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some about Revelation, some about third John and some about Romans one

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God first


I must write but I should sleep my heart is moving at the speed of light thinking about that what I see and that which I saw reading the book of Revelation.

After thinking dreaming I see that most of the book was wrote to teach us the real battle is between fleshly images of outer self from spiritual images of inner self.

In Genesis we find two basic images one of animal life and the other of Godly life the image of God our inner self. The was a battle to see which one would rule this body of a inner image and a outer image.

The outer image won and Adam walked by what he saw fleshly closing out the inner self were God could only teach mankind from the outside in coving mankind outer self until mankind could be lead to turn himself right side out like a ant with its bones on the outside.

God promised he would send his inner self like a son to show man how to turn back to were the spirit image is on the outside again.

Revelation talks about coming out of the flesh but this is more like brining the inner self out as the outer self becomes new giving the man true power the face is now on the inside with the inner self on the outside like a glow of great strength like a ant.

Within Revelation we read how the body of flesh is attacked by a flood of water the lungs filling up with water the blood not flowing as it should and many other attacks because of old age from the fleshly animals that come against the body.

Trees dying like hair falling out and many others things that just do not come to mind this very second than in third John I recall greater is he in us our inner self which is the true self good or bad than he of the world the flesh on the outside that loses it glory over the years.

Then the is sex I would like to bring up but not in a dirty was just the edge of it. Some mark who they come together like a western out laws marks the ones he kills on his gun but that is only outer sex the outward goals for having sex.

But there are inner goals the most basic is to have a child which is when to come together for inner goals to comfort one another inner heart not looking for outer glory but just love to be together.

True love is this kind of love without outer joy but a inner joy to become as one no longer two as God had plan the fleshly image and the spiritual image to walk as one in unity of one another.

But a battle begin which destroyed many of souls but Christ came to make peace between the outer self and the inner self turning us inside out.

But I stop I want to look at a part of Romans most people think they understand but they do not even come close as I see it.

Romans 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

Most people read this as a sin against God but its not against God but against nature out outer self our fleshly body.

A sin against God would be a sin against our inner self but this sin is not against God but against out flesh.

What is against God here is the miss use of our flesh the very same sin of over eating or eating the wrong kinds of food which can be forgiven and most people sin against the way God set up things to work.

This sin against flesh like all sins against our flesh has a recompense of the error which comes in the form of sickness either for us or its passed alone to our children through our blood within our DNA makeup.

That which is against God is against God and that which is against flesh is against flesh. Its sad how the world attacks the weak in flesh when they are weak too.

I might say remove your sins against flesh before you try to remove others people’s sins against flesh.

Now my eyes are tired and I most stop here for now, thank you with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy.

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God first

Beloved DrWearWord

God loves you my dear friend

some say within 10 years

2027 will be the 2,000 throusand year from the year Christ went up in the air

then there the last trump which the last

which comes after the first, second and so on

I have said the last trump is our last breath the last sound we make fleshly

but this is me

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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God first

Beloved DrWearWord

God loves you my dear friend

some say within 10 years

2027 will be the 2,000 throusand year from the year Christ went up in the air

then there the last trump which the last

which comes after the first, second and so on

I have said the last trump is our last breath the last sound we make fleshly

but this is me

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Jesus Christ said there would be "signs..."

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God first

Beloved DrWearWord

God loves you us dear friend

yes there will be signs as there has been signs of the first coming

like there are signs of a man getting old

the flesh hair turns white or falls out when the end is near

alot of grass and green things will die before the end

water will turn bitter

signs of a final end of self or the final end of the world

a lot of questions

is it more personal or less personal

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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God first

Beloved DrWearWord

God loves you us dear friend

Yes God gave signs for the people of the church to watch for but each person must watch and be ready themself

while you can call it a group watch and I hope groups watch together but if your not watching personally you might miss the sign God has sent to you

I see you see it as a group gaterning and that is ok with me that you see it this way but I see it more personally

but this were my trip has took me and how you think is were your trip has took you

the are many paths to travel which go the same place and go no were at the same time because its within us we are going but we seem to take the long way around

we went by the way of a cult

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Ps keep sharing and writting we all love to read of your travels

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