Why? Nothing political...just that there's really no place in the states where both my wife and I would like to go. However, we both agree on the Med.
(Oh, and one other thing: one of the two official languages in Malta is English)
This site says a pint of local beer is about a buck. I'll meet you at the pub in 10 years.
But it is only 8 miles across the island ... wow ...
crime free, decent "free" health care ... sounds interesting ...
I've wondered about different places where the cost of living would be much less ... but language, safety and freedom could be an issue. Malta sounds good (though probably not cheap) ... one would have to have a nice boat I'd think. Fish and visit the coastal cities ... take the bike of the boat and pedal around a bit ... jolly good ... :)
Despite our faults, I still think America is the best place in the world to live. I wouldn't trade our problems with any other country.
This thread reminds me of a story an acquaintance once told me. I can't remember exactly how it goes, so I hope I don't butcher it too badly.
A man who was traveling on business met a woman who, when discovering where he was from said that she was looking to move away from the problems in her town and asked him, "what are the people who live there like?"
He asked her, "What are the people like where you're from?"
"They're cold, rude, distant and annoying," she said.
"They're pretty much like that where I live," he said.
Later, the man met another person who was looking to move to his town, this person asked the man, "what are the people like where you live?"
He asked the person, "what are the people like where you're from?"
"They're friendly, gregarious and always nice."
"They're pretty much like that where I live," he said.
Where we live, in large part, is what we make it. Granted, we can only do so much about gang infiltration and crime, but a big part of our immediate community is in our own hands and depends on our own attitude.
I've been to Malta. Kinda neat there, but I wouldn't want to live there. We had to drop an engineer off there because he broke his foot Smashed it rather. But at least because of him we got to put into port for a day to get him into a hospital.
Now as far as Canadia goes, Dot, maybe you should check out Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory. It's a neat place. My wife and I go up there to go for a shopping/romantic getaway/ kind of a time. Or, we go camping at a hot springs there which is nice too. But all in all, Dot, you should really come to Alaska. We are 2 and a half times bigger than Texas, but our total population is only 670,000. We are Americans, but, we refer to any other place besides Alaska as "Outside". We refer to the Lower Forty eight as "America". Like; "Well, I'm going down to America to visit my Mom." Or; "I'm going Outside for a few weeks, I'll be back August 5th...."
So, we are Americans, but very independant and enjoy a lifestyle found no where else, in my opinion...
I've been to Malta. Kinda neat there, but I wouldn't want to live there. We had to drop an engineer off there because he broke his foot Smashed it rather. But at least because of him we got to put into port for a day to get him into a hospital.
I understand.
My wife and I have always enjoyed life in the Med. We also thought about the Aegean coast of Turkey, which we both enjoyed as well. Maramaris or Bodrum, in particular. But with the politics there (unlikely to change), I think it would be out of the question.
I think that the Greek Islands in the Med would be so fine. But I don't know much if even anything about the politics there. However, I haven't heard anything negative about it. I'll bet the culture and the people are really neat. I have known some American Greeks who I thought were awesome. One, one of my wife's best friends last name is Panteliedes. An awesome person.
But yes, back to Canada. Nice country, and I have always enjoyed the "Whitehorsians". Nice, friendly laid back people. But, I don't think I would enjoy giving up 50% of my paycheck though, just to live there.
I think that the Greek Islands in the Med would be so fine. But I don't know much if even anything about the politics there. However, I haven't heard anything negative about it. I'll bet the culture and the people are really neat. I have known some American Greeks who I thought were awesome. One, one of my wife's best friends last name is Panteliedes. An awesome person.
But yes, back to Canada. Nice country, and I have always enjoyed the "Whitehorsians". Nice, friendly laid back people. But, I don't think I would enjoy giving up 50% of my paycheck though, just to live there.
Jonny...Living up there in Alaska almost makes you a Canadian...doesn't it?...eh?
Hey Groucho! So very nice to hear kind words from you! Really, it IS way nicer to hear from you in a kind manner. And so, God bless you....Eh? :)
And thanks DMiller for posting the pics. Maybe it doesn't work for me because I don't know how to "downsize" the photos. Because, sometimes I am able to do that, and other times, when doing the same dang thing, it doesn't work. What's the secret?
Hey Groucho! So very nice to hear kind words from you! Really, it IS way nicer to hear from you in a kind manner. And so, God bless you....Eh? :)
And thanks DMiller for posting the pics. Maybe it doesn't work for me because I don't know how to "downsize" the photos. Because, sometimes I am able to do that, and other times, when doing the same dang thing, it doesn't work. What's the secret?
Hey there Jonny.
All I did, was copy the url you posted. THEN ALL I DID ---
was type in a
[img= before it and ]
after it.
This site (or sumpthing), did all the *down-sizing* work.
God bless America. I pray for her everyday, I posted to find out about becoming Canadian, do not want to go into all my feelings and thinking.
That Malta place looks great as well.
Johnny, how does Alaska handle healthcare? The biggest problems in my life have been needed healthcare and meds and not getting them. Many problems followed
Edited cause I really do not want to go down that road
Not to be a curmudgeon here, but quality of life is directly related to politics.
I went to see a movie this afternoon.
I now understand why Dot asked the question (at the start of this thread).
It occurs to me that quality of life in any given country, region or community is a measure of the politics, and its effectiveness in representing the will of the people of that particular geographic entity.
If I didn't have such an aversion to cold weather, I'd be very interested in checking out Canada and it's culture, environment and such.
But then again, I'm in a select group of Americans.
Not only do I have medical coverage, I have the coverage in a NOT-FOR-PROFIT government administered single payer system.
That's something all Americans should DEMAND... and which Canadians, Brits, Frenchmen/women and those in Cuba (among others in the world) already have.
It really had nothing to do with politics or healthcare coverage - we have excellent healthcare coverage, as hubby is a public school teacher.
It's more the pace of life, the people, the cleanliness of the area, etc. for us - we love the ocean and the quiet way of life - big cities and bright lights aren't are "thing"...
Dot, those who work for the State of Alaska have a nice health care program. My wife works for them as I used to when I worked for the ferry system. I now work for a non profit organization which has a nice health care program. Both programs cover us for 80% of whatever costs may be incrued, while we pick up the remaining 20% of the cost. What is nice though, like when my son had his appendix out, is that my insurance paid the 80%, and my wife's insurance paid 80% of the remaining 20%. And so, all in all, we only paid around $700.00 for a fairly expensive operation. :)
And, DMiller, I did what you said, and this is the message I got after I clicked "post". It must be something weird with my computer. But here is what I was "told":
A few years back we spent two weeks in Nova Scotia. Loved it. Stayed in a B&B in Mahone Bay, spent a lot of time in Lunenburg. Mahone Bay had a little semi-open air market where I bought fresh raspberries and had them for breakfast with cream, courtesy of my hostess at the B&B.
Took a day trip to Halifax; that was fun.
I want to go back. Want to reserve a trip from Halifax to Lunenburg on the Bluenose II.
On this same trip we went whale watching at St. Andrews By the Sea, which I think is in New Brunswick, and went to Digby, NS, the scallop capital of the world. I think I may have eaten my way through Nova Scotia.
Dot, honey, I hope and pray that wherever you end up, you are happy as a clam at high tide!
I may have joy in my soul due to Jesus, but I want "happy" in my heart in my circumstances. I checked New Zealand but they are very selective about the people they let in, I do not meet what I heard they allow.
Correct me if I am wrong, but Canada seems like a slice of heaven. Perhaps, not the BIG cities, but the overall mind-set of the country.
I feel, and really do not want to get into it, that George is an American president who does not care about Americans - for many many reasons, I do not see much difference 'round the corner with any of the candidates. We are heading for a serious, planned declined in lifestyle, IMO. I heard this from a lawyer for whom I worked years ago. He said the plan is to bring the American way of life DOWN and then globally bring everybody up. I have many problems with that. As it takes a hundred years to have a Forrest full of thick gorgeous trees, and a day to destroy that. Nobody should be willing to let go of our way of life. I am sorry but we should not be penalized for doing it right. If I can help you, I may do so, but if it KILLS me then I am not into it.
Cowgirl said something about Canada - something about I could work there if I did not take a job from a Canadian -- that preserves the lifestyle of the citizens, in New Zealand they allow "professionals" on and on it goes...
But here we are "giving" things away to all but a few Americans. I am tired of "paying" to help the world without any consideration for me as a citizen.
This may not be your life, but it is mine:
In healthcare - if I had bad papers and a false ID and spoke a different language I could get more help then I do as a productive citizen. My relative by marraige was unable to get certain meds. Finally, a doctor gave us samples and that individual is the sweetest, kindest, most wonderful person I have ever seen. But what happens with the samples run out? If you saw sicko you will know what happens to people who have walked in my shoes. Like that black and white couple, the insurance co. would not help him, although he had insurance, and he died. And the companies bottom line grew fatter at "his" loss, so it was acceptable. It reminds me of another organization to which I once belonged, I think that is a devilish practice. In a way, I am seeking "light"
In police protection -- Was told to patrol our own streets -- but what would happen if I did shoot a 14-year-old gang member? The law is NOT on our side. A rally would be held with the kids grades and dreams and how I took all of that away. But the fact that their gang writing, threats and break-ins have ruined my life does not mean anything.
In hiring -- We have a girl who only had 1.5 years of school in a different country. I asked "them" would I have been hired if I told you I only went halfway through the 2nd grade? I was told "no" She cannot even read or write her own language. Yet, I had to apply with a resume.
Please, do not try to argue with my position to change my mind. Hold onto what you have if what you have is good, may God bless you in your circumstances.
You can say you do not understand my position, you have not experienced that, or that President George is your Uncle and you love him. But pls do not tell minimize what is on my plate, or because it is not on your plate pretend it could not be on mine.
I want out of the circumstances in which I find myself, I am praying for direction and I am OPEN to whatever and where ever it feels "right" with prayer.
If that guidance ends up being in the good old USA then so-be-it. I am gathering information. Thank you for helping me.
I feel like I am writing to Dear Abby - so I will sign off
I feel, and really do not want to get into it, that George is an American president who does not care about Americans - for many many reasons, I do not see much difference 'round the corner with any of the candidates. We are heading for a serious, planned declined in lifestyle, IMO. I heard this from a lawyer for whom I worked years ago. He said the plan is to bring the American way of life DOWN and then globally bring everybody up.
Your lawyer friend is half-right. The plan is to bring our standards down to third-world level, but not for all Americans. If you look at the wage discrepancies between the elite executives at most companies and the people that actually do the work, the gap is growing larger. I would say that we are headed towards a feudalistic robber-baron society much like we used to be. It's what the rich want.
Where your neighbor friend got it all wrong is the idea of bringing everyone up. The richest people do not want that, as it would have to come from them. They have been consolidating power and money ever since the New Deal gave the American people a chance to move up and have at least some standard of living. The only thing that forced the powerful elite to give the average American anything back in those days was the threat of shutting down their businesses and threats of violence. History indicates that the unions, ex-slaves, and others were rising up back then and the nation was edging closer to another revolution. I wonder if our government is so far gone that only a similar threat would get them to restore our rights. I don't see a good solution to the problems, since it looks like most Americans' brains are asleep and will not respond until it is too late.
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This site says a pint of local beer is about a buck. I'll meet you at the pub in 10 years.
But it is only 8 miles across the island ... wow ...
crime free, decent "free" health care ... sounds interesting ...
I've wondered about different places where the cost of living would be much less ... but language, safety and freedom could be an issue. Malta sounds good (though probably not cheap) ... one would have to have a nice boat I'd think. Fish and visit the coastal cities ... take the bike of the boat and pedal around a bit ... jolly good ... :)
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Despite our faults, I still think America is the best place in the world to live. I wouldn't trade our problems with any other country.
This thread reminds me of a story an acquaintance once told me. I can't remember exactly how it goes, so I hope I don't butcher it too badly.
A man who was traveling on business met a woman who, when discovering where he was from said that she was looking to move away from the problems in her town and asked him, "what are the people who live there like?"
He asked her, "What are the people like where you're from?"
"They're cold, rude, distant and annoying," she said.
"They're pretty much like that where I live," he said.
Later, the man met another person who was looking to move to his town, this person asked the man, "what are the people like where you live?"
He asked the person, "what are the people like where you're from?"
"They're friendly, gregarious and always nice."
"They're pretty much like that where I live," he said.
Where we live, in large part, is what we make it. Granted, we can only do so much about gang infiltration and crime, but a big part of our immediate community is in our own hands and depends on our own attitude.
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J0nny Ling0
I've been to Malta. Kinda neat there, but I wouldn't want to live there. We had to drop an engineer off there because he broke his foot Smashed it rather. But at least because of him we got to put into port for a day to get him into a hospital.
Now as far as Canadia goes, Dot, maybe you should check out Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory. It's a neat place. My wife and I go up there to go for a shopping/romantic getaway/ kind of a time. Or, we go camping at a hot springs there which is nice too. But all in all, Dot, you should really come to Alaska. We are 2 and a half times bigger than Texas, but our total population is only 670,000. We are Americans, but, we refer to any other place besides Alaska as "Outside". We refer to the Lower Forty eight as "America". Like; "Well, I'm going down to America to visit my Mom." Or; "I'm going Outside for a few weeks, I'll be back August 5th...."
So, we are Americans, but very independant and enjoy a lifestyle found no where else, in my opinion...
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I understand.
My wife and I have always enjoyed life in the Med. We also thought about the Aegean coast of Turkey, which we both enjoyed as well. Maramaris or Bodrum, in particular. But with the politics there (unlikely to change), I think it would be out of the question.
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J0nny Ling0
I think that the Greek Islands in the Med would be so fine. But I don't know much if even anything about the politics there. However, I haven't heard anything negative about it. I'll bet the culture and the people are really neat. I have known some American Greeks who I thought were awesome. One, one of my wife's best friends last name is Panteliedes. An awesome person.
But yes, back to Canada. Nice country, and I have always enjoyed the "Whitehorsians". Nice, friendly laid back people. But, I don't think I would enjoy giving up 50% of my paycheck though, just to live there.
Alaska Dot...
My town...
Dang, I just can't seem to be able to post a photo here.
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Jonny...Living up there in Alaska almost makes you a Canadian...doesn't it?...eh?
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Looks like one of Jerry Falwell's fanatics has escaped to England. <_<
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J0nny Ling0
Hey Groucho! So very nice to hear kind words from you! Really, it IS way nicer to hear from you in a kind manner. And so, God bless you....Eh?
And thanks DMiller for posting the pics. Maybe it doesn't work for me because I don't know how to "downsize" the photos. Because, sometimes I am able to do that, and other times, when doing the same dang thing, it doesn't work. What's the secret?
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Hey there Jonny.
All I did, was copy the url you posted. THEN ALL I DID ---
was type in a
after it.
This site (or sumpthing), did all the *down-sizing* work.
The first photo looked like this (typed out)
(So did the second one, but a different url, and a different pic.)
Give it a try. :)
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Dot Matrix
God bless America. I pray for her everyday, I posted to find out about becoming Canadian, do not want to go into all my feelings and thinking.
That Malta place looks great as well.
Johnny, how does Alaska handle healthcare? The biggest problems in my life have been needed healthcare and meds and not getting them. Many problems followed
Edited cause I really do not want to go down that road
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polar bear
Dear Dot-If you are really serious, you would apply at the Canadian Consulate in Washington. Don't know much more than that.
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johnny.. Alaska sounds wonderful..and beautiful! And..
I love Canada.. and can understand the interest in living there.
But... and its a BIG BUT..... In the winter.... it seems to get dark at about....NOON!!!!
Malta looks amazing!
I liked Costa Rica........... a lot of ex-pats there. Very settled and very happy.
I love this planet.
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It really had nothing to do with politics or healthcare coverage - we have excellent healthcare coverage, as hubby is a public school teacher.
It's more the pace of life, the people, the cleanliness of the area, etc. for us - we love the ocean and the quiet way of life - big cities and bright lights aren't are "thing"...
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J0nny Ling0
Dot, those who work for the State of Alaska have a nice health care program. My wife works for them as I used to when I worked for the ferry system. I now work for a non profit organization which has a nice health care program. Both programs cover us for 80% of whatever costs may be incrued, while we pick up the remaining 20% of the cost. What is nice though, like when my son had his appendix out, is that my insurance paid the 80%, and my wife's insurance paid 80% of the remaining 20%. And so, all in all, we only paid around $700.00 for a fairly expensive operation. :)
And, DMiller, I did what you said, and this is the message I got after I clicked "post". It must be something weird with my computer. But here is what I was "told":
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Watered Garden
A few years back we spent two weeks in Nova Scotia. Loved it. Stayed in a B&B in Mahone Bay, spent a lot of time in Lunenburg. Mahone Bay had a little semi-open air market where I bought fresh raspberries and had them for breakfast with cream, courtesy of my hostess at the B&B.
Took a day trip to Halifax; that was fun.
I want to go back. Want to reserve a trip from Halifax to Lunenburg on the Bluenose II.
On this same trip we went whale watching at St. Andrews By the Sea, which I think is in New Brunswick, and went to Digby, NS, the scallop capital of the world. I think I may have eaten my way through Nova Scotia.
Dot, honey, I hope and pray that wherever you end up, you are happy as a clam at high tide!
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Dot Matrix
I may have joy in my soul due to Jesus, but I want "happy" in my heart in my circumstances. I checked New Zealand but they are very selective about the people they let in, I do not meet what I heard they allow.
Correct me if I am wrong, but Canada seems like a slice of heaven. Perhaps, not the BIG cities, but the overall mind-set of the country.
I feel, and really do not want to get into it, that George is an American president who does not care about Americans - for many many reasons, I do not see much difference 'round the corner with any of the candidates. We are heading for a serious, planned declined in lifestyle, IMO. I heard this from a lawyer for whom I worked years ago. He said the plan is to bring the American way of life DOWN and then globally bring everybody up. I have many problems with that. As it takes a hundred years to have a Forrest full of thick gorgeous trees, and a day to destroy that. Nobody should be willing to let go of our way of life. I am sorry but we should not be penalized for doing it right. If I can help you, I may do so, but if it KILLS me then I am not into it.
Cowgirl said something about Canada - something about I could work there if I did not take a job from a Canadian -- that preserves the lifestyle of the citizens, in New Zealand they allow "professionals" on and on it goes...
But here we are "giving" things away to all but a few Americans. I am tired of "paying" to help the world without any consideration for me as a citizen.
This may not be your life, but it is mine:
In healthcare - if I had bad papers and a false ID and spoke a different language I could get more help then I do as a productive citizen. My relative by marraige was unable to get certain meds. Finally, a doctor gave us samples and that individual is the sweetest, kindest, most wonderful person I have ever seen. But what happens with the samples run out? If you saw sicko you will know what happens to people who have walked in my shoes. Like that black and white couple, the insurance co. would not help him, although he had insurance, and he died. And the companies bottom line grew fatter at "his" loss, so it was acceptable. It reminds me of another organization to which I once belonged, I think that is a devilish practice. In a way, I am seeking "light"
In 1986 there was ALREADY laws in place that have not been followed. So, who are we kidding? The veto or simple inaction is what rules http://www.answers.com/topic/immigration-r...rol-act-of-1986
In police protection -- Was told to patrol our own streets -- but what would happen if I did shoot a 14-year-old gang member? The law is NOT on our side. A rally would be held with the kids grades and dreams and how I took all of that away. But the fact that their gang writing, threats and break-ins have ruined my life does not mean anything.
In hiring -- We have a girl who only had 1.5 years of school in a different country. I asked "them" would I have been hired if I told you I only went halfway through the 2nd grade? I was told "no" She cannot even read or write her own language. Yet, I had to apply with a resume.
Please, do not try to argue with my position to change my mind. Hold onto what you have if what you have is good, may God bless you in your circumstances.
You can say you do not understand my position, you have not experienced that, or that President George is your Uncle and you love him. But pls do not tell minimize what is on my plate, or because it is not on your plate pretend it could not be on mine.
I want out of the circumstances in which I find myself, I am praying for direction and I am OPEN to whatever and where ever it feels "right" with prayer.
If that guidance ends up being in the good old USA then so-be-it. I am gathering information. Thank you for helping me.
I feel like I am writing to Dear Abby - so I will sign off
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Dot, I've lately been having the thought that people really need to be where they want to be within the next two years or so at best..
might be hard, but if you can pull it off.. good for you.
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Dot Matrix
Thanks Ham
That may be an "inspired" thought.
I feel time is ticking as well...
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Hi Dot.................here is a website that may of be some interest to you
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Watered Garden
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Mister P-Mosh
Your lawyer friend is half-right. The plan is to bring our standards down to third-world level, but not for all Americans. If you look at the wage discrepancies between the elite executives at most companies and the people that actually do the work, the gap is growing larger. I would say that we are headed towards a feudalistic robber-baron society much like we used to be. It's what the rich want.
Where your neighbor friend got it all wrong is the idea of bringing everyone up. The richest people do not want that, as it would have to come from them. They have been consolidating power and money ever since the New Deal gave the American people a chance to move up and have at least some standard of living. The only thing that forced the powerful elite to give the average American anything back in those days was the threat of shutting down their businesses and threats of violence. History indicates that the unions, ex-slaves, and others were rising up back then and the nation was edging closer to another revolution. I wonder if our government is so far gone that only a similar threat would get them to restore our rights. I don't see a good solution to the problems, since it looks like most Americans' brains are asleep and will not respond until it is too late.
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I have a few bad feelings about China..
with a market addicted to cheap goods.. just doesn't look good to me.
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