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Why is there an x-way site?


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  Jeaniam said:
And, finally, I don't see why all of you seem to think that Rascal is incapable of standing up and speaking for herself (including Rascal).

Not incapable, but am at a loss as to how to defend myself from personal attacks without it ending up in the soap opera forum yet again.......thus burying an otherwise informative thread.

Secondly, I shouldn`t HAVE to constantly defend myself from one who regards themself as a christian .....a brother or sister in Christ. I am at loss to understand why one thinks that this behavior is admirable by any stretch of the imagination.

I can only assume it is the taint of twi doctrine that makes this inexcusable behavior some how acceptable.

Edited by rascal
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  rascal said:
Secondly, I shouldn`t HAVE to constantly defend myself from one who regards themself as a christian .....a brother or sister in Christ. I am at loss to understand why one thinks that this behavior is admirable by any stretch of the imagination.

I can only assume it is the taint of twi doctrine that makes this inexcusable behavior some how acceptable.

As far as the topic goes--many of us come here to examine behaviors that were common and acceptable in TWI --like half thought out reproof or directives from leadership-- that we could not question without inviting a whole can of worms to be opened in our lives. Here, we can question, examine, pull apart, think through, conclude, decide, and not blindly obey those who see themselves as spiritual authoritays.

Here, people earn their respect by their postings, not by their position in the Household.

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I started coming to this site because Waydale got closed. I left for a while, having decided I had received about as much healing from GSC as it was possible to recieve.

And lo and behold I would find myself wondering , if so-an-so got their degree, if people had ever gotten married, did Maggie Muggins finally get her husband to agree to leave TWI etc. etc. etc. In short ,posters had become friends or at the vary least aquaintences I cared about, so back I came and here I still am.

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Dooj, I didn't realize it was your day to be the thread police. :biglaugh: Thank you for setting the example for all of us.

One can disagree with someone without making personal attacks - it's entirely possible and happens all the time - just not when the authoritays jump into the discussion. On the other hand, as Bramble noted, it's posters like those that remind us of the arrogant, condescending and bossy attitudes we have had to struggle with and, perhaps, personally overcome within our own behavior.

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  Belle said:
Dooj, I didn't realize it was your day to be the thread police. :biglaugh: Thank you for setting the example for all of us.

One can disagree with someone without making personal attacks - it's entirely possible and happens all the time - just not when the authoritays jump into the discussion. On the other hand, as Bramble noted, it's posters like those that remind us of the arrogant, condescending and bossy attitudes we have had to struggle with and, perhaps, personally overcome within our own behavior.

Belle - I don't wear a badge. :biglaugh: Rascal said:

Not incapable, but am at a loss as to how to defend myself from personal attacks without it ending up in the soap opera forum yet again.......thus burying an otherwise informative thread.

I was just helping this "otherwise informative thread" avoid the Soap Opera Forum.

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  Belle said:
Dooj, I didn't realize it was your day to be the thread police. :biglaugh: Thank you for setting the example for all of us.

Ok all I want to know is...who called the cops? Out with it who's the person with happy finger disease? What's this world coming to now days, jeez can't even have a decent Brooha without someone getting twitchy fingers.

And a plain clothed one at that. She snuck right in and layed the hammer down... :biglaugh:

Just kidding ladies, welcome to our little thread. Please sit right down on the little funky couch and do tell us vat is it that you might be zinking about zee topic at hand? Hmmmm...vye do ve need zee Ex Vay site? In your own vords pleaze.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.


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  ChattyKathy said:
There's not enough sex in it.

OMG where am I? :o


A small dark stinky bathroom at the park!

Ok so someone go pick up Jonny and ask him to bring that picture of his...well his picture!

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Oh my gawd where we could go with this one. :biglaugh:

But I love Rascal's heart to keep this thread here for the information it holds for others still seeking the freedoms we have to be able to use for their exits.

And she is a fighter with a cause and I love and respect her with all my heart for it.

And if we want to talk grammar one could take that sentence above and mark it with a red marker no doubt.

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If nothing else, this thread with all its, turns, twists and convulutions, Is a shining beacon of the freedom we all have outside of TWI. Can you envision the rucas that would ensue within the confine of the "scared walls of TWI", if a group of people were to go spinning off on side tangents after a teaching, the way we have here???

THe reproof Sessions

THe yelling

THe swearing

Makes my head ache just thinking about it.

Much better here where freedom is first and censorship a far far distant possibility.

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  ChattyKathy said:
Oh my gawd where we could go with this one. :biglaugh:

But I love Rascal's heart to keep this thread here for the information it holds for others still seeking the freedoms we have to be able to use for their exits.

And she is a fighter with a cause and I love and respect her with all my heart for it.

And if we want to talk grammar one could take that sentence above and mark it with a red marker no doubt.

Yup sho nuff we shor cood!

But on a serious note, this thread really does have some wonderful heart and insight within its tarnished pages. Moving it to the basement would be a shame.

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Ok I'll start it up again...

I came here by accident. I was wondering about some old Corps buddies and then I wondered if TWI could even POSSIBLY still exist. I figured they had about ten folks left. I met someone that left in '97 and I just couldn't believe that ANYONE could still be joining that weirdo cult.

Anyway...I wandered in the Cafe. I read for a day or so and then registered. That's how I got here.

Why do I keep coming back? I guess I feel like in some way we all share a bond that is hard to describe with anyone else. If I say to someone, "Renew your mind!" (my fingers nearly exploded on that phrase, BTW!); they look at me like I have antennae sprouting from my head. If I were to say that here - well I'd get someone telling me to re-adjust my Way-brain-o-meter to HIGH.

There's a wealth of shared experiences here - both good and bad. I guess I consider this a really, really, really big therapy group. And if the rooms are too full you can go downstairs and play a game or chat with some pals - both old and new.

Lastly, I come here to help. I want to be part of a solution and not just talk about problems. If that means that I have to be goofy to do it - I'll be friggin Bozo the clown. If it means that I have to take someone's BS and then smile as I help them to calm down - I'll do that too.

It's the same thing I'd do for my brothers and my daughters...

I come here because I still believe we can be a family of God.

Edited by doojable
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Speeking abowt speeling, I HAYTE it when I see it dunn pourly in a post. Barr nun!!

Seriously -- concerning this part of the thread --- for those who can (or try) to spell correctly,

it IS a bit disconcerting to see words spelled erroneously. With that being said ---

Jean made a valid point (though it didn't add to the thread content as pertains to topic),

and certainly could have stated it more gracefully.

Other's castigated her for being *rude*. Well -- perhaps so.

But where was the *gentle admonition* from *those castigators*,

when answering to her?? I might have missed it, but I didn't see any.

Nother words -- both sides could use a little work. :)

Personally -- I *cringe* when I see someone spell *ridiculous* as *rediculous*,

but I don't let that get in the way of my trying to understand what they want to say.

I would never *call out a person* because of their spelling,

but I have PM'ed some folks about the way they spelled certain words.

NOT trying to be Speeling Poleece or anything, just a friendly tip, and it's always been appreciated.

Shucks -- I used to spell MAYBE, as MABEY -- and REGARDLESS as REGUARDLESS.

I think it was LG who pm'ed me, and told me how WRONG those two words looked to him!

I remain forever grateful for his advice, and correction.

So why do we need an ex-twi site??

Waysider said it best ---

  waysider said:
As long as people need love, understanding and a sympathetic shoulder to cry on, there will need to be an ex-Way site.

:) :) :)

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  ChattyKathy said:
Indeed it would.

So the J's could you just lay off Rascal and let this thread play out the way it was meant to please.

Alright the next person that steps out of line or mispells a word has to go stand in the corner. On a second offence they will be hand cuffed to the toilet! That is if we can get that cop to stop eating all of the donuts.

BTW, who ordered the donuts? I dont remember any stinking donuts! Are there any chocolate ones left? Of course not, silly me look at all the women in this thread there wouldn't be a chocolate donut withing 100 yards of the place. <_<

:offtopic: Are we off topic?

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  doojable said:
Ok I'll start it up again...

I came here by accident. I was wondering about some old Corps buddies and then I wondered if TWI could even POSSIBLY still exist. I figured they had about ten folks left. I met someone that left in '97 and I just couldn't believe that ANYONE could still be joining that weirdo cult.

Anyway...I wandered in the Cafe. I read for a day or so and then registered. That's how I got here.

Why do I keep coming back. I guess I feel like in some way we all share a bond that is hard to describe with anyone else. If I say to someone, "Renew your mind!" (my fingers nearly exploded on that phrase, BTW!); they look at me like I have antennae sprouting from my head. If I were to say that here - well I'd get someone telling me to re-adjust my Way-brain-o-meter to HIGH.

There's a wealth of shared experiences here - both good and bad. I guess I consider this a really, really, really big therapy group. And if the rooms are too full you can go downstairs and play a game or chat with some pals - both old and new.

Lastly, I come here to help. I want to be part of a solution and not just talk about problems. If that means that I have to be goofy to do it - I'll be friggin Bozo the clown. If it means that I have to take someone's BS and then smile as I help them to calm down - I'll do that too.

It's the same thing I'd do for my brothers and my daughters...

I come here because I still believe we can be a family of God.

Good answer, Dooj!! :eusa_clap:

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I left twi in 2002 and came right here, did not stop at the signs along the road that had been placed by twi to stay away from the net. But as some might remember I still hid in a dark room when I came here to lurk and backed myself out of the site thinking somehow I'd leave no fingerprints or evidence I'd been here.

At the time John and Hope were away so they couldn't greet me but I spoke of Hope and how it was because of her that I knew you folks were here and she said that she was even approached in private asking if I was legit. To which she assured the person I was and we'd known each other since the 80's.

I posted so many times I don't know how anyone kept up with me. I use to worry if I'd miss someone's post to me and not have replied.

I made friends that are life long ones, the kind that love me and also get in my face and tell me to stop doing things to myself like I have my whole life.

But I reached a point where I didn't want to talk about this subject anymore. I wanted to forget those people (twi) as best I could and live my life without them having any room in it. And I avoided this part of the forum at all costs. And said it many times in posts other places on this site.

Yet once in awhile I'm drawn back to look at titles or a certain persons posts and like this one just have to jump in. But in so doing I just became very uncomfortable because I was breaking my own imposed law. Silly me. And good for me both. Because I can remove my self imposed demons and have done so countless times since entering these halls.

It is for that reason that folks still trapped inside the bondage of way brain (in the ministry or out) come here in their darkened rooms hoping no one will know they are lurking and seek answers that fit their hearts.

Paw has a good thing going here and I love him to death for it.

I spell poorly and grammar has no roots in me at all. I paid NO attention while in school. But I do love to share of my heart and God refills it more than enough to have it to give again and if I want to come here now and then I also know that ones that care for me back will be happy to see me here and not throw it in my face things I said of old.

Edited by ChattyKathy
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Let me get this straight you are going to tell me what rules are good for my life?

(too many rules)

Maybe if you manage your own before you look in my backyard.

Let me ask one more question after all this time posting here can

you show me one time that you said you would pray for someone?

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Kathy my dear one...thank you for sharing with us. That was beautiful. I know for one I am very happy that you are here at GS. Your open honest little posts helped give me courage way back when (it was only a couple of months but seems like years) when I took over Rascal's thread to bear my soul for all to see.

Dooj, you also have been a guiding light for me as I try to navigate these often rough waters. The gentle but firm manner that you utilize to help steer threads and your bantering sense of humor that is so often displayed on those same theads, gives me a "safe" feeling.

I know that I can always count on Temple Lady and Rascal to come up with some deep and profound thought that will have me pondering my own existance sometimes for days, and they have just rattled it off of the tops of their beautiful heads. Go figure!

Of course DMiller and Belle will always be there to make certain that we all take a little closer look in the mirror if we get just a little too far out of line. But they also have great knowledge and heart to impart as well.

I could go on and on naming all of the people here at GS and the ways that they touch my life and so many others, Bramble who's light heart makes me smile, John who's unique insight causes me to think in new directions, and Jean who when she actually decides to join a conversation has great insight and knowledge that adds imense value and depth to the topic. As I said "on and on".

Why an ex-way site? Why indeed! We still need our family. We still need each other. And we still enjoy each others company, and learn from each other, and laugh, and cry, and grow as children of God. I am so very thankful that you all are here and that there is a "here" to be...so my grammer sucks! Oh well...I'll go stand in the corner now. :biglaugh:

God how I love you guys!

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