When I was in high school, I met a couple that had a Siamese cat. They were prone to share their doobies with the cat by blowing the smoke in her face. She must've liked it because she would lay her ears back in a relaxed manner and close her eyes and.....INHALE.
They also had that sound proofing tile in the ceiling like you see in offices. That cat would climb the curtains and walk on the ceiling..... :blink:
Thanks Java Jane for the Cats clip. Tonto and I had a cat for seven years. While we were watching the clip, she said, “I forgot how weird cats can be.” What a great way to start my day! DMiller your scuba diving pets was interesting…just wondering if the owner had any issues with the pets doing their “bidniss” in the pool.
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When I was in high school, I met a couple that had a Siamese cat. They were prone to share their doobies with the cat by blowing the smoke in her face. She must've liked it because she would lay her ears back in a relaxed manner and close her eyes and.....INHALE.
They also had that sound proofing tile in the ceiling like you see in offices. That cat would climb the curtains and walk on the ceiling.....
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That was fun to watch...
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What was God smoking when He created cats?
Dunno, but it musta been good....
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yeah, dooj... I had a cat who liked it when I used to smoke cigarettes. Strange animals.
He also used to liked the smell of beer breath. Weirdo cat.
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I had a cat who liked Coco Pebbles Cereal... she'd eat it without milk - I dunno why she liked it, but she did...
... made for some interesting Saturday mornings as a kid - I'd pour a bowl of cereal for both of us and we'd watch cartoons together...
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Groucho - you remember Sam the cat?!?!?!
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We always had at least one cat while I was growing up. What a hoot, Java Jane! Thanks for the belly laugh today!
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