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In Memory Of Elton, A remarkable dog with an extraordinary will to live

Tony Soprano

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You just ever have a day where you hear some bad news and cry like a baby, but then when the good memories take over on the bad ones, your standing there crying and laughing at the same time and people around you look at you like it's time for the men in white coats to take you away?...

I had one of those days today and I just had to remember a little buddy of mine. A real cool dog that could teach a lot of humans a thing or two....

I stopped by my vet's office tonight to see my friend Barbara, who I volunteer with for a local animal rescue group in my area. Since I'm a Vet Tech in the Army and my unit has been mobilized, I have upcoming emergency veterinary training that I'll be going to in August and I wanted to update her on the new things I would be learning. When I got there to see her, I also got an update on a wonderful and gentle dog I was blessed to know and who warmed my heart and encouraged me through his will to live, that nothing of value is worth giving up on.

"Elton" is a dog who was cruelly blinded by a caustic substance and left for dead in a deliberate and sadistic act of animal cruelty.

On October 28, 2003 he was found lying in the road and left for dead, when finally a compassionate person rushed him to my vet's animal hospital here in Chesterfield Virginia.

Elton was found to be in extremely poor condition; malnourished and starved. Bruised from beatings and 30 pounds underweight. His coat was rough, dirty and matted. One could only imagine the hardships and sufferings he endured. His eyes were gone, burned away from whatever acid was thrown in them, but he showed a gentle nature and a strong will to live. He ate well and perked up at the first sign of kindness, so it was decided to treat his injuries and give him a second chance despite the fact that euthanizing him seemed to be the most humane thing to do at the time.

He responded well to all the surgeries and the love everyone showed him, and in time he recovered completely and went home with his new family whose two other dogs became his seeing-eye dogs.

He was a happy dog and lovingly cared for by his adoptive family for the remaining three years of his life.

I found out today that Elton passed away and crossed the rainbow bridge last year.

And so I say a prayerful and loving goodbye to Elton, a brave dog whose story caused an out pouring of love, prayers and donations for his care that inspired us all...

God Bless you, Elton, and good-bye :cryhug_1_:

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Tony and Dave,

You are both such remarkably loving and considerate guys! God Bless You Both!

I see what you mean by the happy and sad mixed emotions, Tony. :cryhug_1_: Dear Elton surely could have taught a lot of humans a thing or two! Furthermore, I will be very glad when God teachers those monsters who so cruelly abuse people and animals a thing or two as well!

Thanks for all you both do in your lives to bless and help others!

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  dmiller said:

The gate is open. Click on it to let Elton know.

Thank you for a wonderful link!

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Some of you have emailed me asking what breed Elton was, and honestly all we could tell from his size and appearance was that he was a yellow lab mix. His face was so destroyed from the acid that was poured on him that he didn't even resemble a dog when we first got him in.

If anything constitutes spirit possession, it's these kinds of people. This is beyond sick and twisted. If I ever get my hands on someone like this, forget the cement shoes and Paulie Walnuts and even the Geneva Convention...torture is even too humane for these people. Sad thing is that they will continue to get worse, become child abusers, wife/girlfriend beaters and eventually murderers. Intrinsic evil can't be contained or rehabilitated.

I remember way back when; when I was a full-time "TWIt", back in the '90's, how this topic would always be sort of off-limits when I asked about it. I questioned the TWIt doctrine about animals in heaven and spent a decade with legit bible scholars about this subject and when I showed the numerous verses regarding the topic and the swiss cheese it made out of their teachings, I was dismissed. Oh well...

Besides, there's plenty of books on the topic anyway. Email me if you want a list that I used and I also have the concordance references too.

I know all see my little buddies at the return. I hope that God finds me worthy enough of letting me be a steward in the animal section of heaven!

God Bless You All!!

Proudly Serving God, My American People, and God's Creation

8th Medical Brigade, 4215th U.S. Army Hospital

2nd Platoon, Veterinary Services

U.S. Army Reserve

Below are some websites that may be of interest to some folks. Not preaching here. Just some links that may be of interest.

My shameless plugs:

Matthew Scully


The Humane Society Of The United States


The American Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals


The American Humane Association


The Animal Protection Institute


Progressive Animal Welfare Society


International Fund for Animal Welfare


Protecting Feral Cats


Protecting America's Greatest Cat


My Favorite Breed of Dog


Conventional/Traditional Franciscan Resources:





Secular Franciscan Resources:


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My shameless plugs:

(from Tony Soprano) ---

Matthew Scully


The Humane Society Of The United States


The American Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals


The American Humane Association


The Animal Protection Institute


Progressive Animal Welfare Society


International Fund for Animal Welfare


Protecting Feral Cats


Protecting America's Greatest Cat


My Favorite Breed of Dog


Conventional/Traditional Franciscan Resources:





Secular Franciscan Resources:


I tried to make all those links a LIVE one for you.

I won't know if it worked, until I post this.

But I think it will --

since I added the http:// in front of each site you mentioned.


(edited to say -- I see they are all underlined now,

meaning that if you click on them --

they will take you to the site in question).

Rock and Roll!

Edited by dmiller
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Tony Soprano,

I am always aghast at peoples' cruelty. I don't know why people will torture a helpless dog or slowly behead another person as they do in radical Islamic cultures. But please.. just reading the Rainbow Bridge will make me cry like a child.

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