Happy Birthday ((((((((((OFM))))))))))!Have a Wonderful Birthday!Stay Safe!, We hold you all in our prayers, and prayer that God helps and protects you all! Thank You for Your loving service!Love You OFM, RainbowsGirl
I was so worried about you, please always check in. I even put you down in Friend search and we were waiting to hear....
I am full of joy to hear you are okay. We love you, ya know and miss you. War is not a nice place to be and a piece of our hearts are with you. I pray for God's protection around you and our troops. You are in Bagdad? What an awful place.
Do you need anything? Pm me your address and short of a million dollar something, I will try and sent it to you? Puzzle books, pens, wipes? What do you need?
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I'm so relieved to cyber see you!
God bless you man - glad you're doing well!
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Howdy, Medicine Man
As always, nice to "hear" from you.
Will you be stateside soon?
Hello to Dana, as well.
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Thanks for checking in and letting us know you are doing well. Hope the wife is doing well too.
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Smokey --- so VERY good to see you again. :)
(Been praying for ya, bro.)
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Good God Almighty!!!...Glad you're safe and still smilin'...
...Thank you for what you are doing....and that's from the heart.
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Glad to hear that you and your ear are alive and well!
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So glad to hear from you...now you have to peep in more often..
Stay safe in your in our prayers..xxoo..give our love to your lovely wife.
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Great to hear from you! You continue to be well and safe please!
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Happy Birthday ((((((((((OFM))))))))))!Have a Wonderful Birthday!Stay Safe!, We hold you all in our prayers, and prayer that God helps and protects you all! Thank You for Your loving service!Love You OFM, RainbowsGirl
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Hi OilFieldMedic!!! It's soooo goood to see you!
Glad you're well and will keep sending good thoughts your way :)
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May you have a sweet sleep.....God Bless You
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I'm also glad to see you here again. Prayers for you and your buddies are always in flight....and I too than you and yours for you service.
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Wunnerful, wunnerful to see you. Thanks for all your do to protect our freedom.
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Thanks everyone...more than you know...thank you for prayin' too, it sure helps to know y'all got my back
By the way, I am a new father
(see photo of Lille)
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I don't post often, but boy, am I glad to see you!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for all you do over there!!!!
Be safe and know that you are in lots of folk's prayers.
God Bless you and your family and your new baby.
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Would that happen to be a POODLE?
You HAVE been away from the threads awhile, haven't you?
There are a couple of threads here that deal with the subject of poodles.
I suggest you start at the begining of the "Mrs. Wierwille's Poodle" thread to really get the gist of the context.
Good to see you on this special day, Smokey.
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Dot Matrix
I was so worried about you, please always check in. I even put you down in Friend search and we were waiting to hear....
I am full of joy to hear you are okay. We love you, ya know and miss you. War is not a nice place to be and a piece of our hearts are with you. I pray for God's protection around you and our troops. You are in Bagdad? What an awful place.
Do you need anything? Pm me your address and short of a million dollar something, I will try and sent it to you? Puzzle books, pens, wipes? What do you need?
I love Lillie
Can you bring her home?
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lillie looks just like you !!!!!!!
i absolutely love YOUR (no smoke) pic !!!!!!!
stay safe, you're in my prayers
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She has your hair color! HOW CUTE!!
(Is she a Bishon?)
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Oops I missed this thread – good to hear from you, Smokey! You and Mrs. OFM are in my thoughts and prayers.
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A "lilly-white-sissy-dog"?
She is a Bichon yes and she is home with Dana, so we haven't actually met yet
Thanks for all the kind words from everyone, kinda touches my heart you know?
I don't have much too report from here, other than I sure hope Jesus Christ comes soon.
This place hasn't changed me a bit as you can see
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Thank God for folks like you, doing what you do!!!
Thinking of you and praying and being thankful here back home.
Take care of yourself.
--PS-- cute pup! (even if she does look like a poodle right now)
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