I love, Love, LOVE CSI - the original one in Las Vegas.
I'm also a Survivor junkie, so all my friends know not to call me on Thursday nights. The really good friends know never to call me during a NASCAR race.
Yes TV has changed quite a bit since I was a child. We had three channels only. We still didn't have a color TV in my parent's house when I left to go WOW in 1974. I think that was mainly because my dad was color blind and didn't care if it was color or not.
I don't watch that much TV but my favorite show has been The Gilmore Girls. I also watch LOST and sometimes Dancing with the Stars.
I was sad because Tuesday was the last episode of The Gilmore Girls.
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I like to watch DeadWood...it reminds me of real life...
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WE tevo:
Ugly Betty
Grey's Anatomy
Star Gate
some Ellen Degeneres and Oprah shows
Brace Face
According to Ginger
Used to record Babylon 5 &FarScape
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God first
Beloved GrouchoMarxJr and washingtonweather
God loves you my dear friend
I will have to look at DeadWood
I watch Heros off and on
I used to watch them two Babylon 5 &FarScape
thank you two
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Weather and traffic ( out of necessity)
Austin City Limits ( If I haven't already seen the show 17 times)
Red Green Show ( in small doses)
That's about it for me.
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God first
Beloved waysider
God loves you my dear friend
you do not watch alot of TV my friend
never heard of the Red Green Show
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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We have some shows in common, Roy.
I love, Love, LOVE CSI - the original one in Las Vegas.
I'm also a Survivor junkie, so all my friends know not to call me on Thursday nights.
The really good friends know never to call me during a NASCAR race. 
Other shows as I'm home to see them:
Dancing with the Stars
How I Met Your Mother
Old Christine
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God first
Beloved Belle
God loves you my dear friend
sounds like good shows
my mother used to like a old one called "My Mother the Car" I think it was called
yes original one in Las Vegas is the best and next is Navy one for me
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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With impressionable minds, I have to be careful which "cop/murder" shows I watch..around these offsprings.
But i watch csi once in a while.
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God first
Beloved washingtonweather
God loves you my dear friend
impressionable minds are fun to have around I love the happy sound of children
and there is all way reruns
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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the Sopranos
baseball in summer, football in winter
Turner Classic Movies
occasional jaunts through cable channels- tvland, foodnetwork, cartoon network. discovery
that's about it
"My Mother the Car' barely lasted 1 season-can't imagine anyone actually 'liking' it, but it is a 'fond memory'
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gosh, i hate tv!
when my now wife moved in with me 6 or 7 years ago i did not even have one in my apartment!
now we have one in our new home 'cause she likes it a lot
and thats ok with me
i would rather read,be here,listen to music,or play my piano
i do watch it a few hours a week when we get a movie from netflix
{which works great
but to each his his own
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God first
Beloved hiway29 and coolchef
God loves you my dear friends
hiway29 - Glad you rember "My Mother the Car'
hiway29 - I like Turner Classic Movies, discovery and history myself
coolchef - yes "to each his his own" but I wish I could go outside and watch less TV myself
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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Yes TV has changed quite a bit since I was a child. We had three channels only. We still didn't have a color TV in my parent's house when I left to go WOW in 1974. I think that was mainly because my dad was color blind and didn't care if it was color or not.
I don't watch that much TV but my favorite show has been The Gilmore Girls. I also watch LOST and sometimes Dancing with the Stars.
I was sad because Tuesday was the last episode of The Gilmore Girls.
I wrote about it on my blog at:
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I'd pass on checking out Deadwood - unless you like lots of vulgar language.
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God first
Beloved wrdsandwrks and Suda
God loves us all my dear friends
wrdsandwrks - when I was young we only had three channels too
Suda - I do not like alot of vulgar language but I will give it a look
thank you
with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy
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