Holly, I have been so busy I just noticed this thread and don't have time to read it all. However, I read something about you getting harrassed via PM. Are these Grease Spot Cafe PMs? If so that is very unusual and very cowardly. Normally the only PMs I get are nice ones from friends here. Even when I argue with someone here we can sometimes iron things out with a few PMs. If these are Grease Spot posters that are sending you nasty PMs I would like there Grease Spot names please. In this way I can keep my eyes open for their posts and make sure they behave. If they are especially nasty perhaps they can be encouraged to leave instead of you. Just a few thoughts. If you leave we will all miss you.
There are some serious misunderstandings going on. No doubt people are working to try to get to the bottom of it. I`ll say this....This place and the people in it are worth fighting for.
To give us all the collective finger, even those whom have loved and prayed for, who have cried with and loved you, isn`t right either.
The screw you all, your not worth my time is pretty harsh.
I am sorry that you won`t stay and fight for the truth of the situation. I am sorry that because you have an unresolved issue with a few people that you dismiss the rest of the folks that have cared.
DO what you need to do for you, I am sorry that you have been hurt. I cannot force you to see how much that you are cared for by folks, nor how much benefit we can offer one another, or that I believe that it is special enough to stay and fight for if you have been wronged.
Oh Rascal I am not doing that. I could have just left without a word, which was my first idea, but I didn't want to lose touch with all my friends old and new so I put this thread out here so that anyone who wanted to could stay in touch. So they would know where to find me and pass on an email or in some cases a phone number if they felt safe enough to do so. That's all.
By the way guys, I just came back from my general practitioners office and he had access to the results of the MRI of my neck and confirmed the worst. I do have MS but he feels with the start of the treatments in June it will progress more slowly than those who have had it in the past. I was prepared for that declaration, and for the talk about stress reduction that followed. So my task in the next few months is to find the stresses I have control over and eliminate them. Sorry to give you all the glum news.
Holly, I have been so busy I just noticed this thread and don't have time to read it all. However, I read something about you getting harrassed via PM. Are these Grease Spot Cafe PMs? If so that is very unusual and very cowardly. Normally the only PMs I get are nice ones from friends here. Even when I argue with someone here we can sometimes iron things out with a few PMs. If these are Grease Spot posters that are sending you nasty PMs I would like there Grease Spot names please. In this way I can keep my eyes open for their posts and make sure they behave. If they are especially nasty perhaps they can be encouraged to leave instead of you. Just a few thoughts. If you leave we will all miss you.
how sweet you are. I would never want to be the reason for someone to leave.
From the course of the day I have had a few phone calls and I think things are finally getting ironed out, for the most part. And maybe then I won't feel so insecure out here. I just really gotta make sure I reduce all un-necessary stress.
Sorry about the diagnosis, but so pleased the prognois is so good. You know how to take care of yourself, you will, and I think you have a good like despite the MS.
Yes, you do need to eliminate stress that is within your control to eliminate. And since this place has been causing you stress as of late, agree that not coming here for a while is a solid decision for you. If it would be too much of a temptation for you to peek in if you leave your registration in tact, then close it. If not, leave it open so you can walk back through the door in the future if you so desire. You will always be welcome.
Free - I have no clue about the drama--i'm not here enough I guess--but I am sorry to hear the news. If I could attempt encouragement -- it's this, my friend of 7 years has MS, she is still driving and working for an Insurance Agent. she has stopped sweating, consequently New Mexico summers are more the challenging, she had a little disorientation a few years ago but chages in meds cleared that up.
I do know simplifying ones life can reap great results. She has done this too, she has picked and chosen carefully what she will be involved in, over the years and she does have a husband and 2 high school students.
I hope you find the peace that you are working for and making decisions about.
I'm sorry to hear the diagnosis but have heard they are able to do much more now than even a few years ago to control the impact so you can live more comfortably with it.
But stress is a hindrance without question and I'm sorry someone chose to play so many of us in the past few days and hurt you especially at such a time when it was the last thing you needed.
Thank you for your friendship and I hope we continue it for years and years and years.
Ex I haven't found this quote. How did ****'s name come into play here. I will reserve my comments in this regard.
Oh and Ex. ((((you)))) You are not involved in the drama, we're good well don't want to say too much. Heck I will PM you.
Ok guys I will keep the account active and try not to allow temptation to win. Right now this is the only thread I am paying attention to because of course I want to stay in touch with those of you that desired to stay connected to the Free girl, and can't get the emails from those of you who want to remain connected while I am taking care of business.
Holly, we like you here on Grease Spot Cafe. We don't want you to go. And as far as stress goes here, just stay away from the political forum and you should be O.K. here. Also if you are having physical problems I recommend making this known on the prayer forum. We would love to pray for you Holly and want to see you in good health.
I would say that the overall effect of Greasespot Cafe is stress relief and healing. :)
You're not the lone ranger with troubles here. And my troubles may not be your troubles, but I do know that the Greasespot Cafe has been a source of comfort, healing and great overall stress relief.
I've also been able to learn by the low-key social interaction of Internet communication.
The trials of dealing with Some People are really small because you can just always hit the x to close and/or email Pawtucket or one of your other found-friends here.
Free, as you know, I also have an auto immune disease. Stress can be a major trigger for flares of any of the immuno diseases. While I can't make it go away, I can understand the good and bad days you will be learning to live with as your 'normal life'. I've found not everyone really understands 'I may look fine on the outside, but am very sick on the inside'. They equal looking good to feeling good. That is a normal thing and true for almost all people. Those of us with immuno diseases are the exceptions to that rule. I'd be more than happy to have a shoulder for you if it's needed and may borrow yours someday too if it has the room. :)
Please, if you ever want to talk to someone who's also there, get ahold of me. I have loved the times in chat with you and would hate to lose touch. I don't have your phone number, so will send you a PM with mine and my email addy, praying you check it before leaving for good so you have them. I have Yahoo IM too and can send you my nick in there, it's really the easiest way to reach me anyway cause if I'm awake, more than likely I'm online and IM will be turned on. I only leave the house on the days I feel I can handle it and they average once a week to every two weeks for anything further than a quick ride to the grocery store, when I run out of something.
I love ya lady. I hate drama as much as you do and probably for a majority of the same reasons. Know you will be in my prayers. :)
Right now the symptoms are insignificant. the occasional loss of use of my right arm but not complete loss of the use of it just the decrease in the strength. I trip every now and then because my right leg will drag, but it is not very often, and sometimes my fine motor skills in my right hand are hard to control, and then other times I can't notice any of it.
The worst of it was when my eye sight went in my right eye. But now it has begun to come back and although the vision is not completely restored it will be eventually. So I am not too bad off, everything seems to be managable, except one thing I have a hard time with is the fatigue I feel. I can't keep up with housework, kids, work work, and school. Its been a challenge. I would get so mad at myself and try to push myself but I would find that I would get to the point that I would move like i was in slow motion because my body felt so heavy, and I would push myself even when this would occur because I felt like I should be able to keep up with my responsibilities. I would yell at myself and get disappointed in myself because my house was below my standards. Heck it's below the standard of the pig sty. Eventually I would stop and rest thinking maybe if I just sit for a few minutes I can get up and get the rest of the house done, but I never make it.
For a girl who likes a hospital clean environment this is hard. I have had to let things go that really get under my skin and there we go more stress because my house and my life isn't what I want them to be. I try to let it slide off my back but unless my environment is squeaky clean my mind can't function and then I try to stay away from my house so I don't have to deal with it.
So the worst part of it thus far is the extreme fatigue.
Free, as you know, I also have an auto immune disease. Stress can be a major trigger for flares of any of the immuno diseases. While I can't make it go away, I can understand the good and bad days you will be learning to live with as your 'normal life'. I've found not everyone really understands 'I may look fine on the outside, but am very sick on the inside'. They equal looking good to feeling good.
I wish someone would explain that to my ex. I have had physical problems for a great majority of the time we were together and he never took me seriously. I would have died from the tumor in my heart if I hadn't left him and loved myself enough to get medical attention. And now he knows I am sick he hears my oldest tell the little ones to lighten up on me because I am sick and yet the stress I feel everytime he comes to get the kids and critisizes my house because it isn't clean. when we were married I had to have the place spotless 24/7 but I just can't do that now and he complains because it isn't neat. I wish the kids would start to help more, but they are just kids. Such is life. One day he said I gotta leave this place before I throw up and I just wanted to cry because I have done all I physically could do.
But he thinks becasue I am good on the outside there is nothing wrong with me. I guess I have to become crippled to get him to finally realize that my life is at risk and the stress he causes is only adding to my dilemma. Truth,,,, he wouldn't really care. He never did. Guess that's why he is divorced.
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the door swings both ways
don't let it slam you in the foot on your way out
as for me and my family
we will serve the paw
thanks for what you do paw
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Thanks cool,
They need to vent something so let them.
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since the email / comments were about me, I thought I should say something
paw has helped me very much.... not just during this incident.... but through the years.... even when I didn't deserve it
he alerted me to some things that have been going, and, even though I thanked him privately, I want to thank him here on the forums
and lastly, I want to ask those involved not to talk about me anymore. of course I can't stop you, but I would appreciate it
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Well I'm not involved and I don't talk about you. It is much more interesting to talk TO you. :wub:
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Out There
I would they were even cut off which do trouble you :D
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Hear no evil, See no evil, Speak no evil!
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Mark Sanguinetti
Holly, I have been so busy I just noticed this thread and don't have time to read it all. However, I read something about you getting harrassed via PM. Are these Grease Spot Cafe PMs? If so that is very unusual and very cowardly. Normally the only PMs I get are nice ones from friends here. Even when I argue with someone here we can sometimes iron things out with a few PMs. If these are Grease Spot posters that are sending you nasty PMs I would like there Grease Spot names please. In this way I can keep my eyes open for their posts and make sure they behave. If they are especially nasty perhaps they can be encouraged to leave instead of you. Just a few thoughts. If you leave we will all miss you.
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Oh Rascal I am not doing that. I could have just left without a word, which was my first idea, but I didn't want to lose touch with all my friends old and new so I put this thread out here so that anyone who wanted to could stay in touch. So they would know where to find me and pass on an email or in some cases a phone number if they felt safe enough to do so. That's all.
By the way guys, I just came back from my general practitioners office and he had access to the results of the MRI of my neck and confirmed the worst. I do have MS but he feels with the start of the treatments in June it will progress more slowly than those who have had it in the past. I was prepared for that declaration, and for the talk about stress reduction that followed. So my task in the next few months is to find the stresses I have control over and eliminate them. Sorry to give you all the glum news.
how sweet you are. I would never want to be the reason for someone to leave.
From the course of the day I have had a few phone calls and I think things are finally getting ironed out, for the most part. And maybe then I won't feel so insecure out here. I just really gotta make sure I reduce all un-necessary stress.
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God bless, good luck, and prayers from me for you.
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Sorry about the diagnosis, but so pleased the prognois is so good. You know how to take care of yourself, you will, and I think you have a good like despite the MS.
Yes, you do need to eliminate stress that is within your control to eliminate. And since this place has been causing you stress as of late, agree that not coming here for a while is a solid decision for you. If it would be too much of a temptation for you to peek in if you leave your registration in tact, then close it. If not, leave it open so you can walk back through the door in the future if you so desire. You will always be welcome.
Continuing to pray for you and yours.
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I'm sorry to see you leave.
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dear free, you are in my thoughts and prayers
i'm not really sure how (or IF) i figure into anything here, but i want to tell you to PLEASE take care of yourself
also, i thought **** was one of the most wonderful human beings i had ever known
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Free - I have no clue about the drama--i'm not here enough I guess--but I am sorry to hear the news. If I could attempt encouragement -- it's this, my friend of 7 years has MS, she is still driving and working for an Insurance Agent. she has stopped sweating, consequently New Mexico summers are more the challenging, she had a little disorientation a few years ago but chages in meds cleared that up.
I do know simplifying ones life can reap great results. She has done this too, she has picked and chosen carefully what she will be involved in, over the years and she does have a husband and 2 high school students.
I hope you find the peace that you are working for and making decisions about.
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Free, sorry to see you go and sorry to hear the doctor’s news. You have my thoughts and prayers….Hope you do come back to visit sometime.
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emphasis on THOUGHT, i'm sad to say
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I'm sorry to hear the diagnosis but have heard they are able to do much more now than even a few years ago to control the impact so you can live more comfortably with it.
But stress is a hindrance without question and I'm sorry someone chose to play so many of us in the past few days and hurt you especially at such a time when it was the last thing you needed.
Thank you for your friendship and I hope we continue it for years and years and years.
My deepest love to you,
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Ex I haven't found this quote. How did ****'s name come into play here. I will reserve my comments in this regard.
Oh and Ex. ((((you)))) You are not involved in the drama, we're good well don't want to say too much. Heck I will PM you.
Ok guys I will keep the account active and try not to allow temptation to win. Right now this is the only thread I am paying attention to because of course I want to stay in touch with those of you that desired to stay connected to the Free girl, and can't get the emails from those of you who want to remain connected while I am taking care of business.
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J0nny Ling0
It is so sad that this rumble has occurred, for, there is such "Poodle thread" going on over in "About The Way......"
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Mark Sanguinetti
Holly, we like you here on Grease Spot Cafe. We don't want you to go. And as far as stress goes here, just stay away from the political forum and you should be O.K. here. Also if you are having physical problems I recommend making this known on the prayer forum. We would love to pray for you Holly and want to see you in good health.
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Kit Sober
Stress -- Relief
I would say that the overall effect of Greasespot Cafe is stress relief and healing. :)
You're not the lone ranger with troubles here. And my troubles may not be your troubles, but I do know that the Greasespot Cafe has been a source of comfort, healing and great overall stress relief.
I've also been able to learn by the low-key social interaction of Internet communication.
The trials of dealing with Some People
are really small because you can just always hit the x to close and/or email Pawtucket or one of your other found-friends here. 
In hope and prayers with you and for you,
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Free, as you know, I also have an auto immune disease. Stress can be a major trigger for flares of any of the immuno diseases. While I can't make it go away, I can understand the good and bad days you will be learning to live with as your 'normal life'. I've found not everyone really understands 'I may look fine on the outside, but am very sick on the inside'. They equal looking good to feeling good. That is a normal thing and true for almost all people. Those of us with immuno diseases are the exceptions to that rule. I'd be more than happy to have a shoulder for you if it's needed and may borrow yours someday too if it has the room. :)
Please, if you ever want to talk to someone who's also there, get ahold of me. I have loved the times in chat with you and would hate to lose touch. I don't have your phone number, so will send you a PM with mine and my email addy, praying you check it before leaving for good so you have them. I have Yahoo IM too and can send you my nick in there, it's really the easiest way to reach me anyway cause if I'm awake, more than likely I'm online and IM will be turned on. I only leave the house on the days I feel I can handle it and they average once a week to every two weeks for anything further than a quick ride to the grocery store, when I run out of something.
I love ya lady. I hate drama as much as you do and probably for a majority of the same reasons. Know you will be in my prayers. :)
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Right now the symptoms are insignificant. the occasional loss of use of my right arm but not complete loss of the use of it just the decrease in the strength. I trip every now and then because my right leg will drag, but it is not very often, and sometimes my fine motor skills in my right hand are hard to control, and then other times I can't notice any of it.
The worst of it was when my eye sight went in my right eye. But now it has begun to come back and although the vision is not completely restored it will be eventually. So I am not too bad off, everything seems to be managable, except one thing I have a hard time with is the fatigue I feel. I can't keep up with housework, kids, work work, and school. Its been a challenge. I would get so mad at myself and try to push myself but I would find that I would get to the point that I would move like i was in slow motion because my body felt so heavy, and I would push myself even when this would occur because I felt like I should be able to keep up with my responsibilities. I would yell at myself and get disappointed in myself because my house was below my standards. Heck it's below the standard of the pig sty. Eventually I would stop and rest thinking maybe if I just sit for a few minutes I can get up and get the rest of the house done, but I never make it.
For a girl who likes a hospital clean environment this is hard. I have had to let things go that really get under my skin and there we go more stress because my house and my life isn't what I want them to be. I try to let it slide off my back but unless my environment is squeaky clean my mind can't function and then I try to stay away from my house so I don't have to deal with it.
So the worst part of it thus far is the extreme fatigue.
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I wish someone would explain that to my ex. I have had physical problems for a great majority of the time we were together and he never took me seriously. I would have died from the tumor in my heart if I hadn't left him and loved myself enough to get medical attention. And now he knows I am sick he hears my oldest tell the little ones to lighten up on me because I am sick and yet the stress I feel everytime he comes to get the kids and critisizes my house because it isn't clean. when we were married I had to have the place spotless 24/7 but I just can't do that now and he complains because it isn't neat. I wish the kids would start to help more, but they are just kids. Such is life. One day he said I gotta leave this place before I throw up and I just wanted to cry because I have done all I physically could do.
But he thinks becasue I am good on the outside there is nothing wrong with me. I guess I have to become crippled to get him to finally realize that my life is at risk and the stress he causes is only adding to my dilemma. Truth,,,, he wouldn't really care. He never did. Guess that's why he is divorced.
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