Sins don't go away until they are confessed and covered by the blood of the lamb. Hope whoever killed her poodle takes this opportunity to confess and get right with God.
I'm gonna get 'er done once and fer all!" An I slapped him on the back and off he went into shoot number three. I got up there with him and helped him with his bull rope. I gave him words of confidence. He nodded vigorously that he was good. He got all set. He put on an extra wrap known as the "suicide wrap". And with steel eyed conviction, he scootched forward, nodded his head and the gate blew open. And man oh man did that crowd roar as that nearly two ton black "poodle" thundered into the arena with PJW stuck to his back like ugly on an ape! PJ was stuck on there fast as The Poodle, growling, sh i tting, and blowing snot all at the same time, twisted and heaved high into the air trying to shake PJ off and dump him on the ground. That massive Black Angus tried every trick in the book to shake PJ and slam him to the ground so's he could stomp PJ to death. But PJ stuck fast. Four seconds had gone by as the great bull tried a different tactic, one that had worked for him everytime in the past. The Poodle turned hard to the left, but then on a dime, switched back to the right in a violent heave and began to spin like an Oklahoma Twister tearin into a trailer park! He was tryin to get 'ol PJ into "the well" an dump him good. But! PJ's HCRS traing came in handy. He'd remembered Bob Donaldson's instructions to "slash" with his free arm to the left if he's tryin to dump you into the well to the right. PJ began to slide to the right and it looked as if he was going to go down, but with a mighty heavin' slash to the left, he righted himself and was back on dead center! I grinned and hooted and hollered as I watched my friend exorcize his demons on the back of that giant black Poodle! And by gawd PJ hung in! But there was fire in that black bull's eyes! FAARR I tell ye! That bull was pi ssed off! He'd only been ridden once before and he was still mad about it, and he was determined to shake this big old cowboy who had been upon his back for way too long at this point!
Just then, The Poodle made one last ditch effort to shake his tormentor loose. He switched from his spin to the right, heaved to the left, and then lunged straight for the boards of the arena fence! He arced high into the air, and come down with his front two feet planted two feet in front of the boards with his hind legs twelve feet in the air behind him! The crowd stood to their feet with a fearsome roar as they expected PJ to be catapulted over the fence and into the chutes! But PJ hung in with a grin and a grimmace cause he knew that the horn was about to blow that heavenly eight second sound. And sure enough, there it went. But also sure enough, just after the horn, PJ did in fact vault into the air, flyin high with a loud "yee haw" comin from his mouth, while flyin clean over the shoots! He landed square on his butt just past where I'd been up on the fence of the chutes where I'd been watchin his Victory Ride. And even though he'd hit like a huge sack of Idaho potatos, and had landed real hard, he had a look of serenity on his face. He had a real peaceful look of "serendipity", if you will. Came to that rodeo for one reason, yet had an enlightenment and an epiphany that he hadn't expected to come away with. Least that's what the look on his face seemed to tell me anyways...
And so I said; "Well there PJ, it looks like yer troubles are over. No need to worry about the fate of that "white poodle" you were talking about. You're good. It's over. You rode the Black Poodle to the horn. You got yer eight seconds, and yer demons can be laid to rest. If you ever want to tell me the rest of the stow-ree of the "white poodle", then just get in touch with me and tell me all about it. But if not, and if this is the end of it, then so be it." And he just looked at me with gratitude and said; "Thank you JL, but I just think I'll lay this one to rest". We shook hands, he went back into the arena to the wild cheers of the crowd, and I was thankful to have been of some kind of help to my friend, even though I didn't know the full story of what had haunted him so. And after we graduated from the Corps, we never spoke of it. Saw him a few times after that, but we never really talked.
And yet, a few years later, my LC told me that story about the "disappearance of Coco". And I knew then what PJ had been mumbling about just before his victorious and soul cleansing ride. Yet, I still am haunted by the question of who it was that carried out the "hit" on that fluffy white little "Coco".
And so, tonight, as I lay in my bed, listening to the night bird's song, I feel that some of the pieces are coming together. For some reason, I must have blocked some of these things from my memory (repressive memory syndrome? I dunno), but last night it seemed as if this deep memory was aroused, and I think that things are getting clearer. The healing is coming, I'm sure of it......
You mean to say that ttere are known roving bands of Poodle Killers out there? Cooking them and eating them?! Oh-my-gawd!
I guess nobody liked my stow-ree. And I worked so hard on it. I guess though, this fascination with "poached poodle" and other Poodle delicacies is very important to us all. But ya know, I did notice a very nicely garnished plate of "Poodle And Prawns" at this nice French Restaurant last night. It looked downright.....yummy!
My mom grew up next to a Shoshoni Indian summer (sheep)camp. She remembers playing with the Shoshoni kids and eating dog jerky for a snack. She said it was good.
I liked your story Jonny: I just read it and all that talk about beef and poodle made me hungry. So i am think that tonight it will be Poodle roasted over Eucalypsis leaves with butter and white pepper (I had something like this in a village in Ecuador except they substituted Guinea Pig for Poodle)
Guinea Pig? Wow. But then again, they are little herbivores(sp?), and that's what wabbitts are...
Oh, and glad ya liked the story. I like to write storys that have happened to me, but with those, the details are already there because the incident actually happened. I also like to write stories that I have no idea about where the story is going and then just make stuff up along the way. And as things develop, then an ending begins to form in my mind and I just keep going till I'm there. That was one of those. Kinda fun it was...
Poodle Steaks on the grill is what I'm having tonight
By the way, Guinea pig is really good, tastes like a super greasy chicken. If you ever get down there order Cuy (pr Ku-Wee). I've also had corn flour breaded Llama and Bulls Penis Soup and Blood soup. I wasn't that fond of any of those.
But I have a real hankering for poodle now. Is there a Poodle Hot Dog available?
Bull's penis soup? Now that sounds disgusting. No, that is disgusting. Did you know what it was before you ate it? No wait, no doubt you'd been lost in the jungle and found delerious, dehydrated, and hadn't eaten in three weeks, right? And what country was that? Wowsa!
and may be seen occasionally in that role. The show clips evolved from working clips which were originally to provide warmth for major joints during duck hunts in cold water. The rest of the body is shaved for less drag in the water. Poodles have been popular all through
So those French took them from being "useful" dogs and and turned them into fashion dogs.
pudel was the German word, probably the derivative ... but apparently the French claimed to be the country of origin.
Despite the claims of several other countries, France has now been officially recognized as its country of origin, and the breed occupies a special place on the affections of the French. It is certain that the Poodle is descended from a now nearly extinct French water dog, the Barbet and possibly the Hungarian Water Hound. The name "Poodle" probably derives from the German word "Pudel," which means one who plays in water. The Poodle was used as a gun dog.
Bulls Penis soup isn't that bad, a little salty but... I had it at a womans house in Banos. I was a guest so I had to eat whatever she gave me and that was the special guest meal of the day. Yes. I knew what it was before I ate it. this was in ecuador. When in Rome..
I'm sure poodle wang soup would'nt be the same but it is something to consider. Was cocoa a he or a she?
Animal Crackers and Cocoa to Eat
that is the finest of suppers I think
When I grow up and can do what I please
I think I will always insist on these
I don't know the rest of the poem or who the poet was but I think its a fitting tribute to a poodle.
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Kit Sober
Sins don't go away until they are confessed and covered by the blood of the lamb. Hope whoever killed her poodle takes this opportunity to confess and get right with God.
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J0nny Ling0
I'm gonna get 'er done once and fer all!" An I slapped him on the back and off he went into shoot number three. I got up there with him and helped him with his bull rope. I gave him words of confidence. He nodded vigorously that he was good. He got all set. He put on an extra wrap known as the "suicide wrap". And with steel eyed conviction, he scootched forward, nodded his head and the gate blew open. And man oh man did that crowd roar as that nearly two ton black "poodle" thundered into the arena with PJW stuck to his back like ugly on an ape! PJ was stuck on there fast as The Poodle, growling, sh i tting, and blowing snot all at the same time, twisted and heaved high into the air trying to shake PJ off and dump him on the ground. That massive Black Angus tried every trick in the book to shake PJ and slam him to the ground so's he could stomp PJ to death. But PJ stuck fast. Four seconds had gone by as the great bull tried a different tactic, one that had worked for him everytime in the past. The Poodle turned hard to the left, but then on a dime, switched back to the right in a violent heave and began to spin like an Oklahoma Twister tearin into a trailer park! He was tryin to get 'ol PJ into "the well" an dump him good. But! PJ's HCRS traing came in handy. He'd remembered Bob Donaldson's instructions to "slash" with his free arm to the left if he's tryin to dump you into the well to the right. PJ began to slide to the right and it looked as if he was going to go down, but with a mighty heavin' slash to the left, he righted himself and was back on dead center! I grinned and hooted and hollered as I watched my friend exorcize his demons on the back of that giant black Poodle! And by gawd PJ hung in! But there was fire in that black bull's eyes! FAARR I tell ye! That bull was pi ssed off! He'd only been ridden once before and he was still mad about it, and he was determined to shake this big old cowboy who had been upon his back for way too long at this point!
Just then, The Poodle made one last ditch effort to shake his tormentor loose. He switched from his spin to the right, heaved to the left, and then lunged straight for the boards of the arena fence! He arced high into the air, and come down with his front two feet planted two feet in front of the boards with his hind legs twelve feet in the air behind him! The crowd stood to their feet with a fearsome roar as they expected PJ to be catapulted over the fence and into the chutes! But PJ hung in with a grin and a grimmace cause he knew that the horn was about to blow that heavenly eight second sound. And sure enough, there it went. But also sure enough, just after the horn, PJ did in fact vault into the air, flyin high with a loud "yee haw" comin from his mouth, while flyin clean over the shoots! He landed square on his butt just past where I'd been up on the fence of the chutes where I'd been watchin his Victory Ride. And even though he'd hit like a huge sack of Idaho potatos, and had landed real hard, he had a look of serenity on his face. He had a real peaceful look of "serendipity", if you will. Came to that rodeo for one reason, yet had an enlightenment and an epiphany that he hadn't expected to come away with. Least that's what the look on his face seemed to tell me anyways...
And so I said; "Well there PJ, it looks like yer troubles are over. No need to worry about the fate of that "white poodle" you were talking about. You're good. It's over. You rode the Black Poodle to the horn. You got yer eight seconds, and yer demons can be laid to rest. If you ever want to tell me the rest of the stow-ree of the "white poodle", then just get in touch with me and tell me all about it. But if not, and if this is the end of it, then so be it." And he just looked at me with gratitude and said; "Thank you JL, but I just think I'll lay this one to rest". We shook hands, he went back into the arena to the wild cheers of the crowd, and I was thankful to have been of some kind of help to my friend, even though I didn't know the full story of what had haunted him so. And after we graduated from the Corps, we never spoke of it. Saw him a few times after that, but we never really talked.
And yet, a few years later, my LC told me that story about the "disappearance of Coco". And I knew then what PJ had been mumbling about just before his victorious and soul cleansing ride. Yet, I still am haunted by the question of who it was that carried out the "hit" on that fluffy white little "Coco".
And so, tonight, as I lay in my bed, listening to the night bird's song, I feel that some of the pieces are coming together. For some reason, I must have blocked some of these things from my memory (repressive memory syndrome? I dunno), but last night it seemed as if this deep memory was aroused, and I think that things are getting clearer. The healing is coming, I'm sure of it......
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poodle kabobs
try them i have
i ate dog while in europe
all of gods creatures,not matter how cute were meant for the table
bet i'll get bashed for this one! lol
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Dog meat is a common menu item in South Korea.
People raise them on farms as a type of livestock like chickens or hogs.
(Though conditions are not regulated as they are in the USA)
People in India find it appalling that we eat cows.
Hmmm!----Don't have to even travel all the way to India to find those who share that sentiment.
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Perhaps this would shed some light on what happened to Coco. Too bad it's out of print:
The Case of the Missing Poodle
or this:
Poodle: The Other White Meat
or even this:
Man arrested for killing, cooking and eating his neighbor’s poodle
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J0nny Ling0
You mean to say that ttere are known roving bands of Poodle Killers out there? Cooking them and eating them?! Oh-my-gawd!
I guess nobody liked my stow-ree. And I worked so hard on it. I guess though, this fascination with "poached poodle" and other Poodle delicacies is very important to us all. But ya know, I did notice a very nicely garnished plate of "Poodle And Prawns" at this nice French Restaurant last night. It looked downright.....yummy!
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My mom grew up next to a Shoshoni Indian summer (sheep)camp. She remembers playing with the Shoshoni kids and eating dog jerky for a snack. She said it was good.
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I liked your story Jonny! This is a great thread. Really brings out the creative/imaginative side of people here.
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Out There
I liked your story Jonny: I just read it and all that talk about beef and poodle made me hungry. So i am think that tonight it will be Poodle roasted over Eucalypsis leaves with butter and white pepper (I had something like this in a village in Ecuador except they substituted Guinea Pig for Poodle)
A hot slice of Poodle Ala Mode for desert
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For my birthday dinner tonight we are having poodle Sushi. But they forgot to include the Abigail sauce. Just won't be as sweet a treat!
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J0nny Ling0
Guinea Pig? Wow. But then again, they are little herbivores(sp?), and that's what wabbitts are...
Oh, and glad ya liked the story. I like to write storys that have happened to me, but with those, the details are already there because the incident actually happened. I also like to write stories that I have no idea about where the story is going and then just make stuff up along the way. And as things develop, then an ending begins to form in my mind and I just keep going till I'm there. That was one of those. Kinda fun it was...
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i bet poodle burgers are much better than wow burgers!
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Since poodles are French, wouldn't it be more like...
Poodle TarTar?
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Out There
Poodle Steaks on the grill is what I'm having tonight
By the way, Guinea pig is really good, tastes like a super greasy chicken. If you ever get down there order Cuy (pr Ku-Wee). I've also had corn flour breaded Llama and Bulls Penis Soup and Blood soup. I wasn't that fond of any of those.
But I have a real hankering for poodle now. Is there a Poodle Hot Dog available?
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J0nny Ling0
Bull's penis soup? Now that sounds disgusting. No, that is disgusting. Did you know what it was before you ate it? No wait, no doubt you'd been lost in the jungle and found delerious, dehydrated, and hadn't eaten in three weeks, right? And what country was that? Wowsa!
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Now you've done it ... poodles are French? Well that might be enough to upset the mad German ... but I just had to check with Wikipedia
So those French took them from being "useful" dogs and and turned them into fashion dogs.
Despite the claims of several other countries, France has now been officially recognized as its country of origin, and the breed occupies a special place on the affections of the French. It is certain that the Poodle is descended from a now nearly extinct French water dog, the Barbet and possibly the Hungarian Water Hound. The name "Poodle" probably derives from the German word "Pudel," which means one who plays in water. The Poodle was used as a gun dog.
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J0nny Ling0
Maybe that's why Germany in WW I attacked.............France?
And so maybe now, we should cook up a nice bowl full of "Poodle Schnitzel"? Hmmmmm?
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Out There
Bulls Penis soup isn't that bad, a little salty but... I had it at a womans house in Banos. I was a guest so I had to eat whatever she gave me and that was the special guest meal of the day. Yes. I knew what it was before I ate it. this was in ecuador. When in Rome..
I'm sure poodle wang soup would'nt be the same but it is something to consider. Was cocoa a he or a she?
Animal Crackers and Cocoa to Eat
that is the finest of suppers I think
When I grow up and can do what I please
I think I will always insist on these
I don't know the rest of the poem or who the poet was but I think its a fitting tribute to a poodle.
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J0nny Ling0
So, no one knows where Coco went? Okay... :(
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I think I know where the poodle is.
After about thirty years or so, unless it's on life support somewhere in a research hospital or something, poor Cocoa is plain stone cold dead..
probably tormenting vic in the after life..
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Watered Garden
Nipping at his heels, piddling on his carpet, no doubt.
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I can't believe some of the lifers don't know the truth about this dog...
Ex? Radar? Catcup? Doesn't anyone know the truth about poor little Coco's demise? Was it natural or "directed"?
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Wasn't Cocoa last sighted with Elvis at the 7-11 on Park and Main?
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Cocoa puffs?
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