Well, Ham, that IS very strange and bizzare! I would never have thought you, of all people, would have such a thing in your past, much less believe in it. It must cause a bit of turmoil for you presently. But, I must come clean, and admit that I, too, can whistle while breathing in or out. There I said it! I feel cleansed and free!!
As far as the other things about past lives....don't know.....maybe I never had one? :huh:
Actually, I never put much stock in reincarnation. Never read up on it either, though. This should be an interesting discussion.
Yeah, well, at least I didn't put this in doctrinal..
I have slowly come to grips with the whistling though. Breath in, whistle, breath out, whistle..
Since leaving der vey, I have gotten a lot more comfortable with the concept of not understanding everything, or being able to explain it with a mathmatical exactness and such.
After a while, I started remembering some of these impressions or dreams in my early years.
Could be real, could be not..
maybe my dad fed me ramps or something before putting me to bed..
Seems there is something, somewhere, just can't remember.
General George Patton believed in it, and I think he went to church too.. thought he was some kind of commander in a previous life..
I can't exactly poo-poo people's beliefs either. I do find strict rigid fundamentalism distasteful, but if that's somebody's choice.. so be it.
Here's a list of some of the more famous people in history who believed in reincarnation, and I wouldn't exactly go about beating them with a bible.. or with my understanding of it, anyway..
Benjamin Franklin
Jack London
Mark Twain
Leo Tolstoy
Henry Ford
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Freidrich Nietzsche
Mahatma Ghandi
Ralph Waldo Emerson
General George S. Patton
Albert Schweitzer
Walt Whitman
William Wordsworth
Jalalu Rumi (Islamic Poet of the 13th century)
Carl Jung
Henry David Thoreau
Josephus (most well known Jewish historian from the time of Jesus)
Honore Balzac (French writer)
Arthur Schopenhauer (Philosopher)
Paul Gauguin (French post-impressionist painter)
George Harrison
If you want to see quotes, some guy on another board assembled them:
I had a dream once about something I did as a child, or at least it seemed like I did it as a child.
The strange part is that it took place somewhere I have never been but I could describe what I saw in the dream in great detail.
For the next week or two, I kept thinking about that and tried to remember if I had really been to that place and just forgotten. In the end, I'm convinced it was nothing more than a dream. Some dreams are really vivid, though, and even though we remember fine details of the content, we somehow completely forget that this information came as part of a dream initially. It seems very real but it is not.
Whistle both directions? Yep. Would you expect anything less from someone who plays harmonica? :)
The picture I had of old radios from the 1930's or so, were the insides of them, before I had ever seen one in real life..
at least that I can remember.
Later, when I was still young, I kinda knew how radios worked, and took them apart. just didn't have the manual dexterity to really do anything as far as putting them back together..
I have dreams and then sometimes I have DREAMS, some even happen while I am awake. My Cherokee friend calls it spirit flight---(who knows?).
A few years back I was playing my guitar at my shop, closed my eyes and fell into a dream as i was playing, following the rhythms after a few minutes I was a slave in a viking ship rowing a longboat chained in and it was sinking in battle, it seemed very real,
Sometimes dreams are just dreams but this one I was sure I was every bit really there, if only for a minute or two. (NO, I wasnt stoned!)
Was I a viking in a past life? I Don't know, maybe, but I do know I was a viking for a few minutes of this life anyway
...other times if the conditions are right some genetic memory I think or something surfaces and for moment I see or remember something that happened outside my lifetime, which I think could be something somehow imprinted on the DNA that gets past down...
Who knows? these thoughts and feelings happen once in awhile.
I gave up pretending to have all the answers along time ago
I suppose if I was curious enough I'd go to a Jungian Dream Analyst
Well now. I can whistle a number of ways. I can chirp like a bird really loud. So loud, any one who is close will have hurting ears. I do a number of calls with that method, and many times, when people ask what kind of bird it is, like one time at Emporia in the lunch room up at the head table with the microphone, I told them; "Well now, that just happens to be the call of the "double breasted mattress thrasher"! WHich caused a major erruption of laughing, and I had my "moment" up in front of the Corps. About the only big up front moment I ever had in the Corps, now that I think of it. I also can whistle both in and out, and I also do this "flutter tongue" thing which gives me a "warbling" sound. Many times I make up songs in my head, and then I whistle them and then either play that tune on the guitar or on my harmonicas. Kind of like the way a song writer may use a piano. But, I can't play piano, so I whistle it. It's the best way to imprint a song that comes into my head when I don't have a guitar or harmonica handy.
And, I never dream about past lives, for I never had any. Don't believe in that. But I do have one recurring(sp?) dream. Every so often I will dream that I am walking downhill on the street that is the street that I grew up on. Good old Clearbrook Lane. Clearbrook Lane is a street that ends in a nice cul de sac, and is lined with giant oaks, tulip poplars, and sycamore trees. And in my dream as I am "heading home" to the big beautiful white farm style house at the very dead end where I grew up. And as I am walking down the street, I begin to skip (as in like, "skip to my Lou") instead of walk. And my skipping picks up and I begin go pretty fast, and also pretty high up in the air, for it's a pretty steep hill. And before I know it, when I take off from one foot to skip through the air, I push down with that one foot, and launch my self twenty feet into the air! And then I come down light as a feather and skip way up into the air again! And when I start to do this I say out loud while essentially flying; "I knew I could do this! I just knew it!" And I skip and fly merrily down the street until I come home to my Mom.
Ya know, it's been a while since I have had that dream. BUt, it's always been the same and it is always as delightful. I wonder what it's all about?
I dont dream either..somehow I am able to keep somewhat of a clear concious to allow me to have a sweet sleep..hey
I have a mocking bird that visits the tree next to my front porch..man o live, he can entertain me for hrs..it's amazing..this is the first time I have heard them, they are not native to my homeland.
I don't think it's strange. I think it's cool! I think everyone would like to be able to fly, and the central part of the dream is not that I am "going home", but rather, that I get to fly! At least in my dream anyway...
Well Johnny, that is kinda neat. Just wonder, how many details do you remember? Time of day, weather, etc?
I often dream that I'm levitating as I'm moving around. I can direct the direction I'm going mentally in the dream. It is kinda neat when I KNOW I am dreaming.
But it is always a night scene. Maybe I'm a "creature of da night"
Why would there be genetic memory or consciousness if the genetic material from a previous life was rotted away????
There is a whole lot of "junk" DNA they have not idea what it does.. and the pattern is passed on.
Personally, I think we are all connected, somehow. All part of some greater whole.
Jung talks about archetypical images. They seem to be wired in somewhere.. common to people across cultures.
Yeah, I dunno Ham, I've got a tough time trying to figure out how the whole "past lives" thingy is supposed to work.
I mean, just what is it that gets passed on to you in your new body? Probably not anything physical, huh? I can't imagine that the molecules that we're made up of have some sort of memory chip in them, but, whaddu I know? So is it some sort of squishy "spiritual" inheritance that we get that keeps us in touch with our former selves? Just what is it of us that keeps coming back for more?
I also find it more than a little coincidental that all the "memories" folks have are so similar to movies or dipictions in books or whathaveyou.
I had a dream once that i had committed a crime(undetected).
The whole next day, I had a creepy feeling of paranoia as if someone was going to discover this crime I had committed in my dream.
I actually had to remind myself that it all happened in a dream, not real life. It seemed so real because it went beyond facts and played on my emotions.
Jonny---From one harp player to another.
Do you ever do that "flutter tongue" thing at the end of a phrase?Actually more like a "batting" than a "flutter".
Kim Wilson (Fabulous Thunderbirds) does a killer flutter tongue.
I smoked (tobacco) about thirty years ago. When I quit, for about ten years I had recurring dreams of smoking. I'd wake up asking what the crap I was doing to myself..
One thing I can say for fiction, it doesn't try to deceive a person.
That seems INCREDIBLY ironic.
Well now. I can whistle a number of ways. I can chirp like a bird really loud. So loud, any one who is close will have hurting ears.
Well now. I do an AWESOME (IMO) RoadRunner (like the cartoon kind) and used to able to do it really loudly... I haven't checked on how loud I can do it lately. But the kids I visit (at a local crisis shelter, kids taken from their homes/families due to abuse and neglect) get a kick out of it.
Well Johnny, that is kinda neat. Just wonder, how many details do you remember? Time of day, weather, etc?
I often dream that I'm levitating as I'm moving around. I can direct the direction I'm going mentally in the dream. It is kinda neat when I KNOW I am dreaming.
But it is always a night scene. Maybe I'm a "creature of da night"
Maybe you're a flying squirell, but you don't really know it - kinda like that scene in Dumbo where they get drunk and start flying and end up in a tree... But I suppose you usually wake up in a tree, right, Mr. Ham?
There is a whole lot of "junk" DNA they have not idea what it does.. and the pattern is passed on.
Personally, I think we are all connected, somehow. All part of some greater whole.
Jung talks about archetypical images. They seem to be wired in somewhere.. common to people across cultures.
Yes. Archetypes are incredibly interesting. Seems like there are only a few stories to be told, but a infinate variety in the telling. I read a very interesting book several years ago (that got thrown out as being "devilish" ) on the various similarities tying together fairy tales across many different cultures... Hansel and Gretal is a great example - there are tons of stories of children abandoned by their parents and picked up by witches or monsters... Even in cultures (like some Native American tribes) where child abandonment is unheard of.
The wicked stepmother is another recurring character, as is the dead mother who protects her children after death in some other form...
I love that stuff. It's incredible what has been hard wired into us as human beings.
As for dreams... I have a recurring one about a house - it's different on the outside but the same on the inside every time I see it. It could be anywhere, and look like anything, but once I go inside, it's always the same. I used to run away from the house because when I would get to one specific room it would turn into a horror movie... It doesn't do that too much anymore. It's mainly just surreal now - like something out of a Lewis Carroll book...
Any takes on this one? I have my own theories, but I want to hear what you guys think. The first time I dreamt this dream I literally thought it was a house I used to live in as a kid, because the memories were so REAL, like I had been there before, but when I looked back on it and examined all the houses I have ever lived in, none of them were like this one. Inside it is opulent and plush, but a little run down... and it's OLD.
I'm trying to learn how to whistle in and out, but have not yet mastered it.
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Well, Ham, that IS very strange and bizzare! I would never have thought you, of all people, would have such a thing in your past, much less believe in it. It must cause a bit of turmoil for you presently. But, I must come clean, and admit that I, too, can whistle while breathing in or out. There I said it! I feel cleansed and free!!
As far as the other things about past lives....don't know.....maybe I never had one? :huh:
Actually, I never put much stock in reincarnation. Never read up on it either, though. This should be an interesting discussion.
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Yeah, well, at least I didn't put this in doctrinal..
I have slowly come to grips with the whistling though. Breath in, whistle, breath out, whistle..
Since leaving der vey, I have gotten a lot more comfortable with the concept of not understanding everything, or being able to explain it with a mathmatical exactness and such.
After a while, I started remembering some of these impressions or dreams in my early years.
Could be real, could be not..
maybe my dad fed me ramps or something before putting me to bed..
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Yeah, I'm past poo-pooing anyone else's beliefs. I don't know squat about past lives. I DO know that two-way-whistling is fun...especially at partys!
Is there any reference to reincarnation in the bible? Never thought about it.
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Seems there is something, somewhere, just can't remember.
General George Patton believed in it, and I think he went to church too.. thought he was some kind of commander in a previous life..
I can't exactly poo-poo people's beliefs either. I do find strict rigid fundamentalism distasteful, but if that's somebody's choice.. so be it.
Here's a list of some of the more famous people in history who believed in reincarnation, and I wouldn't exactly go about beating them with a bible.. or with my understanding of it, anyway..
Benjamin Franklin
Jack London
Mark Twain
Leo Tolstoy
Henry Ford
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Freidrich Nietzsche
Mahatma Ghandi
Ralph Waldo Emerson
General George S. Patton
Albert Schweitzer
Walt Whitman
William Wordsworth
Jalalu Rumi (Islamic Poet of the 13th century)
Carl Jung
Henry David Thoreau
Josephus (most well known Jewish historian from the time of Jesus)
Honore Balzac (French writer)
Arthur Schopenhauer (Philosopher)
Paul Gauguin (French post-impressionist painter)
George Harrison
If you want to see quotes, some guy on another board assembled them:
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If you really want to discuss this, start a thread in Doctrinal, please, and I'll meet you there.
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I had a dream once about something I did as a child, or at least it seemed like I did it as a child.
The strange part is that it took place somewhere I have never been but I could describe what I saw in the dream in great detail.
For the next week or two, I kept thinking about that and tried to remember if I had really been to that place and just forgotten. In the end, I'm convinced it was nothing more than a dream. Some dreams are really vivid, though, and even though we remember fine details of the content, we somehow completely forget that this information came as part of a dream initially. It seems very real but it is not.
Whistle both directions? Yep. Would you expect anything less from someone who plays harmonica? :)
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Well.. I'll add a little strangeness
The picture I had of old radios from the 1930's or so, were the insides of them, before I had ever seen one in real life..
at least that I can remember.
Later, when I was still young, I kinda knew how radios worked, and took them apart. just didn't have the manual dexterity to really do anything as far as putting them back together..

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Out There
As punishment for past deeds I think I came back as myself (I'm not doing any better this time around either)
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I have dreams and then sometimes I have DREAMS, some even happen while I am awake. My Cherokee friend calls it spirit flight---(who knows?).
A few years back I was playing my guitar at my shop, closed my eyes and fell into a dream as i was playing, following the rhythms after a few minutes I was a slave in a viking ship rowing a longboat chained in and it was sinking in battle, it seemed very real,
Sometimes dreams are just dreams but this one I was sure I was every bit really there, if only for a minute or two. (NO, I wasnt stoned!)
Was I a viking in a past life? I Don't know, maybe, but I do know I was a viking for a few minutes of this life anyway
...other times if the conditions are right some genetic memory I think or something surfaces and for moment I see or remember something that happened outside my lifetime, which I think could be something somehow imprinted on the DNA that gets past down...
Who knows? these thoughts and feelings happen once in awhile.
I gave up pretending to have all the answers along time ago
I suppose if I was curious enough I'd go to a Jungian Dream Analyst
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J0nny Ling0
Well now. I can whistle a number of ways. I can chirp like a bird really loud. So loud, any one who is close will have hurting ears. I do a number of calls with that method, and many times, when people ask what kind of bird it is, like one time at Emporia in the lunch room up at the head table with the microphone, I told them; "Well now, that just happens to be the call of the "double breasted mattress thrasher"! WHich caused a major erruption of laughing, and I had my "moment" up in front of the Corps. About the only big up front moment I ever had in the Corps, now that I think of it. I also can whistle both in and out, and I also do this "flutter tongue" thing which gives me a "warbling" sound. Many times I make up songs in my head, and then I whistle them and then either play that tune on the guitar or on my harmonicas. Kind of like the way a song writer may use a piano. But, I can't play piano, so I whistle it. It's the best way to imprint a song that comes into my head when I don't have a guitar or harmonica handy.
And, I never dream about past lives, for I never had any. Don't believe in that. But I do have one recurring(sp?) dream. Every so often I will dream that I am walking downhill on the street that is the street that I grew up on. Good old Clearbrook Lane. Clearbrook Lane is a street that ends in a nice cul de sac, and is lined with giant oaks, tulip poplars, and sycamore trees. And in my dream as I am "heading home" to the big beautiful white farm style house at the very dead end where I grew up. And as I am walking down the street, I begin to skip (as in like, "skip to my Lou") instead of walk. And my skipping picks up and I begin go pretty fast, and also pretty high up in the air, for it's a pretty steep hill. And before I know it, when I take off from one foot to skip through the air, I push down with that one foot, and launch my self twenty feet into the air! And then I come down light as a feather and skip way up into the air again! And when I start to do this I say out loud while essentially flying; "I knew I could do this! I just knew it!" And I skip and fly merrily down the street until I come home to my Mom.
Ya know, it's been a while since I have had that dream. BUt, it's always been the same and it is always as delightful. I wonder what it's all about?
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May be your homesick Johnny.
I dont dream either..somehow I am able to keep somewhat of a clear concious to allow me to have a sweet sleep..hey
I have a mocking bird that visits the tree next to my front porch..man o live, he can entertain me for hrs..it's amazing..this is the first time I have heard them, they are not native to my homeland.
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hmm. mstar, if there is some kind of genetic memory, I wonder if there is also a sort of genetic consciousness..
Johnny, that is kinda strange..
maybe you're regressing to a time at the dentist when you were on laughting gas..
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J0nny Ling0
I don't think it's strange. I think it's cool! I think everyone would like to be able to fly, and the central part of the dream is not that I am "going home", but rather, that I get to fly! At least in my dream anyway...
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Why would there be genetic memory or consciousness if the genetic material from a previous life was rotted away????
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Well Johnny, that is kinda neat. Just wonder, how many details do you remember? Time of day, weather, etc?
I often dream that I'm levitating as I'm moving around. I can direct the direction I'm going mentally in the dream. It is kinda neat when I KNOW I am dreaming.
But it is always a night scene. Maybe I'm a "creature of da night"
There is a whole lot of "junk" DNA they have not idea what it does.. and the pattern is passed on.
Personally, I think we are all connected, somehow. All part of some greater whole.
Jung talks about archetypical images. They seem to be wired in somewhere.. common to people across cultures.
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George Aar
Yeah, I dunno Ham, I've got a tough time trying to figure out how the whole "past lives" thingy is supposed to work.
I mean, just what is it that gets passed on to you in your new body? Probably not anything physical, huh? I can't imagine that the molecules that we're made up of have some sort of memory chip in them, but, whaddu I know? So is it some sort of squishy "spiritual" inheritance that we get that keeps us in touch with our former selves? Just what is it of us that keeps coming back for more?
I also find it more than a little coincidental that all the "memories" folks have are so similar to movies or dipictions in books or whathaveyou.
Uh un, whatever...
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I dunno. Could the opposite be true? Could fictional movie and art images be similar to people's memories, and not the other way around?
I used to think "fiction" was a bad word, but now sometimes I feel that fiction allows us to explore the nature of our true selves.
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One thing I can say for fiction, it doesn't try to deceive a person. No promises of guaranteed results.
At the end of the day, a person may find that it is only something somebody made up..
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I had a dream once that i had committed a crime(undetected).
The whole next day, I had a creepy feeling of paranoia as if someone was going to discover this crime I had committed in my dream.
I actually had to remind myself that it all happened in a dream, not real life. It seemed so real because it went beyond facts and played on my emotions.
Do you ever do that "flutter tongue" thing at the end of a phrase?Actually more like a "batting" than a "flutter".
Kim Wilson (Fabulous Thunderbirds) does a killer flutter tongue.
Hmmm. Or does he? Maybe I just dreamed it.
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I smoked (tobacco) about thirty years ago. When I quit, for about ten years I had recurring dreams of smoking. I'd wake up asking what the crap I was doing to myself..
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Ya see, That's what I'm talkin' about.
It's only real in your dream but somehow your mind thinks it is factual.
Geeze! I wonder if VPW ever dreamed about snow on the gas pumps!
Given the warm weather report for that particular day, I suppose it might have been a wet-snow kind of dream.
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That seems INCREDIBLY ironic.
Well now. I do an AWESOME (IMO) RoadRunner (like the cartoon kind) and used to able to do it really loudly... I haven't checked on how loud I can do it lately. But the kids I visit (at a local crisis shelter, kids taken from their homes/families due to abuse and neglect) get a kick out of it.
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I can only whistle backwards. (Breathing in only)
I really like penguins.
I can only snap my fingers with my left hand.
I can't wink--any attempt ends up being a "blink"
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Maybe you're a flying squirell, but you don't really know it - kinda like that scene in Dumbo where they get drunk and start flying and end up in a tree... But I suppose you usually wake up in a tree, right, Mr. Ham?
Yes. Archetypes are incredibly interesting. Seems like there are only a few stories to be told, but a infinate variety in the telling. I read a very interesting book several years ago (that got thrown out as being "devilish"
) on the various similarities tying together fairy tales across many different cultures... Hansel and Gretal is a great example - there are tons of stories of children abandoned by their parents and picked up by witches or monsters... Even in cultures (like some Native American tribes) where child abandonment is unheard of.
The wicked stepmother is another recurring character, as is the dead mother who protects her children after death in some other form...
I love that stuff. It's incredible what has been hard wired into us as human beings.
As for dreams... I have a recurring one about a house - it's different on the outside but the same on the inside every time I see it. It could be anywhere, and look like anything, but once I go inside, it's always the same. I used to run away from the house because when I would get to one specific room it would turn into a horror movie... It doesn't do that too much anymore. It's mainly just surreal now - like something out of a Lewis Carroll book...
Any takes on this one? I have my own theories, but I want to hear what you guys think. The first time I dreamt this dream I literally thought it was a house I used to live in as a kid, because the memories were so REAL, like I had been there before, but when I looked back on it and examined all the houses I have ever lived in, none of them were like this one. Inside it is opulent and plush, but a little run down... and it's OLD.
I'm trying to learn how to whistle in and out, but have not yet mastered it.
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