I've been in a couple towns like Jane describes. I'd portray them exactly the same way. I'm white. Does that make me a bigot?
Back to Mrs. W's little dog...I seem to recall seeing it running around on the asphalt area behind the Wierwille house at a dance or cookout or something in the mid-80s when I was on staff. Anyone else remember seeing it then?
Okay. I understand what you're saying and I'm not saying this to "defend" anyone but really... I respect you Rick, you know that, but I think you're getting heated over something that's pretty widely accepted because it's always in our media...
Let's look at how rural southerners are portrayed -
We all LOVE Larry the Cable Guy and Jeff Foxworthy - they have this redneck, corn-fed white-boy schitch down to an art form.
Do you have a problem with them? What about what they say about the rural south, trailer parks, dating cousins, and the like?
I've lived down south most of my adult life - I felt like I knew those guys - the Bubbas of the world - and could relate to them.
It was satire - it made fun of some true situations in life - things people could relate to or identify with. But do you consider that bigotry?
There's Black commedians - Bill Cosby, Eddie Murphy, etc., who poke fun at their own race - that's acceptable. No one (as far as I know) calls them a bigot.
So, why is it bigotry when a white person comments on the white majority in their area or cracks a joke about it?
I'm sorry, Bluzeman, I really thought you were just jokng about the bigot thing, I didn't mean to come off that way at all. I was just joking about it.
Just as a reply to all the bigot stuff... for the record, I am the WHITE half of a BIRACIAL MARRIAGE... And have lived in inner cities surrounded by blacks, hispanics, and asians...
I was also raised in a small town of about 500 or so people that was predominantly white with a few native americans. I can skin a deer, pluck chickens, ride horses bareback, go barefoot most of the time. I also grow my own garden in my backyard and one of my best friends in this town is a self-professed redneck who competes in tractor pull races and couldn't make it into work on Friday because she was chasing her son's sheep that had broken down the fence.
I was just poking fun at the people in this town, no specific races in mind...
And as for the "inbreeding" comment - people at my work have married people who have the same last names they do (things like Bornsketter and Hossfelt) - they DID check records before they got married and found out they were related by marriage only - they each had one half of set of great-grandparents in a situation where one was a widower and one was a widow... Got married after they already had kids from the previous marriage... Not REALLY inbreeding, but darn close. We joke about it at work all the time. They all tell me they know I'm not from here because I'm not related to anyone who works there.
You can call me a bigot if you want. I'm sorry that you feel that way. I really didn't mean it like that.
JavaJane, I am sorry, but your 2 posts after that made it sound as though you were in the "5% minority".
Why does that make a difference? Just as a black person can call another black person the "N" word and it's considered a term of endearment. But if a white person calls a black person the "N" word, it's a racial epithet. That is how it sounded...as though you were a minority trash-talking about the "inbred hicks" or whatever.
And yes, I"m a little sensitive about this issue because it seems that almost every day, someone is all over the news for saying something derogatory about some group or other. Yet words like Cracker, Gringo, Hick, Redneck and etc. get used all the time and no one thinks a thing about it.
And Chaz...I understand the laughing at yourself kind of thing. I can tell you some of the best hillbilly jokes around, but since a lot of my family lives in very poor rural areas (Southern Ohio and Kentucky) it's not done in a mean way. Because of what she posted, I thought JJ was a minority and was saying things in a derogatory way.
So even though I stand by the issue that I brought up, I am sorry that I assumed from your posts that you were a minority that was being insulting to rural southerners.
Heyy!! I've been away for five days! Went on a cruise up to Haines Alaska where we had our annual "Brew Fest", and also I got to jam the night away two nights straight with a band called, and get this....."The Poodles"! Yeah, it was hot! The lead guitarist's name was "Curly". And well, really, it was just me and my mullet headed friend Luckey Walker www.luckeywalker.com who is an awesome keyboard blues player. And, it was grand! And, I met a one legged woman from Hollywood who knows all of the stars and who told me that Nick Nolte tried to take her home for a "zesty session" when she was only seventeen! Damn that Nick Nolte. Tryin to pick up a one legged teenager for sex. But, she told him to "bugger off" and that her dad would cut his pee pee off if he knew what he'd tried. And after that she and Mr. Nolte became great friends. Alot to be said for a person taking a stand on Principle. What's cool, is that she is there in Haines to try and encourage "Hollywoodies" to come up and make movies there. They already filmed "White Fang" there. Anyhoo, it was a fine weekend.
And ya know, when we got off of the state ferry Le Conte in Juneau about an hour ago, there was a brace (two in number) of full grown Standard Poodles. And, I am not kidding about that. It seems that Truth can be stranger than fiction. And so, now that I am home, I had to report this.....
And ya know, when we got off of the state ferry Le Conte in Juneau about an hour ago, there was a brace (two in number) of full grown Standard Poodles. And, I am not kidding about that. It seems that Truth can be stranger than fiction. And so, now that I am home, I had to report this.....
Alaska, where women win the Iditarod and men mush poodles!
And ya know, I too think that the whole "run down" of country people is bigoted. I have an acquaintence who is half Filipino, and half Native American who used to send me a lot of those "internet funnies", and alot of them were about Southerners being "dumb rednecks", etc. You know, the "Southerner's glossary of terms", and all of that. And I always thought that it was pretty offensive. So, I know where you are coming from Rick...
All those posts about bigotry, and then Rick responds with this?
JavaJane, I am sorry, but your 2 posts after that made it sound as though you were in the "5% minority".
Why does that make a difference? Just as a black person can call another black person the "N" word and it's considered a term of endearment. But if a white person calls a black person the "N" word, it's a racial epithet. That is how it sounded...as though you were a minority trash-talking about the "inbred hicks" or whatever.
And yes, I"m a little sensitive about this issue because it seems that almost every day, someone is all over the news for saying something derogatory about some group or other. Yet words like Cracker, Gringo, Hick, Redneck and etc. get used all the time and no one thinks a thing about it.
And Chaz...I understand the laughing at yourself kind of thing. I can tell you some of the best hillbilly jokes around, but since a lot of my family lives in very poor rural areas (Southern Ohio and Kentucky) it's not done in a mean way. Because of what she posted, I thought JJ was a minority and was saying things in a derogatory way.
So even though I stand by the issue that I brought up, I am sorry that I assumed from your posts that you were a minority that was being insulting to rural southerners.
Now if you want to re-read that and STILL want to start something TheHighway, go for it. Otherwise, take a brush up on your reading skills. There is a BIG difference between laughing at yourself and an OUTSIDER (as I perceived JJ to be from what she posted...i.e., a minority) being DISRESPETFUL to another group of people.
In other words, if you dont' know what your talking about, leave your freaking nose out of it.
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Linda Z
I've been in a couple towns like Jane describes. I'd portray them exactly the same way. I'm white. Does that make me a bigot?
Back to Mrs. W's little dog...I seem to recall seeing it running around on the asphalt area behind the Wierwille house at a dance or cookout or something in the mid-80s when I was on staff. Anyone else remember seeing it then?
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Had a long reply in mind, but it's not worth it. As I said, it was a bigoted statement.
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Rick -
Okay. I understand what you're saying and I'm not saying this to "defend" anyone but really... I respect you Rick, you know that, but I think you're getting heated over something that's pretty widely accepted because it's always in our media...
Let's look at how rural southerners are portrayed -
We all LOVE Larry the Cable Guy and Jeff Foxworthy - they have this redneck, corn-fed white-boy schitch down to an art form.
Do you have a problem with them? What about what they say about the rural south, trailer parks, dating cousins, and the like?
I've lived down south most of my adult life - I felt like I knew those guys - the Bubbas of the world - and could relate to them.
It was satire - it made fun of some true situations in life - things people could relate to or identify with. But do you consider that bigotry?
There's Black commedians - Bill Cosby, Eddie Murphy, etc., who poke fun at their own race - that's acceptable. No one (as far as I know) calls them a bigot.
So, why is it bigotry when a white person comments on the white majority in their area or cracks a joke about it?
Edited by ChasUFarleyLink to comment
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Shucks -- I LOVE banjo jokes and the meaner the better.
AND ------ I pick banjo! :)
Q.) What's the difference between a banjo and a trampoline??
A.) You take off your shoes when you jump on a trampoline.
Q.) What's the difference between a banjo and an onion?
A.) No one cries when you cut up a banjo.
Q.) What's the difference between a banjo picker, and an IRA??
A.) The IRA eventually matures, and actually earns some money.
Q.) What's the difference between a banjo picker and a photograph??
A.) The photograph is fully developed.
Q.) Push a banjo picker and his banjo off a 10 story building. Which hits the ground first??
(In a LAME attempt at keeping this on topic ----)
Q.) If dmiller was playing an in tune banjo, and a poodle was playing an out of tune banjo, who was better?
A.) The poodle. There is no such thing as an in tune banjo!
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I'm sorry, Bluzeman, I really thought you were just jokng about the bigot thing, I didn't mean to come off that way at all. I was just joking about it.
Just as a reply to all the bigot stuff... for the record, I am the WHITE half of a BIRACIAL MARRIAGE... And have lived in inner cities surrounded by blacks, hispanics, and asians...
I was also raised in a small town of about 500 or so people that was predominantly white with a few native americans. I can skin a deer, pluck chickens, ride horses bareback, go barefoot most of the time. I also grow my own garden in my backyard and one of my best friends in this town is a self-professed redneck who competes in tractor pull races and couldn't make it into work on Friday because she was chasing her son's sheep that had broken down the fence.
I was just poking fun at the people in this town, no specific races in mind...
And as for the "inbreeding" comment - people at my work have married people who have the same last names they do (things like Bornsketter and Hossfelt) - they DID check records before they got married and found out they were related by marriage only - they each had one half of set of great-grandparents in a situation where one was a widower and one was a widow... Got married after they already had kids from the previous marriage... Not REALLY inbreeding, but darn close. We joke about it at work all the time. They all tell me they know I'm not from here because I'm not related to anyone who works there.
You can call me a bigot if you want. I'm sorry that you feel that way. I really didn't mean it like that.
*edited for grammar
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JavaJane, I am sorry, but your 2 posts after that made it sound as though you were in the "5% minority".
Why does that make a difference? Just as a black person can call another black person the "N" word and it's considered a term of endearment. But if a white person calls a black person the "N" word, it's a racial epithet. That is how it sounded...as though you were a minority trash-talking about the "inbred hicks" or whatever.
And yes, I"m a little sensitive about this issue because it seems that almost every day, someone is all over the news for saying something derogatory about some group or other. Yet words like Cracker, Gringo, Hick, Redneck and etc. get used all the time and no one thinks a thing about it.
And Chaz...I understand the laughing at yourself kind of thing. I can tell you some of the best hillbilly jokes around, but since a lot of my family lives in very poor rural areas (Southern Ohio and Kentucky) it's not done in a mean way. Because of what she posted, I thought JJ was a minority and was saying things in a derogatory way.
So even though I stand by the issue that I brought up, I am sorry that I assumed from your posts that you were a minority that was being insulting to rural southerners.
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OK, I knew I couldn't marry my cousin, but it was still OK we had kids, right?
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Only in West Virginia.
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J0nny Ling0
Heyy!! I've been away for five days! Went on a cruise up to Haines Alaska where we had our annual "Brew Fest", and also I got to jam the night away two nights straight with a band called, and get this....."The Poodles"! Yeah, it was hot! The lead guitarist's name was "Curly". And well, really, it was just me and my mullet headed friend Luckey Walker www.luckeywalker.com who is an awesome keyboard blues player. And, it was grand! And, I met a one legged woman from Hollywood who knows all of the stars and who told me that Nick Nolte tried to take her home for a "zesty session" when she was only seventeen! Damn that Nick Nolte. Tryin to pick up a one legged teenager for sex. But, she told him to "bugger off" and that her dad would cut his pee pee off if he knew what he'd tried. And after that she and Mr. Nolte became great friends. Alot to be said for a person taking a stand on Principle. What's cool, is that she is there in Haines to try and encourage "Hollywoodies" to come up and make movies there. They already filmed "White Fang" there. Anyhoo, it was a fine weekend.
And ya know, when we got off of the state ferry Le Conte in Juneau about an hour ago, there was a brace (two in number) of full grown Standard Poodles. And, I am not kidding about that. It seems that Truth can be stranger than fiction. And so, now that I am home, I had to report this.....
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Alaska, where women win the Iditarod and men mush poodles!
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J0nny Ling0
And ya know, I too think that the whole "run down" of country people is bigoted. I have an acquaintence who is half Filipino, and half Native American who used to send me a lot of those "internet funnies", and alot of them were about Southerners being "dumb rednecks", etc. You know, the "Southerner's glossary of terms", and all of that. And I always thought that it was pretty offensive. So, I know where you are coming from Rick...
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All those posts about bigotry, and then Rick responds with this?
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About that poodle.........
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Hahahahaha... yes, Dooj... about that poodle !!! (sorry about my previous post... just lost my mind for a sec)
I agree with previous posters:
One of the quietest, most well-mannered dogs I have ever encountered was a large standard poodle.
One of the loudest, most annoying little yappy mindless run around in circles dogs I ever encountered was a little toy poodle.
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So - which one did you want to eat? ;) (or at least add to a stew)
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Now if you want to re-read that and STILL want to start something TheHighway, go for it. Otherwise, take a brush up on your reading skills. There is a BIG difference between laughing at yourself and an OUTSIDER (as I perceived JJ to be from what she posted...i.e., a minority) being DISRESPETFUL to another group of people.
In other words, if you dont' know what your talking about, leave your freaking nose out of it.
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Ditto, Rick
... we now rejoin our previous Poodle Thread...
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Poodles on the Half Shell...
Poodle soup, Poodle Pie, Poodle Pizza (NO pineapple!)
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Well, all I can say is:
Let's have a little talk about tweetle beetles....
What do you know about tweetle beetles?
WELL... when tweetle beetles fight, it's called a tweetle beetle battle.
And when they battle in a puddle, it's a tweetle beetle puddle battle.
AND... when tweetle beetles battle with paddles in a puddle,
they call it a tweetle beetle puddle paddle battle.
AND... when beetles battle beetles
in a puddle paddle battle
and the beetle battle puddle
is a puddle in a bottle
they call this a tweetle beetle
bottle puddle paddle battle muddle.
AND... when beetles fight these battles
in a bottle with their paddles
and the bottle's on a poodle
and the poodle's eating noodles
they call this a muddle puddle
tweetle poodle beetle noodle
bottle paddle battle.
OR... maybe they just call it Ramen al la Coco
Either way.
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And while we've been discussing poodles with noodles, a man in the UK decides to eat corgi as a protest...
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Out There
I heard Coco has been spending it's final years behind bars for imitating the the White House Dog. Could this be true or is it just a rumor?
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