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Fascinating Google ad at the Cafe


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At the top of the Politics forum this evening was a google ad for:


I don't know who runs the place, but it is located in Nashville, TN. They have for sale new copies of books by Victor and several others. run out and get your copies now! (ducking). Oops, now it is on the top of THIS page. they move around fast


Edited by HAPe4me
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Re:"..you had it in About the Way, I rarely go there and did not see it. my 'pologies!"

Nothing to apologize for, Hap. There are forums I rarely go into as well... like the Politics forum. I'm just not big and tough enough to take the heat. So as Truman (I think it was) said I get out of the kitchen!!!!

Its interesting how the forums we visit change over time. At the beginning, most of us wouldn't miss *anything* on the About The Way forum but as time goes by.... what is discussed there is all old hat. Or maybe I should say an old wineskin, eh? :rolleyes: And it gets so dang BORING for a lot of old timers like us, Hap.

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Well, that forum never was my interest here, but it remains the focus, as it should be of what the cafe is about. fortunately, the cafe continues to draw many new folks to its wonderful little bistro, and I am glad, (as I know you are) that "About the Way" is here.

I was not apologizing for not going much to that forum, but for not seeing this topic was addressed more thoroughly already byyour thread. Actually Sudo, I have thought well of your recent forays into the depths of that darkness known as Politacks. The place is okay as long as one does not have high expectations of making a difference in the world as we know it, by posting there. This oldtimer has come to realize that discussing politics with ex-culters is to be taken as entertainment, not a step toward global change. At least in "About", there is the chance of makng a difference in one or more people's lives.


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