As for myself, I dropped a lot of those bad habits soon after leaving TWI. I found that people with widely different opinions many times had a lot to offer. But I still cringe when they think they are talking to dead people..
My kids can't eat without a nametag... and if the salt, pepper, cayenne or kelp stops moving around the table the evil one who stopped it is severely punished.
I am more tolerant of other people's opinions, beliefs, and decisions. I consider myself growing.
Although I am changing, I find it hard to find a church to go to. I am so darn critical. I want one who belives in SIT, ye is not a holy roller, yet who is a Bible believing church.
I went online to find one through a search in my area. I found one that was "gently charismatic". I thought "Oh, great." I called and found it was episcopalian--basically catholic, not much Bible. Oh well, I'll keep searching. Maybe I'll change some more in the mean time. ;)-->
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see.
You know all that fancy folding of toilet paper ends..well I would settle just to hang it hung on the roll, preferably pull side out...but my family justs sit the roll on top of the holder for it. And none of us fear retribution from the spiritual realm for doing so.
But I do have a strange abhorence to anything that resembles a nametag or having to sit in a circle....
quote:and if the salt, pepper, cayenne or kelp stops moving around the table the evil one who stopped it is severely punished.
At HQ it was vegetable salt, cayenne pepper, and salt. No regular white salt or regular black pepper was to be found-----except at the trustee table. Figures. I hated that!!
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see.
quote: I called and found it was episcopalian--basically catholic,
I go to one of 'em churches, and I love it. We study all religions and I find that it works for me. You know what? I am not freaked out at all that it is not for you. I am so over the "we are right, you are wrong" doctrine. You will find a place that is right for you, and people that will accept and respect your point of view. Isn't life outside the TWI box great?
Are any of the new fellowships and ministries acting like TWI?
Yes. Last Sunday I went to another church i heard about. Many of the members were into greeting and hugging. The deacon taught 3John2 before taking the collection.
The minister had us repeat after him, "I am what the word says, i have what the word says..."
The minister rambled on about credit cards, debt and having a motgage.
It is another name it-claim it, blab and grab ministry.
I still look for what I did wrong whenever something "unprofitable" happens.
I still catch myself automatically SIT whenever a sudden situation pops up.
I still wonder just how far I'm going to be allowed to go with this audacious new lifestyle before I get a "face melting"...or get "possessed".
I still hold to the idea that marriage is holy...and the man controls matter how traumatic or damaging.
I am in therapy to get over all this crap.
At least I recognize it as crap now.
I've actively held to this stuff for 41 of the 44 years of my's going to take awhile to get it out of my head.
TWI simply honed the beliefs I already had from the church I grew up in (Nazarene). When I left the twi offshoot last spring, I quit participating in any form of has been my experience that twi did not hold an elite corner on the insanity.
i church hop and although i have seen some "dead" churches....i have found 4 that i really is a foursquare, one is an assembly of God, and the other two are nondenominational. they are all bible believing churches that believe in speaking in tongues and have EXCELLENT music....i just LOVE the music!
and get this, one of them NEVER takes a's a huge church...with 2 services packed with about 2000 people each....they are building a new building and never talk about money....the pastor doesn't believe in passing a collection he just sticks 2 barrels in the corner of the church and if you want to drop something in, you can.... it's an interesting idea and it's a prosperous church.
We take turns playing host/hostess at the table and sing roll away as we pass our plates at the end of the meal.
We have stockpiles of MREs and rice and beans. We also have obscene amounts of emergency items stored with the inventory of our home which we do every year since 1999, not because we're scared, but because we plan for the worst and believe for the best.
We find someone in authority who is completely ignorant about an issue that's really important to our lives and ask them what they think we should before making a decision.
We rake our carpet after we vacume.
Can you sneak little black pepper packages from fast food joints into meals at HQ? Would someone at the table turn you in?
They might allow people to use black pepper if they are blessed to now, but it is probably strongly suggested that they don't.
quote:Can you sneak little black pepper packages from fast food joints into meals at HQ? Would someone at the table turn you in?
They might allow people to use black pepper if they are blessed to now, but it is probably strongly suggested that they don't.
Absolutely NOT! They don't allow you to bring your own items to the table. It is considered rude to do so. My opinion is WHATEVER!!! --> It's all part of the nazi dictatorship. The food services coord said it was donna martindale who suggested that they put veggie salt, cayenne pepper, and kelp on the tables. I'm wondering why she thought she was so knowledgeable to determine what the people WANTED. Gee whiz; when the darn trustees have regular white salt and black pepper on their table, you'd think the rest of the masses would get it too. I guess they aren't privileged enough. whatever.......... Glad I don't put up with it anymore.
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see.
ps--yes other people would turn you in (reprove you) for not following the dining room rules. It got pretty religious and legalistic even in the dining room.
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see.
I really began to copious cayenne on my meals and it did seem to keep me from catching colds etc.
As for the Ancient & Wise Ones being the only keepers of the pure white salt and devilish dark pepper...who else was spurutual nuff for that sacred task!!! :P--> :D-->
I believe I've dropped every one of my old Way habits. It's been more than five years since I've attended any kind of religious service or fellowship and the longer I refrain from doing so, the less I miss it. And I feel not the slightest bit of guilt. But I'm sad to say that EVERY person presenting him/herself as a "minister of God/paster" whom I've observed thusfar, strikes me as suspect. That includes the likes of Charles Stanley, Joyce Meyer, John Hagie (just name a tele-evangelist). et al. They seem heavily invested in their own egos, showing very little humility---but Good God, can they put on a show! I'll admit though, that my perceptions may be entirely false. I believe it's just a function of my now hyper-tuned antennae, an internal apperatus that protects me from ever allowing myself to be dubed into handing my heart over to any group of "christians" again.
Sorry Rafael, didn't mean to step on your toes. Charles Stanley is by no means the worst offender in my opinion, but have you ever noticed how he signs his name? I dabble in handwriting analysis (which is a science, not any sort of occult/psychic ability), and Charle's shows that he has quite the "healthy ego". However, like I said, my sense of mistrust is SO deep, mine is hardly an objective opinion.
Before becoming involved with The Way, by virtue of all my prior experiences, I had come to distrust what I called, "Christians in groups". Things went terribly awry not long into my Way experience, only confirming my first instinct. Now, I can only take "so called believers" a very few at a time. It just seems that once they organize into a church or ministry, it's only a matter of time before they grow collective fangs.
I expect the world to try to work me over, but I cannot countenance that sort of behavior from my "so called, brothers and sisters in Christ."
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As for myself, I dropped a lot of those bad habits soon after leaving TWI. I found that people with widely different opinions many times had a lot to offer. But I still cringe when they think they are talking to dead people..
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The carpet in my house has to have those triangles when you vacuum and we have a tooth flossing chart.
Does that count?
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My kids can't eat without a nametag... and if the salt, pepper, cayenne or kelp stops moving around the table the evil one who stopped it is severely punished.
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Do we have old habits we kept from TWI?
No, but I still feel guilty if I don't pray as soon as my eyes open.
Are we still annoyed by others who have different opinions from us?
No, in the contrary, I am annoyed by those who have the same opinion they did 20-30 years ago.
Do we condescend to others and think all churches are a crock?
No, I like the church I go to, but I don't limit myself to believe "just their doctrine" I think TWI doctrine is a crock.
Are we attracted to other ministries out from TWI?
Yes. Sorry, I do not consider TWI a "ministry"
Anybody still going through psychotherapy over it all?
Nope, never did, I was in for a very short period of time.
And are any of the new fellowships and ministries acting like TWI?
Of course.
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double da post!
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I am more tolerant of other people's opinions, beliefs, and decisions. I consider myself growing.
Although I am changing, I find it hard to find a church to go to. I am so darn critical. I want one who belives in SIT, ye is not a holy roller, yet who is a Bible believing church.
I went online to find one through a search in my area. I found one that was "gently charismatic". I thought "Oh, great." I called and found it was episcopalian--basically catholic, not much Bible. Oh well, I'll keep searching. Maybe I'll change some more in the mean time.
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see.
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You know all that fancy folding of toilet paper ends..well I would settle just to hang it hung on the roll, preferably pull side out...but my family justs sit the roll on top of the holder for it. And none of us fear retribution from the spiritual realm for doing so.
But I do have a strange abhorence to anything that resembles a nametag or having to sit in a circle....
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At HQ it was vegetable salt, cayenne pepper, and salt. No regular white salt or regular black pepper was to be found-----except at the trustee table. Figures. I hated that!!
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see.
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Wayfer NOT! you said:
I go to one of 'em churches, and I love it. We study all religions and I find that it works for me. You know what? I am not freaked out at all that it is not for you. I am so over the "we are right, you are wrong" doctrine. You will find a place that is right for you, and people that will accept and respect your point of view. Isn't life outside the TWI box great?
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Are any of the new fellowships and ministries acting like TWI?
Yes. Last Sunday I went to another church i heard about. Many of the members were into greeting and hugging. The deacon taught 3John2 before taking the collection.
The minister had us repeat after him, "I am what the word says, i have what the word says..."
The minister rambled on about credit cards, debt and having a motgage.
It is another name it-claim it, blab and grab ministry.
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I still look for what I did wrong whenever something "unprofitable" happens.
I still catch myself automatically SIT whenever a sudden situation pops up.
I still wonder just how far I'm going to be allowed to go with this audacious new lifestyle before I get a "face melting"...or get "possessed".
I still hold to the idea that marriage is holy...and the man controls matter how traumatic or damaging.
I am in therapy to get over all this crap.
At least I recognize it as crap now.
I've actively held to this stuff for 41 of the 44 years of my's going to take awhile to get it out of my head.
TWI simply honed the beliefs I already had from the church I grew up in (Nazarene). When I left the twi offshoot last spring, I quit participating in any form of has been my experience that twi did not hold an elite corner on the insanity.
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I walk around with a 357 Magnum, helmet, flak jacket and a Nuclear Biological Chemical protection suit.
...and I'm still in
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wafer not,
i church hop and although i have seen some "dead" churches....i have found 4 that i really is a foursquare, one is an assembly of God, and the other two are nondenominational. they are all bible believing churches that believe in speaking in tongues and have EXCELLENT music....i just LOVE the music!
and get this, one of them NEVER takes a's a huge church...with 2 services packed with about 2000 people each....they are building a new building and never talk about money....the pastor doesn't believe in passing a collection he just sticks 2 barrels in the corner of the church and if you want to drop something in, you can.... it's an interesting idea and it's a prosperous church.
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We take turns playing host/hostess at the table and sing roll away as we pass our plates at the end of the meal.
We have stockpiles of MREs and rice and beans. We also have obscene amounts of emergency items stored with the inventory of our home which we do every year since 1999, not because we're scared, but because we plan for the worst and believe for the best.
We find someone in authority who is completely ignorant about an issue that's really important to our lives and ask them what they think we should before making a decision.
We rake our carpet after we vacume.
Can you sneak little black pepper packages from fast food joints into meals at HQ? Would someone at the table turn you in?
They might allow people to use black pepper if they are blessed to now, but it is probably strongly suggested that they don't.
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Absolutely NOT! They don't allow you to bring your own items to the table. It is considered rude to do so. My opinion is WHATEVER!!!
--> It's all part of the nazi dictatorship. The food services coord said it was donna martindale who suggested that they put veggie salt, cayenne pepper, and kelp on the tables. I'm wondering why she thought she was so knowledgeable to determine what the people WANTED. Gee whiz; when the darn trustees have regular white salt and black pepper on their table, you'd think the rest of the masses would get it too. I guess they aren't privileged enough. whatever.......... Glad I don't put up with it anymore.
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see.
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ps--yes other people would turn you in (reprove you) for not following the dining room rules. It got pretty religious and legalistic even in the dining room.
Faith is daring the soul to go beyond what the eyes can see.
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I remember the sea salt and cayenne
I really began to copious cayenne on my meals and it did seem to keep me from catching colds etc.
As for the Ancient & Wise Ones being the only keepers of the pure white salt and devilish dark pepper...who else was spurutual nuff for that sacred task!!!
Al Hendrickson
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Amen sister, now give me five! I stay away from anything that resembles that crap.
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Wow, Greasespotters!
You sure did have a lot to share! All of you seem to be in pretty good mental health despite it all, though.
So am I. I just ignore the head and neck jerking from time to time at the table, and my right eye quivering when I am in mixed company.
Marked and Avoided
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Cherished Child
I believe I've dropped every one of my old Way habits. It's been more than five years since I've attended any kind of religious service or fellowship and the longer I refrain from doing so, the less I miss it. And I feel not the slightest bit of guilt. But I'm sad to say that EVERY person presenting him/herself as a "minister of God/paster" whom I've observed thusfar, strikes me as suspect. That includes the likes of Charles Stanley, Joyce Meyer, John Hagie (just name a tele-evangelist). et al. They seem heavily invested in their own egos, showing very little humility---but Good God, can they put on a show! I'll admit though, that my perceptions may be entirely false. I believe it's just a function of my now hyper-tuned antennae, an internal apperatus that protects me from ever allowing myself to be dubed into handing my heart over to any group of "christians" again.
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Hey, CC, it's called keeping them honest.
If they're legit, like, say, Stanley, it's no
harm. If they're moneygrubbers, you catch it
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I like Charles Stanley!
Ok, granted, we never met, but he doesn't strike me as "false." Whatever that's worth.
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Cherished Child
Sorry Rafael, didn't mean to step on your toes. Charles Stanley is by no means the worst offender in my opinion, but have you ever noticed how he signs his name? I dabble in handwriting analysis (which is a science, not any sort of occult/psychic ability), and Charle's shows that he has quite the "healthy ego". However, like I said, my sense of mistrust is SO deep, mine is hardly an objective opinion.
Before becoming involved with The Way, by virtue of all my prior experiences, I had come to distrust what I called, "Christians in groups". Things went terribly awry not long into my Way experience, only confirming my first instinct. Now, I can only take "so called believers" a very few at a time. It just seems that once they organize into a church or ministry, it's only a matter of time before they grow collective fangs.
I expect the world to try to work me over, but I cannot countenance that sort of behavior from my "so called, brothers and sisters in Christ."
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old habit from twi.
discussing bible.
discussing God and His nature .
thinking I must find an answer for life in the bible.
thinking it has instructions for me...
oh no just oh no...
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