Yeah, Twi's corporate secret: No one on the field will truly "remain standing with twi" a lifetime.
Yep.. they CAN'T. Can only jump through hoops for so long before you wear out your "jumper"..
Too bad though. Those leaving, or planning to leave, may not have sufficient time to jump through the "world's" hoops to acquire any substantial wealth, or decent retirement.
Too bad also.. some of them have learned their "craft" quite well under rosie and donnie's "tutelage". Why work, just start another cult..
If TWI really has 40 mill plus then whoever has to sign off on money handling could just abort at any time. I hear Alan L**** is in business somewhere in CA and is doing well. Perhaps others see the writing on the wall.
Skyrider-Once again you have graced our lives-great topic.
That's a sore point with many of us. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
I'll take the "don't."
I'm still trying to make something of my life after twi. I, like many was tricked into investing all I had into twi's corporate scene.
Glad to see others have "busted the chains".
Polar Bear.....thanks.
Yeah, seven years of a "kindler, gentler twi" and corps leadership are STILL exiting! Hmmmm......guess it's not quite synonymous with the grace that is in Christ Jesus that the epistles highlight.
As long as Christ is preached, all of us Christians have a right to move on with our lives. The mog/mogette status in twi is SO........uhh, cultish.
Wierwille called all who left his ministry........cop outs.
Martindale yelled and called us....................greasespots.
What does Rosie and company label the exitees?
Even after all of wierwille's mistakes and martindale's yell-fests........hasn't rosie learned anything? Just seems like she's running things down the same manipulating road.
Twi's corporate secret is nothing more than OPPRESSION.....coming from an over-staffed, gluttenous outfit that has salaries and bills to pay.
Maybe........when twi gets rid of about 150 staff positions at hq AND travels out to field locations to genuinely serve, pray and minister to those who love God AND squelches their arrogant and puffed-up self-importance status AND learns to walk with the Christ as lord...............then, just maybe this oppression will stop.
Until then, long-standing believers will continue to leave the confines of this ungodly corporation.
In my opinion, twi has a corporate secret: No one on the field will truly "remain standing with twi" throughout their lifetime in the eyes of twi's contempt. Why do I say this? Because, as twi defines "standing" or "committed" embodies the concept of faithfully witnessing, abundant sharing, attending fellowships and classes, constantly keeping step with the present truth (cough, cough) and embracing an adulation of youthful bliss. So, unless one dies suddenly and thus, prematurely it's quite certain that twi's bod will scoff at their "commitment" in their elderly years.
The policy of people as DISPOSABLE was begun with vpw, and has continued to this day.
Most of the people don't see THEMSELVES as disposable, which means when the FIND THAT OUT,
it causes conflict.
Further, the "present truth" is a continually-moving-goalpost, and twi drones have to keep moving continually
to keep hitting it, and that means they have to just embrace EVERY thing that comes out of twi
even if it contradicts what came out of twi YESTERDAY. Eventually, most people either notice it and
get tired of it, or get sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Finally, getting older and not being on the bod is frowned-upon by twi, which means that eventually
twi will disapprove of you for the sin of getting older, and for doing ANYTHING OTHER THAN JUST
As the years quickly pass by, it seems more and more apparent that twi is grasping at the wind in its attempts to hold onto its followers. Their desire to exploit their followers as merchandise is CONSTANT CONVERSATION on the internet i.e. Greasespot Cafe. And, without a charismatic leader, twi has NO appeal. It's policies and mundane teachings are transparent to the aging followers.
Of course, some followers have been successfully conditioned to NEVER THINK,
which means the blindingly obvious is still not visible to them even if transparent.
Everyone else, the information is at their fingertips.
For which I will be among the many that will take a bow.
The love of God does NOT abide at the trustee/director level in twi. A competitive and manipulative environment is fostered by twi's leadership and is core to way corps teachings. The marching orders of the day are to keep step with the directors' policies.....of which, they themselves do NOT live.
True, UNChristian, and nonsensical.
Small wonder that those who CAN think eventually "jump ship."
In reading through the Friend Tracker Forum.......ANOTHER region/limb coordinator (and wife) walks away from this gluttenous cult and strikes out on his own in a brave move. Yep, even in this "kinder and gentler ministry" H@yward and N@ncy Ch@ppell (sp?) are disassociating themselves from their "embrace."
Where have I seen this pattern before???........from Region Limb Branch coordinator....... to secular NO twi involvement!
Yeah, Twi's corporate secret: No one on the field will truly "remain standing with twi" a lifetime. But, in actuality I tend to think that MANY of the corps leadership are busy planning their LIFETIME without twi.
Thank you Paw.......Greasespot continues to awaken those in cultic slumber.
And that's one thing that gives me a warm feeling, even in winter.
The policy of people as DISPOSABLE was begun with vpw, and has continued to this day.
Most of the people don't see THEMSELVES as disposable, which means when the FIND THAT OUT,
it causes conflict.
Further, the "present truth" is a continually-moving-goalpost, and twi drones have to keep moving continually
to keep hitting it, and that means they have to just embrace EVERY thing that comes out of twi
even if it contradicts what came out of twi YESTERDAY. Eventually, most people either notice it and
get tired of it, or get sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Finally, getting older and not being on the bod is frowned-upon by twi, which means that eventually
twi will disapprove of you for the sin of getting older, and for doing ANYTHING OTHER THAN JUST
Of course, some followers have been successfully conditioned to NEVER THINK,
which means the blindingly obvious is still not visible to them even if transparent.
Everyone else, the information is at their fingertips.
For which I will be among the many that will take a bow.
True, UNChristian, and nonsensical.
Small wonder that those who CAN think eventually "jump ship."
And that's one thing that gives me a warm feeling, even in winter.
(That and chili.)
It seems to me that those who've been successfully conditioned to NEVER THINK......fall into two categories: 1) sold out leadership with vested interests and bod accolades (like the Moneyhands) or 2) hq staffers that have a cushy job and indulge themselves in self-importance for working at this spiritual epicenter where devil spirits work night and day to viciously attack.
After all, when former REGION COORDINATORS want no more involvement with twi it sends a ripple effect throughout the whole corporation.....and jolts a few into CONSTRUCTIVE THINKING. I know that when my wife and I disassociated with twi, I had many phones calls from near and far who wanted to know why the "sudden" change of direction.
I concur, Skyrider, yet another excellent thread by you.
I was happy to see that H@yward and N@ncy left too. It's no doubt a scary step, especially for folks who have devoted so much of their lives to TWI and doubly because they walk away with absolutely nothing to show for it.
If it weren't for Boob and Dooty's inheritances they would be looking at a miserable time in their sunset years - in or out. As it is, thankfully their parents were much smarter than they, themselves are. They just won't have much to pass on to their own flesh & blood because of the choices they've made to cover for those wolves in sheep clothing.
If they were really smart, they'd encourage Bri@n to get back out into the "real" world and get a "real" job with benefits, a retirement plan, job security and control over his own money, time, family and life.
Even TWI's laughable retirement plan requires, what, 20 years or something absurd like that before one is fully vested? That gives TWI a very easy way to ensure that nobody collects on those funds.
Expendable people - that's all people are to them..... and don't think that just because you *think* you're near the top of the food chain that you're protected.
Haven't the Horn3y's been doing some "side" work? Trying to bolster the college fund for the kids? The nest egg? Working toward actually getting "real" jobs and really doing something worthwhile with their lives?
the term "institutionalized" is often used to describe those persons who have spent so many years of their lives in prison, mental health facilities or similar surroundings that they are incapable of surviving outside of those walls. It has almost nothing to do with health, and abilities and almost everything to do with the form the thought prosesses and mental workings of the brain have become over years of being expossed to the particular environment.
It seems to me , that in some cases, those who have been in TWI for decades may have in fact become "institutionalzed". For them it isn't a matter of will power, or anylitical thinking, it is a matter of what their brain is now capable of managing in terms of living outside the walls of TWI.
the term "institutionalized" is often used to describe those persons who have spent so many years of their lives in prison, mental health facilities or similar surroundings that they are incapable of surviving outside of those walls. It has almost nothing to do with health, and abilities and almost everything to do with the form the thought prosesses and mental workings of the brain have become over years of being expossed to the particular environment.
It seems to me , that in some cases, those who have been in TWI for decades may have in fact become "institutionalzed". For them it isn't a matter of will power, or anylitical thinking, it is a matter of what their brain is now capable of managing in terms of living outside the walls of TWI.
So true.
And, in terms of thought seems to me that twi's definition of "standing" or "committed" is far-removed from the pro-active mindset and spiritual stamina of the Apostle Paul. Clearly, he didn't just sit around Jerusalem and institute more policies and bonk the girls. Nor did he sip his drambuie and coffee throughout the day while he met with his leadership. And, his walking by the faith of Jesus Christ was in demonstration of God's power and not just cliches and zig ziglar motivational speaking.
Twi's version of "standing on God's Word" is an INSTITUTIONAL VERSION of wierwille's cut-n-paste that has been propounded from day one.
Throughout his presidency, Wierwille was considered the spiritual apex of walking with God.....and yet, a cancer devil spirit sent him packing to digger o'del.
"Institutionalized". I love it.Could I add "lobotomized" too.
Every time I hear the word institutionalized, I think of this song which it won't let me imbed, so here's the link:
Which really kind of fits for twi, too, now that I think about it, especially for us who were raised in it... ALL I WANTED WAS A PEPSI!!! AND SHE WOULDN'T GIVE IT TO ME!!!
But, in actuality I tend to think that MANY of the corps leadership are busy planning their LIFETIME without twi.
Hi Skyrider! Love to the family. I agree with this quote from your original post. But for many of them it is a little too late. Some were just deceived and became lifers. Others IMO were lazy. Still others are simply losers who may not have ever amounted to anything anywhere.
I am so glad I decided on a "life outside TWI" way back in the mid to late 70's. Though I went through the Corps and all the programs before, during and after it and stood "faithfully" for over 25 years, I always kept myself somewhat distanced mentally from the sold out total commitment aspect. I was rebellious privately the whole time. Frankly I had tremendous fun breaking some serious rules and deliberately disobeying. It kept me on track. I found others like me who could give a sheitt yet were stil in the Corps. (Excathedra are u reading?) They were the fun ones. Oh, the stories we could tell!
Anyway, forward to life on the field. I said "fuuk em" and did what I wanted and went where I wanted and worked were I wanted. I became self employed washing windows. I PURPOSELY went into debt buying real estate in the 80's, rental propereties. I enrolled in college. I never became a Branch Leader or above even thoug I was asked.
Amazingly it took them until 2000 to kick us out. I think they kept us around because we were prosperous and had a nice house, etc. Special treatment. Bob Moneyhands and Paul Gixxles treated us like crap and criticized us for having debt. They were soooooo dumb and dumber. And Rev. Bill Greexn told me I should leave my business and take a new assignment or go full time Corps. I laughed in his face.
As my manner was, I ignored them and enjoyed my good debts. Screw what God's Word said. I was right and it was wrong. There....I said it! There were no mutual funds in the bible.
Having started on the field with nothing when I came here after graduating from the Corps in 1979, I am now ........well....very happy.
Last year a huge company bought my 60 employee company for a very large sum. And all that evil real estate debt we were hounded about and yelled at about for years???? It's all gone. That happened when we sold it all recently for triple and quadruple what we paid including our primary residence. Debt free on my own terms, not theirs which would have cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Now I am free to take on a new assignment......ha, ha. Maybe I will be a rover in a nice big motorhome traveling around the coutry visiting all those hard working Limb and Region Leaders on their menial jobs trying to play catch up working into their graves.
Thank you God, for giving me revelation to ignore their revelation.
But, in actuality I tend to think that MANY of the corps leadership are busy planning their LIFETIME without twi.
Hi Skyrider! Love to the family. I agree with this quote from your original post. But for many of them it is a little too late. Some were just deceived and became lifers. Others IMO were lazy. Still others are simply losers who may not have ever amounted to anything anywhere.
I am so glad I decided on a "life outside TWI" way back in the mid to late 70's. Though I went through the Corps and all the programs before, during and after it and stood "faithfully" for over 25 years, I always kept myself somewhat distanced mentally from the sold out total commitment aspect.
Always good to see your input on GS. And, someday if you and your family are passing through our fair city, please stop in.
I suppose, like any organization, there are the hard-core, aggressors.....the moderately-committed individuals and the deadend losers who slither their way through in a variety of ways. Guess I just didn't see this thing as an iron-clad organization with politics and inner-circle secrets and brown-nosers and sloppy promotions.
Silly me......I thought we were being trained to be disciples of the Lord and follow His lead. Heck, I even signed up for the corps training thinking that it was a FOUR-YEAR PROGRAM. It was not apparent to me that the board of trustees were attempting to keep their hooks in me a lifetime with new assignements every three years.
Wierwille stayed intoxicated by his own pride and stumbled through the darkness of his own doing. He chose to see "right" in his own eyes and walked away from the Lord. Today, his "ministry" has all the markings of a Branch Davidian cult with an isolated/compound mentality. Even the innies are embarrassed to witness and bring others to this pathetic existence.
Thankfully.....and hopefully, I'll have another thirty-some years to enjoy my freedom from cults.
In hindsight, P**l G*les found out how concerned twi was with his finances. They dropped him off of "full time" status after many years receiving their check. He didn't want that. Had daughters in college, and had to go find a job (selling cars I believe). Eventually, his wife developed a skill working with that "auto cad" stuff, sent him back to school full time for his degree. From what I heard, he swore that he would never go back to full time again, even if they begged. He got a taste of the freedom.......
Ha, ha. Me too. I went into the Corps fully expecting it to be a 3 year "stepping stone" experience then move on with my life outside the total sold out commitment to TWI.
We were told the Corps was for training twig leaders. I never wanted anything more than that. It wasn't until I was entrenched that I was getting the gist that you put the ministry before anything and that you live and die the program forever.
Not me! It felt like it was idolatry or bibliolatry at best.
"Fundamentalist evangelicals violate this basic principle every time the put the printed Bible ahead of God, ahead of Christ, or ahead of the Holy Spirit. The belief in the infallability of the printed Bible may be the worst heresy to affect the church today."
"As the old hymn says, "the Church's one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord." The Bible is our primary source for knowledge about Christ, but it is not our foundation."
Forward to 1999? were given an ultimatem to either drop everything, sell your businesses, sell your homes, move and be full time Corps (very bad decision) or get kicked out.
I'm extremely glad I did not listen to that false and extremely bad advice.
It cost some dearly. Some may never recover. Indeed, it reminds me of a cult.
This whole thing sounds so much like Fellowlaborers, it's creepy.
Our program was miniscule in comparison.
We only graduated about 50 per year.
There is only one other FLO that I know of that even posts here.(her hubby was FLO, also)
We were supposed to commit ourselves to a total immersion type training program for 2 years and then return to our home areas as twig leaders, etc., even though I had already functioned at that level before becoming FLO.
That was all I really wanted when I signed up. (To become a better leader for the people in the area I lived in.)
We were promised an in-depth teaching of The Book Of Acts. Riiiight!
Instead, we lived in a commune, had very little truly academic training and subjected ourselves to a grueling schedule of mundane chores and meeting after meeting where we were constantly chastised for not living up to our "true potential".
On the plus side, I learned to make my own mayo from scratch and sprout mung beans and alfalfa, both being quite useful skills to possess as leaders of God's people. Ouch! I think I just bit my tongue.
When the 2 years were finished, our home areas had changed so much we might as well have just moved to Mars.
Even TWI's laughable retirement plan requires, what, 20 years or something absurd like that before one is fully vested? That gives TWI a very easy way to ensure that nobody collects on those funds.
Well............some hq staffers have sat in those offices for 20+ years.
To name a few.......Jox & Lindx Cxxlter, N@ncy Hxxrnx, J0hn & Vxckx Reyn0lds, McCullxxghx, Cxyles, etc. etc. So many of these people locked into their hq positions and spent very little time on the field. And, of course twi really likes those single, committed individuals who don't mind living in tight quarters and five changes of clothes. I never did figure out why many of them "needed" the corps training to simply stay in an isolated office job a lifetime.
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Yep.. they CAN'T. Can only jump through hoops for so long before you wear out your "jumper"..
Too bad though. Those leaving, or planning to leave, may not have sufficient time to jump through the "world's" hoops to acquire any substantial wealth, or decent retirement.
Too bad also.. some of them have learned their "craft" quite well under rosie and donnie's "tutelage". Why work, just start another cult..
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now, i want to know how the board of trustees / directors do in those categories listed above....
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polar bear
Skyrider-Once again you have graced our lives-great topic.
That's a sore point with many of us. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
I'll take the "don't."
I'm still trying to make something of my life after twi. I, like many was tricked into investing all I had into twi's corporate scene.
Glad to see others have "busted the chains".
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If TWI really has 40 mill plus then whoever has to sign off on money handling could just abort at any time. I hear Alan L**** is in business somewhere in CA and is doing well. Perhaps others see the writing on the wall.
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Polar Bear.....thanks.
Yeah, seven years of a "kindler, gentler twi" and corps leadership are STILL exiting! Hmmmm......guess it's not quite synonymous with the grace that is in Christ Jesus that the epistles highlight.
As long as Christ is preached, all of us Christians have a right to move on with our lives. The mog/mogette status in twi is SO........uhh, cultish.
Wierwille called all who left his ministry........cop outs.
Martindale yelled and called us....................greasespots.
What does Rosie and company label the exitees?
Even after all of wierwille's mistakes and martindale's yell-fests........hasn't rosie learned anything? Just seems like she's running things down the same manipulating road.
Amazingly pathetic.
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Amen, Skyrider.
I always appreciate your thoughts. Thank you.
At one time I when H & A were ready to walk, N told me at HQ that I had convinced her to stay.
I am so happy to hear they found THE WAY OUT!
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Twi's corporate secret is nothing more than OPPRESSION.....coming from an over-staffed, gluttenous outfit that has salaries and bills to pay.
Maybe........when twi gets rid of about 150 staff positions at hq AND travels out to field locations to genuinely serve, pray and minister to those who love God AND squelches their arrogant and puffed-up self-importance status AND learns to walk with the Christ as lord...............then, just maybe this oppression will stop.
Until then, long-standing believers will continue to leave the confines of this ungodly corporation.
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The policy of people as DISPOSABLE was begun with vpw, and has continued to this day.
Most of the people don't see THEMSELVES as disposable, which means when the FIND THAT OUT,
it causes conflict.
Further, the "present truth" is a continually-moving-goalpost, and twi drones have to keep moving continually
to keep hitting it, and that means they have to just embrace EVERY thing that comes out of twi
even if it contradicts what came out of twi YESTERDAY. Eventually, most people either notice it and
get tired of it, or get sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Finally, getting older and not being on the bod is frowned-upon by twi, which means that eventually
twi will disapprove of you for the sin of getting older, and for doing ANYTHING OTHER THAN JUST
Of course, some followers have been successfully conditioned to NEVER THINK,which means the blindingly obvious is still not visible to them even if transparent.
Everyone else, the information is at their fingertips.
For which I will be among the many that will take a bow.
True, UNChristian, and nonsensical.
Small wonder that those who CAN think eventually "jump ship."
And that's one thing that gives me a warm feeling, even in winter.
(That and chili.)
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It seems to me that those who've been successfully conditioned to NEVER THINK......fall into two categories: 1) sold out leadership with vested interests and bod accolades (like the Moneyhands) or 2) hq staffers that have a cushy job and indulge themselves in self-importance for working at this spiritual epicenter where devil spirits work night and day to viciously attack.
After all, when former REGION COORDINATORS want no more involvement with twi it sends a ripple effect throughout the whole corporation.....and jolts a few into CONSTRUCTIVE THINKING. I know that when my wife and I disassociated with twi, I had many phones calls from near and far who wanted to know why the "sudden" change of direction.
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I was happy to see that H@yward and N@ncy left too. It's no doubt a scary step, especially for folks who have devoted so much of their lives to TWI and doubly because they walk away with absolutely nothing to show for it.
If it weren't for Boob and Dooty's inheritances they would be looking at a miserable time in their sunset years - in or out. As it is, thankfully their parents were much smarter than they, themselves are. They just won't have much to pass on to their own flesh & blood because of the choices they've made to cover for those wolves in sheep clothing.
If they were really smart, they'd encourage Bri@n to get back out into the "real" world and get a "real" job with benefits, a retirement plan, job security and control over his own money, time, family and life.
Even TWI's laughable retirement plan requires, what, 20 years or something absurd like that before one is fully vested? That gives TWI a very easy way to ensure that nobody collects on those funds.
Expendable people - that's all people are to them..... and don't think that just because you *think* you're near the top of the food chain that you're protected.
Haven't the Horn3y's been doing some "side" work? Trying to bolster the college fund for the kids? The nest egg? Working toward actually getting "real" jobs and really doing something worthwhile with their lives?
One can only hope.
Edited by BelleLink to comment
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the term "institutionalized" is often used to describe those persons who have spent so many years of their lives in prison, mental health facilities or similar surroundings that they are incapable of surviving outside of those walls. It has almost nothing to do with health, and abilities and almost everything to do with the form the thought prosesses and mental workings of the brain have become over years of being expossed to the particular environment.
It seems to me , that in some cases, those who have been in TWI for decades may have in fact become "institutionalzed". For them it isn't a matter of will power, or anylitical thinking, it is a matter of what their brain is now capable of managing in terms of living outside the walls of TWI.
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ain't that the truth, WW
Edited by excathedraLink to comment
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So true.
And, in terms of thought seems to me that twi's definition of "standing" or "committed" is far-removed from the pro-active mindset and spiritual stamina of the Apostle Paul. Clearly, he didn't just sit around Jerusalem and institute more policies and bonk the girls. Nor did he sip his drambuie and coffee throughout the day while he met with his leadership. And, his walking by the faith of Jesus Christ was in demonstration of God's power and not just cliches and zig ziglar motivational speaking.
Twi's version of "standing on God's Word" is an INSTITUTIONAL VERSION of wierwille's cut-n-paste that has been propounded from day one.
Throughout his presidency, Wierwille was considered the spiritual apex of walking with God.....and yet, a cancer devil spirit sent him packing to digger o'del.
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polar bear
"Institutionalized". I love it.
Could I add "lobotomized" too.
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But, in actuality I tend to think that MANY of the corps leadership are busy planning their LIFETIME without twi.
Hi Skyrider! Love to the family. I agree with this quote from your original post. But for many of them it is a little too late. Some were just deceived and became lifers. Others IMO were lazy. Still others are simply losers who may not have ever amounted to anything anywhere.
I am so glad I decided on a "life outside TWI" way back in the mid to late 70's. Though I went through the Corps and all the programs before, during and after it and stood "faithfully" for over 25 years, I always kept myself somewhat distanced mentally from the sold out total commitment aspect. I was rebellious privately the whole time. Frankly I had tremendous fun breaking some serious rules and deliberately disobeying. It kept me on track. I found others like me who could give a sheitt yet were stil in the Corps. (Excathedra are u reading?) They were the fun ones. Oh, the stories we could tell!
Anyway, forward to life on the field. I said "fuuk em" and did what I wanted and went where I wanted and worked were I wanted. I became self employed washing windows. I PURPOSELY went into debt buying real estate in the 80's, rental propereties. I enrolled in college. I never became a Branch Leader or above even thoug I was asked.
Amazingly it took them until 2000 to kick us out. I think they kept us around because we were prosperous and had a nice house, etc. Special treatment. Bob Moneyhands and Paul Gixxles treated us like crap and criticized us for having debt. They were soooooo dumb and dumber. And Rev. Bill Greexn told me I should leave my business and take a new assignment or go full time Corps. I laughed in his face.
As my manner was, I ignored them and enjoyed my good debts. Screw what God's Word said. I was right and it was wrong. There....I said it! There were no mutual funds in the bible.
Having started on the field with nothing when I came here after graduating from the Corps in 1979, I am now ........well....very happy.
Last year a huge company bought my 60 employee company for a very large sum. And all that evil real estate debt we were hounded about and yelled at about for years???? It's all gone. That happened when we sold it all recently for triple and quadruple what we paid including our primary residence. Debt free on my own terms, not theirs which would have cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Now I am free to take on a new assignment......ha, ha.
Maybe I will be a rover in a nice big motorhome traveling around the coutry visiting all those hard working Limb and Region Leaders on their menial jobs trying to play catch up working into their graves.
Thank you God, for giving me revelation to ignore their revelation.
John R.
Tampa, FL
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Always good to see your input on GS. And, someday if you and your family are passing through our fair city, please stop in.
I suppose, like any organization, there are the hard-core, aggressors.....the moderately-committed individuals and the deadend losers who slither their way through in a variety of ways. Guess I just didn't see this thing as an iron-clad organization with politics and inner-circle secrets and brown-nosers and sloppy promotions.
Silly me......I thought we were being trained to be disciples of the Lord and follow His lead. Heck, I even signed up for the corps training thinking that it was a FOUR-YEAR PROGRAM. It was not apparent to me that the board of trustees were attempting to keep their hooks in me a lifetime with new assignements every three years.
Wierwille stayed intoxicated by his own pride and stumbled through the darkness of his own doing. He chose to see "right" in his own eyes and walked away from the Lord. Today, his "ministry" has all the markings of a Branch Davidian cult with an isolated/compound mentality. Even the innies are embarrassed to witness and bring others to this pathetic existence.
Thankfully.....and hopefully, I'll have another thirty-some years to enjoy my freedom from cults.
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In hindsight, P**l G*les found out how concerned twi was with his finances. They dropped him off of "full time" status after many years receiving their check. He didn't want that. Had daughters in college, and had to go find a job (selling cars I believe). Eventually, his wife developed a skill working with that "auto cad" stuff, sent him back to school full time for his degree. From what I heard, he swore that he would never go back to full time again, even if they begged. He got a taste of the freedom.......
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Ha, ha. Me too. I went into the Corps fully expecting it to be a 3 year "stepping stone" experience then move on with my life outside the total sold out commitment to TWI.
We were told the Corps was for training twig leaders. I never wanted anything more than that. It wasn't until I was entrenched that I was getting the gist that you put the ministry before anything and that you live and die the program forever.
Not me! It felt like it was idolatry or bibliolatry at best.
Article on Bibliolatry
"Fundamentalist evangelicals violate this basic principle every time the put the printed Bible ahead of God, ahead of Christ, or ahead of the Holy Spirit. The belief in the infallability of the printed Bible may be the worst heresy to affect the church today."
"As the old hymn says, "the Church's one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord." The Bible is our primary source for knowledge about Christ, but it is not our foundation."
Forward to 1999? were given an ultimatem to either drop everything, sell your businesses, sell your homes, move and be full time Corps (very bad decision) or get kicked out.
I'm extremely glad I did not listen to that false and extremely bad advice.
It cost some dearly. Some may never recover. Indeed, it reminds me of a cult.
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This whole thing sounds so much like Fellowlaborers, it's creepy.
Our program was miniscule in comparison.
We only graduated about 50 per year.
There is only one other FLO that I know of that even posts here.(her hubby was FLO, also)
We were supposed to commit ourselves to a total immersion type training program for 2 years and then return to our home areas as twig leaders, etc., even though I had already functioned at that level before becoming FLO.
That was all I really wanted when I signed up. (To become a better leader for the people in the area I lived in.)
We were promised an in-depth teaching of The Book Of Acts. Riiiight!
Instead, we lived in a commune, had very little truly academic training and subjected ourselves to a grueling schedule of mundane chores and meeting after meeting where we were constantly chastised for not living up to our "true potential".
On the plus side, I learned to make my own mayo from scratch and sprout mung beans and alfalfa, both being quite useful skills to possess as leaders of God's people. Ouch! I think I just bit my tongue.
When the 2 years were finished, our home areas had changed so much we might as well have just moved to Mars.
Sorry---Guess I got a bit off topic.
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Well............some hq staffers have sat in those offices for 20+ years.
To name a few.......Jox & Lindx Cxxlter, N@ncy Hxxrnx, J0hn & Vxckx Reyn0lds, McCullxxghx, Cxyles, etc. etc. So many of these people locked into their hq positions and spent very little time on the field. And, of course twi really likes those single, committed individuals who don't mind living in tight quarters and five changes of clothes. I never did figure out why many of them "needed" the corps training to simply stay in an isolated office job a lifetime.
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and not to mention, young, and NO HEALTH PROBLEMS.
They have been known to turn out staffers that are advancing in years, and present a health "liability".
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Well that would help to grease the WAY wouldn't it???
****irresistable impulse atttack!!!!!
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I was asked to locate this thread for someone who lurks here. :)
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