Not many will miss Bush, but it is a stretch to say the next crop of jerks will solve the problem. Unfortunately, senators seem to stay forever like kings, at least presidents can only stay 8 years.
but Canada is pretty, could be a nice place to hide.
Dot first ya got to learn the language. Canada has been part of the great white north for sometime and they have not caught up with the latest southern catch phrases. They say aboot instead of about and sadly have a a perverted fondness for snow. Lots and lots of snow. However if you are willing to wait 20 yrs for year round summer (or a knee replacement) you may be in luck.
I have my eye on a little piece up there nestled on a lake. I thihk it's aboot 45k, one day maybe a vacation spot.
Dot first ya got to learn the language. Canada has been part of the great white north for sometime and they have not caught up with the latest southern catch phrases. They say aboot instead of about and sadly have a a perverted fondness for snow. Lots and lots of snow. However if you are willing to wait 20 yrs for year round summer (or a knee replacement) you may be in luck.
I have my eye on a little piece up there nestled on a lake. I thihk it's aboot 45k, one day maybe a vacation spot.
Ya shure!!!!!!!! You betcha, eh??!!
What's wrong with LOT'S of snow, eh??
If God didn't mean for it to snow IN ABUNDANCE ---
Hey D! I was aboot to say that ;) How you doing? I am fine, about graduated and almost qualified fer something, gotta find a job, that sucks. During the winter we get alot of snowbird traffic, they come through in HUGE FREAKING RV Busses heading to Florida sometimes in convoys of two or three. They are on an adreneline rush passing through here as they have just navigated the Smokey Mountains and have reached the straightway of the Georgia Peidmont region, the last hurdle they faced before they stick their black socked feet into the warm gulf waters of Florida. I have some of their migration movements and techniques on tape if your interested ;)
Its for sale, $25,000 and up for a (small) slice of heaven. It's slowly being divided up by inverstors and developers or held by long term investors like timber companies but it looks good, almost like I remember as a WOW in 75 if you can block out the trucks noise and lights.
It may seem like a quiet country where not much happens besides ice hockey, curling and beer drinking. But our neighbor to the north is proving to be quite the draw for thousands of disgruntled Americans.
The number of U.S. citizens who moved to Canada last year hit a 30-year high, with a 20 percent increase over the previous year and almost double the number who moved in 2000. (CONTINUED)
There was a show on called something like Truth Seekers.
They said the reason America has not built the WALL to keep Mexicans out is that George has a plan to blurr the boundaries. He has plans in the works to make Canada, Mexico and the US one continent and get rid of our constitution. They have a new monitery system in the works as well.
Canada is refusing to go along with this but Mexico is all for it.
I believe it, we have the money for the wall - that is not being built, BOA is giving morgages to the illegal immigrants - something is going on.
There was a show on called something like Truth Seekers.
They said the reason America has not built the WALL to keep Mexicans out is that George has a plan to blurr the boundaries. He has plans in the works to make Canada, Mexico and the US one continent and get rid of our constitution. They have a new monitery system in the works as well.
Canada is refusing to go along with this but Mexico is all for it.
The idea to form the North American Union as a super-NAFTA knitting together Canada, the United States and Mexico into a super-regional political and economic entity was a key agreement resulting from the March 2005 meeting held at Baylor University in Waco, Tex., between President Bush, President Fox and Prime Minister Martin.....
Here is another reference to the subject, (you will find it right before the announcement of an alien-human hybrid/fallen angel program, and several articles before the one on the haunted telephone):
Later this month, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, U.S. President George W. Bush, and Mexican President Felipe Calderon will meet in Montebello, Quebec, where, some say, they will dot the i's and cross the t's on a largely secret agreement to dissolve national borders between the three countries and create one large trading block.
I see your point of view on this. Myself and others have been trying to warn people about things that everyone should have in common namely the economy, the constitution, the environment, but people have been hoodwinked into a them versus us mentality. I have not seen such a cult like attitude since our days with TWI, except this problem is a lot bigger and one that is hard to ignore. Many of the big money people want to send our good jobs to the cheapest foreign labor markets they can while avoiding taxes, yet still have access to our U.S. market and get as many government contracts that are financed with debt as they can. Some people, even here on Grease Spot Cafe, don't see any problem with this and think it is natural to avoid taxes yet take advantage of all the things this country still has to offer namely a market with money and a legal system that helps them collect their debts.
An interesting book that I have been reading is one by Thom Hartmann title "Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class". Thom has a great knowledge of the history of this nation and has some ideas of how we can get back what is being taken from us as U.S. citizens. He also has a very positive attitude and is a uniter of many people. See if you can get a copy. You would find it interesting.
I see your point of view on this. Myself and others have been trying to warn people about things that everyone should have in common namely the economy, the constitution, the environment, but people have been hoodwinked into a them versus us mentality. I have not seen such a cult like attitude since our days with TWI, except this problem is a lot bigger and one that is hard to ignore. Many of the big money people want to send our good jobs to the cheapest foreign labor markets they can while avoiding taxes, yet still have access to our U.S. market and get as many government contracts that are financed with debt as they can. Some people, even here on Grease Spot Cafe, don't see any problem with this and think it is natural to avoid taxes yet take advantage of all the things this country still has to offer namely a market with money and a legal system that helps them collect their debts.
An interesting book that I have been reading is one by Thom Hartmann title "Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class". Thom has a great knowledge of the history of this nation and has some ideas of how we can get back what is being taken from us as U.S. citizens. He also has a very positive attitude and is a uniter of many people. See if you can get a copy. You would find it interesting.
Undeclared? I dunno, it seems to me like it's been declared... perhaps the title of that book is just a figure of speech?
We can start by educating ourselves as to what is actually going on. So that when conservatives, cons for short, like Grover Norquist and his band of parrots say that,
"I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub."
We can then give them a straight answer and solution that helps our country instead of seeing it wallow in debt. And Dot, you are such a great and courageous lady and because you might be currently low of money if you are interested in Thom Hartmann's book and promise to read it from cover to cover I will buy you a copy and have it sent to you. I am off to a party of a friend now, but let me know via private message and I will make the arrangements.
And remember Dot. Inspite of your current circumstances. You rock!!!!!
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Watered Garden
"More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of."
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
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Dot Matrix
That was nice WG
Prayer is a mighty weapon
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Hold on January 20, 2009 is just around the corner.
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Dot Matrix
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Not many will miss Bush, but it is a stretch to say the next crop of jerks will solve the problem. Unfortunately, senators seem to stay forever like kings, at least presidents can only stay 8 years.
but Canada is pretty, could be a nice place to hide.
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I toured Cape Breton for 2 wks and felt like I was in heaven...I felt a loss leaving...
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Dot first ya got to learn the language. Canada has been part of the great white north for sometime and they have not caught up with the latest southern catch phrases. They say aboot instead of about and sadly have a a perverted fondness for snow. Lots and lots of snow. However if you are willing to wait 20 yrs for year round summer (or a knee replacement) you may be in luck.
I have my eye on a little piece up there nestled on a lake. I thihk it's aboot 45k, one day maybe a vacation spot.
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Ya shure!!!!!!!! You betcha, eh??!!
What's wrong with LOT'S of snow, eh??
If God didn't mean for it to snow IN ABUNDANCE ---
we wouldn't have 4-wheel drive pick-ups!
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Hey D! I was aboot to say that ;) How you doing? I am fine, about graduated and almost qualified fer something, gotta find a job, that sucks. During the winter we get alot of snowbird traffic, they come through in HUGE FREAKING RV Busses heading to Florida sometimes in convoys of two or three. They are on an adreneline rush passing through here as they have just navigated the Smokey Mountains and have reached the straightway of the Georgia Peidmont region, the last hurdle they faced before they stick their black socked feet into the warm gulf waters of Florida. I have some of their migration movements and techniques on tape if your interested ;)
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The Smokey Mountains --- my idea of heaven on earth. :)
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Oh David have you seen the Smokies lately?
Its for sale, $25,000 and up for a (small) slice of heaven. It's slowly being divided up by inverstors and developers or held by long term investors like timber companies but it looks good, almost like I remember as a WOW in 75 if you can block out the trucks noise and lights.
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Record number of Americans fleeing to Canada... and this was BEFORE 'SICKO'
July 31, 2007 Blame Canada!
It may seem like a quiet country where not much happens besides ice hockey, curling and beer drinking. But our neighbor to the north is proving to be quite the draw for thousands of disgruntled Americans.
The number of U.S. citizens who moved to Canada last year hit a 30-year high, with a 20 percent increase over the previous year and almost double the number who moved in 2000. (CONTINUED)
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polar bear
To get in you have to answer a skill testing question from the "Red Green show".
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polar bear
This is for Dot=
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Dot Matrix
Cool article
Polar bear - I do not SEE anything
There was a show on called something like Truth Seekers.
They said the reason America has not built the WALL to keep Mexicans out is that George has a plan to blurr the boundaries. He has plans in the works to make Canada, Mexico and the US one continent and get rid of our constitution. They have a new monitery system in the works as well.
Canada is refusing to go along with this but Mexico is all for it.
I believe it, we have the money for the wall - that is not being built, BOA is giving morgages to the illegal immigrants - something is going on.
Canada - here I come.
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........ Uummmmmmm, ......... O-o-k-a-a-y-y.
((steps slowly away from the keyboard)) :unsure:
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Dot Matrix
It is weird, huh?
They had a name for the currency I forget what it was Americoin I have to think about it.
This was NOT the show but I found this when I googled
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Here ya go Dot:
The rest of the article is here:
Here is another reference to the subject, (you will find it right before the announcement of an alien-human hybrid/fallen angel program, and several articles before the one on the haunted telephone):
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Mark Sanguinetti
Hi Dot:
I see your point of view on this. Myself and others have been trying to warn people about things that everyone should have in common namely the economy, the constitution, the environment, but people have been hoodwinked into a them versus us mentality. I have not seen such a cult like attitude since our days with TWI, except this problem is a lot bigger and one that is hard to ignore. Many of the big money people want to send our good jobs to the cheapest foreign labor markets they can while avoiding taxes, yet still have access to our U.S. market and get as many government contracts that are financed with debt as they can. Some people, even here on Grease Spot Cafe, don't see any problem with this and think it is natural to avoid taxes yet take advantage of all the things this country still has to offer namely a market with money and a legal system that helps them collect their debts.
An interesting book that I have been reading is one by Thom Hartmann title "Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class". Thom has a great knowledge of the history of this nation and has some ideas of how we can get back what is being taken from us as U.S. citizens. He also has a very positive attitude and is a uniter of many people. See if you can get a copy. You would find it interesting.
Edited by Mark SanguinettiLink to comment
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Undeclared? I dunno, it seems to me like it's been declared... perhaps the title of that book is just a figure of speech?
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Meebe ATLAS SHRUGGED was a figure of speech as well, eh??;)
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Dot Matrix
This is horrible
How can we stop it?
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Mark Sanguinetti
We can start by educating ourselves as to what is actually going on. So that when conservatives, cons for short, like Grover Norquist and his band of parrots say that,
We can then give them a straight answer and solution that helps our country instead of seeing it wallow in debt. And Dot, you are such a great and courageous lady and because you might be currently low of money if you are interested in Thom Hartmann's book and promise to read it from cover to cover I will buy you a copy and have it sent to you. I am off to a party of a friend now, but let me know via private message and I will make the arrangements.
And remember Dot. Inspite of your current circumstances. You rock!!!!!
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