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What a Fellowship....


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I couldn't find the CFF thread in a search so I just started a new one.

Last Saturday night I went to Kansas City actually just north by Bowtwi's house,( did you hear us singing for you Bow?) for a CFF get together and to see Kevin & S*ra Wi*rwill* Gu*gou. I had not seen S*ra for at least 20 years and we had some time for a nice talk about a variety of things. We grilled burgers and sat around the campfire pit and enjoyed each others company. Kevin did a short sharing on some things he had been thinking about. I brought along another person with me who played guitar so we sat around the fire for at least an hour and sang some old songs. I think we rewrote some of the lyrics (that we could not remember.) Of course later on we finished the night up with S'mores. I must say it has been awhile since I have had a more enjoyable evening. I know that there are those here that have their issues with CFF and as a group they have their moments for me as well at times. But what a good time with old friends, the evening reminded me very much of some of those early 70s fellowship get togethers we had all those years ago.... In watching her speak and her mannerisms I sure noticed a lot of her mother in S*ra.

Sorry Jonny I did not think to ask about the poodle mystery.

Edited by WhiteDove
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What a treat! ! ! ! ! ! !

I would have loved to have been there for that. I was in the 10th Corps when Sxra was graduating from the 8th. She was always as gracious as her mom. I only met Kevin once, he impressed me as being extremely humble.

I think we should have a huge reunion in Texas! ! ! A dude ranch would be a blast! ! ! See if JP would like to come out. I have a P.A. system, would could put a little country band together and dance on a Saturday night under the Texas stars.

Oh! What a treat that would be. I could help coordinate it if anyone is interested.

P.S. At a Dude Ranch, there are cabins and such so no one has to bring a tent. :eusa_clap:

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  WhiteDove said:
I couldn't find the CFF thread in a search so I just started a new one.

Last Saturday night I went to Kansas City actually just north by Bowtwi's house,( did you hear us singing for you Bow?) for a CFF get together and to see Kevin & S*ra Wi*rwill* Gu*gou. I had not seen S*ra for at least 20 years and we had some time for a nice talk about a variety of things. We grilled burgers and sat around the campfire pit and enjoyed each others company. Kevin did a short sharing on some things he had been thinking about. I brought along another person with me who played guitar so we sat around the fire for at least an hour and sang some old songs. I think we rewrote some of the lyrics (that we could not remember.) Of course later on we finished the night up with S'mores. I must say it has been awhile since I have had a more enjoyable evening. I know that there are those here that have their issues with CFF and as a group they have their moments for me as well at times. But what a good time with old friends, the evening reminded me very much of some of those early 70s fellowship get togethers we had all those years ago.... In watching her speak and her mannerisms I sure noticed a lot of her mother in S*ra.

Sorry Jonny I did not think to ask about the poodle mystery.

Awww, mannnnn!!!! I sure wish I'd have known. I get their e-mail newsletter, but hadn't read the last couple, evidently - I'd have LOVED to bring the princess out for that. Guess I should've made myself known sooner.

My phone #'s still the same (hint, hint). In case something like that comes up in this area again...

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Sorry Bow I should have stopped by or called. Bad Bird !!!!! I'll make a note next time, I did not read mine either Kenny called a few days before to let me know. There were some teens that the princess would have had fun hanging with, they hung around for the food and part of the campfire then split to do their own thing.

Yes Free it was......

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