It's amusing how silly we became as part of TWI, especially when it came to basing ALL of reality on what is in the Bible.
Now, while this may be a reasonable point of reference for those people who know and / or believe the Bible, it is just plain stupid to present concepts as the absolute truth ... to outsiders who are not familiar with scripture, or who don't believe.
Example: You are assigned to go witnessing at the local mall. ("Assigned", because nobody would actually do this voluntarily). You approach a woman with a bratty kid, who is screaming and fighting and causing a scene. You say to the woman, "Excuse me mam, but would you like to know what the Bible says about bratty kids?" She looks at you as though you were psychotic, grabs her child, and walks away. You follow her and continue, "The Bible tells us that if we spare the rod, we will spoil the child". The woman keeps walking, but a little faster now. Being a determined Way-fer, you now step in front of her, causing her to stop. The kid clings to his mother in fright of this nutty stranger. She tells you she is Presbyterian, and has no intention of beating her child with a rod. Now your self-righteousness kicks in, and you "confront her with the word", because after all, this is your responsibility, right? You angrily flip to Ephesians and your voice is raised in indignation. That's when the woman's husband shows up and breaks your nose.
This is so absurd. The Word is essentially a common-sense yet spiritual guidebook. When presented in this way, it MIGHT be received. When presented as a weapon or a means to insult another of God's kids, then the written Word, itself, is being abused. Agape indeed.
The whole concept of confronting the world with the word was bizarre. It assumed we had authority over people and could tell complete strangers how to the time the HF wifey confronted a woman for her cluttered apartment while door to door witnessing. The woman, in her forties, probably some kind of professional(nice apartments) had no interst in coming to a fellowship, imagine that(and a few minutes later security found us and told us to leave).
I think there was some idea that we had magic mind control over others--just by speaking 'the Word' people would flock to us.
Scolding an unbeliever or nonChristian or non-like-you Christian for not believing in the Bible the way you do is pointless, and to expect another to bow down to your greater knowledge shows you've lost touch with the real world, IMO.
quote: did ya see the romans verse about your contention that unbelievers have "no one to trip them up"?
of course not . and on and on it goes when one worships the bible as an idol to be placed above what Jesus Commands .
Romans is talking about reaping what you sew. That's not the same thing as having someone actively trying to sabotage you. Jesus quoted the OT 94 times in just what was recorded in the gospels. He must have worshipped the bible as an idol too, eh? In his resurrected body he appeared to 2 men with whom he walked 7 miles and beginning at Moses he expounded to the 2 men all things in the scriptures concerning himself. What a shame. Jesus not only worshipped the bible as an idol himself, but he knowingly led these 2 innocent men into the same pernicious habit. Ya THINK ya KNOW a guy. You think you know a lot more than you know (Gal 6:3).
your paranoid, you really think you have somone activly trying to sabotage you? where is your God now? Either you smoke way to much pot or you have a cult mind .
I didnt hear Daniel whine about the smell of the lions breath when he had to spend the night in a hole with them licking their lips , nope he was happy as a clam in fact he was singing praises to God.
your such a victim for God it would frighten anyone out of even considering trusting in a higher power of any sort. who would want to know life is the worse for trusting in Jesus christ?
youmake no sense and I believe Jesus was risen from the dead!!! lol
what did jesus talk to these men about? chapter and verse? no HIS LIFE HIS OWN LIFE and how it went and what it meant to HIM knowing God as a father.
that is a witness. see I can read a great novel and tell a story and be really excited becaue it is entertainment or a tv show and people like to hear it . like tv shows we talk about them all the time and that is how you present your life as a christian, no thing personl nothing loving nothing moving inside the soul that makes another think about God, just entrtainment.
the devil is happy with that idea it gets zero deliverence for anyone . it takes the focus off the spirit and on to men.
The whole concept of confronting the world with the word was bizarre. It assumed we had authority over people and could tell complete strangers how to the time the HF wifey confronted a woman for her cluttered apartment while door to door witnessing. The woman, in her forties, probably some kind of professional(nice apartments) had no interst in coming to a fellowship, imagine that(and a few minutes later security found us and told us to leave).
I think there was some idea that we had magic mind control over others--just by speaking 'the Word' people would flock to us.
Scolding an unbeliever or nonChristian or non-like-you Christian for not believing in the Bible the way you do is pointless, and to expect another to bow down to your greater knowledge shows you've lost touch with the real world, IMO.
i have to note the contrast here: you say "just by speaking the word people would flock to us" and on the other coin we have johnima telling us he has "someone actively sabbotaging him" because he speaks the same "words"
Can anyone eles see this? hahahahahahahahahlololol omg
both are the truth as people think ! hahaha lololol geez your right only in this forum.
no one flocked to you eh when you sit in judgement? what a shock and THEN because you judged and spoke unloving to another in the name of god you get your butt kicked by the enemy.
how much does that class cost again? uh not so attractive lololol
Since someone keeps derailing this thread to have a personal non convsersation with me, I decided to reply after some thought. I was going to pm this, but since the thread has been derailed a bunch of times...
It occurs to me that by expressing your opinion that what people in TWI practiced was not love without having any Biblical foundation to back up your opinion you are doing the same thing that you object to in YWI. What Jesus Christ did in the temple when he overturned the tables of the moneychangers to me looks extreme and cruel, but I still believe that God told him to do it, because the Bible says he always did the will of the Father.
It seems to me that your self-proclaimed non-Christian status limits your ability to make any meaningful contribution to this topic; as WordWolf said in a different context. It may be that some concepts of love are universal, as you say, but since you don't go to the Bible as source of truth, at best your statements are guesses; some of your guesses may be right, some may be wrong, but that is all they are, guesses, and as such I put them under a higher level of scrutiny than some other people's posts who do use the Bible to back them up.
It is a discussion forum, not a Jeaniam-said-it-so-the-discussion-is-over forum.
Since you name dropped Wordwolf, maybe you should read his posts to see how he interacts with non Christians. He is never scolding or insulting, his words are not personally denigrating, yet he still stands for what he believes. Nor have I ever seen him pick out a poster to jump again and again.
To me your reaction to a non Christian poster seems extreme, weird and rude. Also, damatic! If it continues on other threads etc, I will consider it stalking, and say so!
Self proclaimed ( gosh I forgot to hire a proclaimer to announce me!), illogical, unable to make a meaningful contribution--and yet I still have as much right to post here as you do. And some people will read what I post. All your scolding or reproof or whatever that is, doesn't make me stop. So what's the point? Ego? Perceived personal authority to rid the forum of unbelieving posters?
Maybe you should email Pawtucket to demand an affirmation of (your)faith before people can post. And you can run to hubby and tell him the evil unbeliever was mean to you. Run to your like minded believers and tell them you've been fighting in spiritual warfare.
You've done nothing to make me care for what your opinion might be--done the opposite, in fact.
well it isnt just unbelievers they chose to attack, they bite at me too and I confess Jesus as LORD bramble.
I know I have derailed this thread a number of times IM sorry.
I do not know on how stay on topic with idiots responding in lies and twisted answers, I will leave if you need me to and ya know I have been giving spit for psat along the line here , maybe that is wrong and not needed , I will be accountable for it tho!
trust me I gotta have some fun my life is in a stinking mess i do not want to think about AGAIN> invisable people are better for me right now.
but i will leave gladly and say IM sorry for the derails .
When I was marked and avoided by a clergy it was over the phone I was not to interact or speak to believers in any way shape or fashion and i was not allowed to go to fellowship.
and I cried and cried and I thought I really thought life was over and God didnt love me anymore.
maybe some of my rants here has to do with the angry feeling of not being good enough then to have love from other people who loved God.
it hurt so bad words can not describe it . i thought they loved me. i built my life around the whole idea.
Jesus is the one who picked me up oout of that sad time. HIM alone loved me enough to heal my broken heart.
why because He simply loved me.
i was desperate for love and frankly i still am but i met people who didnt say one word of the bible and they thought i was a good person , they thought I was worth a hello and a how are you.
I never would have survived that time in my life.
i will be forever grateful to those who cared about me just because they cared.
so I got some baggage and christians are at times frightening to me with their slapping and hitting words.
I came in with this mess and may struggle the rest of my life with it.
but all I know is i lived through the worst time in my life because somone loved me, and the bible was never not once metioned thank you God. for love to always prevail.
quote: I didnt hear Daniel whine about the smell of the lions breath when he had to spend the night in a hole with them licking their lips , nope he was happy as a clam in fact he was singing praises to God.
You didn't hear? were there? When it happened? Then you must be an angel or...hmm. You spew your venom like the popping of a giant zit and call yourself Christian and loving? Now THAT is laughable.
quote: what did jesus talk to these men about? chapter and verse?
Luke 24:27.
quote: your paranoid, you really think you have somone activly trying to sabotage you?
1 Peter 5:8 - be sober, be vigilant, for your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
So Peter was paranoid too, huh? You self righteously claim that being a follower of Jesus has nothing to do with reading a book, but what do you know about Jesus that you DIDN'T read in the bible? Hello???? What did you do? Did you look up Jesus on Wikipedia and THEN decide to be a Christian? Did you see a vision of Jesus after you ate your 4th bag of cheetos one night? Is THAT how you came to this superior knowledge? Good for you!
quote: It is a discussion forum, not a Jeaniam-said-it-so-the-discussion-is-over forum.
Since you name dropped Wordwolf, maybe you should read his posts to see how he interacts with non Christians. He is never scolding or insulting, his words are not personally denigrating, yet he still stands for what he believes. Nor have I ever seen him pick out a poster to jump again and again.
Interesting. You falsely accuse Jean of wanting to have the final word on a topic, then claim that she "jumps again and again" because she won't let YOU have the final word on the same topic. Nice double standard.
quote: To me your reaction to a non Christian poster seems extreme, weird and rude. Also, damatic! If it continues on other threads etc, I will consider it stalking, and say so!
So if anyone disagrees with you, this constitutes "stalking"? Are you aware that this is a discussion forum and not a Bramble-said-it-so-the-discussion-is-over forum?
quote: All your scolding or reproof or whatever that is, doesn't make me stop. So what's the point?
The point is...disagreement.
quote: Maybe you should email Pawtucket to demand an affirmation of (your)faith before people can post. And you can run to hubby and tell him the evil unbeliever was mean to you. Run to your like minded believers and tell them you've been fighting in spiritual warfare.
Maybe you should practice what you preach and put Jean and/or myself on ignore.
and how do I know what Daniel was doing it is written exactly what he was doing with the lions he was singing songs of praise read it .
never thought of that when you have it on tape from some other fool who wants the power to tell people how they should or shouldnt think about God.
your a bible bully twi made them plenty you consider it a good fight when you hurt people.
what is your motive it certainly isnt to lead anyone to know Jesus as Lord. you want worship and when you do not get it your nasty and mean and do or say anything to destroy another.
yeah keep it up I cant stop you IM just blessed I know who can and will some day. you have already lost and you can spend your days trying to kill steal and destroy anyone who disagrees with you it is your choice.
I chose to love people and serve people and do the best I can to be kind with my days.
quote: you have already lost and you can spend your days trying to kill steal and destroy anyone who disagrees with you
You can't even remember what you post while you're posting. Did you forget to take your prozac today?
quote: and how do I know what Daniel was doing
You said "hear", not "know".
quote: I didnt hear Daniel whine
There. That's what you said. But if you can't remember what you post right in the same post then how could you possibly remember what you posted 3 hours ago?
So if I'm a rock star, what's the name of my band?
Typical female copout; if a woman mouths off to a man, she's being assertive, but if a man is confrontational to a woman, he's a bully. Nice double standard.
When i look at (gee I said look instead of read did you wet ypurself?) it says he taught the things concerning himself.
he told the guys about what was concerning HIM.
Jesus later tells them he is going to send a comforter to explain everything to them a holy spirit that will guide them.
the "new testiment was even written yet . yet Peter and Paul and all them spoke words to people that got thousand filled with this holy spirit.
but I have to go now I feel angry and upset and this isnt good for me.
you love to hurt people you like to be full of contention and you will win , for now.
Jesus will be with us in the kingdom continuing to teach us in the flesh we will have no doubts or questions by the time the end of sin happens and I am utterly thank ful for that knowledge.
in the mean time have fun this is to painful for me to continue, i do not enjoy it i even want to call you nasty names back now i have to go.
carry on.
oh just to let you know I have no idea if your a man or a woman , you use words as if your a b*tch of some sort tho.
Typical bully behavior John. When you cannot logically counter a point....just throw in your your whine and perpetual drivel about women and double standards and the lack of fairness....
Pretty sorry when non christians behavior is more christian than the proclaimed christian.
All the quoting and backing of scriptures to prove your point means nothing when you are using them to bully and antagonize...scripture doesn`t make bad behavior or lack of understanding correct.
Since someone keeps derailing this thread to have a personal non convsersation with me, I decided to reply after some thought. I was going to pm this, but since the thread has been derailed a bunch of times...
It is a discussion forum, not a Jeaniam-said-it-so-the-discussion-is-over forum.
Since you name dropped Wordwolf, maybe you should read his posts to see how he interacts with non Christians. He is never scolding or insulting, his words are not personally denigrating, yet he still stands for what he believes. Nor have I ever seen him pick out a poster to jump again and again.
To me your reaction to a non Christian poster seems extreme, weird and rude. Also, damatic! If it continues on other threads etc, I will consider it stalking, and say so!
Self proclaimed ( gosh I forgot to hire a proclaimer to announce me!), illogical, unable to make a meaningful contribution--and yet I still have as much right to post here as you do. And some people will read what I post. All your scolding or reproof or whatever that is, doesn't make me stop. So what's the point? Ego? Perceived personal authority to rid the forum of unbelieving posters?
Maybe you should email Pawtucket to demand an affirmation of (your)faith before people can post. And you can run to hubby and tell him the evil unbeliever was mean to you. Run to your like minded believers and tell them you've been fighting in spiritual warfare.
You've done nothing to make me care for what your opinion might be--done the opposite, in fact.
Actually, I agree with a number of the things you've said and a number of the points you've made, but my point is still that without an external source to tell you whether you're right or wrong in any of your assertions, you are doing yourself the same thing that you complain about in TWI. You are setting yourself up as the standard and saying that any doctrine that you don't like must be wrong, but you have nothing to base your belief on. You are basically saying 'Trust me, I'm spiritual', the same thing you objected to in TWI. If you or any other poster quoted the Koran or any other text, I could respect that, although I might disagree with it. Agape or arrogance, indeed. And my goal isn't necessarily to make you stop, but to challenge you to prove what you say with something of more substance than you have so far. Part of what you and I disagree on is that to you this is a matter of one PERSON'S opinion versus another PERSON'S opinion. To me this is a question of understanding GOD'S opinion which is far greater than what you or I think.
and you say "trust me i can think ofa way of spinning words about book so well it must be right" just never mind so can every other person who has read it and think they are right, IM the one who is right.
God is a spirit always has been always will be, to have problems with the fact He says our life is to be spiritual as well even tho we also have flesh speaks volumes on just what YOU think of God.
All flesh can do is plead for the grace and mercy of God. except you of course you can teach him your bible spin .
Well, Mr. Marx, thank you. There's plenty of amazement to go around, friend.
Tryinig to define agape, or to discuss it as we are, or were. Or would if we could get the right rock band name for the Iam's, is still interesting. I think (yikes! hold on, don't be skeered anyone, there will be bible verses) even still that agape describes an attitude a person has when they do something, and it has to do with their motive, their intent. first and foremost it's what we do and why we do it. It's physical, spiritual and both of the above. And to put it in a phrase, "good is where you find it". I believe that agape-stuff is happening all the time, everywhere, all around us.
Jesus Himself taught this with the parable of the Good Samaritan who showed love to his neighbor, but wasn't someone that any of the people He was teaching would have expected to be able to love, agape, the way they did. He seemed to deliberately use one of the least likely relationships to illustrate "love". I'm sure if there's been Q and A, someone would have asked "how could that guy love for real, with any legitmacy? He's a Samaritan. Those guys don't stand for the one true God. Not like we do, everyone knows that". But even those in the record, at least the way it's written, took the lesson at face value.
I would pose that the point wasn't to show "see, sometimes and every once in awhile, there's an exceptional situation like this, who woulda thunk it", but to simply teach that that's the way it happens. Accepted, unaccepted, members, non-members, those we expect it from and those we don't. Anyone, everyone, can tap into and act according to the standard of His Father and He Himself, Jesus. The heart of the individual stamps what they do with "agape", not the observer.
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in
my love.
If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love,
just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in
his love.
These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in
you, and that your joy may be full.
This is my commandment, that you love one another as I
have loved you.
I found an interesting site doing some browsing on this topic. It was something I'd heard years ago in part, in the Way, believe it or not. This link below covers a list of the
Commandments of Jesus He had quite a few of them actually, and they do form an image of what a follower would act like.
Jesus Himself taught this with the parable of the Good Samaritan who showed love to his neighbor, but wasn't someone that any of the people He was teaching would have expected to be able to love, agape, the way they did. He seemed to deliberately use one of the least likely relationships to illustrate "love". I'm sure if there's been Q and A, someone would have asked "how could that guy love for real, with any legitmacy? He's a Samaritan. Those guys don't stand for the one true God. Not like we do, everyone knows that". But even those in the record, at least the way it's written, took the lesson at face value.
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It's amusing how silly we became as part of TWI, especially when it came to basing ALL of reality on what is in the Bible.
Now, while this may be a reasonable point of reference for those people who know and / or believe the Bible, it is just plain stupid to present concepts as the absolute truth ... to outsiders who are not familiar with scripture, or who don't believe.
Example: You are assigned to go witnessing at the local mall. ("Assigned", because nobody would actually do this voluntarily). You approach a woman with a bratty kid, who is screaming and fighting and causing a scene. You say to the woman, "Excuse me mam, but would you like to know what the Bible says about bratty kids?" She looks at you as though you were psychotic, grabs her child, and walks away. You follow her and continue, "The Bible tells us that if we spare the rod, we will spoil the child". The woman keeps walking, but a little faster now. Being a determined Way-fer, you now step in front of her, causing her to stop. The kid clings to his mother in fright of this nutty stranger. She tells you she is Presbyterian, and has no intention of beating her child with a rod. Now your self-righteousness kicks in, and you "confront her with the word", because after all, this is your responsibility, right? You angrily flip to Ephesians and your voice is raised in indignation. That's when the woman's husband shows up and breaks your nose.
This is so absurd. The Word is essentially a common-sense yet spiritual guidebook. When presented in this way, it MIGHT be received. When presented as a weapon or a means to insult another of God's kids, then the written Word, itself, is being abused. Agape indeed.
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The whole concept of confronting the world with the word was bizarre. It assumed we had authority over people and could tell complete strangers how to the time the HF wifey confronted a woman for her cluttered apartment while door to door witnessing. The woman, in her forties, probably some kind of professional(nice apartments) had no interst in coming to a fellowship, imagine that(and a few minutes later security found us and told us to leave).
I think there was some idea that we had magic mind control over others--just by speaking 'the Word' people would flock to us.
Scolding an unbeliever or nonChristian or non-like-you Christian for not believing in the Bible the way you do is pointless, and to expect another to bow down to your greater knowledge shows you've lost touch with the real world, IMO.
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your paranoid, you really think you have somone activly trying to sabotage you? where is your God now? Either you smoke way to much pot or you have a cult mind .
I didnt hear Daniel whine about the smell of the lions breath when he had to spend the night in a hole with them licking their lips , nope he was happy as a clam in fact he was singing praises to God.
your such a victim for God it would frighten anyone out of even considering trusting in a higher power of any sort. who would want to know life is the worse for trusting in Jesus christ?
youmake no sense and I believe Jesus was risen from the dead!!! lol
what did jesus talk to these men about? chapter and verse? no HIS LIFE HIS OWN LIFE and how it went and what it meant to HIM knowing God as a father.
that is a witness. see I can read a great novel and tell a story and be really excited becaue it is entertainment or a tv show and people like to hear it . like tv shows we talk about them all the time and that is how you present your life as a christian, no thing personl nothing loving nothing moving inside the soul that makes another think about God, just entrtainment.
the devil is happy with that idea it gets zero deliverence for anyone . it takes the focus off the spirit and on to men.
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AMEN Bramble....
It was a wierd concept....certainly embarassing in hind sight.
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i have to note the contrast here: you say "just by speaking the word people would flock to us" and on the other coin we have johnima telling us he has "someone actively sabbotaging him" because he speaks the same "words"
Can anyone eles see this? hahahahahahahahahlololol omg
both are the truth as people think ! hahaha lololol geez your right only in this forum.
no one flocked to you eh when you sit in judgement? what a shock and THEN because you judged and spoke unloving to another in the name of god you get your butt kicked by the enemy.
how much does that class cost again? uh not so attractive lololol
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It is a discussion forum, not a Jeaniam-said-it-so-the-discussion-is-over forum.
Since you name dropped Wordwolf, maybe you should read his posts to see how he interacts with non Christians. He is never scolding or insulting, his words are not personally denigrating, yet he still stands for what he believes. Nor have I ever seen him pick out a poster to jump again and again.
To me your reaction to a non Christian poster seems extreme, weird and rude. Also, damatic! If it continues on other threads etc, I will consider it stalking, and say so!
Self proclaimed ( gosh I forgot to hire a proclaimer to announce me!), illogical, unable to make a meaningful contribution--and yet I still have as much right to post here as you do. And some people will read what I post. All your scolding or reproof or whatever that is, doesn't make me stop. So what's the point? Ego? Perceived personal authority to rid the forum of unbelieving posters?
Maybe you should email Pawtucket to demand an affirmation of (your)faith before people can post. And you can run to hubby and tell him the evil unbeliever was mean to you. Run to your like minded believers and tell them you've been fighting in spiritual warfare.
You've done nothing to make me care for what your opinion might be--done the opposite, in fact.
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well it isnt just unbelievers they chose to attack, they bite at me too and I confess Jesus as LORD bramble.
I know I have derailed this thread a number of times IM sorry.
I do not know on how stay on topic with idiots responding in lies and twisted answers, I will leave if you need me to and ya know I have been giving spit for psat along the line here , maybe that is wrong and not needed , I will be accountable for it tho!
trust me I gotta have some fun my life is in a stinking mess i do not want to think about AGAIN> invisable people are better for me right now.
but i will leave gladly and say IM sorry for the derails .
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When I was marked and avoided by a clergy it was over the phone I was not to interact or speak to believers in any way shape or fashion and i was not allowed to go to fellowship.
and I cried and cried and I thought I really thought life was over and God didnt love me anymore.
maybe some of my rants here has to do with the angry feeling of not being good enough then to have love from other people who loved God.
it hurt so bad words can not describe it . i thought they loved me. i built my life around the whole idea.
Jesus is the one who picked me up oout of that sad time. HIM alone loved me enough to heal my broken heart.
why because He simply loved me.
i was desperate for love and frankly i still am but i met people who didnt say one word of the bible and they thought i was a good person , they thought I was worth a hello and a how are you.
I never would have survived that time in my life.
i will be forever grateful to those who cared about me just because they cared.
so I got some baggage and christians are at times frightening to me with their slapping and hitting words.
I came in with this mess and may struggle the rest of my life with it.
but all I know is i lived through the worst time in my life because somone loved me, and the bible was never not once metioned thank you God. for love to always prevail.
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quote: I didnt hear Daniel whine about the smell of the lions breath when he had to spend the night in a hole with them licking their lips , nope he was happy as a clam in fact he was singing praises to God.
You didn't hear? were there? When it happened? Then you must be an angel or...hmm. You spew your venom like the popping of a giant zit and call yourself Christian and loving? Now THAT is laughable.
quote: what did jesus talk to these men about? chapter and verse?
Luke 24:27.
quote: your paranoid, you really think you have somone activly trying to sabotage you?
1 Peter 5:8 - be sober, be vigilant, for your adversary the devil walketh about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
So Peter was paranoid too, huh? You self righteously claim that being a follower of Jesus has nothing to do with reading a book, but what do you know about Jesus that you DIDN'T read in the bible? Hello???? What did you do? Did you look up Jesus on Wikipedia and THEN decide to be a Christian? Did you see a vision of Jesus after you ate your 4th bag of cheetos one night? Is THAT how you came to this superior knowledge? Good for you!
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I am a certified proclaimer, and would be glad to serve as yours.
Loved that line about the lion's breath!
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quote: It is a discussion forum, not a Jeaniam-said-it-so-the-discussion-is-over forum.
Since you name dropped Wordwolf, maybe you should read his posts to see how he interacts with non Christians. He is never scolding or insulting, his words are not personally denigrating, yet he still stands for what he believes. Nor have I ever seen him pick out a poster to jump again and again.
Interesting. You falsely accuse Jean of wanting to have the final word on a topic, then claim that she "jumps again and again" because she won't let YOU have the final word on the same topic. Nice double standard.
quote: To me your reaction to a non Christian poster seems extreme, weird and rude. Also, damatic! If it continues on other threads etc, I will consider it stalking, and say so!
So if anyone disagrees with you, this constitutes "stalking"? Are you aware that this is a discussion forum and not a Bramble-said-it-so-the-discussion-is-over forum?
quote: All your scolding or reproof or whatever that is, doesn't make me stop. So what's the point?
The point is...disagreement.
quote: Maybe you should email Pawtucket to demand an affirmation of (your)faith before people can post. And you can run to hubby and tell him the evil unbeliever was mean to you. Run to your like minded believers and tell them you've been fighting in spiritual warfare.
Maybe you should practice what you preach and put Jean and/or myself on ignore.
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the 'devil" isnt people johniam.
and how do I know what Daniel was doing it is written exactly what he was doing with the lions he was singing songs of praise read it .
never thought of that when you have it on tape from some other fool who wants the power to tell people how they should or shouldnt think about God.
your a bible bully twi made them plenty you consider it a good fight when you hurt people.
what is your motive it certainly isnt to lead anyone to know Jesus as Lord. you want worship and when you do not get it your nasty and mean and do or say anything to destroy another.
yeah keep it up I cant stop you IM just blessed I know who can and will some day. you have already lost and you can spend your days trying to kill steal and destroy anyone who disagrees with you it is your choice.
I chose to love people and serve people and do the best I can to be kind with my days.
see you at the bema rock star.
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quote: the 'devil" isnt people johniam.
quote: you have already lost and you can spend your days trying to kill steal and destroy anyone who disagrees with you
You can't even remember what you post while you're posting. Did you forget to take your prozac today?
quote: and how do I know what Daniel was doing
You said "hear", not "know".
quote: I didnt hear Daniel whine
There. That's what you said. But if you can't remember what you post right in the same post then how could you possibly remember what you posted 3 hours ago?
So if I'm a rock star, what's the name of my band?
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quote: your a bible bully
Typical female copout; if a woman mouths off to a man, she's being assertive, but if a man is confrontational to a woman, he's a bully. Nice double standard.
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When i look at (gee I said look instead of read did you wet ypurself?) it says he taught the things concerning himself.
he told the guys about what was concerning HIM.
Jesus later tells them he is going to send a comforter to explain everything to them a holy spirit that will guide them.
the "new testiment was even written yet . yet Peter and Paul and all them spoke words to people that got thousand filled with this holy spirit.
but I have to go now I feel angry and upset and this isnt good for me.
you love to hurt people you like to be full of contention and you will win , for now.
Jesus will be with us in the kingdom continuing to teach us in the flesh we will have no doubts or questions by the time the end of sin happens and I am utterly thank ful for that knowledge.
in the mean time have fun this is to painful for me to continue, i do not enjoy it i even want to call you nasty names back now i have to go.
carry on.
oh just to let you know I have no idea if your a man or a woman , you use words as if your a b*tch of some sort tho.
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Typical bully behavior John. When you cannot logically counter a point....just throw in your your whine and perpetual drivel about women and double standards and the lack of fairness....
Pretty sorry when non christians behavior is more christian than the proclaimed christian.
All the quoting and backing of scriptures to prove your point means nothing when you are using them to bully and antagonize...scripture doesn`t make bad behavior or lack of understanding correct.
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Even your vpw said
"you can be dead right but dead wrong because you have no love."
Being eager to win points and forgetting to deal with HUMANS is one reason door-to-door witnessing
(mentioned in this thread) often backfired.
Being eager to win points and forgetting to deal with HUMANS is one reason post-to-post witnessing
(seen in this thread) often backfires.
There's a lesson there, and a lesson there, and a lesson there.
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Actually, I agree with a number of the things you've said and a number of the points you've made, but my point is still that without an external source to tell you whether you're right or wrong in any of your assertions, you are doing yourself the same thing that you complain about in TWI. You are setting yourself up as the standard and saying that any doctrine that you don't like must be wrong, but you have nothing to base your belief on. You are basically saying 'Trust me, I'm spiritual', the same thing you objected to in TWI. If you or any other poster quoted the Koran or any other text, I could respect that, although I might disagree with it. Agape or arrogance, indeed. And my goal isn't necessarily to make you stop, but to challenge you to prove what you say with something of more substance than you have so far. Part of what you and I disagree on is that to you this is a matter of one PERSON'S opinion versus another PERSON'S opinion. To me this is a question of understanding GOD'S opinion which is far greater than what you or I think.
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I agree with the first part.
The second part would lead to one he!! of an interesting discussion. I can be very persuasive.
And you thought I didn't have a sense of humor.
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and you say "trust me i can think ofa way of spinning words about book so well it must be right" just never mind so can every other person who has read it and think they are right, IM the one who is right.
God is a spirit always has been always will be, to have problems with the fact He says our life is to be spiritual as well even tho we also have flesh speaks volumes on just what YOU think of God.
All flesh can do is plead for the grace and mercy of God. except you of course you can teach him your bible spin .
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I still want to know what the name of my rock band is.
quote: scripture doesn`t make bad behavior or lack of understanding correct.
No, it sure hasn't helped you.
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So, just as a general question for all of you involved in this conversation...
How do your posts line up with the concept of agape - whether you define it as "unconditional love" or "The love of God in the renewed mind"?
Do they line up with the great commandments as outlined by Jesus Christ - agape God, and agape your neighbor as yourself?
I find it ironic that there is so much finger pointing and name calling going on in a thread that is supposed to be about the love of God.
Reminds me of something... Oh, yeah! twi... How stupid of me not to have seen it before.
Just remember, play nice. God loves all of you.
Hugs from Jane!!
(Pond - that was a terrible thing that happened to you when you were marked and avoided. I'm glad you are here now and have at least begin to heal.)
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Well, Mr. Marx, thank you. There's plenty of amazement to go around, friend.
Tryinig to define agape, or to discuss it as we are, or were. Or would if we could get the right rock band name for the Iam's, is still interesting. I think (yikes! hold on, don't be skeered anyone, there will be bible verses) even still that agape describes an attitude a person has when they do something, and it has to do with their motive, their intent. first and foremost it's what we do and why we do it. It's physical, spiritual and both of the above. And to put it in a phrase, "good is where you find it". I believe that agape-stuff is happening all the time, everywhere, all around us.
Jesus Himself taught this with the parable of the Good Samaritan who showed love to his neighbor, but wasn't someone that any of the people He was teaching would have expected to be able to love, agape, the way they did. He seemed to deliberately use one of the least likely relationships to illustrate "love". I'm sure if there's been Q and A, someone would have asked "how could that guy love for real, with any legitmacy? He's a Samaritan. Those guys don't stand for the one true God. Not like we do, everyone knows that". But even those in the record, at least the way it's written, took the lesson at face value.
I would pose that the point wasn't to show "see, sometimes and every once in awhile, there's an exceptional situation like this, who woulda thunk it", but to simply teach that that's the way it happens. Accepted, unaccepted, members, non-members, those we expect it from and those we don't. Anyone, everyone, can tap into and act according to the standard of His Father and He Himself, Jesus. The heart of the individual stamps what they do with "agape", not the observer.
JOHN 15:9-12 (RSV)
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you; abide in
my love.
If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love,
just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in
his love.
These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in
you, and that your joy may be full.
This is my commandment, that you love one another as I
have loved you.
I found an interesting site doing some browsing on this topic. It was something I'd heard years ago in part, in the Way, believe it or not. This link below covers a list of the
Commandments of Jesus He had quite a few of them actually, and they do form an image of what a follower would act like.
Good advice or bad?
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