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One of the more unusual offshoots

Linda Z

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I try not to be critical of anyone else's religious beliefs, as long as they aren't being shoved down my throat. But I'd have to say, Michael R o o d's outfit wins the "most unusual offshoot" award. I got on the "Rood Awakenings" mailing list because I had a friend staying with me for a while who is part of his group.

Here's his latest offering:

The Jonah Code Seminar

"The Jonah Code and the Seventy Shavuim Prophecy of Daniel" Seminar is the highest achievement of Michael's thirty-year quest to understand the Gospel chronology and the last days prophecies of Daniel. This is the revelation for which you have been waiting an entire lifetime.

"Whatever you are doing that you THINK is important -- STOP! Believers are NOT supposed to be ignorant of His times and seasons! Severn years ago I stated "If we have accurately restored the Creator's calendar, we will see violence erupt in Jerusalem before sundown September 2000 -- six months later, on that very day, the second intifada* began, annulling Israel's 'covenant with death.'

"If my continuing calculations are correct, we are less than three and a half years away from Zechariah's thermonuclear war and the beginning of the last 'Shevua' [Linda's note: loosley "seven days" or "a week" in Hebrew, if I understand correctly].


*Main Entry: in·ti·fa·da

Pronunciation: \ˌin-tə-ˈfä-də\

Function: noun

Etymology: Arabic intifāḍa, literally, the act of shaking off

Date: 1985

: uprising, rebellion; specifically : an armed uprising of Palestinians against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip

[from Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary]

To each his own, I guess. If people want to join offshoots, it's their business. But this one just seems a little farther out than most. Anyone have any epxerience with Rood Awakenings?

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  Linda Z said:
I try not to be critical of anyone else's religious beliefs, as long as they aren't being shoved down my throat. But I'd have to say, Michael R o o d's outfit wins the "most unusual offshoot" award. I got on the "Rood Awakenings" mailing list because I had a friend staying with me for a while who is part of his group.

Just curious, what makes this an "offshoot"??? I assume it is not just because the person who starts/runs the groups was once involved with TWI. I mean, for better or for worse, we do have quite a spectrum of current religious persuasions among ex TWI people, including some who say they do not accept the Bible. If I started a group based on Cleveland Indians worship (They've been my team for over 50 years since my days in northern OH) I'm sure it would hardly be an "offshoot".

I was under the impression that when we talk about offshoots, we refer to people who adhere to a significant part of what was taught in TWI. This doesnt sound like that at all. But maybe I'm missing something; with a history of objectivity, Linda always deserves the benefit of the doubt IMO.

just some very minor edits...I have a history of little typos when I go too fast.

Edited by Lifted Up
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A "new ministry" developed by a former TWIt and attended by former TWIts sounds like an offshoot to me - no matter how bizarre their deviations from actual TWI doctrine. *shrug* But if you want to debate semantics, Lifted, then go ahead.

Amazing some of the things people take away from TWI, no? And what they actually believe.... :rolleyes:

I agree, Linda, sounds pretty unusual to me. NOT something I'd want to be a part of.... "Rood Awakenings"? What a name!! :confused:

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  Belle said:
A "new ministry" developed by a former TWIt and attended by former TWIts sounds like an offshoot to me - no matter how bizarre their deviations from actual TWI doctrine. *shrug* But if you want to debate semantics, Lifted, then go ahead.

Evidently you do enough to point out your disagreement...but if that disagreement reflects a definition of an offshoot that is generally acccepted on GS, so be it...as long as we all know how we are defining it.

Anyway, in that case, I might be able to get some ex TWI people to join my Cleveland Indians worship group...starting no doubt with Linda!!! :biglaugh:

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  Lifted Up said:
Anyway, in that case, I might be able to get some TWI people to join my Cleveland Indians worship group...starting no doubt with Linda!!! :biglaugh:

Don't bother watching the last three games they play this month. It will make you doubt their powers. :biglaugh:

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George, that was my reaction precisely.

Lifted, Belle's correct. The group was started by a 7th Corps grad, has other ex-Wayfers on its staff, and many of its followers are ex-Way. I'd call that an offshoot of twi. :)

As for your Cleveland Indians offshoot--after decades of "maybe next year," I only will consider joining if they are doing well at the end of the season rather than the beginning. (Besides, I am currently too busy being a member of the Cleveland Cavaliers offshoot. They just might have a chance to bring Cleveland's fans a championship.)

Edited by Linda Z
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  Linda Z said:
George, that was my reaction precisely.

Lifted, Belle's correct. The group was started by a 7th Corps grad, has other ex-Wayfers on its staff, and many of its followers are ex-Way. I'd call that an offshoot of twi. :)

As for your Cleveland Indians offshoot--after decades of "maybe next year," I only will consider joining if they are doing well at the end of the season rather than the beginning. (Besides, I am currently too busy being a member of the Cleveland Cavaliers offshoot. They just might have a chance to bring Cleveland's fans a championship.)

Fine, it's settled! It doesnt matter what the doctrine is; whether they keep what VPW taught or reject it, as there are large samples of both among ex-Way people, and others in between. But the doctrine of my offshoot involves FAITH, which you seem a little short on. I dont' want that to drive a Wedge between us, though. It looks like you are spending too much time these days in the book of James.

Edited by Lifted Up
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"This is the revelation for which you have been waiting an entire lifetime."

Well lets see ,we have the above pronouncement along with the "thirty year" quest aspect

correlates nicely with:

VPW account of how long he searched for and the importance of PFAL as being the only way to the keys of operating the word

Then we have the prophecy aspect--

"before sundown September 2000"---Huh??? last time I checked there were 30 sundowns in September.

This "prophecy" was made in March of 2000 (six months earlier). Anyone in the world who was paying attention to the political climate and the happenings in Israel would have been deaf and dumb to not realize that a powder keg was about to blow. in Israel political upheaval between Arabs and Jews ALWAYS plays itself out in some degree or another within Jerusalem the holy city to both. So no big revelation here either

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Aw, Lifted, I guess I need to pray, "Lord help my unbelief." :) I admire your ability to hang in there with our beloved Tribe for 50 years. I, on the other hand, haven't quite recovered from the 1995 World Series.

Edited by Linda Z
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I'm not currently on his mailing list, but we have a cd class of his, and I like his stuff.

(I look for the Holy Spirit life in people, and with that willingness to hear, I learn a lot from many different people, who during twi mind set I woud cast off as "not on the Word." Now i listen, and it's so much more rewarding.)

In my opinion: Michael R O O D has great integrity and there is much love of the Lord (both to and from) in his works, in his commitment to serve.

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Kit, I don't doubt Michael's sincerity. I'm sure he believes what he preaches/teaches. I am, however, wary of predictions like thermonuclear war in 3 years, not to mention the really obvious one about violence in Israel. That one was like saying, "I think it will be sunny in San Diego tomorrow." Either he's a heavy-weight prophet and we're all going to go poof in an H-bomb cloud in 3 years, or he and his followers are delusional.

I'd have much more confidence in some of these leaders of offshoots if they supported themselves and their families like everyone else has to, rather than going straight from twi into their own "ministries" and getting followers to support them. Every newsletter I've ever received from his group includes a pitch for cash. He does give CDs away, but then asks that people who receive them make a donation, and he regularly proclaims that his work can't continue without more money.

Time will tell who's the real deal and who's not, I guess. And if Michael wants to go around dressed like Moses, predicting that the sky is falling, that's his business. Call me a skeptic, but it just doesn't feel right to me.

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  Linda Z said:

"The Jonah Code and the Seventy Shavuim Prophecy of Daniel" Seminar is the highest achievement of Michael's thirty-year quest to understand the Gospel chronology and the last days prophecies of Daniel. This is the revelation for which you have been waiting an entire lifetime.

"Whatever you are doing that you THINK is important -- STOP! Believers are NOT supposed to be ignorant of His times and seasons! Severn years ago I stated "If we have accurately restored the Creator's calendar, we will see violence erupt in Jerusalem before sundown September 2000 -- six months later, on that very day, the second intifada* began, annulling Israel's 'covenant with death.'

"If my continuing calculations are correct, we are less than three and a half years away from Zechariah's thermonuclear war and the beginning of the last 'Shevua' [Linda's note: loosley "seven days" or "a week" in Hebrew, if I understand correctly].


I wanna know why it always takes people 30-40 years to get their $h!+ together for a seminar...?

Edited by ChasUFarley
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My favorite quote from that article about him:

Faith? I don't own a house. I have no life insurance. I have no car insurance. I rode busses in Jerusalem at the time they were being blown up every week. I get no paycheck. I have not had a vacation in 10 years. I get room and board just like everyone else on my staff. I live by faith - some help me along the way, but that is all up to them. I don't state faith, I prefer to live it.

Sounds like he's still on staff...

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"You can't trust anyone these days," he says in his flat, twangy Grand Rapids, Mich., voice.

"You can only trust God and his word.

This is the one and ONLY thing I disagree with!!!


:biglaugh: :biglaugh:

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  • 4 weeks later...

There are a goodset of articles about Rood at www.abouttheway.org

I sat through a 6 hour seminar Rood gave (the classy photo of Rood above I took at that time). What struck me most is what he left out-- Jesus Christ.

He did have a novelty teaching about the geneaologies of Jesus (if you remember-- this is stolen directly from Wierwille). But it had nothing to do with teaching the nature, work, and redemption of Jesus Christ. Christ was hardly mentioned, and that only in passing. The Messiah Yashua (to use his prefered pronunciation) means essentially nothing to him. The "punchline" of the whole night is that everyone MUST obey the law of God, particularly the kosher diet, OT festivals such as Passover and Succoth, and Sabbath oberservance. What is more, it is impossible to do this correctly unless you use Rood"s timetable which is available only one place in the entire world (guess from whom... only one guess!).

In essence, Rood has Moses but not the Messiah. Without the Messiah (Jesus Christ) you certainly have no New Testament faith in any sense of the word.

There are several things Rood got from Wierwille. First, they both claimed to teach by direct revelation from God, and use this tactic to get followers and sell books. They both said that people can find the true truth only from them, a very cultic attitude. Both of them loved to try to get followers by promoting curiosities (whether inhaling the spirit, 4 crucified, athletes of the spirit, timetable of OT festivals, genealogy of Jesus or whatever). It's a place to go if you want the yoke of the law which is too great for anyone to carry, as Peter said (Acts 15:10). But there is no life or freedom there.

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Johnj -- this might be :offtopic: , but I have a question, (if I may).

While I agree with much of what you said in the previous post -- I'm wondering what your *take* is concerning Messianic Jews, who acknowledge Christ as the Messiah, yet still adhere to the feasts, etc.

Reason I ask, is because I used to go to a Messianic fellowship, and while their *zeal* for Christ was (imo) evident, they still advocated following the feasts, holy days, etc., in essence --still following *the Law*, while professing Christ as the Messiah.

I left that group a couple of years ago, and am still scratching my head, wondering where they were (or weren't) right. While I could agree with their acceptance of Jesus as the Messiah, I was (and still am) puzzled/ wondering about the rest of their adherence to the Old Testament Law.

If you have time to comment -- I'd appreciate it. :)

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O.K., honestly now, who can look at that picture and not seriously wonder if maybe Mr. Rood doesn't have a tinfoil hat to go with that outfit?

Hey George.. it's pretty obvious he doesn't. Maybe he can't afford one.. or maybe he just needs a few instructions to get it "right".

This might help:

For the conscientious do it your selfer..

Or he could borrow mine..


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