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Nifong disbarred ...


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Thanks goodness ... an out of control lawyer gets his due ... well, part of his due, there should be some civil suits, why not jail?

Lawyers (insert lawyer joke here) need to be reined in, from the big ones to the little cheats that chisel away every chance they get. Ethics seem out the window, it is "what can you get away with" these days. Some need to go to jail, or worse.

Ace of Spades HQ is one place covering it ...

hang the law ...

Aren't most congresscritters lawyers? What happened to ethics?

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  rhino said:
Thanks goodness ... an out of control lawyer gets his due ... well, part of his due, there should be some civil suits, why not jail?

Lawyers (insert lawyer joke here) need to be reined in, from the big ones to the little cheats that chisel away every chance they get. Ethics seem out the window, it is "what can you get away with" these days. Some need to go to jail, or worse.

Ace of Spades HQ is one place covering it ...

hang the law ...

Aren't most congresscritters lawyers? What happened to ethics?


Geez rhino, THIS sure looks like a politics topic...

btw, since Nifong resigned his elective office yesterday, why would ANYone even care about him anymore?

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  Rocky said:
Geez rhino, THIS sure looks like a politics topic...

btw, since Nifong resigned his elective office yesterday, why would ANYone even care about him anymore?

It went on for a long time ... i don't see it as politics ... he could have been a republican or a democrat ...

Lawyers are trying to run the world ... my first hand experience tells me they don't care about what is right, they are looking for an angle to steal from good people, and they recruit slime to support their positions ...

You really want to defend the likes of Nifong? This is about slime dawg lawyers manipulating the system for personal gain ... surely you have experienced some of that?

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  rhino said:
It went on for a long time ... i don't see it as politics ... he could have been a republican or a democrat ...

Lawyers are trying to run the world ... my first hand experience tells me they don't care about what is right, they are looking for an angle to steal from good people, and they recruit slime to support their positions ...

You really want to defend the likes of Nifong? This is about slime dawg lawyers manipulating the system for personal gain ... surely you have experienced some of that?

Rhino - this paints with too broad a brush. I know a LOT of lawyer personally that don't fit your description. Say, "many lawyers" or " lawyers with leanings towards politics."

Now I WILL say that most if not all lawyers are arrogant. I'll also say that they learn in law school how to argue both sides of an argument.

I don't believe the ALL want to steal. Most of them want to make a lot of money to pay off their law school loans and then to pay for the lifestyle that they and others associate with the appearance of being successful. Sometimes they can't do it.

Lawyers used to have a way of dealing with each other that had a certain amount of civility to it. Now they snap and bark like junk yard dogs. A lot of money gets spent to pay for their p)ssing matches -which they will argue is for the clients. I'm not so sure.

I am not going to even deal with Nifong. In my opinion there is no defense for this guy.

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Lawyers are trying to run the world ... my first hand experience tells me they don't care about what is right, they are looking for an angle to steal from good people, and they recruit slime to support their positions ...

... until you need to hire an attorney, ..... *then* she/he's your bestest bud, with an untouchable and immaculate reputation. ;)

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  doojable said:
Lawyers used to have a way of dealing with each other that had a certain amount of civility to it. Now they snap and bark like junk yard dogs. A lot of money gets spent to pay for their p)ssing matches -which they will argue is for the clients. I'm not so sure.

I am not going to even deal with Nifong. In my opinion there is no defense for this guy.

Well of course there are exceptions, but it seems they hang together. A comment from a lawyer that seems typical to me, when I (hypothetically) pointed out something similar to embezzlement ... "well you can't blame him for trying" ... and in a fairly small market .. "they won't go against each other". That makes for a real bad environment. It just seems to be how it is now ... and if you aren't willing to put up a lotta money to attempt to fight the "cabal", you get trumped.

In a bigger market, lawyer friends told me .. after going through law school, you feel like it is your turn to get some ...in the context of, the hell with everyone else, we are here to take what we can get ...

It seems things have gone down hill .. I guess Nifong's disbarrment was refreshing in that respect ... but here the bad guys are still winning ...

Edited by rhino
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Nifong deserved to be disbarred. It is my hope that this case may open up other DA's to such disciplinary action. For a long time I have observed that DA's are alllowed unbelievable leeway in distorting, withholding or otherwise disregarding the truth.

I have had first hand experience of DA's presenting evidence that they knew to be false and concocting scenarios made out of "whole cloth"

There is no way that a person can expect a fair trial unless lawyers are held to the strictest standards when it comes to the truth. As it stands now a DA and most defense attorneys are "held harmless" for the most outrageous of conduct. It is sad to realize that if Mr Nifong had first, not deliberately withheld evidence and second, confined his inflamatory remarks to within the courtroom, he would not have been held accountable for any of his actions.

It is time that we as a people recognized that it is not a requirement under our system of jurisprudence for the DA to be concerned with presenting the truth, instead the job of a DA is to successfully prosecute those who have been deemed "enemies of the state". An "enemy of the state" is anyone arrested, and charged.

A DA can withhold knowledge about potential witnesses and evidence that may exonerate the acused as long as he has no intention of using the evidence or witnesses himself.

Say it comes to the DA's attention that a man was walking his dog by the side of a lake during the time period a body was supposedly dumped there. Under the laws of most states the DA is not required to notify the defense of this witness unless the DA plans to call the witness. If the witness says he saw a blue van instead of the red station wagon the defendant drove, the DA is not required to divulge this information or present it in court. It is the job of the defense to ferret it out, or in other words, just get lucky.

Trials need to stop being thought of as contests between lawyers, which is how they are viewed by the lawyers now, and start being about the truth. All the truth, no matter where it leads or how it affects the win loss ratio of the attorneys. All information that comes to the attention of either side, all witnesses that come to the attenton of either side need to be disclosed to all parties on either the prosecution or defense teams. Failure to do so whether, by destroying, hiding, failure to ask for, or any other device designed to circumvent this happening should be vigourously prosecuted each and everytime it occurs.

The judicial system should be separate from the political system. Governors, mayors and other government leaders should never be allowed to bring pressure to bear on DA's to prosecute. DA's should never use cases for their own self promotion. The same is true of defense lawyers. There only two parties who should be the focus are the victim and the accused. Both the victim and the accused can only be benefited by the complete truth, convictions gained by less than this which result in the innocent being found guilty or the guilty allowed to go free do not avenge the victim rather just create new victims.

The practice of law is a career, politics is a career. If you want to be a politician the number of cases tried, number of sucessful prosecutions and/or number of sucessful defenses should not be allowed to be used in campaigning. If we take the political benefit out of the equation, demand that all witness and evidenciary knowledge be devulged to both sides, enforce failure to do so with fines and disbarment we just may be able to regain trust in the judicial system.

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My lawyer walks on water.

I've known him since we were in the third grade together.

Really, I can't say anything bad about him...

As for Mr. Nifong though, boiling in oil would be too good for him.

And just a random thought, doesn't it seem like the south has more than it's fair share of egregious miscarriages of justice?


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To the person who started this thread:



You claim this is NOT political. YOU lied.

The source you cite is exclusively a POLITICAL website.


You feign ignorance of the fact that "politics" is NOT limited to "republican or democrat". You LIED.


You claim I was defending Nifong. YOU LIED.

You know I did NO such thing.


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Rocky ... what is your problem? That site is largely but not exclusively political. I just happened to see it there. Here is the site Drudge linked to, if that matters. It is all over the news.

We haven't talked of the political side ... my point was of a lawyer using his power for personal gain, and being brought down. There are decent lawyers also, I didn't say all lawyers try to run the world ... but many use their authority illicitly or unethically for personal gain. Abuse of power is a common theme here at GSC. His abuse of innocent young people is disgusting. It is empowering to the "little guy" that he is brought to justice.

Your "defense" of Nifong was in saying to ignore the news because he resigned yesterday ... so it is old news ... move along. I'd say it is good news when an abuser gets caught. And in typical abuser fashion, it seems he resigned to try to get out of disbarrment, but they didn't buy it.

I thought this line was interesting ...

Tune in, it looks good. Nifong is suitably chastened, almost to the point of eliciting sympathy.


Just heard the panel chairman Williamson say that many had an "
unquestioning faith
in what the prosecuting attorney told them, which
made them look foolish
, and makes them still look foolish to this day."

I guess lcm was brought down by the justice system, while many had unquestioning faith in him. Bad guy brought to justice ... something to rejoice about. Those guys were in the news for months, it is worth a few days glee over Nifongs chastisement.

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Those boys are lucky they had million dollar lawyers to defend them. Nifong is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to malicious prosecution. Speaking of which, Nancy Grace, who always looks like she wants to eat someones baby, defended Nifong and the "victim" while absoultely smearing these lacrosse players to the very end.

According to Jossip. "When reached for comment, resident victims’ rights whackjob Nancy Grace responded by saying, “That prosecutor did what he had to do. And, as far as I’m concerned, those boys are still guilty until proven innocent."

I have no doubt that she could have very well said that. This is the same woman who has been wrong time and time again and will NEVER admit to being wrong. Even though appellate courts have harshly admonished her for her conduct as a prosecutor in Georgia at least THREE times.

Yup, having money if you get in trouble certainly does help. I pity the poor bastards who don't because I could end up being one of them.

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  rhino said:
Rocky ... what is your problem? That site is largely but not exclusively political. I just happened to see it there. Here is the site Drudge linked to, if that matters. It is all over the news.

We haven't talked of the political side ... my point was of a lawyer using his power for personal gain, and being brought down. There are decent lawyers also, I didn't say all lawyers try to run the world ... but many use their authority illicitly or unethically for personal gain. Abuse of power is a common theme here at GSC. His abuse of innocent young people is disgusting. It is empowering to the "little guy" that he is brought to justice.

Your "defense" of Nifong was in saying to ignore the news because he resigned yesterday ... so it is old news ... move along. I'd say it is good news when an abuser gets caught. And in typical abuser fashion, it seems he resigned to try to get out of disbarrment, but they didn't buy it.

I thought this line was interesting ...

Tune in, it looks good. Nifong is suitably chastened, almost to the point of eliciting sympathy.


Just heard the panel chairman Williamson say that many had an "
unquestioning faith
in what the prosecuting attorney told them, which
made them look foolish
, and makes them still look foolish to this day."

I guess lcm was brought down by the justice system, while many had unquestioning faith in him. Bad guy brought to justice ... something to rejoice about. Those guys were in the news for months, it is worth a few days glee over Nifongs chastisement.


You LIE.

Further, YOU do not get to define what is or isn't DEFENDING someone.


YOU know this.


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Rocky, you seem to want to get this relegated somewhere else ... as I said ... to me it is about the abuse of power. I need to find one of those lawyers that "walk on water" like George has. It's good to see someone that got "too big for his britches" have to face justice. There is hope for the "little guy". :eusa_clap:

Right Rottie ... they had to spend a lot to get through this. As I understand, it meant great financial hardship for some. Hopefully they get that back in a civil case. Probably most of the time the bad guy in power just walks right over the little guy.

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  rhino said:
Rocky, you seem to want to get this relegated somewhere else ... as I said ... to me it is about the abuse of power. I need to find one of those lawyers that "walk on water" like George has. It's good to see someone that got "too big for his britches" have to face justice. There is hope for the "little guy". :eusa_clap:

Right Rottie ... they had to spend a lot to get through this. As I understand, it meant great financial hardship for some. Hopefully they get that back in a civil case. Probably most of the time the bad guy in power just walks right over the little guy.


Who freakin cares what THIS is to YOU?

As presented, THIS is a POLITICAL topic.

You are a DISINGENUOUS a#$*&e.

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A few things I have _got_ to point out here:

Further, YOU do not get to define what is or isn't DEFENDING someone.
And what authority are YOU to make that prohibition about anyone here? ANYONE of us gets to make that definition. The only question is how accurate that definition is.

YOU know this.

Uhh actually, no it isn't. It isn't focusing on Republicans or Democrats, but on lawyers/DAs, particularly on this one who prosecuted the Duke lacrosse team unethically. Ie., nothing to do with politics. ... Now, if it were brought up that it was because of Democrats or Republican ideology that this happened or similar connection, THEN it would be political.


You sound rather pi**ed. ... Have a beer :beer: , and settle down, guy.

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I'd heard that name, Nifong, but didn't know who it was when I first saw this thread. So I Googled the name to refresh my memory. I clicked on the Wipikedia link and got the general idea that he was that lawyer in that case, so I wasn't totally clueless here. (I rarely watch the news.)

My 10-year-old came up behind me, saw what I was reading and stated very matter-of-factly, "Momma, ANYONE can contribute to Wipikedia."

I assured her I was merely refreshing my memory, not taking it as gospel truth.

I was aware of that, but I thought, Oh man, out of the mouths of babes.

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  GarthP2000 said:
And what authority are YOU to make that prohibition about anyone here? ANYONE of us gets to make that definition. The only question is how accurate that definition is.

Garth, if you're going to get into someone else's argument, at least figure out what's going on, get a clue, and/or get your ducks in a row.

DISINGENUOUS accused me of defending Nifong. I did NO such thing.

DISINGENUOUS claims his thread about politician Nifong is NOT political. He LIED and YOU backed him up.

  GarthP2000 said:
Uhh actually, no it isn't. It isn't focusing on Republicans or Democrats, but on lawyers/DAs, particularly on this one who prosecuted the Duke lacrosse team unethically. Ie., nothing to do with politics. ... Now, if it were brought up that it was because of Democrats or Republican ideology that this happened or similar connection, THEN it would be political.

Actually, YES, it IS. Again, the subject of politics is NOT limited to republicans and/or democrats.

po·lit·i·cal premium.gifspeaker.gif (pə-lĭt'ĭ-kəl) Pronunciation Key


  1. Of, relating to, or dealing with the structure or affairs of government, politics, or the state.
  2. Relating to, involving, or characteristic of politics or politicians: "Calling a meeting is a political act in itself" (Daniel Goleman).</FONT>
  3. Relating to or involving acts regarded as damaging to a government or state: political crimes.
  4. Interested or active in politics: I'm not a very political person.
  5. Having or influenced by partisan interests: The court should never become a political institution.
  6. Based on or motivated by partisan or self-serving objectives: a purely political decision.

(from dictionary.com)

Excerpted from Wikipedia -- Mike Nifong

Michael Byron "Mike" Nifong(IPA: ['naɪ.foŋ], NYE-fong) (born September 14, 1950) is[1] the district attorney for Durham County, North Carolina (the state's 14th Prosecutorial District), best known for his role in the 2006 Duke University lacrosse case, which resulted in media criticism and a ruling of disbarment by the state bar association.[2] At the start of the scandal, Nifong gained significant personal exposure in the media and subsequently won election to a full term as district attorney (he had been appointed in 2005).
The wikipedia article is up to date as of Friday, and does include reference to Nifong's resignation.
  bowtwi said:
I'd heard that name, Nifong, but didn't know who it was when I first saw this thread. So I Googled the name to refresh my memory. I clicked on the Wipikedia link and got the general idea that he was that lawyer in that case, so I wasn't totally clueless here. (I rarely watch the news.)

My 10-year-old came up behind me, saw what I was reading and stated very matter-of-factly, "Momma, ANYONE can contribute to Wipikedia."

I assured her I was merely refreshing my memory, not taking it as gospel truth.

I was aware of that, but I thought, Oh man, out of the mouths of babes.

Yes, it's true, anyone CAN contribute to Wikipedia. However, it does constitute a reasonable reference as long as a reader realizes other sources can/will either verify or expose as not credible what any given wiki article states.

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not to choo choo the thread but talking about the big guy walking on the little guy, how bout that judge suing the dry cleaners over his "lost" pair of pants. What is it he's suing for, something between 50 and 65 mill or something like that? I can't even believe there is an actual trial going on with this looney bin. He should be taken away and locked up in a padded cell. The man is insane.

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There is no argument ... Rocky is being absurd ...

Rocky, if you want to talk about Nifong's politics, start a thread in politics ... not every aspect of Nifong's life is political. You seem to defend him because you try to censor/control this thread. Is he a friend of yours?

It does seem to survive these days, you need a good lawyer to protect you from the sharks. This is one shark that got harpooned.

  RottieGrrrl said:
not to choo choo the thread but talking about the big guy walking on the little guy, how bout that judge suing the dry cleaners over his "lost" pair of pants. What is it he's suing for, something between 50 and 65 mill or something like that? I can't even believe there is an actual trial going on with this looney bin. He should be taken away and locked up in a padded cell. The man is insane.

That seems on topic Rottie ... :)

He seems to know the system, but this seems so absurd ... too bad it is costing the small business time and bucks to defend. And of course it ties up the courts. Scary that he was/is a judge.

Edited by rhino
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  rhino said:
There is no argument ... Rocky is being absurd ...

Rocky, if you want to talk about Nifong's politics, start a thread in politics ... not every aspect of Nifong's life is political. You seem to defend him because you try to censor/control this thread. Is he a friend of yours?

It does seem to survive these days, you need a good lawyer to protect you from the sharks. This is one shark that got harpooned.


THIS thread is about NIFONG's politics. Recheck the definition provided. Nifong's conduct IN and PERTAINING to his exercise of his elective office.

You want to pretend this is about an aspect of Nifong's life that is UNrelated to politics... go ahead. There's no law requiring you to act with common sense.

But you have NO right to say I was defending Nifong, when I did NO such thing.

That is why you earned your new name, DISINGENUOUS.

Does Nifong have children? THAT would be an aspect of Nifong NOT related to politics. But his conduct as an elected politician IS politics.

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  Rocky said:
But you have NO right to say I was defending Nifong, when I did NO such thing.

Does Nifong have children? THAT would be an aspect of Nifong NOT related to politics. But his conduct as an elected politician IS politics.

You went to you name calling mode trying to stifle the subject. That is like protecting him ... my opinion, yes I do have a right to that.

His abuse of power, and the consequences ... that is the point. That is the larger picture I am exploring. If you only want to dwell on his politics, that is up to you. I don't care what his politics are.

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Yep, we have a definite problem with judges in this country too.

Like I posted earlier we need to get clear on what we want from our court system. Any lawyer or other officer of the court will be the first to tell you that the justice system in the arena of a trial is not about, justice, fairness, or even the truth--rather the outcome is dependent on which side presents the best "story" to the jury.

We need to get rid of the notion that Average Citizen needs to be feed specially tailored sound bites of the truth because otherise it will be too confusing. We need to stop allowing lawyers to prevent information being presented to the jury simply becuase it disagrees with their story version as opposed to whether it is the truth.

As it stands now, every day in this country DA's go before judges to prevent already convicted defendants from having DNA analysis performed on samples from their cases. Why is this? What can a DNA test do? It might show that the defendant is guilty. It might show that others were involved. It might show that the defendant is, heaven forbid!, innocent.

If it is either of the last two, it means that the prosecution messed up, either by the deliberate withholding of evidence, the suppression of evidence, or inadequate investigation. You would think that freeing the innocent would be the top priority for any officer of the court, but in this country this is not the case.

The insanity that is our legal system needs to stop!!

Anyone who has the power to influence 12 people in such a way that an innocent person could be convicted or a guilty person goes free, needs to be held to the highest standards of truth and ethical conduct. It should be completely irrelevant as to which side, the defense or the prosecution, "wins" a trial. The criteria should be that the innocent go free and the guilty are punished. Anything that impedes or prevents this from happening should not be allowed in the legal system.

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