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Reincarnation. What do you believe?


What do you believe?  

34 members have voted

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    • I remember being here before
    • I am convinced of the concept
    • I think it is possible
    • Pretty sure it isn't true
    • Absolutely not.

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Reminds me of an old Doctor Who episode.. the villain was fragmented across time, told his earlier self to have Leonardo do up a few more Mona Lisas, hide them in the cellar, and he only had to dig them up a few hundred years later..


Now, if the physicists see something that indicates time travel, they know enough to look for the error in equation or calculation..

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I don't believe in reincarnation but I do consider it possible that there is something called genetic memory.

It runs throught the rest of the animal kingdom and I think it very probable that when we experience deja vu what we are actually experiencing is a bit of memory from an ancestor--a memory that has somehow been encoded in our DNA.

Edited by templelady
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I think reincarnation is a myth, but one of my sisters believes in it. She says there's a 'soul pool' your soul goes to before getting assigned to a next life. Maybe I should stipulate in my will to have a bathing suit in my coffin. Get it? Soul POOL? Bathing suit? AW HAW HAW!

When I lived in SF in '73/74 I was watching some talk show and there was this guy who swore he lived on Venus 2 million years ago. If I was the host I would've asked him what his job was, what the climate was like, how good the beer was, etc. Can't prove he DIDN'T, though.

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  Mr. Hammeroni said:
It may be theoretically possible.. but most people wouldn't look too human after being subjected to enough acceleration as to bring to to a velocity to sufficiently dialate time..


Ha! Shows how much you know!

Their acceleration rate was slowed by bouncing off a series of backward, upside down mirrors.

Care for a "jelly-baby"?

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  templelady said:
I don't believe in reincarnation but I do consider it possible that there is something called genetic memory.

It runs throught the rest of the animal kingdom and I think it very probable that when we experience deja vu what we are actually experiencing is a bit of memory from an ancestor--a memory that has somehow been encoded in our DNA.


If this were so, the swallows would return to Capistrano every year and fish would swim upstream to spawn. :rolleyes:

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Ha! Shows how much you know!

Their acceleration rate was slowed by bouncing off a series of backward, upside down mirrors.

"I'm not getting in that thing.. let's see how it scrambles YOUR molecules first."


Edited by Mr. Hammeroni
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You went to avataroverdrive!!!! omg.... thank you!! yep.... there could be some 'cultish' tendecies...definitly a zeal for 'doing the course'! But .. the course is ...belief free!

reincarnation............ I remember the first time I actually considered it........I was terrified.......I was listening to a tape by Ram Dass..(that in itself was such a departure from twi).............just a year or two out of TWI..........

Now ... it just makes sense (to me). Its the way my brain can rationalize the 'starving' kids in India stuff. Maybe we have all been there.........and I am not saying that that is a beginning or ending point........ it just is......

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Yep.. the world is a small place, and it seems to be getting smaller all the time. And I think that is what a lot of people are, with regard to the guy sitting next to them that may have a few different beliefs, terrified.

I was too, shortly after leaving der vey.

Except for a couple who threatened iminent devil spirit possession, I don't get a sense of the "I'm afraid I'll get possessed if I talk with you" here at GS, even among the most loyal of vp doctrine adherents.

Maybe we have come a long way.

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Yeah, me too..

sometimes I feel like I've wasted a lot of my life. But that's not really true. Even twenty plus years in the daggone cult had a few positives..

Two children resulted.. and they look a lot prettier than me

I wouldn't trade them for anything. Even if I could go back.. tell myself, "run. It's a cult, run for your LIFE.."

I wouldn't do it..


Edited by Mr. Hammeroni
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Chiming in on reincarnation...I'm not ready to join a cult about it, but I do not discount the possibility. I read a fascinating book not too long ago called Many Lives, Many Masters: The True Story of a Prominent Psychiatrist, His Young Patient, and the Past Life Therapy That Changed Both Their Lives by Brian Weiss. Things that make you say hmmm...

In twi we believed that at death everything returns to it's original state, ie the body goes back to dust, soul/breath life back to the air, and our spirit goes back to God. So is it a far leap to at least consider that spirit never dies, and as such we return to God/the Universe, and at some point come back for another "spiritual being having a human experience" life here on earth? One spirit, one life...or one spirit, many lives?

Who knows for sure, but isn't it great to be free to think and talk about it?!

As for time travel...If I could transport back in time to the night I stood in a stranger's driveway wondering what the h*ll I was doing there, going to a meeting about something called "The Class", I for one would run as far and as fast as I could :wave:

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I voted "pretty sure it isn't true."

My biggest problem with reincarnation is that I don't see society becoming any better than we were since the beginning of time. Smarter,yes, but that comes from drawing from the knowledge of those who came before us and building on that. If the purpose of reincarnation is to become a better being, and if everyone is reincarnated until they reach perfection, wouldn't society as a whole become better? And yet, I still see war and greed and suffering.

Then again, maybe there are just too many new souls being born to make a difference in our lifetime.

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I don't know if I would agree that we come back until we reach perfection. How can you improve perfection to begin with..

that's the whole argument of the spark of the divine in each person, I think.

I kind of have the impression that there are so many of "us", that the competition for corporeal existence is brutal..

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and the wars.. I think we have them, not because we are so different, but because we are so much the same.

Seems the methods of war may vary.. but even with passive or non violent resistance, it is still a war. Gandi said something about using love as a weapon.

Edited by Mr. Hammeroni
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I believe in reincarnation but the way the bible phrases it.

The words "resurrection" and "reincarnation" are very similar.

Jesus had a body of flesh and bones, his resurrected body. That is, essentially, the definition of reincarnation.

So yes, I do believe in reincarnation.

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I think there is an ending. Maybe that's what "resurrection" is really about. game is over, we all go "home".. a lot of religions have the thought that at one time, we will all see each other again.. I just think that that time may be a lot further in the future than what we think.

I don't think the reincarnation is significant in itself, what is significant is experiencing this life. I think if most people remembered everything before, it would kind of ruin their enjoyment of life this time around. Perhaps we are given a chance to act out in a more free manner.

But that's just my opinion. Subject to re-evaluation and change at any given moment..


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Oh, nice signature Vegan..

To some it may be kinda nuts, but I have issues even with clubbing a rat.. can't criticise anybody else for doing it, just can't bring myself to..

last one it was "catch and release"..


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