For the law of liberty does not lead to the self but leads to God's true self.
Some people claim meditation does the same thing..
Some people think that we competed rather fiercely to have the chance to enjoy the tiny, itty bitty speck of individuality that this life affords us.
about the only way you're gonna completely throw THAT off, and be totally God minded fella, is when you are stone cold dead. Many are given one of the gifts of the universe, and they treat it like a wool sweater. Itch, itch itch.. gotta get out of this thing..
what a waste of time. I mean, fight tooth and nail to just get here, and spend the time desperately seeking the great egress.
Now that's odd for you to say since if anyone were to look at some of the full names brandied around here the same concern doesn't seem to be an issue. Nor do the rules of the forum specifically state that posting full names is prohibited -- unless there are a set of rules posted somewhere that I haven't seen.
Now can we drop it or would you like to have the last word?
WordWolf is right.
The general policy of this board is that we do not use full names of people unless they were or are on the board of trustees/directors.
There have been some exceptions: usually people who were, by their participation, unusually high profile. Examples include John Lynn, John Schoenheit, Walter Cummins, Chris Geer, Ralph Dubofsky, Vince Finnegan, Donna Martindale, John Linder, Claudette Royale and a bunch of the musicians.
But once you start having to explain who the person is, our practice has been to obscure the name (they may not want their association with TWI known to the general public performing a google search).
Thus, you might mention Bob Stanley, but if you were to mention anyone else in Acts 29, you would blur the name (B*b S*****y).
When in doubt, obscure the name unless it's a member of the BOT/BOD.
[Note: Other mods, please correct me if I've misrepresented the policy].
Larry, right now I’m not impressed. Now if you rightly divided the yoke and did an extensive Greek word study on it, maybe. But really, you need to write a post complete with convincing proof before I can even consider it.
How fast did you eat? Did anyone besides your mother see you? Can you really say with any authority that you ate fast? How do you connect that to yoke on your face? Did you always eat eggs? I'm not following your logic.
That's ok, another spot. Half the time I can't follow my own logic.
The general policy of this board is that we do not use full names of people unless they were or are on the board of trustees/directors.
There have been some exceptions: usually people who were, by their participation, unusually high profile. Examples include John Lynn, John Schoenheit, Walter Cummins, Chris Geer, Ralph Dubofsky, Vince Finnegan, Donna Martindale, John Linder, Claudette Royale and a bunch of the musicians.
But once you start having to explain who the person is, our practice has been to obscure the name (they may not want their association with TWI known to the general public performing a google search).
Thus, you might mention Bob Stanley, but if you were to mention anyone else in Acts 29, you would blur the name (B*b S*****y).
When in doubt, obscure the name unless it's a member of the BOT/BOD.
[Note: Other mods, please correct me if I've misrepresented the policy].
modcat5, seeing how you are a moderator I'll accept your word that this is the board policy and in the future will adhere to it. It is always my custom to check out the rules of any board I choose to register on before I post. So, I hope you can appreciate how I was unaware of your policy. It might be helpful for all parties if you would consider including this policy also in the statement of rules. And, for my inappropriate behavior towards WW I apologize.
Some people claim meditation does the same thing..
Some people think that we competed rather fiercely to have the chance to enjoy the tiny, itty bitty speck of individuality that this life affords us.
about the only way you're gonna completely throw THAT off, and be totally God minded fella, is when you are stone cold dead. Many are given one of the gifts of the universe, and they treat it like a wool sweater. Itch, itch itch.. gotta get out of this thing..
what a waste of time. I mean, fight tooth and nail to just get here, and spend the time desperately seeking the great egress.
If "they" are right, anyway..
What's the big hurry?
I am not exactly understanding you...
Are you saying we should not shed our natural self so quickly?
That we should be ourselves longer rather than to allow our self to shine God's image instead?
The image of God is greater than the image of self.
No, I'm saying we have this little itty bit of individuality for a reason. I for one, think we asked for it.
99.92% of this life we speak of may not be about "me", but .08 % indeed is.
What I'm saying is, a person can't fully acheive this "God consciousness". Try as you may.. whatever methods you choose- "renew the mind", meditate, whatever.. and the .08% of "you" will not go there.
The image of God is greater than the image of self.
Even if that was true (in the sense that you're applying it) still, we have this from Romans 1:25 "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen" As I understand it is a sin to worship the creation more so than the Creator.
No, I'm saying we have this little itty bit of individuality for a reason. I for one, think we asked for it.
99.92% of this life we speak of may not be about "me", but .08 % indeed is.
What I'm saying is, a person can't fully acheive this "God consciousness". Try as you may.. whatever methods you choose- "renew the mind", meditate, whatever.. and the .08% of "you" will not go there.
Is it? He did create us in his image, did he not?
The holy spirit gift is fully God conscious.
1John 1:5
This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
Comment: One needs simply to recognize this to achieve God consciousness.
For the spirit has not even the slightest percentage of darkness.
Once that in known then God is known.
For God does not fellowship with darkness.
2Corinthians 6:14
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers [law minded]: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
Comment: The perpendicular is that we are holy, the horizontal is that we walk in the law of liberty. God is our basis and the law of liberty is our base.
God is our standing and the law of liberty is our state.
I don't think a person can see this image, in themselves.
If that image exists in man then you should be able to see evidence of its existence even if you can't see the image itself. What evidence would we be looking for if it exists?
One needs simply to recognize this to achieve God consciousness.
I have failed to see this work, in practice. I tried it for over twenty five years.. no soap. Just give enough, get vast enough understanding of God's nature revealed in the bible..
I think it is putting the cart before the horse.
I would suggest, to see God's light, brings the recognition you speak of.
If that image exists in man then you should be able to see evidence of its existence even if you can't see the image itself. What evidence would we be looking for if it exists?
When science tries to look at light and decide whether if it is a particle or a wave it vanishes.
For it is both a wave [heaven] and a particle [earth]. Both of which were created by God. The kingdom of God is a realm outside of the kingdom of heaven. Though God is within his creation he is also distinctly separate from it. It is his creation that is presented with the choice to either shine it's own image (law) or God's image (law of liberty).
We will never find God within his creation, only the image of God...
For the creator exists outside and independent of creation also.
Creation does not equal the creator just as zero does not equal one.
Even in the binary numbering system zero and one ultimately represent good and evil.
And good is not equal to evil.
So without God the self can only see within themselves a one.
Just as pantheism begins with the world already created.
When God represents the seed and not the progeny.
We need to bear the image of the seed in order to know the infinity of all numbers.
Though God is within his creation he is also distinctly separate from it.
I am not entirely sold on this.. doesn't God have something at stake here? I don't deny that he is almighty.. but I think he is entertwined with his creation. It's called "fellowship".
It is his creation that is presented with the choice to either shine it's own image (law) or God's image (law of liberty).
We will never find God within his creation, only the image of God...
I thought you just said that we could in that he is within his creation.
If that image exists in man then you should be able to see evidence of its existence even if you can't see the image itself. What evidence would we be looking for if it exists?
When science tries to look at light and decide whether if it is a particle or a wave it vanishes.
For it is both a wave [heaven] and a particle [earth]. Both of which were created by God. The kingdom of God is a realm outside of the kingdom of heaven. Though God is within his creation he is also distinctly separate from it. It is his creation that is presented with the choice to either shine it's own image (law) or God's image (law of liberty).
We will never find God within his creation, only the image of God...
For the creator exists outside and independent of creation also.
Creation does not equal the creator just as zero does not equal one.
Even in the binary numbering system zero and one ultimately represent good and evil.
And good is not equal to evil.
So without God the self can only see within themselves a one.
Just as pantheism begins with the world already created.
When God represents the seed and not the progeny.
We need to bear the image of the seed in order to know the infinity of all numbers.
If you look at a O from a different perspective it is a 1.
Light and darkness, good and evil are all God.
As well as death and life.
For had Adam not died that day as God said and not died as the Serpent said.
There would not be any Life in Christ which requires death.
What God and the Serpent said are both true.
This wisdom is from above which is within and without man and mind.
Subject to the Lord coming from and in the mind as he chooses, not you or anyone else.
Separating God from the individual is a mistake and clearly not biblical.
To put God and the Serpent or Devil, separate from the individual is a cowards way out.
Perhaps you don't see it that way WearWord, or realize it.
But it puts you as God and and the illusion that you can control God and Devil.
That you can control good and evil, light and darkness. You can't.
God is in the light and dark, in good and evil, in the individual.
You have set yourself up as a controller over God.
At the will of your own mind rather then letting God work his work within.
As he has and continues to do in all for them that love Him.
there are so many walls you have built in your mind to block his coming.
These walls will fall, for some great will be the fall of them.
Your 'law' of Liberty, is not understood by you.
Liberty has it's unlimited aspect as well as it's fruit that is listed in Galations.
And that is not the only fruit there is of that which is within.
I personally like cashews. I really, really like them. Seriously. I can devour a whole can in short order. Now what was this thread about? Oh yeah. UFO’s. Unified Facsimiles of Obfuscating information. Or was it egg yolks? I dunno. I am confused.
If you look at a O from a different perspective it is a 1.
Light and darkness, good and evil are all God.
As well as death and life.
For had Adam not died that day as God said and not died as the Serpent said.
There would not be any Life in Christ which requires death.
What God and the Serpent said are both true.
This wisdom is from above which is within and without man and mind.
Subject to the Lord coming from and in the mind as he chooses, not you or anyone else.
Separating God from the individual is a mistake and clearly not biblical.
To put God and the Serpent or Devil, separate from the individual is a cowards way out.
Perhaps you don't see it that way WearWord, or realize it.
But it puts you as God and and the illusion that you can control God and Devil.
That you can control good and evil, light and darkness. You can't.
God is in the light and dark, in good and evil, in the individual.
You have set yourself up as a controller over God.
At the will of your own mind rather then letting God work his work within.
As he has and continues to do in all for them that love Him.
there are so many walls you have built in your mind to block his coming.
These walls will fall, for some great will be the fall of them.
Your 'law' of Liberty, is not understood by you.
Liberty has it's unlimited aspect as well as it's fruit that is listed in Galations.
And that is not the only fruit there is of that which is within.
In the beginning zero created one and darkness was found in one so God cast one out of heaven
One does not live with God because one took images (numbers) and set them above God's own image zero...
Thou shalt have no other Gods before my face.
Love the lord thy God with all...
The law of liberty allows us to walk by the spirit.
For if there is a multitude of law then the spirit is bound but if the spirit is bound only by love then law becomes of no necessity.
Thus we can walk by the spirit and be in perfect unity with God .
Where when the same law that crucified the son of God also set a criminal free we then have no actual faith or trust left in the law but faith in the law of the spirit.
The perfection of the spirit trumps the perfection of the law...
The law is a guide but it cannot be trusted due to the various interpretations and cultures and also the nature of revelation. Revelation needs to be in real-time.
This is not, do as you damned well please.
This is do what pleases God.
Do what harmonizes with the love and walk of Christ.
Feed the hungry, heal the blind, love people and give them hope.
Walk through darkness to lead others to the light.
Become a "living" sacrifice.
Leave behind the self and live for Christ as Christ lived for God.
In living like Christ we become God's hands upon the earth.
For Christ is the head of creation and the saints are his body...
When Christ is raised with the saints then all of the holiness of the past will be raised up and all of the evil will simply have no mind in which to infect.
So evil will fall away inert, harmless... dust.
The lake of fire is that, a place of ash and dust.
For God has no evil in him God gives free will and this includes will outside of his own...
For people become evil when they become a one.
This is making a cistern instead of using the fountain.
This is becoming a self instead of the self becoming God's heart.
We are not God we are God's image. We are equal to God but humble to God.
We operate not by our own will for if we did we would become a one.
And love is the indicator that we are walking in God's image.
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Some people claim meditation does the same thing..
Some people think that we competed rather fiercely to have the chance to enjoy the tiny, itty bitty speck of individuality that this life affords us.
about the only way you're gonna completely throw THAT off, and be totally God minded fella, is when you are stone cold dead. Many are given one of the gifts of the universe, and they treat it like a wool sweater. Itch, itch itch.. gotta get out of this thing..
what a waste of time. I mean, fight tooth and nail to just get here, and spend the time desperately seeking the great egress.
If "they" are right, anyway..
What's the big hurry?
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WordWolf is right.
The general policy of this board is that we do not use full names of people unless they were or are on the board of trustees/directors.
There have been some exceptions: usually people who were, by their participation, unusually high profile. Examples include John Lynn, John Schoenheit, Walter Cummins, Chris Geer, Ralph Dubofsky, Vince Finnegan, Donna Martindale, John Linder, Claudette Royale and a bunch of the musicians.
But once you start having to explain who the person is, our practice has been to obscure the name (they may not want their association with TWI known to the general public performing a google search).
Thus, you might mention Bob Stanley, but if you were to mention anyone else in Acts 29, you would blur the name (B*b S*****y).
When in doubt, obscure the name unless it's a member of the BOT/BOD.
[Note: Other mods, please correct me if I've misrepresented the policy].
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another spot
The sin is in the yoke, Dr. WW.
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Larry N Moore
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Larry N Moore
modcat5, seeing how you are a moderator I'll accept your word that this is the board policy and in the future will adhere to it. It is always my custom to check out the rules of any board I choose to register on before I post. So, I hope you can appreciate how I was unaware of your policy. It might be helpful for all parties if you would consider including this policy also in the statement of rules. And, for my inappropriate behavior towards WW I apologize.
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I am not exactly understanding you...
Are you saying we should not shed our natural self so quickly?
That we should be ourselves longer rather than to allow our self to shine God's image instead?
The image of God is greater than the image of self.
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No, I'm saying we have this little itty bit of individuality for a reason. I for one, think we asked for it.
99.92% of this life we speak of may not be about "me", but .08 % indeed is.
What I'm saying is, a person can't fully acheive this "God consciousness". Try as you may.. whatever methods you choose- "renew the mind", meditate, whatever.. and the .08% of "you" will not go there.
Is it? He did create us in his image, did he not?
Edited by Mr. HammeroniLink to comment
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Larry N Moore
Even if that was true (in the sense that you're applying it) still, we have this from Romans 1:25 "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen" As I understand it is a sin to worship the creation more so than the Creator.
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I kinda think that "self" is just the skin. The exterior, that contains a being of light.
true. but I wasn't talking about worship.
I don't think a person can see this image, in themselves. Probably a good thing.. you'd walk around looking in a mirror for the rest of your days..
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The holy spirit gift is fully God conscious.
1John 1:5
This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
Comment: One needs simply to recognize this to achieve God consciousness.
For the spirit has not even the slightest percentage of darkness.
Once that in known then God is known.
For God does not fellowship with darkness.
2Corinthians 6:14
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers [law minded]: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
Comment: The perpendicular is that we are holy, the horizontal is that we walk in the law of liberty. God is our basis and the law of liberty is our base.
God is our standing and the law of liberty is our state.
Edited by DrWearWordLink to comment
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Larry N Moore
If that image exists in man then you should be able to see evidence of its existence even if you can't see the image itself. What evidence would we be looking for if it exists?
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I think it is putting the cart before the horse.
I would suggest, to see God's light, brings the recognition you speak of.
Breathing for one thing..
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When science tries to look at light and decide whether if it is a particle or a wave it vanishes.
For it is both a wave [heaven] and a particle [earth]. Both of which were created by God. The kingdom of God is a realm outside of the kingdom of heaven. Though God is within his creation he is also distinctly separate from it. It is his creation that is presented with the choice to either shine it's own image (law) or God's image (law of liberty).
We will never find God within his creation, only the image of God...
For the creator exists outside and independent of creation also.
Creation does not equal the creator just as zero does not equal one.
Even in the binary numbering system zero and one ultimately represent good and evil.
And good is not equal to evil.
So without God the self can only see within themselves a one.
Just as pantheism begins with the world already created.
When God represents the seed and not the progeny.
We need to bear the image of the seed in order to know the infinity of all numbers.
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Larry N Moore
Can God breathe?
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Well, the bible tells me so..
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but honestly, I'm not looking for proof any more.
What if I told you that I actually saw it in someone.. actually more than one person.
It would be my truth, my proof, not yours.
The only thing I'll say.. if you see it, you'd better have on more than a pair of sunglasses and sun block..
Well, what can I say.. at the end of the day, it's just the word of the squirrel..
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Larry N Moore
I think I've got some nuts "squirreled" away. Would you like some? ;)
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ummm... pecans..
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If you look at a O from a different perspective it is a 1.
Light and darkness, good and evil are all God.
As well as death and life.
For had Adam not died that day as God said and not died as the Serpent said.
There would not be any Life in Christ which requires death.
What God and the Serpent said are both true.
This wisdom is from above which is within and without man and mind.
Subject to the Lord coming from and in the mind as he chooses, not you or anyone else.
Separating God from the individual is a mistake and clearly not biblical.
To put God and the Serpent or Devil, separate from the individual is a cowards way out.
Perhaps you don't see it that way WearWord, or realize it.
But it puts you as God and and the illusion that you can control God and Devil.
That you can control good and evil, light and darkness. You can't.
God is in the light and dark, in good and evil, in the individual.
You have set yourself up as a controller over God.
At the will of your own mind rather then letting God work his work within.
As he has and continues to do in all for them that love Him.
there are so many walls you have built in your mind to block his coming.
These walls will fall, for some great will be the fall of them.
Your 'law' of Liberty, is not understood by you.
Liberty has it's unlimited aspect as well as it's fruit that is listed in Galations.
And that is not the only fruit there is of that which is within.
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Larry N Moore
Very well. Meet me at the tree (not the Way Tree but, the one farther away). :)
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another spot
I personally like cashews. I really, really like them. Seriously. I can devour a whole can in short order. Now what was this thread about? Oh yeah. UFO’s. Unified Facsimiles of Obfuscating information. Or was it egg yolks? I dunno. I am confused.
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Larry N Moore
Me too! In fact if he had asked for them I would of said --- You're on your own buddy!
another spot -- got your PM. I was touched and will respond in due time.
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In the beginning zero created one and darkness was found in one so God cast one out of heaven
One does not live with God because one took images (numbers) and set them above God's own image zero...
Thou shalt have no other Gods before my face.
Love the lord thy God with all...
The law of liberty allows us to walk by the spirit.
For if there is a multitude of law then the spirit is bound but if the spirit is bound only by love then law becomes of no necessity.
Thus we can walk by the spirit and be in perfect unity with God .
Where when the same law that crucified the son of God also set a criminal free we then have no actual faith or trust left in the law but faith in the law of the spirit.
The perfection of the spirit trumps the perfection of the law...
The law is a guide but it cannot be trusted due to the various interpretations and cultures and also the nature of revelation. Revelation needs to be in real-time.
This is not, do as you damned well please.
This is do what pleases God.
Do what harmonizes with the love and walk of Christ.
Feed the hungry, heal the blind, love people and give them hope.
Walk through darkness to lead others to the light.
Become a "living" sacrifice.
Leave behind the self and live for Christ as Christ lived for God.
In living like Christ we become God's hands upon the earth.
For Christ is the head of creation and the saints are his body...
When Christ is raised with the saints then all of the holiness of the past will be raised up and all of the evil will simply have no mind in which to infect.
So evil will fall away inert, harmless... dust.
The lake of fire is that, a place of ash and dust.
For God has no evil in him God gives free will and this includes will outside of his own...
For people become evil when they become a one.
This is making a cistern instead of using the fountain.
This is becoming a self instead of the self becoming God's heart.
We are not God we are God's image. We are equal to God but humble to God.
We operate not by our own will for if we did we would become a one.
And love is the indicator that we are walking in God's image.
The love of God.
The prophecy of God
The word of God
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