My avatar is of course, Zonker from Doonesbury. That guy is so cool, and a total riot. Oh yeah, he's a slacker, but he's a slacker with a big heart. :B)
I used to have no avatar until I decided I don't care who knows who FreeAtLast is. My avatar is my personal statement that I stand behind my words and my opinions and even though I still have a family member in the Way, I don't care. Let him know I post out here. Let those with whom I was once acquainted know I commiserate with those who have also left the Way. My Avatar is ME.
Mine is one of the most famous/ recognizeable fiddles in the world, seriously.
It belonged to Vassar Clements, a great jazz/ fusion/ bluegrass fiddler.
For a brief moment in time, back in the early 1970's --- I had it all to myself.
Vassar and his band came to town to play a gig at a local bar/ music venue.
I had seen pics of his fiddle, and when they took their first break of the evening,
I went up to him and asked him about it.
He and I talked a bit about it, and then he said (and I QUOTE!!) :
"Here. Take a look at it. I need to get a drink!"
With that statement, he handed me both his fiddle, and his bow,
and headed to the bar!!!
That wouldn't happen these days, but back then there was more trust (or something).
So -- he went to the bar, and left me holding a fiddle (probably) made by:
GASPAR DUIFFOPRUGCAR (which) if it is an original, was made over 500 years ago. This has not been proven unequivically, but the antiquity of that violin has scholars agreeing that it is at least 300 years old, and *probably* older.
Yea. You bet I *plunked* on it. I felt unworthy, but it was something I had to do!! :D
He (Vassar) came back from the bar after a bit, and re-claimed the thing.
Never saw him again in concert, after that night.
Heard him many a time on the radio, and on records/ and cd's.
He never played any other fiddle than the one he gave to me to look at,
that night back in the 1970's, in Indiana, at a bar, while he went to get a drink.
Sadly -- Vassar passed away in 2005.
This is the back of that fiddle ---
Here's a pic of the front of it ---
I chose the peghead for my avatar, because it looks a bit like I do,
and is my tribute to a man who helped shape the world of music ---
When I started at Waydale in 2000, no one had yet adoped the dopey little black cat gif avitar.
Chas, is there a place here with avatars to choose from? Never knew it existed. If so, where is it?
Right after joining GSC, Sudo sent me an e-valentine that had my avatar on it. I've always adored cherubs, so asked him to make it my avatar. I had wanted something to do with water, cruising, islands, but couldn't find a picture I really liked, so when I received my valentine from my sweetie, I adopted it instead.
My current one is the great west Rose Window at the Cathedral Of St. John The Divine in New York City, which I could write on for hours but will spare you.
It was the very first stained glass window that I ever saw when I was about 7 .Having never been in a church, never mind a massive cathedral it had an enormous impact on me. I had never quite seen a window like that!. The 40 feet across kaleidoscopic colors set in stone transported me to somewhere else for a moment, which was the first time I ever remeber anything like that happening.
Somehow years later I ended up being a stained glass window maker and later met the man who made it, who by then was 103, who told me his story of seeing his first window which was very similar.
I have been lucky enough to restore some sections of it
No pictures can do it justice
To me (ymmv)its a timeless piece of art, and still a guiding star.
I loved Catcup's lurking cat's eyes avitar, and ex-twi's steaming cup of coffee. Those avitars will always be linked with those people. And that's what I was looking for: something that would be uniquely part of TheHighWay... something that captured my personality.
But that caused me to spend a lot of time looking, because I tend to be a perfectionist, and I couldn't find just the right one. I have a lot of different sides to my personality, so sometimes a tiger or jaguar seemed like the right avatar, and sometimes an American flag, and sometimes a cute kitten or a funny looking frog. And I like moving avatars, but sometimes the repetition gets annoying.... oh, what to do? what to do?
And then I ran across this picture and I knew I had to use it. It is just so very "me".
Common but uncommon. Serious but silly. Industrious but goofing. Cute and cuddly looking but not someone you want to back into a corner. Yup, that's me.
Twinky… (Twinkletoes) arrived as a tiny kitten, so tiny he could sit on the palm of a hand. He was just on my doorstep one evening. He strolled in and out at he felt like it, visiting not just me but many neighbours, but finally settled with me and next door. When she moved into a care home, he became mine to care for, fulltime.
Twinkletoes arrived a year or so after I got M&A’d. I was so messed about that I could hardly speak to people. I knew I needed something to love – an animal seemed a good idea, I simply couldn’t handle being with people (and they couldn’t handle the weirdo that I’d become) – and so his arrival was perfect timing. A Godsend, without doubt?
He is now a huge sleek critter and obviously has a chunk of Siamese in him. He has the Siamese sort of build and can be quite vocal at times. He’s wary of people, but when he knows you he's very affectionate, tactile, totally endearing, occasionally skittish, loves company and follows you around. He loves being outside, is partial to sunshine and curry, and catches lots of rats. You can't make him do anything, but if you're kind he finds unique ways to let you know how much he enjoys being with you.
(So he's kinda like me... but the rats are humans.)
As to what that says about me…? I just wanted an anonymous sort of handle for the Café and chose the name Twinky. Then when I was sharing the black cat with Chas and it caused some confusion, I thought I’d see if a nice Twinky picture would suit instead.
So maybe the avatar says that I’m willing to give place, or fit in with others - or maybe just that I like my cat.
Interesting thread, this. There are some people I'd love to hear about.
I had a pic of me in a hat that Linda Z had given me for about 3 years. Recently hubby and I bought our first Jaguar so I decided to change to that, even though I miss seeing me most every day in the gorgeous hat!!!!!!!
I have been playing racquetball for about 17 years and have been playing in competitive tournaments for many years. For the past 3 years I have been one of ProKennex's sponsored players. My avitar is the logo for the United States Amature Racquetball Association.
Walter Brennen: “Dagnabit – I had that look first, on the Real McCoys! Who does that young whipper snapper think he is anyway!”
Gabby Hayes: “Don’t believe either one of these jokers – I started that look – I wish you could see it in the original.”
Dr. Seuss: “I do not like that hat on your head. I think it looks like a loaf of bread. Why don’t you try a party hat, a lampshade, a toaster or a Siamese Cat.”
Mini Me: “I wish he was someone I could look up to.”
Momma T-Bone: “Now young man, you get back in here right now and finish your porridge or you’re not getting any Twinkies.”
I do get to where I associate certain people with their avatar and it's confusing when someone else starts using it. Like The Highway, I have always loved Catcup's avatar. It suits her perfectly and when she started using it I thought, "YES!" On another message board I frequent a gal started using Catcup's avatar and it was so difficult for me. At first I thought, "Wow, I didn't know Catcup came here." Then, "That's not Catcup and this woman is nothing like Catcup. Why the heck is she using HER avatar?" Knowing darn well that gal had never heard of GSpot or TWI. It still bothered me to no end that she was using Catcup's avatar.
Socks and his Calvin avatar - Fits him to a "T" - Silly, mischevious, loveable.... I have to double-check the poster now that Sprawled uses a Calvin & Hobbes one as well.
Tom Strange - Can't look at his without smiling.
excathedra - that's just her to me.... sweet, beautiful, classic.
I've loved Sushi's through the years.
Mine is Scarlett O'Hara. When I got out of TWI and got divorced I wanted to start over with a new handle. It wasn't important to hide my identity any longer, but I don't necessarily want to advertise who I am either. I knew right away I wanted Scarlett. She's plucky. She's Southern, strong, resourceful, fiercely defends her family and loved ones, tenacious..... all the things I wish I were. Despite her flaws, which I suppose I probably relate to all too well, she is a character I much admire.
Thanks a million and one to Paw for his endless photo re-sizing and opinions helping me choose the perfect image of her for my avatar.
I always liked penguins as a tween/teen--especially Opus. But Opus was never overjoyed by something. So I found my happy, free, dancing penguin and it seemed to fit once leaving twi. Before I was depressed and stressed-now I am thankful and joyful!
Well like some of you I scrolled through the avatars and just wasn't finding anything that fit. Some seemed to fit some aspects of "me" but never the whole picture as I saw it.
Then I came upon this pic of Angelina Jolie. It was perfect! My life is very similar to hers. I was a not so bad kid. I grew up with just a bit more and a bit less than my piers. While growing up I spent some time rebelling. Then I spent some time doing what was expected of me. Shortly after that stage I went into seclusion only coming out for work. But then I decided to be what I wanted to if no one liked it...well so what?
AJ epitimizes how I see, clever, playful, sincere, truthful (you knew that was coming!), honest, a good friend, a dangerous enemy, loving, caring, just a little bit batty, faithful and of course just a tad bit sexy (not nearly as sexy as she...but not bad either). :D That's why Angie, I do admire her but I think she would admire me too! that conceited of me? Well..I don't care what you think! I'ts the Word people...uhh sorry flashbacks! Hee Hee...of course I'm kidding!
Oh yea..that whole "dare me" look on her face...yea that's me to a "T"
My avatar is the first painting I did after setting all my art supplies aside to go in residence; (ummmm... 22 years after laying them down.) It's also a painting of my children when they went out in a Texas field to pick bluebonnets.
I guess that avatar sums up a lot about kids, my freedom, my loves.....
Just a picture of me....................I'm a potpourri of sorts..........goofy, playful, a "free spirit", idealist, unpredictable in a good way, a bit of a wild side, an incurable romantic, spontaneous,
bounced from avitar to avitar for quite awhile. Settled on the one I have now after coming back to GSC after a two year hiatus.
I had join the LDS church and changed my screen name from "maure" to Templelady to reflect this momentus decision in my life.
I was looking through avitars and came across the Flame on its Wrought Iron Stand. I just knew it was what I wanted even though it wasn't what I had set out looking for. The style reminds me of the candelabra in an ancient temple or from the Middle Ages, which appealed to me both because of my lifestyle change and because I majored in History especially pre-1600 Europe. The flickering flame reminds me that I am to be a "light" unto the world, not just in matters of religion but in how I conduct myself whether in cyberspace or "real time".
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My avatar is of course, Zonker from Doonesbury. That guy is so cool, and a total riot. Oh yeah, he's a slacker, but he's a slacker with a big heart. :B)
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I used to have no avatar until I decided I don't care who knows who FreeAtLast is. My avatar is my personal statement that I stand behind my words and my opinions and even though I still have a family member in the Way, I don't care. Let him know I post out here. Let those with whom I was once acquainted know I commiserate with those who have also left the Way. My Avatar is ME.
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Mine is one of the most famous/ recognizeable fiddles in the world, seriously.
It belonged to Vassar Clements, a great jazz/ fusion/ bluegrass fiddler.
For a brief moment in time, back in the early 1970's --- I had it all to myself.
Vassar and his band came to town to play a gig at a local bar/ music venue.
I had seen pics of his fiddle, and when they took their first break of the evening,
I went up to him and asked him about it.
He and I talked a bit about it, and then he said (and I QUOTE!!) :
"Here. Take a look at it. I need to get a drink!"
With that statement, he handed me both his fiddle, and his bow,
and headed to the bar!!!
That wouldn't happen these days, but back then there was more trust (or something).
So -- he went to the bar, and left me holding a fiddle (probably) made by:
GASPAR DUIFFOPRUGCAR (which) if it is an original, was made over 500 years ago. This has not been proven unequivically, but the antiquity of that violin has scholars agreeing that it is at least 300 years old, and *probably* older.
Yea. You bet I *plunked* on it. I felt unworthy, but it was something I had to do!! :D
He (Vassar) came back from the bar after a bit, and re-claimed the thing.
Never saw him again in concert, after that night.
Heard him many a time on the radio, and on records/ and cd's.
He never played any other fiddle than the one he gave to me to look at,
that night back in the 1970's, in Indiana, at a bar, while he went to get a drink.
Sadly -- Vassar passed away in 2005.
This is the back of that fiddle ---
Here's a pic of the front of it ---
I chose the peghead for my avatar, because it looks a bit like I do,
and is my tribute to a man who helped shape the world of music ---
as I know it.
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Oh --- and
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Chas, is there a place here with avatars to choose from? Never knew it existed. If so, where is it?
Right after joining GSC, Sudo sent me an e-valentine that had my avatar on it. I've always adored cherubs, so asked him to make it my avatar. I had wanted something to do with water, cruising, islands, but couldn't find a picture I really liked, so when I received my valentine from my sweetie, I adopted it instead.
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I change mine around.
My current one is the great west Rose Window at the Cathedral Of St. John The Divine in New York City, which I could write on for hours but will spare you.
It was the very first stained glass window that I ever saw when I was about 7 .Having never been in a church, never mind a massive cathedral it had an enormous impact on me. I had never quite seen a window like that!. The 40 feet across kaleidoscopic colors set in stone transported me to somewhere else for a moment, which was the first time I ever remeber anything like that happening.
Somehow years later I ended up being a stained glass window maker and later met the man who made it, who by then was 103, who told me his story of seeing his first window which was very similar.
I have been lucky enough to restore some sections of it
No pictures can do it justice
To me (ymmv)its a timeless piece of art, and still a guiding star.
If you are ever in NYC its worth the trip
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What a great topic for a thread!
I loved Catcup's lurking cat's eyes avitar, and ex-twi's steaming cup of coffee. Those avitars will always be linked with those people. And that's what I was looking for: something that would be uniquely part of TheHighWay... something that captured my personality.
But that caused me to spend a lot of time looking, because I tend to be a perfectionist, and I couldn't find just the right one. I have a lot of different sides to my personality, so sometimes a tiger or jaguar seemed like the right avatar, and sometimes an American flag, and sometimes a cute kitten or a funny looking frog. And I like moving avatars, but sometimes the repetition gets annoying.... oh, what to do? what to do?
And then I ran across this picture and I knew I had to use it. It is just so very "me".
Common but uncommon. Serious but silly. Industrious but goofing. Cute and cuddly looking but not someone you want to back into a corner. Yup, that's me.
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Twinky… (Twinkletoes) arrived as a tiny kitten, so tiny he could sit on the palm of a hand. He was just on my doorstep one evening. He strolled in and out at he felt like it, visiting not just me but many neighbours, but finally settled with me and next door. When she moved into a care home, he became mine to care for, fulltime.
Twinkletoes arrived a year or so after I got M&A’d. I was so messed about that I could hardly speak to people. I knew I needed something to love – an animal seemed a good idea, I simply couldn’t handle being with people (and they couldn’t handle the weirdo that I’d become) – and so his arrival was perfect timing. A Godsend, without doubt?
He is now a huge sleek critter and obviously has a chunk of Siamese in him. He has the Siamese sort of build and can be quite vocal at times. He’s wary of people, but when he knows you he's very affectionate, tactile, totally endearing, occasionally skittish, loves company and follows you around. He loves being outside, is partial to sunshine and curry, and catches lots of rats. You can't make him do anything, but if you're kind he finds unique ways to let you know how much he enjoys being with you.
(So he's kinda like me... but the rats are humans.)
As to what that says about me…? I just wanted an anonymous sort of handle for the Café and chose the name Twinky. Then when I was sharing the black cat with Chas and it caused some confusion, I thought I’d see if a nice Twinky picture would suit instead.
So maybe the avatar says that I’m willing to give place, or fit in with others - or maybe just that I like my cat.
Interesting thread, this. There are some people I'd love to hear about.
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Cool thread, Chas.
I had a pic of me in a hat that Linda Z had given me for about 3 years. Recently hubby and I bought our first Jaguar so I decided to change to that, even though I miss seeing me most every day in the gorgeous hat!!!!!!!
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My dog "Lucy"
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I have been playing racquetball for about 17 years and have been playing in competitive tournaments for many years. For the past 3 years I have been one of ProKennex's sponsored players. My avitar is the logo for the United States Amature Racquetball Association.
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What people are saying about T-Bone’s avatar.
Walter Brennen: “Dagnabit – I had that look first, on the Real McCoys! Who does that young whipper snapper think he is anyway!”
Gabby Hayes: “Don’t believe either one of these jokers – I started that look – I wish you could see it in the original.”
Dr. Seuss: “I do not like that hat on your head. I think it looks like a loaf of bread. Why don’t you try a party hat, a lampshade, a toaster or a Siamese Cat.”
Mini Me: “I wish he was someone I could look up to.”
Momma T-Bone: “Now young man, you get back in here right now and finish your porridge or you’re not getting any Twinkies.”
Mister T: “I pity the fool.”
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Mine is my attitude about people and interacting.
Never make someone a priority when they only make you an option.
I have come to understand that more and more.
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Here are some of the GS images you have to go through the secret door under booth #5 to get there. Right Here
PS don't steal the pig..... Psalmie gets pie happy when you steal her little piggies.
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Awesome topic, Chas!
I do get to where I associate certain people with their avatar and it's confusing when someone else starts using it. Like The Highway, I have always loved Catcup's avatar. It suits her perfectly and when she started using it I thought, "YES!" On another message board I frequent a gal started using Catcup's avatar and it was so difficult for me. At first I thought, "Wow, I didn't know Catcup came here." Then, "That's not Catcup and this woman is nothing like Catcup. Why the heck is she using HER avatar?"
Knowing darn well that gal had never heard of GSpot or TWI. It still bothered me to no end that she was using Catcup's avatar.
Socks and his Calvin avatar - Fits him to a "T" - Silly, mischevious, loveable.... I have to double-check the poster now that Sprawled uses a Calvin & Hobbes one as well.
Tom Strange - Can't look at his without smiling.
excathedra - that's just her to me.... sweet, beautiful, classic.
I've loved Sushi's through the years.
Mine is Scarlett O'Hara. When I got out of TWI and got divorced I wanted to start over with a new handle. It wasn't important to hide my identity any longer, but I don't necessarily want to advertise who I am either. I knew right away I wanted Scarlett. She's plucky. She's Southern, strong, resourceful, fiercely defends her family and loved ones, tenacious..... all the things I wish I were. Despite her flaws, which I suppose I probably relate to all too well, she is a character I much admire.
Thanks a million and one to Paw for his endless photo re-sizing and opinions helping me choose the perfect image of her for my avatar.
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I always liked penguins as a tween/teen--especially Opus. But Opus was never overjoyed by something. So I found my happy, free, dancing penguin and it seemed to fit once leaving twi. Before I was depressed and stressed-now I am thankful and joyful!
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Well like some of you I scrolled through the avatars and just wasn't finding anything that fit. Some seemed to fit some aspects of "me" but never the whole picture as I saw it.
Then I came upon this pic of Angelina Jolie. It was perfect! My life is very similar to hers. I was a not so bad kid. I grew up with just a bit more and a bit less than my piers. While growing up I spent some time rebelling. Then I spent some time doing what was expected of me. Shortly after that stage I went into seclusion only coming out for work. But then I decided to be what I wanted to if no one liked it...well so what?
AJ epitimizes how I see, clever, playful, sincere, truthful (you knew that was coming!), honest, a good friend, a dangerous enemy, loving, caring, just a little bit batty, faithful and of course just a tad bit sexy (not nearly as sexy as she...but not bad either). :D That's why Angie, I do admire her but I think she would admire me too! that conceited of me? Well..I don't care what you think! I'ts the Word people...uhh sorry flashbacks!
Hee Hee...of course I'm kidding! 
Oh yea..that whole "dare me" look on her face...yea that's me to a "T"
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My avatar is the first painting I did after setting all my art supplies aside to go in residence; (ummmm... 22 years after laying them down.) It's also a painting of my children when they went out in a Texas field to pick bluebonnets.
I guess that avatar sums up a lot about kids, my freedom, my loves.....
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hmmmm well.......
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Just a picture of me....................I'm a potpourri of sorts..........goofy, playful, a "free spirit", idealist, unpredictable in a good way, a bit of a wild side, an incurable romantic, spontaneous,
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well.. just a picture of me..
what it says about me.. I don't know if anybody doesn't know already..
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My total opposite.
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bounced from avitar to avitar for quite awhile. Settled on the one I have now after coming back to GSC after a two year hiatus.
I had join the LDS church and changed my screen name from "maure" to Templelady to reflect this momentus decision in my life.
I was looking through avitars and came across the Flame on its Wrought Iron Stand. I just knew it was what I wanted even though it wasn't what I had set out looking for. The style reminds me of the candelabra in an ancient temple or from the Middle Ages, which appealed to me both because of my lifestyle change and because I majored in History especially pre-1600 Europe. The flickering flame reminds me that I am to be a "light" unto the world, not just in matters of religion but in how I conduct myself whether in cyberspace or "real time".
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