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What convinced you twi was the real deal?

another spot

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For me most definitely it was the manifestations (not worship). During my early years, I had some pretty spectacular experiences with revelation, God talking in my head, and 3D movie type. Sometimes both. These were really special and there is nothing quite like the Almighty God, Creator of the Heavens and Earth, talking to you. Personally. I added 2 and 2 together and decided twi must be the real deal.

These experiences carried me through some really bad times in twi. I kept telling myself I wasn’t in it for the people. That was my personal mantra.

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First time the Bible made sense to me. Had always wanted to know about speaking in tongues. Learned how to develop my personal relationship with God. Learned how to recognize His still, small voice. Real heart-to-heart fellowship with great people. Learning and growing spiritually.


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I had since I was a child had a real desire to have a personal relationship with God, and the church I was in didn't provide that. At best their prayer life was a hit-or-miss proposition to an arbitrary jerk of a God who might turn you down if He had gotten up on the wrong side of Heaven that morning; and who enjoyed making His children miserable 'to keep them humble'. PFAL answered many of my questions and put me on the track to getting answers for the rest. I guess that was where I found my personal answer to Matthew 5:6.

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For me it was The Word. I finally started to understand all the things they avoided in church.

Phil. 4: 13 has been my rock thru some bumpy times. I realized thjat if God is on my side and I am His kid, I can stand against anything, whether the adversary or the WC. Thank you God for being there. :eusa_clap:

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As a typical 19 year old who knew little or nothing about the bible, I was taken in by the slick marketing and the confidence. I wanted to have the bible make sense to me, and my church didn't really make the attempt.

Wierwille seemed to ahve the answers and I didn't have the skills to rebut him.

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Wow oak...I was the same way.

I WANTED what ever it was that made these people so confident, so peacefull.

I was really suprised that upon completeing the class, that i was not immediately transformed into one of those I admired so.

OK, I`ll admit it, I was thoroughly dissapointed. Everyone around me was saying isn`t it great??? I assumed that it was my lack that I failed to have seen the greatness. I kept doing what everybody said would help me see and walk the greatness...classes...wow...way homes...copres...

I just kept thinking if I did what I was told, someday I would *get it*

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  cdonkers said:
What convinced me that TWI was the real deal was my extended Lapse of Stupidity for about a 1 1/2 years

Still can't explain why I couldn't see it sooner, instead of wasting over an entire year to find out that TWI was a cult

A year? Then I feel REALLY stupid because I was drinking the koolaid for almost 20 years.

Why did I get sucked in to begin with: speaking in tongues. I was captivated by it. Now I could care less.

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