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A Cult Chateau Headquarters!


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Dear Folks,

As professional former cultists and members of GS, I thought it might be fun to design a business plan for a European Cult Headquarters here in La Belle France!

The first thing obviously is Location! Something that will grab the attention of potential cult “followers”, and what better way than your very own Cult Chateau!

Next...The $$$. We need to organize the financing, probably 2-4 million Euros. Not a large amount for some US Cult operations. But nonetheless important for the extras like a LARGE swimming pool, tennis courts, and at least a 9 hole golf course!

We will need administrators, gourmet cooks, cleaners, gardeners, general handy workers, etc. Most of you know how the operation needs to work.

The below link will give you an idea of what’s available in just this region.


So please help me build my cult business plan. There’s a LOT of experienced people out there, and lots of Chateaux for sale here in France. Maybe to be used as a retirement “home” for former cultists?

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A couple of those look just like The Way Of Ohio Limb HQ.


Anyhow, I'm not so sure the French would welcome an invasion of Swiss Chard.

Is there a French word for Fellowlaborers?

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  dmiller said:
THIS ONE looks like a good *starter headquarters* for a cult!. :P

That is the one I'm living in and probalbly can be bought for 1.2 million. But the inside is not so interesting and too many Dutch clients!

Folks, I need help here from the GS BrainTrust. $$$ has to be raised. There must be at least 10 of you GS guys and Gals with Euros 300 thousand cash, who have played the markets well over the last few years and need a home up-grade!

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It's been a while since I've been there,

and it's been a while since I've tried to call,

but if you need some SEROUS $$$ for the Chateau,

I think the number you need to dial is ---


(It was changed from 1-MAR-TIN-DALE, a few years ago.) ;)

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Now before I head out the door on my next chateau hunt, I expect some business replies. I'm "in" for 300, but I need some additional $$$ and I 'aint callin no Ohio number for help! There must be some business people reading who can outline a feasibility study for a chateau hotel which can be bought and operated for the next 2-3 years without additional funding. Lots of Americans and Europeans love to stay in these places. This one is booked until November.

Anyway, French families cannot afford to run them anymore. That's why so many are for sale!

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Those same houses here would run about $5m.

The real estate their must be cheap.

I can think of only two problems. Upkeep and living in France.

Of course sence we are talking about cults I would have all the free slave labor I needed.

It could be worse like in the middle of Ohio.

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A thief in Paris planned to steal some paintings from the Louvre. > > After carefully planning, he got past security, stole the paintings and made it safely to his van.

However, he was captured only two blocks away when his van ran out of gas. When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious error, he replied: "Monsieur, that's the reason I stole the paintings. I had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh."

(And you thought I didn't have De Gaulle to send this to you!)

Remeber Sat. Night Live and the Cone Heads...Tell them you're from France!

Well, everything's a tradeoff, right?

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