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Favorie Comic


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Our current fav is Jeff Dunham.

Steve! and I went to see him at the improv here near Chi-town last Friday (we'd bought the tickets MONTHS and MONTHS ago!!!). He is a ventriloquist who has won award after award, been on Comedy Central, Leno, Letterman, and various others, and has one dvd out titled: Jeff Dunham, Arguing with Myself.....it's a SCREAM!!!!!

His new dvd comes out soon....something in the title about insanity or some such idea as that.

He's AWESOME!!!!

Also love the Blue Collar Comedy Tour and a few others...

How bout YOU????

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Larry the Cable Guy. Without a doubt is one of the funniest men I have ever heard.

We have a truck here in town that has "Git Er Done!" in the back window. It kinda hides the gun rack. :biglaugh:

Is Reno, Nevada a Redneck hangout? Yup! Who woulda figured that one?

So then what comedian takes a close second? You guessed it Jeff Foxworthy.

Lucky for us we get to see them all as they tour the country, everybody whos somebody plays Nevada at one time or another.

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Love them Blue Collar guys!!!

Groucho....I watched some of Lewis Black on youtube.com, he's ok, I think I needta watch more to really appreciate him.

But ifn ya wanna see Jeff....here ya go.... just click on the link, it'll take you to youtube.com

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Larry the Cable Guy was here in town about a month ago. A couple of the clients at the group home wanted to go see him, but the cheapest ticket was $65.00. Too expensive for them, as well as for myself!

Richard Jeni is one of the funniest I've ever seen on stage.

There's many good ones out there, but RJ's delivery was best, bar none. :)

(may he RIP) --- :(

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I would SO love to see your guys attend some great comics, shows, etc...

I have set up an email for folks to make donations and specify where they donate.

Is this something that would help, dmiller?????

Thank you Cindy!, but no it wouldn't.

*My guys* can receive gifts, money, etc., from family members only.

Even as a staff member there at the house, I can't *donate* to them.

Even though I do buy them things (from time to time), it's all under the table.

They *make* about 92 bucks a month from Social Services for personal needs.

Any other incoming cash would hamper even that little bit that they realize monthly,

if it didn't follow the stringent guidlines that they are under. :(

But thanks for the offer, regardless. :)

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dmiller - could someone just donate some tickets???

Hiya Dooj. Yup -- tickets could be donated to the company. The company (DRCC) that runs this house (and about 35 others), would make them available to whomever (on a first come first served basis).

Nother words -- you would donate them to the company, and NOT to specific clients. Overall -- they would be enjoyed (I'm sure), but you would have no idea if the tickets got to the folks you might have intended it for.

The system sucks in certain ways, but is a viable system in others. Protection of the vulnerable adults is always at the forefront of companies like mine, because even though there are many GOOD folks out there (You, I, Cindy!, and many others), there are always those out there looking to take advantage of the clients, and sadly ---- it is because of those folks that the rules that be are now in place

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My favorite? Bob Nelson, hands down!

"Football is my life. If I did not play football, I would not be playin' football today......"

That's one of the few comedy routines that have reduced me to considerable hysterics the

first time I saw it- as in "unable to see the screen because I'm laughing so hard."

I can also DO that routine- but not NEARLY as well as Nelson.

George Carlin...

But it sorta freaks me out that he also narrates stories for Thomas the Tank Engine videos that my kids watch...

George Carlin's material in the 70s and 80s ranks among my favourite all-time comedy.

Carlin's material in the early 90s, not so much so, and I feel he's lost what made him

such a hysterically funny comedian since then.

Hands down...Lewis Black.

About the guy suing McDonalds because he didn't know it wasn't health food.


You didn't know

that FAT

fried in FAT

makes you FAT????"

The Blue Collar Comedy Tour actors in general, I find pretty funny.

Including Ron White, who often doesn't travel with it.

I can't even pick one or two favourites.

However, the late Mitch Hedberg is one of the more cerebrally funny comedians, IMHO.

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George Carlin...

But it sorta freaks me out that he also narrates stories for Thomas the Tank Engine videos that my kids watch...

I hear you Chas. I used to watch Thomas the Train with my daughter and wonder if the narrator was going to break into the "Seven Words You Can't Say On Television" routine. :biglaugh:

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