.. rented a room with onlyone bed..

ASSUMING that homosexuality is a sin, and as such despicable..

if they are not, they certainly have not "abstained from all appearance of evil".

What I wonder.. if it really IS slander.. why no lawsuits? Perhaps they are waiting for the witnesses to die off, or to get old enough to forget what happened...

I think they are intelligent enough to know that if they chose to stir this particular pot, it would REALLY be the end of twi.. the rest of the followers would either leave or run them out of town on a rail.

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based on the facts.. I think a *reasonable* person would come to the conclusion that they are a twisted couple of sorts..

Rosie the "enabler" did manage to loosen loy's mog like grip from twi and his wife, by supplying him with what he wanted.. either by accident or deliberate design..

Let him stay busy with several "one time affairs" and extra-curricular "activities".. turn a blind eye.

buddied up with his wife..

any POSSIBLE intent on her part can't be exactly "noble".

In my opinion.

Edited by Mr. Hammeroni
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  Captain Spiritural said:
Rosie and Donna having a gay relationship ? I dont believe Ms Donna's mind is that evil to open up to that type of behavior, plus she knows she must be strong for her kids

I do believe Ms. Donna would be of that persuasion because many here knew her to be of that persuasion before she got in TWI. Some here at GSC know that she openly told VPW that she had feelings for her female friends and went to him because she felt she needed counseling for feelings because they weren't "right". He shrugged it off as the love of God. Even if she is gay, that is a moot point. I just think it's terrible to hide who you really are and profess something completely the opposite. That is hypocrisy.

And please tell me what is so evil about that type of behavior? It's different than the life-style you prefer, but that doesn't make it evil. BTW, that's a rhetorical question. ;)

Edited by Nottawayfer
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Why yes, that type of behavior is EVIL!

Or course pimping for Herr MOGster, molesting, drugging, or sexually assaulting young girls is just one of those human foibles that should be overlooked. After all, he taught us THE WURD!

Oh gawd, it's the Bizarro World of Wayfer logic...

Edited by George Aar
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  Captain Spiritural said:
Rosie and Donna having a gay relationship ? I dont believe Ms Donna's mind is that evil to open up to that type of behavior, plus she knows she must be strong for her kids

Believe what you like bro! "Ms Donna" doesn't need to be "evil" to be gay. If she is...well grand...at least she isn't living in a cover marriage with LCM. Be strong for her kids...kids generally respect a parent that is honest with them about their orientation. Now the rest of the stuff that comes out of Bizarro Way world I'm not even going to comment on because George already has said it...

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i want to clarify that i was not agreeing with capt. saying "THAT" type of behavior

when i read it back, it didn't seem to come across right


what i'm saying is i'm not having a problem with their being in a homesexual relationship

i'm having a problem with their hypocrisy

and this "spiritual" way of looking at things, ugh, still trying to get over that one

i hope i communicated better now

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and please tell me what is so evil about that type of behavior? It's different than the life-style you prefer, but that doesn't make it evil. BTW, that's a rhetorical question. :wink2:

I think the "problem" is not with the world as such, but with twi. Heck, the world would probably say "so what.." "just another group of sycophantic losers who can't live up to what they preach. Oh well.."

But within the walls of Zion, "that'" kind of lifestyle has been harped on, condemned, labeled possessed.. even the mere RESEMBLANCE of it. They've labeled some people homo, just beacause the poor guy would rather stay home and do something with the kids instead of hunting bear, fishing, or doing something more "manly" .

Naw.. she's got what she wants. Can't afford to stir the pot..

but IF she really IS..

I wonder how she could possibly live with herself.

Edited by Mr. Hammeroni
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  excathedra said:
what in the heck are you talking about, captain ?????

Excathedra woo easy baby girl like chill ok, I see some of what you are saying about Donna, no biggie she already has a TRUST FUND, but what really got me is the " Mr. Baseball Barry Bonds" comment made by A.K.A. Groucho, Barry is all natural dude. Go Barry Bonds you rule!

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