Subject: The “Anti-Christ”! Will it be HUMAN or a MACHINE?? Or something Extra Territorial? Maybe a Middle East Religious Figure? Will “IT” control from the Pulpit, Wall Street, or Militarily? How will we know when “IT” has arrived? Will there be a Television Broadcast or Internet communication from the Twi-light Zone notifying us? How many languages will “IT” speak, what color skin, food preferences...etc?
What do you think are the “Signs of the Times” which will lead us to know that these are indeed the “Last Days”?
Happy 4th of July!
the antichrist will be human and could be male or female and will be very respected by the populas and will apear to be good. will only rise up after the gathering together,that is when the book of revelation will start. the devil is always raising up this person to be ready to go into action at any moment since he doesnt know when the gathering together is going happen. i think the devil might be raising up several of these people at the same time so as not to put all his eggs in one basket.he uses trickery, bribery,offering the kingdoms of the world, whatever it takes to get these people to sell out to him,even though i have met a few people who said they preferrd the devils way and didint care about going to hell. just look at the hells angels mototcycle gang!!!this is the devils idea of what Jesus Christ was here on earth,except with steal,kill,destroy being his mission. this is nothing to be concerned about. those of us who are born again will be gone from this earth before that happens.remember the davil has to have someone ready at all times to immediatly move into this position of world dominance.this person could be from any country,maybe the devil is raising up these people in several countries ,he not knowing what will be the best country when the time comes.hope this helps you, God bless you
the devil is always raising up this person to be ready to go into action at any moment since he doesnt know when the gathering together is going happen. i think the devil might be raising up several of these people at the same time so as not to put all his eggs in one basket.
I see Martindale's teachings are still alive and well in TWI
First, I don't believe we will know. The Antichrist/Beast is not revealed until the "restrainer" (Holy Spirit/Church) is taken out of the way. Then, man's fallen nature can go unchecked. There will be nothing to restrain it left.
Believers are told to watch for Christ's imminent return. We are not told to look for the Beast, monitor politics, or the world situation, or look for signs. Signs are for those alive during the Beast's reign.
We are specifically told in Revelation that the Beast comes from the "abyss." The angel unlocks the abyss, the Beast is let out, he is named. His name is Abbadon (Hebrew) and Appollyon (Greek). Thus, I do not believe he will be human.
I believe he is the same being who was worshipped before the flood, when the fallen angels, or "gods," were worshipped by mankind. They were bound in chains so they could never damage the human line again, and it is they whom Christ went and preached to after his crucifiction.
Why do I think it will be this god, or fallen angel?
First, because there is only one other time in the Bible where Satan incarnated in a human. It was so awful for that human, he killed himself. That was Judas. I do not believe a human could withstand having a spiritual being such as Satan living in their flesh. It would kill them in short order.
Second, because no matter how amazing a human may be, I don't think one could get the whole world worshipping him - someone would be bitching about him somewhere.
Third, if one were a "god," a fallen angel, a being who looks human (as do all appearances of angels in the Bible who appear to humans), but is supranatural - it can truly do "wonders." Things no human could do. It will be Apollo returned - the one who was, who now is not, but then will be.
I believe a fallen angel would have no problem allowing Satan to incarnate in him as he sits on the throne in the rebuilt temple, showing that he is God.
Note, at the end, he is thrown into the lake of fire alive. This tells me, he has a body different than peoples' bodies.
His buddy, the false prophet is also from the abyss, as is his entourage.
He is the destroyer, to humans he will be spectacular.
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happy 4th of july to you too bumpy !
hmmmmmmm the anti-christ. i think it will be a "he" and he will be a government or religious figure
what do you think maggie muggins ?
(or it could be geer)
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Perhaps "IT" will prefer Big Macs. ..... OMG!! Then that means that "IT" MUST be ........ Bill Clinton!!!
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If you put "IT" next to Christ, they should cancel out.
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Mister P-Mosh
Will the anti-Christ display the sign of the beast?
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Some Wiccans and pagans would call that the sign of the Horned God( no relation to Satan).
Maybe Bush is in the broom closet!!
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For all his crap and arrogance, I just dont see Dubya being the Anti-Christ.
He's w-a-y too dumb.
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John Edwards.
He's got the Kenny-doo.
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Ooooooh, I feel a DanComic™ coming on
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What about the leader in Iran who want to blow isreal off the map when he get nukes. and call the the U.S.A The devil?
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And in the process save the US Tax Payer Billions$$$
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And in the process save the US Tax Payer Billions
Not funny!
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Mister P-Mosh
Good point, so perhaps it is this guy, he looks pretty evil, and he runs what he calls a "shadow government":

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The anti-christ will be the next president not the current one.
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... and what if the next president is Hillary Clinton?
And before you nod too aggressively at that one, .... remember, the Bible sez that the Anti-Christ shall be the 'son of Satan', not 'daughter'.
P.S., good one about Cheney, tho.
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Perhaps Hillary shalt be the "Great Harlot of Babylon" riding upon Bill the Beast's back.
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after all the sluts billy had would not he be the harlot?
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Yea, I beheld a cigar chomping gigolo trumphantly riding upon the hinder parts of his Behemoth
into the great city of Wash'alem.
He hath returned, to reclaim his hidden den of fornication in a corner of the White Lodge basement,
where he had gathereth into his storehouse since the end his last dispensation a multifarious
collection of Barry White, Eagles and Fleetwood Mac hymns inscribed upon plastic mandalas.
The ancient tongues would once again fill the air of the White Lodge,
to awaken the winds which shall carry aloft the Queen's chariot across the heavens.
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Shouldn't this thread be in the "humor" section??
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the antichrist will be human and could be male or female and will be very respected by the populas and will apear to be good. will only rise up after the gathering together,that is when the book of revelation will start. the devil is always raising up this person to be ready to go into action at any moment since he doesnt know when the gathering together is going happen. i think the devil might be raising up several of these people at the same time so as not to put all his eggs in one basket.he uses trickery, bribery,offering the kingdoms of the world, whatever it takes to get these people to sell out to him,even though i have met a few people who said they preferrd the devils way and didint care about going to hell. just look at the hells angels mototcycle gang!!!this is the devils idea of what Jesus Christ was here on earth,except with steal,kill,destroy being his mission. this is nothing to be concerned about. those of us who are born again will be gone from this earth before that happens.remember the davil has to have someone ready at all times to immediatly move into this position of world dominance.this person could be from any country,maybe the devil is raising up these people in several countries ,he not knowing what will be the best country when the time comes.hope this helps you, God bless you
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Will he have a name tag?
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Seth R.
I am an Anti-Christ, not "The" Anti-Christ, but one of.
Ask me any thing, I'll tell you what my plans are.
First stage of my plan is to make more then $50,000 a year maybe even about $90k so I can support a family.
Second stage of my plan involves marriage children, you know having a couple so I can raise them and love them like a good father.
Third stage of my plan is to enjoy my life, what little I have left.
I'm at stage zero right now.
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Ok, I'll throw my 2 cents in.
First, I don't believe we will know. The Antichrist/Beast is not revealed until the "restrainer" (Holy Spirit/Church) is taken out of the way. Then, man's fallen nature can go unchecked. There will be nothing to restrain it left.
Believers are told to watch for Christ's imminent return. We are not told to look for the Beast, monitor politics, or the world situation, or look for signs. Signs are for those alive during the Beast's reign.
We are specifically told in Revelation that the Beast comes from the "abyss." The angel unlocks the abyss, the Beast is let out, he is named. His name is Abbadon (Hebrew) and Appollyon (Greek). Thus, I do not believe he will be human.
I believe he is the same being who was worshipped before the flood, when the fallen angels, or "gods," were worshipped by mankind. They were bound in chains so they could never damage the human line again, and it is they whom Christ went and preached to after his crucifiction.
Why do I think it will be this god, or fallen angel?
First, because there is only one other time in the Bible where Satan incarnated in a human. It was so awful for that human, he killed himself. That was Judas. I do not believe a human could withstand having a spiritual being such as Satan living in their flesh. It would kill them in short order.
Second, because no matter how amazing a human may be, I don't think one could get the whole world worshipping him - someone would be bitching about him somewhere.
Third, if one were a "god," a fallen angel, a being who looks human (as do all appearances of angels in the Bible who appear to humans), but is supranatural - it can truly do "wonders." Things no human could do. It will be Apollo returned - the one who was, who now is not, but then will be.
I believe a fallen angel would have no problem allowing Satan to incarnate in him as he sits on the throne in the rebuilt temple, showing that he is God.
Note, at the end, he is thrown into the lake of fire alive. This tells me, he has a body different than peoples' bodies.
His buddy, the false prophet is also from the abyss, as is his entourage.
He is the destroyer, to humans he will be spectacular.
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