Maybe its the way I present stuff... As I re read my posts they do sound a bit loony tunes... BUT
Another poster... Too Grey Now.... referred to EFT and how helpful it was to him/her. I might be looney.. but Too Grey Now sounds like a very normal person.
You have to learn it somehow... you can learn it from the FREE download... or order the very inexpensive cds. Or e mail me.......... I 'll figure something out.
I just want to help... and there are some people here dealing with some really serious stuff.... this could be just one more tool to help. THAT is why I focused on the FREE part......
And of course.. the big disclaimer.. Its not for everybody. You don't have to 'believe' for it to be useful.... just be open to trying it!
If it isn't too personal, would you mind sharing what it helped you with 2life? I know that some things really are helped by acupuncture, and this looks similar to that. If it's too personal, just forget it.
First... its something I can give to my clients. its a tapping sequence. it does not have to be done 'right' for it to have an effect. It can be done anytime ... anywhere.
I can work my way into an anxiety attack pretty easily....... If you have ever had that feeling.. not a good thing. I tap. it works.
I was taking meds for high BP. I tap. I monitor it really well (now)..... 124/74 . BP meds were helpful.. but affect so many areas in a persons life. My hair was falling out. Changed meds... other stuff happened. Tapping seems to keep it under control.
I NEED to use it more for weight loss! When I tap .. I love my body.. eat right.... feel good. THEN.. For what ever reason.. I just stop. duh............
I had a woman on my massage table... started having a seizure (this was not a surprise).. I told her I was going to do something weird (she had never heard/done this before). I tapped for her. Seizure stopped. Now maybe it was going to stop on its own...timing is everything... but it gave ME something to offer!
I work p/t for an airline. This woman was in a full blown panic attack about getting on an airplane (one of the small CRJ's..). She had heard of EFT... never did it... was open to trying it. Got on that plane.
Mostly when I start getting nervous... turning multiple colors... I can tap. very helpful.
I want to do more of the laughing work... ( )
but I am a wuss when I get in front of people. tapping helps!!! It was easy for me to be a clown (Silly Lilly)... had lots of 'whiteface' makeup on!
Gary Graig says tap for everything!! Just try it on everything. I often do not have the patience to work through issues... (humm... I could tap on that!)....
There used to be an archive on his web site... amazing. I went to one of his conferences in Chicago a few years back (yeah.. BIG bucks $50 day!). People from all over the world were there with stories to tell. He did an amazing thing.... many times at conferences there is a lot of ..well ego.... people are vying for attention and postion (hey look at me I have TWO Phd's... and use 50 million modalites... etc... ) Non of that happened there...... there was none of the EGO there... from the front stage...or in the e audiance. Ya had to be there to feel it.
Of course ... we were all sitting there tapping like fools!!
The key is... it offers the possibility to get the 'emotional charge' out of the way...
There are quite a few modalities out there that can do this... but it does not get any easier than this!
feel free to e mail me!!
Krysilis.. thanks for Asking!
Roy... you are wonderful! Thanks for sharing that.
I downloaded the free manual a few years ago when you first brought this up and used it for a bit. It did help with whatever it was I was initially wanting help with (can't even remember now what it was), but then I got out of the habit of it and the manual has gotten buried in my reading basket at home.
Of course he can't give everything away for free and it's only the wise business man who wants to make some money for his time.
Funny this should come up because the past few weeks I've been saying to myself that I needed to get it back out again and start using it more.
I also subscribe to the free e-newsletters and have saved them, although, I haven't read them.
Roy, I'm so glad he's in it to help and as genuine as he seems. I'm really glad that he took care of you.
BELLE!! Thats what happens to me!! When I use it.. it works well.... and then I just DON'T. Sometimes I wonder if I have a 'self-destruct' gene in me!!
I could be SKINNY by now!!
I get the free email also........and for the most part just delete it. Except the other day .. and then I went to his 'revised' website and saw the new video and got exceited again!
I think a lot of us from twi have a 'charge' on the money thing. It was almost our 'claim to fame'' that we were doing what we did for FREE. It made it somewhat noble or something. Of course... we rationalized why the pfal class had a fee attached to it.
Along those lines....... Avatar........truly a life experience.....worth every penny... big bucks.....AND ..there are some dynamic people making a great living while 'delivering' it. And they should.
(and there is a lot of free mini courses to download from that website also.)
There are people using/teaching EFT.... for a fee. I think it would be worth sitting down with an experienced practicner for a few sessions. Someone willing to follow the 'trail' so to speak.. and not let me get away with anything!
thats my 'ah ha'..... I need someone to Play with!! Mike does EFT... but that does not quite get it!! He does not see the greatness in the laughing stuff!
Hi. I don't know if it's considered bad taste to resurrect an old thread but I just wanted to comment about EFT.
We had an ongoing problem in our family that necessitated psychotherapy, antidepressants, and at least two hospitalizations. It became a crisis a few months ago and we were in dire straits. We of course prayed and spoke in tongues fervently, but nothing seemed to work; including the meds and therapy.
A friend of Deb's told her about EFT and gave us the phone number of a local practitioner. To make a long, harrowing story short, we finally got together with him and tried the tapping procedure.
It was amazing, astonishing deliverance. Most would call it a miracle. Two EFT sessions obliterated years of deep depression, anxiety, panic attacks and "racing thoughts" (a condition a local psychiatrist had diagnosed as psychosis).
Three months later, the deliverance is still in place and there is no trace of the problems that had been so frustrating for so long. It's truly a remarkable process. Having now read the free manual, as well as a related book suggested on the EFT website, I'm inclined to think that perhaps this is what the Bible refers to as laying on of hands. Since this practice is related to accu-puncture, which is an ancient Oriental healing art, I wonder if Jesus and the Apostles didn't do this when they delivered people from physical, emotional, and/or spiritual problems.
I won't go into detail about who was delivered from what, but I will add that there are four of us in my family and all of us have used EFT successfully to treat everything from sinus headaches and allergies to the afore-metioned depression and such.
I don't really understand it. That is, I understand how it works, but it's so simple that it just doesn't seem to make sense. But work it does. I encourage anyone who's suffering from chronic pains, anxieties, depression, emotional trauma, PTSD, or related problems to seek out an EFT practitioner and give it a try. :)
This thread raised my curiosity so I Googled around and found a Wikipedia article on EFT. Not surprisingly, its the equivalent to alternative medicine. That is, its non-scientifically based... like chiropractic and homeopathy. These types of things are usually harmless enough when dealing with minor problems like colds and sinus stuffiness. For life threatening conditions like cancer I have no problems using laetrile or whatever whenever conventional medicine has nothing to offer.. like terminal cancer. Unfortunately it almost never works.
Jerry's family problem was like that terminal cancer case.. a serious condition that wasn't responding to conventional treatment. Of course, there are always lots of people who go to religious "healing" services and are cured of all sorts of ailments. They are jumping up and down jubilant and shouting hallelujah while at the revival meeting only to have symptoms return shortly thereafter. To determine if a treatment really works.. you HAVE to test it. Testimonies are not that reliable.
This thread raised my curiosity so I Googled around and found a Wikipedia article on EFT. Not surprisingly, its the equivalent to alternative medicine. That is, its non-scientifically based... like chiropractic and homeopathy. These types of things are usually harmless enough when dealing with minor problems like colds and sinus stuffiness. For life threatening conditions like cancer I have no problems using laetrile or whatever whenever conventional medicine has nothing to offer.. like terminal cancer. Unfortunately it almost never works.
Jerry's family problem was like that terminal cancer case.. a serious condition that wasn't responding to conventional treatment. Of course, there are always lots of people who go to religious "healing" services and are cured of all sorts of ailments. They are jumping up and down jubilant and shouting hallelujah while at the revival meeting only to have symptoms return shortly thereafter. To determine if a treatment really works.. you HAVE to test it. Testimonies are not that reliable.
HI SUDO! :-)
I have the same attitude. I've been through the natural remedies for cancer scene. My older brother died of cancer a few years ago. I sent him some essiac and Rieshi Mushroom, both of which are believed to cure it. He insisted on only using the herbs when he wasn't on chemotherapy or radiation, so it wasn't a valid test of homeopathy. He was diagnosed with about six months to live and lived for four so who knows? Maybe the herbs extended his life, maybe it was the radiation, chemo, etc.
What I do know is that the situation in our home has "stuck". That is, the problems have not resurfaced and it's been almost three full months now. If it was an emotional high akin to the revival spectacle you cite above, we'd know by know.
And by the way, one of the things I've experienced personally is the elimination of my allergy to animal dander. All my life I've had to wash my hands immediately after petting fur-bearin' varmints before touching my face. If I petted a dog and touched my face, my eyes would get terribly red, sore, and itchy. Not anymore.
One EFT session got rid of that. Again, it's been about three months. We have a dog and a guinea pig and I can pet them without worrying about it. Not a big deal, I know, but it is a form of physical deliverance.
I also use it instead of sinus headache medicine now. I used to get consistent sinus headaches. In Kentucky, they would require extra strength Advil or Tylenol and immediate bedrest. In Texas, they're much worse (there are a lot of people with severe sinus problems in this area) and could last for days no matter what I did or took.
I started to get one a few weeks ago and tapped instead of taking medicine. "Poof" it went away in minutes and stayed gone. I've done the same thing twice since then with the same results. Again, it's not on the same drama scale as being cured of a terminal illness, but it is physical healing without medicine and more effective.
So I say, I understand your skepticism, but don't knock it till you've tried it. :-)
The important thing is that things are much much better. Great. I'd stand on my head and scratch my butt if that was working too. But hey! Doncha' know? It wasn't EFT that helped.. it was all that god beseeching and tongue speaking that did it! Hee-hee!
I hang out but just don't post much any longer. So many folks come through here and then we never see them again only to be replaced with a new crowd. And then THEY disappear. Its the way of things, I guess.
I hang out but just don't post much any longer. So many folks come through here and then we never see them again only to be replaced with a new crowd. And then THEY disappear. Its the way of things, I guess.
Maybe more folks like us who never leave? For good anyways. Zizar posted several months back but only briefly. I guess once you've hashed and re-hashed all our experiences with Der Way it starts to get boring. I stick around to see how everybody's doing.
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I got to the button that said "Order 5 Star DVDs" ... and then I knew that it ain't free.
Nice try, but I think I'll pass on that 'green card', thank you very much.
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I'm not 'trying ANYTHING ' Garth.... did ya hit the FREE manuel download???????????
And maybe you missed the part where I said it was all in the manuel...... the videos just show someone using it.............
look... I am just putting this 'out there' not starting a new religion or anything.....
I am a massage therapist... and have shown this technique to several of my clients.. immediate results with migraine headaches and 'fibro' symptoms.
I have the cd's... if I had a way to copy them.. or knew how... I would send some of them to ya!
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Maybe its the way I present stuff...
As I re read my posts they do sound a bit loony tunes... BUT
Another poster... Too Grey Now.... referred to EFT and how helpful it was to him/her. I might be looney.. but Too Grey Now sounds like a very normal person.
You have to learn it somehow... you can learn it from the FREE download... or order the very inexpensive cds. Or e mail me.......... I 'll figure something out.
I just want to help... and there are some people here dealing with some really serious stuff.... this could be just one more tool to help. THAT is why I focused on the FREE part......
And of course.. the big disclaimer.. Its not for everybody. You don't have to 'believe' for it to be useful.... just be open to trying it!
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God first
Beloved Janet or 2life
God loves you my dear friend
Gary Craig was loving enough to send me the CD's free of no cost and its a great help
at the time I only had dial up and money was tight so I wrote and then they came without cost
I was blessed they are out to help and not to made money
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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That says a lot!
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If it isn't too personal, would you mind sharing what it helped you with 2life? I know that some things really are helped by acupuncture, and this looks similar to that. If it's too personal, just forget it.
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not too personal at all!!
First... its something I can give to my clients. its a tapping sequence. it does not have to be done 'right' for it to have an effect. It can be done anytime ... anywhere.
I can work my way into an anxiety attack pretty easily....... If you have ever had that feeling.. not a good thing. I tap. it works.
I was taking meds for high BP. I tap. I monitor it really well (now)..... 124/74 . BP meds were helpful.. but affect so many areas in a persons life. My hair was falling out. Changed meds... other stuff happened. Tapping seems to keep it under control.
I NEED to use it more for weight loss! When I tap .. I love my body.. eat right.... feel good. THEN.. For what ever reason.. I just stop. duh............
I had a woman on my massage table... started having a seizure (this was not a surprise).. I told her I was going to do something weird (she had never heard/done this before). I tapped for her. Seizure stopped. Now maybe it was going to stop on its own...timing is everything... but it gave ME something to offer!
I work p/t for an airline. This woman was in a full blown panic attack about getting on an airplane (one of the small CRJ's..). She had heard of EFT... never did it... was open to trying it. Got on that plane.
Mostly when I start getting nervous... turning multiple colors...
I can tap. very helpful.
I want to do more of the laughing work... ( )
but I am a wuss when I get in front of people. tapping helps!!! It was easy for me to be a clown (Silly Lilly)... had lots of 'whiteface' makeup on!
Gary Graig says tap for everything!! Just try it on everything. I often do not have the patience to work through issues... (humm... I could tap on that!)....
There used to be an archive on his web site... amazing. I went to one of his conferences in Chicago a few years back (yeah.. BIG bucks $50 day!). People from all over the world were there with stories to tell. He did an amazing thing.... many times at conferences there is a lot of ..well ego.... people are vying for attention and postion (hey look at me I have TWO Phd's... and use 50 million modalites... etc... ) Non of that happened there...... there was none of the EGO there... from the front stage...or in the e audiance. Ya had to be there to feel it.
Of course ... we were all sitting there tapping like fools!!
The key is... it offers the possibility to get the 'emotional charge' out of the way...
There are quite a few modalities out there that can do this... but it does not get any easier than this!
feel free to e mail me!!
Krysilis.. thanks for Asking!
Roy... you are wonderful! Thanks for sharing that.
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I downloaded the free manual a few years ago when you first brought this up and used it for a bit. It did help with whatever it was I was initially wanting help with (can't even remember now what it was), but then I got out of the habit of it and the manual has gotten buried in my reading basket at home.
Of course he can't give everything away for free and it's only the wise business man who wants to make some money for his time.
Funny this should come up because the past few weeks I've been saying to myself that I needed to get it back out again and start using it more.
I also subscribe to the free e-newsletters and have saved them, although, I haven't read them.
Roy, I'm so glad he's in it to help and as genuine as he seems. I'm really glad that he took care of you.
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BELLE!! Thats what happens to me!! When I use it.. it works well.... and then I just DON'T. Sometimes I wonder if I have a 'self-destruct' gene in me!!
I could be SKINNY by now!!
I get the free email also........and for the most part just delete it. Except the other day .. and then I went to his 'revised' website and saw the new video and got exceited again!
I think a lot of us from twi have a 'charge' on the money thing. It was almost our 'claim to fame'' that we were doing what we did for FREE. It made it somewhat noble or something. Of course... we rationalized why the pfal class had a fee attached to it.
Along those lines....... Avatar........truly a life experience.....worth every penny... big bucks.....AND ..there are some dynamic people making a great living while 'delivering' it. And they should.
(and there is a lot of free mini courses to download from that website also.)
There are people using/teaching EFT.... for a fee. I think it would be worth sitting down with an experienced practicner for a few sessions. Someone willing to follow the 'trail' so to speak.. and not let me get away with anything!
thats my 'ah ha'..... I need someone to Play with!! Mike does EFT... but that does not quite get it!! He does not see the greatness in the laughing stuff!
Thats my new primary.... Someone to Play with!!
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God first
Beloved bowtwi, and 2life and Belle
God loves you my dear friend
bowtwi - yes love saids alot
2life - your welcome
Belle - Im glad too
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Hi. I don't know if it's considered bad taste to resurrect an old thread but I just wanted to comment about EFT.
We had an ongoing problem in our family that necessitated psychotherapy, antidepressants, and at least two hospitalizations. It became a crisis a few months ago and we were in dire straits. We of course prayed and spoke in tongues fervently, but nothing seemed to work; including the meds and therapy.
A friend of Deb's told her about EFT and gave us the phone number of a local practitioner. To make a long, harrowing story short, we finally got together with him and tried the tapping procedure.
It was amazing, astonishing deliverance. Most would call it a miracle. Two EFT sessions obliterated years of deep depression, anxiety, panic attacks and "racing thoughts" (a condition a local psychiatrist had diagnosed as psychosis).
Three months later, the deliverance is still in place and there is no trace of the problems that had been so frustrating for so long. It's truly a remarkable process. Having now read the free manual, as well as a related book suggested on the EFT website, I'm inclined to think that perhaps this is what the Bible refers to as laying on of hands. Since this practice is related to accu-puncture, which is an ancient Oriental healing art, I wonder if Jesus and the Apostles didn't do this when they delivered people from physical, emotional, and/or spiritual problems.
I won't go into detail about who was delivered from what, but I will add that there are four of us in my family and all of us have used EFT successfully to treat everything from sinus headaches and allergies to the afore-metioned depression and such.
I don't really understand it. That is, I understand how it works, but it's so simple that it just doesn't seem to make sense. But work it does. I encourage anyone who's suffering from chronic pains, anxieties, depression, emotional trauma, PTSD, or related problems to seek out an EFT practitioner and give it a try. :)
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This thread raised my curiosity so I Googled around and found a Wikipedia article on EFT. Not surprisingly, its the equivalent to alternative medicine. That is, its non-scientifically based... like chiropractic and homeopathy. These types of things are usually harmless enough when dealing with minor problems like colds and sinus stuffiness. For life threatening conditions like cancer I have no problems using laetrile or whatever whenever conventional medicine has nothing to offer.. like terminal cancer. Unfortunately it almost never works.
Jerry's family problem was like that terminal cancer case.. a serious condition that wasn't responding to conventional treatment. Of course, there are always lots of people who go to religious "healing" services and are cured of all sorts of ailments. They are jumping up and down jubilant and shouting hallelujah while at the revival meeting only to have symptoms return shortly thereafter. To determine if a treatment really works.. you HAVE to test it. Testimonies are not that reliable.
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God first
thanks sudo
how can you test any illness?
because we all are dying
did EPT give hope or not
because the know treatments for cancer do not work
killing the white cells is nuts
EPT gives the person hope in some ways to handle things
because we all will die of something
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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And there was me, thinking you were talking about tap dancing....
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HI SUDO! :-)
I have the same attitude. I've been through the natural remedies for cancer scene. My older brother died of cancer a few years ago. I sent him some essiac and Rieshi Mushroom, both of which are believed to cure it. He insisted on only using the herbs when he wasn't on chemotherapy or radiation, so it wasn't a valid test of homeopathy. He was diagnosed with about six months to live and lived for four so who knows? Maybe the herbs extended his life, maybe it was the radiation, chemo, etc.
What I do know is that the situation in our home has "stuck". That is, the problems have not resurfaced and it's been almost three full months now. If it was an emotional high akin to the revival spectacle you cite above, we'd know by know.
And by the way, one of the things I've experienced personally is the elimination of my allergy to animal dander. All my life I've had to wash my hands immediately after petting fur-bearin' varmints before touching my face. If I petted a dog and touched my face, my eyes would get terribly red, sore, and itchy. Not anymore.
One EFT session got rid of that. Again, it's been about three months. We have a dog and a guinea pig and I can pet them without worrying about it. Not a big deal, I know, but it is a form of physical deliverance.
I also use it instead of sinus headache medicine now. I used to get consistent sinus headaches. In Kentucky, they would require extra strength Advil or Tylenol and immediate bedrest. In Texas, they're much worse (there are a lot of people with severe sinus problems in this area) and could last for days no matter what I did or took.
I started to get one a few weeks ago and tapped instead of taking medicine. "Poof" it went away in minutes and stayed gone. I've done the same thing twice since then with the same results. Again, it's not on the same drama scale as being cured of a terminal illness, but it is physical healing without medicine and more effective.
So I say, I understand your skepticism, but don't knock it till you've tried it. :-)
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The important thing is that things are much much better. Great. I'd stand on my head and scratch my butt if that was working too. But hey! Doncha' know? It wasn't EFT that helped.. it was all that god beseeching and tongue speaking that did it! Hee-hee!
sudo (glad that SOMETHING worked)
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God first
thanks sudo
you talk about God but who knows maybe God gives us the ability to heal ourself by dying to this world and moving to the next
I love you
with love and a holy kiss Roy
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HA! I was just looking for my EFT manual....
Jerry, so good to "see" you and hear that things are going well for you and yours! :)
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Thanks Belle!
Good to "See" you, Sudo, Garth, et al are still here hanging out at the cafe. :-)
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I hang out but just don't post much any longer. So many folks come through here and then we never see them again only to be replaced with a new crowd. And then THEY disappear. Its the way of things, I guess.
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Did you expect to see something differently?
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Hiya' you 'ole submariner!
Maybe more folks like us who never leave? For good anyways. Zizar posted several months back but only briefly. I guess once you've hashed and re-hashed all our experiences with Der Way it starts to get boring. I stick around to see how everybody's doing.
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I guess someone has to do it. :)
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True Dat. :-)
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