Happy birthday, BowTwi. You'll have to forgive the picture - but I have a real problem with your name. Every time I say your name I pronounce it "Bow Tie" - it's that "w" - it just throws me for a loop. So in deference to my bad habit of messing up your name I Googled "Happy Birthday Bow Tie" and this is the picture I found.
I have to laugh everytime I remember ol' craig-o spewing that we'd be greasespots by midnite if we dared leave the so-called household...
I'm delighted to be a greasespot - sure beats NOT being a greasespot and missing out on all the greatness of life outside twi, like enjoying a day just for ME, to celebrate that God made me.
Dave - you always melt my heart! I so enjoyed that video you posted - there's nothing more wonderful to me than to get to see John playing a great tune, especially when he's on a riverbank - then of course I had to watch the next video after Old Time Riverman on that collection - Try Me One More Time. Now THERE'S a fun tune!
"Momma killed a rooster -
she thought it was a duck,
she put it on the table with its legs pokin' up!
Oh Babe! 'Bout to lose my mind!
Bring your clothes back home -
try me one more time!"
Needless to say, I've listened to at least half a dozen cds - all Hartford - mostly John, one his son. It's my birthday and I'll listen to what I like! Woo hoo! Lucky me!
Shell and Kell serenading me on the phone - I had to put them on speaker phone so the princess could enjoy it too - that was the greatest fun! I'm truly blessed!
Belle - that pic you posted of Dolly in the woods - that's pretty much how I feel - I see me that way! (Well, not really THAT skinny, but maybe 20 pounds more - LOL)
Thanks all for the great wishes and wonderful comments - I'm having a fabulous birthday. The post office lady called me yesterday in a panic - had to know if I'd be home for the next hour or so, as there was an Express package coming this way from St. Joseph (home of the Pony Express once upon a time) and they were going to bring it to my home if I'd be here.
I knew it had to be something special from bow jr, as I don't know annieone in St. Joe that would be sending me a package. I remembered an interesting conversation with bow jr earlier in the week where he made sure he had my address correct and asked questions about what I would do if money and time weren't an issue. LOL
I posted some pics of the awesome scrapbook he had made for me - along with a couple shots from this morning's festive breakfast in bed for bow's birthday in my Gallery for you all's viewing pleasure... Hope you enjoy them as much as we are.
I believe we're heading out to the Kansas City Zoo this afternoon in hopes of getting through it between the showers. I'm leaving the huge tree branch the storm knocked down, but not into my pool (thankfully) for tomorrow to clean up.
Of course, our annual birthday supper at the Mexican restaurant in the next town will be tomorrow night, as they're closed on Sundays and we ended up eating at Quiznos last night in Kansas City. They really make a good sandwich, eh!
Onward to watching the princess bake the birthday cake and then we're out of here for the zoo.
T-Bone - I forgot to mention that my bowtwi is actually pronounced bow-tie, so your gift was perfect! I used to have an avatar of a monkey with a bowtie and another of a dollar bill folded like a bowtie!
It's my spelling and here's how I see it.
The twi part of my screen name is ALWAYS lower-cased, as I have no respect for the way intl whatsoever and we all know what whatsoever means!
The second w is silent - my way of silencing the way intl in my little corner of the world.
I always get a huge kick out of how Shellon pronounces it - it takes her entire mouth into a huge circle to say that second w - most everyone else just calls me bow annieways, which works just as well for me. Now how's that? A nickname of a nickname - I love this ex-way community!
Ok, one more quick Shellon story. My other nickname of my nickname is box - that came from a typo Shell made in chat one night a few years back and it just stuck. So you can call me bow or you can call me box or you can call me bowtie or even bowtWi, if you'd like, just please - don't call me late for a Hartford show and we'll get along just fine!
Kelly loved singing to you and it could have only been better had you seen our dramatic arms holding the song in a few spots.
My sister in law shares this day with you and we called her after we sang to you and shared our voices again. HEE HEE my brother was in the background hollaring "Sis, take a voice class before you finish school"
Brothers.........sigh. He's not funny.
But I digress, I love you and love it when it's your birthday 'cuz it's fun and funny and you get to take a day off for just you and enjoy whatever comes your way.
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J0nny Ling0
Happy birthdat Bowtwi!!!
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Hope it's a good, peaceful one Bowtwi!!!
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Happy birthday, BowTwi. You'll have to forgive the picture - but I have a real problem with your name. Every time I say your name I pronounce it "Bow Tie" - it's that "w" - it just throws me for a loop. So in deference to my bad habit of messing up your name I Googled "Happy Birthday Bow Tie" and this is the picture I found.
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Happy Birthday Bow!!! Hope you had a blast.
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Dangit! John Philip Sousa didn't write a Happy Birthday March....
Happy Birthday, Bow!
Edited by doojableLink to comment
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Dear Friend,
Hope your day was glorious!
"So our buns aren't as tight and our breasts aren't as perky,
and the skin on our chins makes us look like a turkey...
What was flat is now round. There's no need to be modest!
We've matured from "young girl" into "middle-aged goddess!"
Happy Birthday!"
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God first
Beloved Bowtwi
God loves you my dear friend
Happy Birthday Bowtwi
thanks for being part of our lives
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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The parade
Oh, wait, no that's not it
Edited by Shellon Fockler-NorthLink to comment
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Bowtwi -- Happy Birthday!! :)
I looked high and low for a video of the Julia Belle Swain for you
(done by John) --- but none were to be found. :(
he would be the first to wish you Happy Birthday, and sing that song cheek to cheek with you again.
Every time I see your name, I'm reminded of him.
Have yourself a good one (are you slumberin' on the Cumberland??) ;)
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Happy Birthday, Bowtwi! I hope your day is as wonderful as you!
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Well, wait a couple of years and use "Golden Jubilee"!
A very happy birthday to you, Bow, and many more (or at least two...)
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Happy Birthday Bowtwi! Do something special and make it a memorable day!
God Bless you!
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Kit Sober
Happy Birthday Bowtwi!
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Love ya bunches and bunches, Girlfriend!!
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Tom Strange
happening day to you young lady!
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Happiest of days my friend
May you have many many more filled with sunshine and joy
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I have to laugh everytime I remember ol' craig-o spewing that we'd be greasespots by midnite if we dared leave the so-called household...
I'm delighted to be a greasespot - sure beats NOT being a greasespot and missing out on all the greatness of life outside twi, like enjoying a day just for ME, to celebrate that God made me.

Dave - you always melt my heart! I so enjoyed that video you posted - there's nothing more wonderful to me than to get to see John playing a great tune, especially when he's on a riverbank - then of course I had to watch the next video after Old Time Riverman on that collection - Try Me One More Time. Now THERE'S a fun tune!
"Momma killed a rooster -
she thought it was a duck,
she put it on the table with its legs pokin' up!
Oh Babe! 'Bout to lose my mind!
Bring your clothes back home -
try me one more time!"
Needless to say, I've listened to at least half a dozen cds - all Hartford - mostly John, one his son. It's my birthday and I'll listen to what I like! Woo hoo! Lucky me!
Shell and Kell serenading me on the phone - I had to put them on speaker phone so the princess could enjoy it too - that was the greatest fun! I'm truly blessed!
Belle - that pic you posted of Dolly in the woods - that's pretty much how I feel - I see me that way! (Well, not really THAT skinny, but maybe 20 pounds more - LOL)
Thanks all for the great wishes and wonderful comments - I'm having a fabulous birthday. The post office lady called me yesterday in a panic - had to know if I'd be home for the next hour or so, as there was an Express package coming this way from St. Joseph (home of the Pony Express once upon a time) and they were going to bring it to my home if I'd be here.
I knew it had to be something special from bow jr, as I don't know annieone in St. Joe that would be sending me a package. I remembered an interesting conversation with bow jr earlier in the week where he made sure he had my address correct and asked questions about what I would do if money and time weren't an issue. LOL
I posted some pics of the awesome scrapbook he had made for me - along with a couple shots from this morning's festive breakfast in bed for bow's birthday in my Gallery for you all's viewing pleasure... Hope you enjoy them as much as we are.
I believe we're heading out to the Kansas City Zoo this afternoon in hopes of getting through it between the showers. I'm leaving the huge tree branch the storm knocked down, but not into my pool (thankfully) for tomorrow to clean up.
Of course, our annual birthday supper at the Mexican restaurant in the next town will be tomorrow night, as they're closed on Sundays and we ended up eating at Quiznos last night in Kansas City. They really make a good sandwich, eh!
Onward to watching the princess bake the birthday cake and then we're out of here for the zoo.
Happy my birthday to you all!
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T-Bone - I forgot to mention that my bowtwi is actually pronounced bow-tie, so your gift was perfect! I used to have an avatar of a monkey with a bowtie and another of a dollar bill folded like a bowtie!
It's my spelling and here's how I see it.
The twi part of my screen name is ALWAYS lower-cased, as I have no respect for the way intl whatsoever and we all know what whatsoever means!
The second w is silent - my way of silencing the way intl in my little corner of the world.
I always get a huge kick out of how Shellon pronounces it - it takes her entire mouth into a huge circle to say that second w - most everyone else just calls me bow annieways, which works just as well for me. Now how's that? A nickname of a nickname - I love this ex-way community!
Ok, one more quick Shellon story. My other nickname of my nickname is box - that came from a typo Shell made in chat one night a few years back and it just stuck. So you can call me bow or you can call me box or you can call me bowtie or even bowtWi, if you'd like, just please - don't call me late for a Hartford show and we'll get along just fine!
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LOL! That's what I'm talking about.
Kelly loved singing to you and it could have only been better had you seen our dramatic arms holding the song in a few spots.
My sister in law shares this day with you and we called her after we sang to you and shared our voices again. HEE HEE my brother was in the background hollaring "Sis, take a voice class before you finish school"
Brothers.........sigh. He's not funny.
But I digress, I love you and love it when it's your birthday 'cuz it's fun and funny and you get to take a day off for just you and enjoy whatever comes your way.
It is indeed wonderful that God made you.
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Dot Matrix
I was gone
Happy Birthday
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wishing you a great year!!!
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