Bachelor parties with a 2 drink limit and your clergy's wife doing a strip tease (heard from a real good friend - he wanted a LOT more to drink when that one happened!)
Bridal showers with cheap gifts because no one has the money to spend on anthing since they are busy living the ABUNDANT LIFE (not.)
I could go on and on... But I have to go back to work.
OMG - you guys are a scream - I love the Pabts Blue Ribbon and Cheetos suggestion - LOL!
I talked to hubby about it - this wedding has things going on with it that remind me of a really bad one that I went to last year (I was doing the photography as a gift to the bride) - and tried to talk him out of it. He said he's going but that he's going to bring Andreas, who is 2 years old (TERRIBLE TWOS TO THE TENTH POWER!) and then duck out of the reception.
I think a 2 year old at a wedding is appropriate...
OMG - you guys are a scream - I love the Pabts Blue Ribbon and Cheetos suggestion - LOL!
I talked to hubby about it - this wedding has things going on with it that remind me of a really bad one that I went to last year (I was doing the photography as a gift to the bride) - and tried to talk him out of it. He said he's going but that he's going to bring Andreas, who is 2 years old (TERRIBLE TWOS TO THE TENTH POWER!) and then duck out of the reception.
I think a 2 year old at a wedding is appropriate...
This is gonna be good...
There's your gift! Birth control that will last for years....
I think I'd ditch the reception as well. How tacky. I could see family pitching in and providing food, but GUESTS????? If I were dirt poor, I still wouldn't ask even family to bring food. I would arrange for simple appetizers and make it a short reception. The gall and nerve of this girl!!???
But then yesterday, she emailed a THREE PAGE LIST of what she wants people to sign up for food to bring. (I couldn't make this up if I wanted to...) And this is for over 120 guests.
I did some quick math, and she spent over $4K on her dress and ring, alone. She drives a Lexus and comes from some big $$$. I don't get it...
And we're supposed to now cater the event?
Anyone else suffered or getting ready to suffer some weddings this summer?
Not I Chas. I haven't been to a wedding for years now.
Matter of fact -- the last one I think I was at,
our string band played for the reception,
and that was about 10 years ago.
It was a VERY high class wedding followed by holding a VERY high class reception ---
in one of the more *exclusive* ballrooms in town .
We were hired to do a square dance, as well as provide instrumental background for the festivities.
You walk in the main lobby -- and this is what you see:
The ballroom itself looks like this:
The only reason I mention this in your *tacky* thread here,
is because of what the bride had to say when it came time to *pay the band* (as in us -- TWTSB).
We (The Wild Thyme String Band) had said we would do 3 (more if needed) hours of music.
She (the bride) had agreed. A simple contract had been signed by her and our guy.
No *where-as the signee-of-the-first-part-bu!!....* like that -- just a simple statement.
We gave our price for picking for her party. There were 5 of us *doing the duty*.
If I recollect correct, the price was $650.00 (or there-abouts).
When all was done and our instruments were in their cases, we went looking for the paycheck.
She (the bride) started whining about wanting a fun time but not wanting to *go broke doing it*!
(May I refer you to the pics above from the place she rented, and then to her statement here???)
She wanted to pay us $125.00, rather than the contract price of $650.00.
We thought that was pretty tacky and a cheap shot at trying to get something for (almost) free.
So we pulled out the contract. Simple as it was -- it was a legal document.
Given her attitude and comments when asked for payment,
The groom wore jeans, a cowboy hat, and cowboy boots. The bride wore a simple cotton white eyelet lace dress and was barefoot. Her flowers were daisies - you get the idea. They had a small band and basically asked people to bring a picnic or picnic foods - "bring a dish". They provided grills and they did grill up ribs, burgers, hot dogs, etc. Of course there was a keg.
You know what? It was great - it was a nice time and everyone had fun. The bride didn't really want a big too-do and never once told us about the many places she'd registered (I don't think it crossed her mind.)
DMILLER - Hubby's band does weddings, too. They've run into that before - I'd be ashamed to do that! Good grief! Some people...
We had a simple wedding - about 30 people. It was at a resort here in NH - that is now on property that my father's farm used to abutt. My father and brothers all worked the field at haying time, as people would help each other out like that then. We were married on the golf course and had a dinner reception afterwards. The food was three main entree choices - rib roast, chicken marsalas, and seafood newburgh. We didn't do an open bar because almost no one drank and it was a Sunday - most had to work the next day.
We pulled the whole thing off for less than $1K. Including the suit, rings, dress, flowers, JP, gifts, etc. - it was about $2K - all total. We incurred NO DEBT from the wedding because we wanted to start a family and buy a house (which we did in less than a year!)
I guess what frosts me about this wedding is they have money and they're just being RUDE and CHEAP! (I'm not going!)
I might just not nap Andreas before the wedding, either... heh, heh...
The groom wore jeans, a cowboy hat, and cowboy boots. The bride wore a simple cotton white eyelet lace dress and was barefoot. Her flowers were daisies - you get the idea. They had a small band and basically asked people to bring a picnic or picnic foods - "bring a dish". They provided grills and they did grill up ribs, burgers, hot dogs, etc. Of course there was a keg.
You know what? It was great - it was a nice time and everyone had fun. The bride didn't really want a big too-do and never once told us about the many places she'd registered (I don't think it crossed her mind.)
Ya know what?? That's the way it SHOULD be. God bless em.
Tell the folks what you're doing and invite them to it.
Give them a time and date, and keep it simple like this one.
Speaking of tacky weddings, anyone get married in the BRC at HQ? I can remember those weird trellises they would set up for weddings.... Didn't they have some script at the top or something?
I was in Vegas a couple weeks ago, On a friday night you would not believe how many brides are sitting in the casino's in front of Slut machines hoping to win back their wedding expenses, 25 cents at a time.
I hate to derail this thread with what (I expect) will be a Great wedding, but...
My youngest stepson is getting married tomorrow. His dad and I are covering the usual groom's stuff: bachelor party, rehearsal dinner. We are also helping with the wedding reception food. The bride's parents can't afford a gala event, so the reception will be in the social hall of the church. My lovely wife (The Countess) has baked three cakes (and is finishing the decorations as I write this). We're also paying for a little of the wine and beer.
The really good news: this is the last one to get married.
Three of the four kids will have gotten married within twelve months! :o
Now we can spend all our money on the grandkids. :D
My daughter sprung upon us the news 2 months before the, not shotgun..
She kept it pretty simple, a beach wedding north of Boston..the weather went bad but we had it within the was still beautiful..took a limo to a restaurant and enjoyed a dinner overlooking the city lights..still a treasure of moments.everyone stayed for long weekend, shopping,walking on the beach,partying.very classy and simple..
Speaking of tacky weddings, anyone get married in the BRC at HQ? I can remember those weird trellises they would set up for weddings.... Didn't they have some script at the top or something?
Still got 'em last time I attended one... Can't remember what was at the top.
But I can still remember that terrible red carpet and the distinct smell of the BRC. I imagine it would be hard to match those colors for a wedding...
Was talking to some people at work about weddings today and they told me that the tradition here in the styx is to go home and change into "nice bar jeans, a blouse, and heels," and bring your own booze. Of course, these girls also told me that when they get married they just want hot wings and pizza ordered so the clean up would be easy.
Since I am from the city, I was a bit taken aback. I've been to western and country themed weddings where people wore denim and it was very nice...
Still got 'em last time I attended one... Can't remember what was at the top.
But I can still remember that terrible red carpet and the distinct smell of the BRC. I imagine it would be hard to match those colors for a wedding...
Was talking to some people at work about weddings today and they told me that the tradition here in the styx is to go home and change into "nice bar jeans, a blouse, and heels," and bring your own booze. Of course, these girls also told me that when they get married they just want hot wings and pizza ordered so the clean up would be easy.
Since I am from the city, I was a bit taken aback. I've been to western and country themed weddings where people wore denim and it was very nice...
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so sad and funny..Haha
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Send a gift and take the family out to dinner.
That is the tackiest thing I"ve ever heard of.
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Sounds like a high class event!
sign me up to bring a bag of CheesyPoofs and a six pack of Pabst..
thankfully no weddings this summer, my friends are mostly in the divorce age bracket--
what do you bring to one of those???
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You can tell you are having a TWI wedding because:
Your'e drinkin' buddies with the clergy
Your wedding party goes to your Bible studies (twig)
The ceremony is performed in someone's living room.
The reception is in the same living room.
The only people invited are people from the area or branch.
Your blood relatives are not invited.
The only beverage is Kool Aid.
The bride and groom are the only ones with champaign.
Your honeymoon is back at your apartment or at a root location in a tent.
The whole event is done with less than $200.00.
I almost forgot! ! !
Another way you can tell you're at a TWI wedding:
Everyone is wearing nametags.
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Another way to know you're at a twi wedding:
Bachelor parties with a 2 drink limit and your clergy's wife doing a strip tease (heard from a real good friend - he wanted a LOT more to drink when that one happened!)
Bridal showers with cheap gifts because no one has the money to spend on anthing since they are busy living the ABUNDANT LIFE (not.)
I could go on and on... But I have to go back to work.
Love ya all!
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Think I'd email my regrets and send the gift C.O.D.
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Drop off a box of Saltines and a can of Cheese-Whiz!!!
Maybe a pink flamingo for her front yard.
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polar bear
Another way to tell a twi corps wedding-
No one can give gifts-
The reception punch has no punch
You get reproved for trying to dance to "way music".
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They're soliciting food for their reception?...maybe a turd in the punch bowl would deliver a message?
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OMG - you guys are a scream - I love the Pabts Blue Ribbon and Cheetos suggestion - LOL!
I talked to hubby about it - this wedding has things going on with it that remind me of a really bad one that I went to last year (I was doing the photography as a gift to the bride) - and tried to talk him out of it. He said he's going but that he's going to bring Andreas, who is 2 years old (TERRIBLE TWOS TO THE TENTH POWER!) and then duck out of the reception.
I think a 2 year old at a wedding is appropriate...
This is gonna be good...
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There's your gift! Birth control that will last for years....
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I think I'd ditch the reception as well. How tacky. I could see family pitching in and providing food, but GUESTS????? If I were dirt poor, I still wouldn't ask even family to bring food. I would arrange for simple appetizers and make it a short reception. The gall and nerve of this girl!!???
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Not I Chas. I haven't been to a wedding for years now.
Matter of fact -- the last one I think I was at,
our string band played for the reception,
and that was about 10 years ago.
It was a VERY high class wedding followed by holding a VERY high class reception ---
in one of the more *exclusive* ballrooms in town .
We were hired to do a square dance, as well as provide instrumental background for the festivities.
You walk in the main lobby -- and this is what you see:
The ballroom itself looks like this:
The only reason I mention this in your *tacky* thread here,
is because of what the bride had to say when it came time to *pay the band* (as in us -- TWTSB).
We (The Wild Thyme String Band) had said we would do 3 (more if needed) hours of music.
She (the bride) had agreed. A simple contract had been signed by her and our guy.
No *where-as the signee-of-the-first-part-bu!!....* like that -- just a simple statement.
We gave our price for picking for her party. There were 5 of us *doing the duty*.
If I recollect correct, the price was $650.00 (or there-abouts).
When all was done and our instruments were in their cases, we went looking for the paycheck.
She (the bride) started whining about wanting a fun time but not wanting to *go broke doing it*!
(May I refer you to the pics above from the place she rented, and then to her statement here???)
She wanted to pay us $125.00, rather than the contract price of $650.00.
We thought that was pretty tacky and a cheap shot at trying to get something for (almost) free.
So we pulled out the contract. Simple as it was -- it was a legal document.
Given her attitude and comments when asked for payment,
we asked for cash rather than a check.
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I went to a country wedding once -
The groom wore jeans, a cowboy hat, and cowboy boots. The bride wore a simple cotton white eyelet lace dress and was barefoot. Her flowers were daisies - you get the idea. They had a small band and basically asked people to bring a picnic or picnic foods - "bring a dish". They provided grills and they did grill up ribs, burgers, hot dogs, etc. Of course there was a keg.
You know what? It was great - it was a nice time and everyone had fun. The bride didn't really want a big too-do and never once told us about the many places she'd registered (I don't think it crossed her mind.)
DMILLER - Hubby's band does weddings, too. They've run into that before - I'd be ashamed to do that! Good grief! Some people...
We had a simple wedding - about 30 people. It was at a resort here in NH - that is now on property that my father's farm used to abutt. My father and brothers all worked the field at haying time, as people would help each other out like that then. We were married on the golf course and had a dinner reception afterwards. The food was three main entree choices - rib roast, chicken marsalas, and seafood newburgh. We didn't do an open bar because almost no one drank and it was a Sunday - most had to work the next day.
We pulled the whole thing off for less than $1K. Including the suit, rings, dress, flowers, JP, gifts, etc. - it was about $2K - all total. We incurred NO DEBT from the wedding because we wanted to start a family and buy a house (which we did in less than a year!)
I guess what frosts me about this wedding is they have money and they're just being RUDE and CHEAP! (I'm not going!)
I might just not nap Andreas before the wedding, either... heh, heh...
Edited by ChasUFarleyLink to comment
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Ya know what?? That's the way it SHOULD be. God bless em.
Tell the folks what you're doing and invite them to it.
Give them a time and date, and keep it simple like this one.
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Take half a bowl of potato salad and tell them you had a ccokout the day before.
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Speaking of tacky weddings, anyone get married in the BRC at HQ? I can remember those weird trellises they would set up for weddings.... Didn't they have some script at the top or something?
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Out There
I was in Vegas a couple weeks ago, On a friday night you would not believe how many brides are sitting in the casino's in front of Slut machines hoping to win back their wedding expenses, 25 cents at a time.
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I hate to derail this thread with what (I expect) will be a Great wedding, but...
My youngest stepson is getting married tomorrow. His dad and I are covering the usual groom's stuff: bachelor party, rehearsal dinner. We are also helping with the wedding reception food. The bride's parents can't afford a gala event, so the reception will be in the social hall of the church. My lovely wife (The Countess) has baked three cakes (and is finishing the decorations as I write this). We're also paying for a little of the wine and beer.
The really good news: this is the last one to get married.

Three of the four kids will have gotten married within twelve months! :o
Now we can spend all our money on the grandkids.
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Congrats George
My daughter sprung upon us the news 2 months before the, not shotgun..
She kept it pretty simple, a beach wedding north of Boston..the weather went bad but we had it within the was still beautiful..took a limo to a restaurant and enjoyed a dinner overlooking the city lights..still a treasure of moments.everyone stayed for long weekend, shopping,walking on the beach,partying.very classy and simple..
One more to go:)
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Still got 'em last time I attended one... Can't remember what was at the top.
But I can still remember that terrible red carpet and the distinct smell of the BRC. I imagine it would be hard to match those colors for a wedding...
Was talking to some people at work about weddings today and they told me that the tradition here in the styx is to go home and change into "nice bar jeans, a blouse, and heels," and bring your own booze. Of course, these girls also told me that when they get married they just want hot wings and pizza ordered so the clean up would be easy.
Since I am from the city, I was a bit taken aback. I've been to western and country themed weddings where people wore denim and it was very nice...
....but what the heck are "BAR JEANS?"
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Java too funny..
must be jeans branded on thouest butt..ha
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Of course - how appropriate for a wedding... How could I be so stupid?
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