And I agree on the J's contributions also and have enjoyed both of them which is why when I feel they are just picking on Rascal I want to smack them because it distracts from what they can offer when on point rather than on her.
I have a date with the beach so am on my way..........................
I had been out a fairly long time before I found Waydale, and subsequently, Greasespot, and thought I was pretty much over any intense feelings for the Way or its teachings. These places have helped me to heal from hurts and sadness I didn't even know I had.
I wouldn't ever want any posters here to be discouraged from posting because their command of the language doesn't meet expectations. We all come from different backgrounds and educational experiences. I try to glean the ideas from a post and "translate" misspellings mentally. For me, the ideas being conveyed are the most important consideration.
On the other hand....
Paragraphs are good. :)
Funny you should mention the whole "thought I was over it" idea. It is funny in a not so Ha Ha way that a person's mind can simply bury stuff that it does not want to deal with. Then when it comes up somewhere down the road the rest of your brain is saying "where the heck did that come from?" "I thought I had lost that years ago" But go figure...there it is once again staring you in the face.
Also good points on the misspellings and grammer and certainly the paragraphs.
I simply adore you dear one. ;)
And I agree on the J's contributions also and have enjoyed both of them which is why when I feel they are just picking on Rascal I want to smack them because it distracts from what they can offer when on point rather than on her.
I have a date with the beach so am on my way..........................
Kathy the feeling is mutual sweetie!
And just so you can stop teasing me about the beach...just 'cause I live in a desert doesn't mean we dont have a beach...we got sand, lots of's the water that we have trouble finding.. so there!
Awsom awsom posts you guys...wonderful, outstanding demonstration of why THIS particular ex way site draws us all back time and time again.
It would seem that each of us has a unique insight, an understanding aquired during the journey down the various paths that God has led us since our departure from twi.
Each of us has a uniquely individual view point that perhaps can minister or reach another person in a way that nobody else possibly could.
I think about the old adage God has no hands but ours... Shoot...I only know that I am thankful for this web site and deeply grateful for each of you and what you have meant to me through the years as I struggled towards reclaiming my real self and life :)
And just so you can stop teasing me about the beach...just 'cause I live in a desert doesn't mean we dont have a beach...we got sand, lots of's the water that we have trouble finding.. so there!
I enjoyed it for you also. :B)
But dang it's hot here.
Okay back to topic:
I was thinking while I was out what would have happened had I never left here in the first place to go to HQ and the thought came back that I might never have met some of the most awesome people on earth that I met through this site.
Let me get this straight you are going to tell me what rules are good for my life?
(too many rules)
Maybe if you manage your own before you look in my backyard.
Let me ask one more question after all this time posting here can
you show me one time that you said you would pray for someone?
There's another rule. Now I've got to indicate on GSC that I want to pray for someone to be a "legitimate" Christian, eh? My saying you have too many rules was a casual observation; you just come off as being kind of constipated sometimes. I could be wrong.
I can't SHOW you anything, but a few years ago a female poster started a thread doubting if she could trust God any more. So I put in my 2 cents and asked if she would like me to pray for her about this. She said yes. I've prayed for other GSC posters besides her as well. I know the word says we're supposed to pray for magistrates and all those in authority, and I do, but mostly I pray for people I actually physically interact with: my family, kids' teachers. people in the fellowship I go to, etc.
Why do you come here? I sure would like to hear that more than anything else....
Sugarplum ;)
BTW - this is what is known in NY as "Schmoozing" Danny and I have never met and have no relationship other than that I just addressed him here on this here thread.
(And yes, I did just try to talk like a Texan... )
What song is it Danny? I may have posted it on the Music Lovers thread.
And - thanks for the kind words. My girls are my life. And there are MANY fine people here at GSC - even those that sometimes can be rough around the edges. ;)
Come often, drink lots of coffee, (we need the money ;)) and stay as late as you like. I'm sure Paw will leave the light on for you.
How did I get here?...I did a search on twi a number of years ago...and found "Trancechat"...there were no rules there and it got pretty nasty to say the least...after that, I found WayDale and jumped right in...until my roomate moved and took his computer with him :(
A couple of years passed and one day (after getting my own computer), I received an Email from Hillsbro...( a wonderful guy whom we see far too less often than suits me)...and he told me about the GreaseSpot...
I've seen the evolution of this entire concept of an "ex twi" web site blossom into a diverse and balanced diner where the menu includes, not only coffee, but a wide range of recipes and a wide range of people...
...We can be thankful to Paul Allen who started Waydale and to Pawtucket who picked up the torch and continued to illuminate the possibilities of this website...and expand upon them
I continue to stay here because I love to see new folks show up and begin the healing process from cult recovery...and I try to contribute to that in my own way...I continue to stay here because of the friends that I have made and the people who I care about...this is my's cheaper than going to a bar.
Honestly, I came here seeking answers - i wanted to know WTF had happened.
I had come here before then - but in my twi-glazed eyes, I only saw a group of people who wanted to whine about how bad twi was in the LCM days... Now I know better.
What GSC has done for me is give me another avenue to express my anger and as my questions. I get some answers I expect, and some that I don't. It gives me a community to be a part of that really understands what it is to have been involved in an organization that permeated every corner of your life.
I needed that, because who in the heck else is going to believe me?
I also keep coming back because this place is helping me to remember and figure out who I am independant of any relationships (good or bad) that I have had with people in twi - I can be myself here in complete anonymity, something I was never given the luxury of in twi.
Honestly, I came here seeking answers - i wanted to know WTF had happened.
I had come here before then - but in my twi-glazed eyes, I only saw a group of people who wanted to whine about how bad twi was in the LCM days... Now I know better.
What GSC has done for me is give me another avenue to express my anger and as my questions. I get some answers I expect, and some that I don't. It gives me a community to be a part of that really understands what it is to have been involved in an organization that permeated every corner of your life.
I needed that, because who in the heck else is going to believe me?
I also keep coming back because this place is helping me to remember and figure out who I am independant of any relationships (good or bad) that I have had with people in twi - I can be myself here in complete anonymity, something I was never given the luxury of in twi.
You mean your name isn't "Jane", OMG I really miss those nametags!
Seriously tho...great post! I hate to admit that TWI did "permeate" every and I do mean every corner of my life. Whether I wanted it to or not. Kinda hard to get the scum out of the corners now and again. But some of the folks in here carry some mighty small brushes just for that reason. :P
Let me get this straight you are going to tell me what rules are good for my life?
(too many rules)
Maybe if you manage your own before you look in my backyard.
Let me ask one more question after all this time posting here can
you show me one time that you said you would pray for someone?
Whether he said it or not, there have been many times over the years when he has prayed for the people on greasespot. I know this because that is the kind of man he is. And he manages his life just fine.
Reproof? It must be great to fellowship with you guys! Do you critique every tiny little thing, every imperfection just glares, distracting you etc? All done out of love and concern, perfecting the saints and all that?
I think I'm having a flash back!
I didn't start this one Jean--you put it out there on a public forum and people responded. Quite revealing.
No, obviously I don't critique every 'tiny little thing'. I didn't mention her spelling or her punctuation until it became clear that it was habitual, rather than a momentary lapse or inadvertently touching the wrong key. And, BTW, I hold myself to the same standard. I make plenty of mistakes in typing, but I take the time to proofread my posts and correct them. In this post alone I probably made 10-15 spelling or punctuation mistakes.
As far as the topic goes--many of us come here to examine behaviors that were common and acceptable in TWI --like half thought out reproof or directives from leadership-- that we could not question without inviting a whole can of worms to be opened in our lives. Here, we can question, examine, pull apart, think through, conclude, decide, and not blindly obey those who see themselves as spiritual authoritays.
Here, people earn their respect by their postings, not by their position in the Household.
And I am only asking that Rascal be willing to earn my respect by her postings, not her emotional outbursts.
No, obviously I don't critique every 'tiny little thing'. I didn't mention her spelling or her punctuation until it became clear that it was habitual, rather than a momentary lapse or inadvertently touching the wrong key. And, BTW, I hold myself to the same standard. I make plenty of mistakes in typing, but I take the time to proofread my posts and correct them. In this post alone I probably made 10-15 spelling or punctuation mistakes.
I'm sorry but this is too much...
I have a lot of patience for a lot of things. But to take a thread and turn it into a fault finding hunt is beyond sanity.
I just happened to "Reply" to the last post's rampant all over the thread.
The thread was derailed and then got back on track.
Rascal hasn't even posted here in a bunch of posts....what is the deal?
I wonder just what was learned since leaving TWI.....
I'd rather hear why you like to return to GSC than hear the bickering and fighting that occurs because someone doesn't dot their "i's" and cross their "t's"
I have a lot of patience for a lot of things. But to take a thread and turn it into a fault finding hunt is beyond sanity.
I just happened to "Reply" to the last post's rampant all over the thread.
The thread was derailed and then got back on track.
Rascal hasn't even posted here in a bunch of posts....what is the deal?
I wonder just what was learned since leaving TWI.....
I'd rather hear why you like to return to GSC than hear the bickering and fighting that occurs because someone doesn't dot their "i's" and cross their "t's"
I agree Dooj. I was on my way to bed when this thread once again caught my eye.
It is a shame that this thread has been derailed yet again by bickering. Jean we all understand that grammer and spelling are an issue with you. But could you please out of courtesy to those that want to continue on topic in this thread take your personal war to the PM's where it truly belongs?
Honestly, I came here seeking answers - i wanted to know WTF had happened.
..Another reason that I'm here...I knew WTF happened before I got here...I wanted to see who survived the ship wreck and help to pull them off the beach, half drowned.
I've held more than one crying soul in my arms only to tell them "it's ok"...and cry with them...
I've watched people who arrived on these shores...confused, scared and hurt...hurt badly...only to watch them grow strong and to begin helping others themselves...this place is an oasis in the storms of mental turmoil...where, when you think nobody understands, you realize that we ALL understand...and you begin to look around and learn...and you realize that you have found a place that is taylor made for your recovery...we are the people that stood next to you at the roa, under the big tent...and we are the same people who now sit at the counter sipping the coffee and telling our tales...and you feel at home...because you know that there are no strangers at the GreaseSpot Cafe...
I think one of the valuable things here at GSC is in being able to view conflict from a safe distance--especially for those who were in for a long time and developed habit patterns of 'how high should I jump?' Even if you are involved in the conflict, there is a degree of separation that isn't there in a face melting session. Also, the playing fields here is level, which it never was in TWI.
I think many of us kept or reverted to an unhealthy child like attitude toward leadership, which is unnatural for--I'll say most--adults. Isn't that the journey of adolescence and the young adult years--to become independent men and women?Many of us worked so hard at being like minded and obedient we stopped thinking for ourselves, bit our tongues said 'yes sir.'
Being in print, people can read, reread, evaluate and come to their own conclusions about what they consider acceptable, not what they are told is acceptable.
For people coming out of TWI, conflict is shocking! It is more realistic, IMO, to see that conflict is everywhere and see how people handle it rather than isolating yourself to avoid it.
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I simply adore you dear one. ;)
And I agree on the J's contributions also and have enjoyed both of them which is why when I feel they are just picking on Rascal I want to smack them because it distracts from what they can offer when on point rather than on her.
I have a date with the beach so am on my way..........................
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Funny you should mention the whole "thought I was over it" idea. It is funny in a not so Ha Ha way that a person's mind can simply bury stuff that it does not want to deal with. Then when it comes up somewhere down the road the rest of your brain is saying "where the heck did that come from?" "I thought I had lost that years ago" But go figure...there it is once again staring you in the face.
Also good points on the misspellings and grammer and certainly the paragraphs.
Kathy the feeling is mutual sweetie!
And just so you can stop teasing me about the beach...just 'cause I live in a desert doesn't mean we dont have a beach...we got sand, lots of's the water that we have trouble finding.. so there!
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Awsom awsom posts you guys...wonderful, outstanding demonstration of why THIS particular ex way site draws us all back time and time again.
It would seem that each of us has a unique insight, an understanding aquired during the journey down the various paths that God has led us since our departure from twi.
Each of us has a uniquely individual view point that perhaps can minister or reach another person in a way that nobody else possibly could.
I think about the old adage God has no hands but ours... Shoot...I only know that I am thankful for this web site and deeply grateful for each of you and what you have meant to me through the years as I struggled towards reclaiming my real self and life :)
You guys make me cry.
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i need this site.period.
and i don't know why, but i do know it comforts me,
i especially find peace in the prayer room so i can pray for people and thier needs
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I enjoyed it for you also. :B)
But dang it's hot here.
Okay back to topic:
I was thinking while I was out what would have happened had I never left here in the first place to go to HQ and the thought came back that I might never have met some of the most awesome people on earth that I met through this site.
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well i know god and/or christ reward(s) those with their grammar and spelling in line
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Considering that "I am that I am," was spoken to Moses from God... well... I don't see anyone jumping thru any grammar hoops there, do you? <_<
So... what's the reward for that? An M&M?
(Edited NOT to fix typos...)
Edited by ChasUFarleyLink to comment
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quote: John
Let me get this straight you are going to tell me what rules are good for my life?
(too many rules)
Maybe if you manage your own before you look in my backyard.
Let me ask one more question after all this time posting here can
you show me one time that you said you would pray for someone?
There's another rule. Now I've got to indicate on GSC that I want to pray for someone to be a "legitimate" Christian, eh? My saying you have too many rules was a casual observation; you just come off as being kind of constipated sometimes. I could be wrong.
I can't SHOW you anything, but a few years ago a female poster started a thread doubting if she could trust God any more. So I put in my 2 cents and asked if she would like me to pray for her about this. She said yes. I've prayed for other GSC posters besides her as well. I know the word says we're supposed to pray for magistrates and all those in authority, and I do, but mostly I pray for people I actually physically interact with: my family, kids' teachers. people in the fellowship I go to, etc.
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It wasn't a rule it was a question.
This is a question so you can understand
I will speak really slow for you.
Were did I say legitimate?
Thanks for the reply it was quite reveling.
WOW a few years ago I prayed for someone.
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Danny, Dear, Darling, Sweetums,
Why do you come here? I sure would like to hear that more than anything else....
Sugarplum ;)
BTW - this is what is known in NY as "Schmoozing" Danny and I have never met and have no relationship other than that I just addressed him here on this here thread.
(And yes, I did just try to talk like a Texan...
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That was a wonderful Texas accent.
I come here for many things.
I was involed with this cult that took all my friend from me.
So I come to talk to some of them and look for others.
I come to get some insite on different subjects.
Habit. i get home from work check the mail mail then the email.
Stocks News then GS.
I PM lots of folks here so look for a response and reply.
First thing when i get here I go to the Prayer page then Memeriol deal.
Sort of like when I read the paper in the morning always looking at the dwi s.
Some wonderful people here like you. You are very insiteful. Slow to anger,
temperat and incouraging. I loved when would told us about you girl and art.
That was cool.
You should be proud.
Those are a few. U2 has a song about I would like to get in you head for a while.
Thats part of here seeing how people talk things out.
Praying for the hurts of the day. And smiling for the good things.
Thanks for asking
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What song is it Danny? I may have posted it on the Music Lovers thread.
And - thanks for the kind words. My girls are my life. And there are MANY fine people here at GSC - even those that sometimes can be rough around the edges. ;)
Come often, drink lots of coffee, (we need the money ;)) and stay as late as you like. I'm sure Paw will leave the light on for you.
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How did I get here?...I did a search on twi a number of years ago...and found "Trancechat"...there were no rules there and it got pretty nasty to say the least...after that, I found WayDale and jumped right in...until my roomate moved and took his computer with him :(
A couple of years passed and one day (after getting my own computer), I received an Email from Hillsbro...( a wonderful guy whom we see far too less often than suits me)...and he told me about the GreaseSpot...
I've seen the evolution of this entire concept of an "ex twi" web site blossom into a diverse and balanced diner where the menu includes, not only coffee, but a wide range of recipes and a wide range of people...
...We can be thankful to Paul Allen who started Waydale and to Pawtucket who picked up the torch and continued to illuminate the possibilities of this website...and expand upon them
I continue to stay here because I love to see new folks show up and begin the healing process from cult recovery...and I try to contribute to that in my own way...I continue to stay here because of the friends that I have made and the people who I care about...this is my's cheaper than going to a bar.
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The biggest is trying to figure out who all the names belong to.
I know most have there cause for not putting their name here.
What are they going to do to me make me take pfal aging.
Danny sot of works for me.
Sort of like a puzzle. Like I know I have meet Groucho in real like years ago.
If he gives enough clues of what he did while he was in twi I will figure out who he is.
Sort of like a mind game.
Edited by DannyLink to comment
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Honestly, I came here seeking answers - i wanted to know WTF had happened.
I had come here before then - but in my twi-glazed eyes, I only saw a group of people who wanted to whine about how bad twi was in the LCM days... Now I know better.
What GSC has done for me is give me another avenue to express my anger and as my questions. I get some answers I expect, and some that I don't. It gives me a community to be a part of that really understands what it is to have been involved in an organization that permeated every corner of your life.
I needed that, because who in the heck else is going to believe me?
I also keep coming back because this place is helping me to remember and figure out who I am independant of any relationships (good or bad) that I have had with people in twi - I can be myself here in complete anonymity, something I was never given the luxury of in twi.
Edited by JavaJaneLink to comment
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You mean your name isn't "Jane", OMG I really miss those nametags!
Seriously tho...great post! I hate to admit that TWI did "permeate" every and I do mean every corner of my life. Whether I wanted it to or not. Kinda hard to get the scum out of the corners now and again. But some of the folks in here carry some mighty small brushes just for that reason. :P
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Whether he said it or not, there have been many times over the years when he has prayed for the people on greasespot. I know this because that is the kind of man he is. And he manages his life just fine.
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No, obviously I don't critique every 'tiny little thing'. I didn't mention her spelling or her punctuation until it became clear that it was habitual, rather than a momentary lapse or inadvertently touching the wrong key. And, BTW, I hold myself to the same standard. I make plenty of mistakes in typing, but I take the time to proofread my posts and correct them. In this post alone I probably made 10-15 spelling or punctuation mistakes.
And I am only asking that Rascal be willing to earn my respect by her postings, not her emotional outbursts.
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I'm sorry but this is too much...
I have a lot of patience for a lot of things. But to take a thread and turn it into a fault finding hunt is beyond sanity.
I just happened to "Reply" to the last post's rampant all over the thread.
The thread was derailed and then got back on track.
Rascal hasn't even posted here in a bunch of posts....what is the deal?
I wonder just what was learned since leaving TWI.....
I'd rather hear why you like to return to GSC than hear the bickering and fighting that occurs because someone doesn't dot their "i's" and cross their "t's"
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I agree Dooj. I was on my way to bed when this thread once again caught my eye.
It is a shame that this thread has been derailed yet again by bickering. Jean we all understand that grammer and spelling are an issue with you. But could you please out of courtesy to those that want to continue on topic in this thread take your personal war to the PM's where it truly belongs?
Thank you and good night to all.
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[quote name=Jeaniam' date='Jun 25 2007, 08:40 PM' post='345293'
And I am only asking that Rascal be willing to earn my respect by her postings, not her emotional outbursts.
wow--just wow.
I think that speaks for itself.
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I'm glad that God looks at our hearts.
OK I"m done with this line of thought.
WHO would like to say why they keep coming back to GSC?
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..Another reason that I'm here...I knew WTF happened before I got here...I wanted to see who survived the ship wreck and help to pull them off the beach, half drowned.
I've held more than one crying soul in my arms only to tell them "it's ok"...and cry with them...
I've watched people who arrived on these shores...confused, scared and hurt...hurt badly...only to watch them grow strong and to begin helping others themselves...this place is an oasis in the storms of mental turmoil...where, when you think nobody understands, you realize that we ALL understand...and you begin to look around and learn...and you realize that you have found a place that is taylor made for your recovery...we are the people that stood next to you at the roa, under the big tent...and we are the same people who now sit at the counter sipping the coffee and telling our tales...and you feel at home...because you know that there are no strangers at the GreaseSpot Cafe...
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I think one of the valuable things here at GSC is in being able to view conflict from a safe distance--especially for those who were in for a long time and developed habit patterns of 'how high should I jump?' Even if you are involved in the conflict, there is a degree of separation that isn't there in a face melting session. Also, the playing fields here is level, which it never was in TWI.
I think many of us kept or reverted to an unhealthy child like attitude toward leadership, which is unnatural for--I'll say most--adults. Isn't that the journey of adolescence and the young adult years--to become independent men and women?Many of us worked so hard at being like minded and obedient we stopped thinking for ourselves, bit our tongues said 'yes sir.'
Being in print, people can read, reread, evaluate and come to their own conclusions about what they consider acceptable, not what they are told is acceptable.
For people coming out of TWI, conflict is shocking! It is more realistic, IMO, to see that conflict is everywhere and see how people handle it rather than isolating yourself to avoid it.
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