Early, this is not an appropriate thread to discuss the "worthiness" or lack thereof of Mrs. Weirwille. Look around here on this site and you'll find plenty of threads which have discussed this, together with other aspects of her involvement...it will give you lots of food for thought although it might not change your mind.
I would not contribute to such a fund for reasons Simon and Grizz mentioned...namely...anything I contribute might decrease the financial responsibility of the organization and I will have no part in that.
However...what I would love to contribute something toward would be a tribute/memorial perhaps for that nursing home. Something like a new piano...in her memory...or a self-sustaining fund to make lives a little better for the patients...things they would not ordinarily have...maybe a trip out to a movie...or having special entertinment brought in...anything which would add something special to their lives.
Actually, Krys, I disagree. In my opinion, it's VERY appropriate for Early to express those types of opinions on this thread. They are some of the very reasons I would not contribute. Mrs. W. had opportunities prior to the onset of her illness to speak up publicly against the things she knew were going on, but chose not to do so. Many women have been in similar situations over the years and either had the courage to take action and change their situation or chose to continue in the lifestyle in which they had become accustomed and "not rock the boat".
Many of us had the courage to speak up over the years of the wrongdoings that were going on in twi - - who were far more removed from the action than she was - - at some great personal cost.
While I sympathize with the situation that the Wierwille family has had to deal with and the organization with which it has to deal, my heart also goes out to the thousands of retiring age folks who lost money at the hands of the bad accounting deals of Enron and others and find themselves in great financial need also and disadvantaged families who have little financially. The fact that the organization is corrupt, it's founder was corrupt and now people expect a corrupt organization to honor an agreement - - is in my mind totally ludicrous! The Wierwille family for the most part seem to be able to make decisions about the care of their mother just like many of us do for our own relatives. I wish them well in that endeavor.
If people care to contribute to her care, that's their personal business, but after the thousands of dollars I've contributed to a corrupt organization over the years, I prefer to give my small contributions to people I know or local organizations with good governance who publicly report how the money is spent.
Nothing personal, but I have given my last dime to anything or anyone associated with the way. I prefer to give money to the Salvation Army, Red Cross or the poor blind guy selling pencils on the street. I will pray for her and her family, because I know they have been hurt by this insidious organization too.
I didn't vote. I would have to say absolutely not. I'm sure that mrs weirwille is really sweet and everything but there are a lot of seniors in her position. If anything I would help my grandmother who also has alzheimers and in a nursing home too.
And I have to agree that I gave plenty of money for all of them to live nicely, while I was having my electricity turned off and trying to find food to eat.
I don't see the weirwille family asking for donations, which I really respect.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
quote: She should be made aware of her part in the suffering and wasted lives caused by the Way.
That's ludicrous! I'm not saying this to be mean spirited...but if one is in a nursing home as an Altzheimer's patient...I highly doubt they could be aware of something like this. Even if she was "guilty as charged" if you tried to make her aware of this, the only benefit would be that you might get it off your chest. It's not likely that you will get through to her, or that she could process an answer of any kind..let alone one that is satisfactory.
Maybe I should clarify something else:
I read the poll as a question of contribution. In my mind...I cannot hold her responsible for anything in her present state...and I can't go back in time either.
My affiliation with the organization was from '78 - '98 and I suspect that the majority of those who strongly agree that she was as culpable as vp are probably much younger than I and also were a part of the organization at a later time. That is the sense I've gotten from reading various threads on this topic as they've been written before.
I stand by my statement about searching the archives. There is a wealth of discussion on the general topic of Mrs. Weirwille's participation and some of it is written by folks who don't post here any more...for whatever reason. Because they knew her up close and personal, I put a high value on their words.
After you've gotten a general background...post away.
I'll contribute to her when someone there contributes to my mother who is almost out of money (doesn't have alzheimers though).
To put it politely, we still think of her as the queen mother & therefore deserving of special attention & support. I'm sure you know lots of sweet people that you wouldn't give any money to.
I totally agree that she was very capable of speaking out. Even if she wasn't in a position of speaking out, I'm sure at any time one of her kids would have taken her in if she really disagreed with what was going on & wanted out.
I'm really not bitter, but there must have been some underlying reason that she stayed. Maybe she enjoyed her status. Who knows.
It's time to take care of our own families.
And please, I mean no offense to anyone that wants to give.I personally just think there are more needy people out there than Mrs Wierwille.
Well, it seems that much of the outrage has disappeared....Interesting... When all this first came to light, a number of people expressed a willingness to contribute financially to Mrs. W's care. Such good will has all but evaporated now, it seems.
LOTS of money from my household has been ....ed away into the coffers of TWI---IS STILL being wasted in that manner because my husband, who has total control of our finances, has determined that The Way will always receive a portion of our income. Of course I not happy about that. But I might still be inclined to give a small, one time financial gift from my personal funds(such as they are) to the care of Mrs. W if I knew The Way would have NO control whatsoever over the use of such funds.
I understand the hurt and outrage people feel, when it comes to Mrs. W's failure to speak up concerning the evil in TWI. I have questioned her silence myself many times over the years. But she's not alone. Lots of people who knew/know of agregious evil in TWI remain silent to this day.
I have been very much hoping that the Weirwille kids, now that none of them stands with TWI any longer, would finally step forward and tell the truth about this organization. Certainly, they are much less vulnerable and much more able bodied than their mother. I doubt that I will ever feel fully healed until I've heard THE WHOLE TRUTH. J.P., it seems, has been effectively silenced on the matter, though he promised on his web site that he would have much to say "on this and other matters in the coming months".
Despite all this, yes, I would probably still give something. It couldn't hurt to show some small amount of compassion for the woman suffering a most cruel and heartbreaking form of erasure.
"I have been very much hoping that the Weirwille kids, now that none of them stands with TWI any longer, would finally step forward and tell the truth about this organization. Certainly, they are much less vulnerable and much more able bodied than their mother. I doubt that I will ever feel fully healed until I've heard THE WHOLE TRUTH. J.P., it seems, has been effectively silenced on the matter, though he promised on his web site that he would have much to say "on this and other matters in the coming months".
Very good points!!!
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
what i mean dear sweet ms. pickles ;)--> is simply that she had many many "purks" and i saw her more than once throw her weight around and not in a very nice way
i also found her to be lovely at times
i feel for her in that she married a basterd
she is not my mother in the word or the first lady in my heart, that's all
as far the "kids" go, i can't imagine how hard it must be at times. i've been in an abusive family and a cult, but they weren't one in the same
Well, ok, I'll contribute my 2 cents worth on this thread again.
The two reasons why I would not consider financially supporting Mrs. Wierwille is, drumroll:
1) She is not my mother, grandmother, or relative
2) She does not belong to my denomination or go to my church
In Timothy, the instructions are layed out in a very simple manner. The widows are to be taken care of by their families. If they have no family living or if the family neglects to take care of them, then it says that the church should take care of them.
Now, I know some people would say that "the church" means any Christian since there were no denominations back then, but I disagree. The reason is because in our culture churches take care of their own. When I was in the way, we took care of each other, not people in the roman catholic church. And, the catholics didn't take care of us. That's just the way it works in our society.
So, since she is not a relative and does not go to or support my church (which is non-denominational, by the way), there really is no reason for me to feel obligated to provide for her, either Biblically or culturally.
And, no, I would not like to contribute to a piano or anything IN the resthome where she is staying. There are plenty of starving people in the world who could use a good meal and I would be more inclined to give to a cause like that.
"[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale
Well, it seems that much of the outrage has disappeared....Interesting... When all this first came to light, a number of people expressed a willingness to contribute financially to Mrs. W's care. Such good will has all but evaporated now, it seems.
How lopsided the voting was surprised me. As of this reply, only 17% said they would contribute. 55% said no for a reason that had nothing to do with TWI.
For my 2 cents, I am with the folks who said their first priority was to take care of their own family.
Most of the Alzheimer's homes in our area just have a security fence around the property, and with a 24/7 medically trained personnel I think they could have done it. Why not sell the stupid 2 million plus Chalet.......a parent can always be taken care of but in this case it was clear that The Way again shirked it's responsibilities and are definitely out of God's will. Remember the list of those that will not "INHERIT" in the future, they fit right in. They might as well relocate to Rome, greedy *#$%#^@'s
So safety costs money, they have HER HOUSE to sell don't they? Yeah I know they think it's their place now but yada, yada, yada, bs.
quote:Originally posted by simonzelotes:
Radar,just a little side note...I don't know Mrs. W.'s condition,but it can be unsafe for a Alzheimer's patient to live in their own private home,besides for medical reasons....Patients often lose the concept of time and day or night,and have been known to wander off and/or hurt themselves...Her private home my not be safety equipped like that of a nursing facility...
Lorna.......love my cookies!
[This message was edited by LornaDoone on January 19, 2004 at 0:50.]
For my 2 cents, I am with the folks who said their first priority was to take care of their own family.
Which is where I'm at, being issues which I suspect many amongst our age group (40-50 somethings) who happen to have one or both parents still around are dealing with at this point in our lives.
At least Mrs. VPW is so fortunate enough to be receiving care in a nursing home - not all of us with parents undergoing the ravages of old age are so fortunate.
And at least her kids could now visit her in what time remains, without (correct me if I'm mistaken here) having to go through the gatekeepers of the evil corporation.
Which seems to be a vast improvement over having her caged up in her house at HQ, even if she was to receive round-the-clock care from "Bless Patrol" robots.
Anything on the "outside" has got to be better than being stuck in that Way hellhole...
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Yes I would give She is a sweet lady Maybe if she would had more of a say things would have
been better Maybe thats why it was sweet
Yes I would give She helped alot of people
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Early, this is not an appropriate thread to discuss the "worthiness" or lack thereof of Mrs. Weirwille. Look around here on this site and you'll find plenty of threads which have discussed this, together with other aspects of her involvement...it will give you lots of food for thought although it might not change your mind.
I would not contribute to such a fund for reasons Simon and Grizz mentioned...namely...anything I contribute might decrease the financial responsibility of the organization and I will have no part in that.
However...what I would love to contribute something toward would be a tribute/memorial perhaps for that nursing home. Something like a new piano...in her memory...or a self-sustaining fund to make lives a little better for the patients...things they would not ordinarily have...maybe a trip out to a movie...or having special entertinment brought in...anything which would add something special to their lives.
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Actually, Krys, I disagree. In my opinion, it's VERY appropriate for Early to express those types of opinions on this thread. They are some of the very reasons I would not contribute. Mrs. W. had opportunities prior to the onset of her illness to speak up publicly against the things she knew were going on, but chose not to do so. Many women have been in similar situations over the years and either had the courage to take action and change their situation or chose to continue in the lifestyle in which they had become accustomed and "not rock the boat".
Many of us had the courage to speak up over the years of the wrongdoings that were going on in twi - - who were far more removed from the action than she was - - at some great personal cost.
While I sympathize with the situation that the Wierwille family has had to deal with and the organization with which it has to deal, my heart also goes out to the thousands of retiring age folks who lost money at the hands of the bad accounting deals of Enron and others and find themselves in great financial need also and disadvantaged families who have little financially. The fact that the organization is corrupt, it's founder was corrupt and now people expect a corrupt organization to honor an agreement - - is in my mind totally ludicrous! The Wierwille family for the most part seem to be able to make decisions about the care of their mother just like many of us do for our own relatives. I wish them well in that endeavor.
If people care to contribute to her care, that's their personal business, but after the thousands of dollars I've contributed to a corrupt organization over the years, I prefer to give my small contributions to people I know or local organizations with good governance who publicly report how the money is spent.
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My sentiments are with you 100%!
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Nothing personal, but I have given my last dime to anything or anyone associated with the way. I prefer to give money to the Salvation Army, Red Cross or the poor blind guy selling pencils on the street. I will pray for her and her family, because I know they have been hurt by this insidious organization too.
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I didn't vote. I would have to say absolutely not. I'm sure that mrs weirwille is really sweet and everything but there are a lot of seniors in her position. If anything I would help my grandmother who also has alzheimers and in a nursing home too.
And I have to agree that I gave plenty of money for all of them to live nicely, while I was having my electricity turned off and trying to find food to eat.
I don't see the weirwille family asking for donations, which I really respect.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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I agree the way sucks but because the bible says we should help the widows.
We should any money would go to Mrs. W. not the way.
And I believe that God will return that which was taken from us
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That's ludicrous! I'm not saying this to be mean spirited...but if one is in a nursing home as an Altzheimer's patient...I highly doubt they could be aware of something like this. Even if she was "guilty as charged" if you tried to make her aware of this, the only benefit would be that you might get it off your chest. It's not likely that you will get through to her, or that she could process an answer of any kind..let alone one that is satisfactory.
Maybe I should clarify something else:
I read the poll as a question of contribution. In my mind...I cannot hold her responsible for anything in her present state...and I can't go back in time either.
My affiliation with the organization was from '78 - '98 and I suspect that the majority of those who strongly agree that she was as culpable as vp are probably much younger than I and also were a part of the organization at a later time. That is the sense I've gotten from reading various threads on this topic as they've been written before.
I stand by my statement about searching the archives. There is a wealth of discussion on the general topic of Mrs. Weirwille's participation and some of it is written by folks who don't post here any more...for whatever reason. Because they knew her up close and personal, I put a high value on their words.
After you've gotten a general background...post away.
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oh forget it i just felt like singing
[This message was edited by excathedra on January 17, 2004 at 20:06.]
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I'll contribute to her when someone there contributes to my mother who is almost out of money (doesn't have alzheimers though).
To put it politely, we still think of her as the queen mother & therefore deserving of special attention & support. I'm sure you know lots of sweet people that you wouldn't give any money to.
I totally agree that she was very capable of speaking out. Even if she wasn't in a position of speaking out, I'm sure at any time one of her kids would have taken her in if she really disagreed with what was going on & wanted out.
I'm really not bitter, but there must have been some underlying reason that she stayed. Maybe she enjoyed her status. Who knows.
It's time to take care of our own families.
And please, I mean no offense to anyone that wants to give.I personally just think there are more needy people out there than Mrs Wierwille.
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she lived like the "first lady"
no doubt
being kind here and there was easy
what is with you people ?
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What do you mean, dear sweet, excie?
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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Cherished Child
Well, it seems that much of the outrage has disappeared....Interesting... When all this first came to light, a number of people expressed a willingness to contribute financially to Mrs. W's care. Such good will has all but evaporated now, it seems.
LOTS of money from my household has been ....ed away into the coffers of TWI---IS STILL being wasted in that manner because my husband, who has total control of our finances, has determined that The Way will always receive a portion of our income. Of course I not happy about that. But I might still be inclined to give a small, one time financial gift from my personal funds(such as they are) to the care of Mrs. W if I knew The Way would have NO control whatsoever over the use of such funds.
I understand the hurt and outrage people feel, when it comes to Mrs. W's failure to speak up concerning the evil in TWI. I have questioned her silence myself many times over the years. But she's not alone. Lots of people who knew/know of agregious evil in TWI remain silent to this day.
I have been very much hoping that the Weirwille kids, now that none of them stands with TWI any longer, would finally step forward and tell the truth about this organization. Certainly, they are much less vulnerable and much more able bodied than their mother. I doubt that I will ever feel fully healed until I've heard THE WHOLE TRUTH. J.P., it seems, has been effectively silenced on the matter, though he promised on his web site that he would have much to say "on this and other matters in the coming months".
Despite all this, yes, I would probably still give something. It couldn't hurt to show some small amount of compassion for the woman suffering a most cruel and heartbreaking form of erasure.
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Dot Matrix
"I have been very much hoping that the Weirwille kids, now that none of them stands with TWI any longer, would finally step forward and tell the truth about this organization. Certainly, they are much less vulnerable and much more able bodied than their mother. I doubt that I will ever feel fully healed until I've heard THE WHOLE TRUTH. J.P., it seems, has been effectively silenced on the matter, though he promised on his web site that he would have much to say "on this and other matters in the coming months".
Very good points!!!
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
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what i mean dear sweet ms. pickles
;)--> is simply that she had many many "purks" and i saw her more than once throw her weight around and not in a very nice way
i also found her to be lovely at times
i feel for her in that she married a basterd
she is not my mother in the word or the first lady in my heart, that's all
as far the "kids" go, i can't imagine how hard it must be at times. i've been in an abusive family and a cult, but they weren't one in the same
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Well, ok, I'll contribute my 2 cents worth on this thread again.
The two reasons why I would not consider financially supporting Mrs. Wierwille is, drumroll:
1) She is not my mother, grandmother, or relative
2) She does not belong to my denomination or go to my church
In Timothy, the instructions are layed out in a very simple manner. The widows are to be taken care of by their families. If they have no family living or if the family neglects to take care of them, then it says that the church should take care of them.
Now, I know some people would say that "the church" means any Christian since there were no denominations back then, but I disagree. The reason is because in our culture churches take care of their own. When I was in the way, we took care of each other, not people in the roman catholic church. And, the catholics didn't take care of us. That's just the way it works in our society.
So, since she is not a relative and does not go to or support my church (which is non-denominational, by the way), there really is no reason for me to feel obligated to provide for her, either Biblically or culturally.
And, no, I would not like to contribute to a piano or anything IN the resthome where she is staying. There are plenty of starving people in the world who could use a good meal and I would be more inclined to give to a cause like that.
"[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale
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hi WB
speaking of churches meaning my only church
if any of you all had a choice to give to the nursing home (meaning mrs.) or GS cafe to keep it open, which would choose ?
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Is this a rhetorical question?
"[if] there were none who were discontented with what they have, the world would never reach for anything better." Florence Nightingale
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Dearest excie,
I totally agree with you and feel the same way about this subject. Thanks for explaining for me.
My answer, dear excie to your other post is that I would rather see gs keep open. I totally understand your question!!!!
mini me
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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Well, it seems that much of the outrage has disappeared....Interesting... When all this first came to light, a number of people expressed a willingness to contribute financially to Mrs. W's care. Such good will has all but evaporated now, it seems.
How lopsided the voting was surprised me. As of this reply, only 17% said they would contribute. 55% said no for a reason that had nothing to do with TWI.
For my 2 cents, I am with the folks who said their first priority was to take care of their own family.
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Most of the Alzheimer's homes in our area just have a security fence around the property, and with a 24/7 medically trained personnel I think they could have done it. Why not sell the stupid 2 million plus Chalet.......a parent can always be taken care of but in this case it was clear that The Way again shirked it's responsibilities and are definitely out of God's will. Remember the list of those that will not "INHERIT" in the future, they fit right in. They might as well relocate to Rome, greedy *#$%#^@'s
So safety costs money, they have HER HOUSE to sell don't they? Yeah I know they think it's their place now but yada, yada, yada, bs.
Lorna.......love my cookies!
[This message was edited by LornaDoone on January 19, 2004 at 0:50.]
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Which is where I'm at, being issues which I suspect many amongst our age group (40-50 somethings) who happen to have one or both parents still around are dealing with at this point in our lives.
At least Mrs. VPW is so fortunate enough to be receiving care in a nursing home - not all of us with parents undergoing the ravages of old age are so fortunate.
And at least her kids could now visit her in what time remains, without (correct me if I'm mistaken here) having to go through the gatekeepers of the evil corporation.
Which seems to be a vast improvement over having her caged up in her house at HQ, even if she was to receive round-the-clock care from "Bless Patrol" robots.
Anything on the "outside" has got to be better than being stuck in that Way hellhole...
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