I can not give the name but I know the person to be truthful for many years
I sure there are some that can give us more details about this
with love Roy
May God the Father, Holy Breath the Mother, and Jesus Christ the Brother give you the saints the brothers and sisters of Christ love, grace, joy and peace
I have read some of that post and will look into it more later
Now is the a differ in a curse and witchcraft I do not know but more to think about
with love Roy
May God the Father, Holy Breath the Mother, and Jesus Christ the Brother give you the saints the brothers and sisters of Christ love, grace, joy and peace
Juan, that was a very well written, poetic post. You ought to be a poet, at least on the side, if you aren't already. Not joking.
What this post may be referring to is the practice of "giving over to the devil" people whom TWI leadership considered too far gone to ever fellowship with again. It had to be for some strong offense, and I don't exactly know how they claimed to do it. It was something about taking God's hand of protection off of someone (like they would ever be able to do that, the pompous idiots).
It was, in my opinion, them deciding that somebody's sin was so horrible that even Christ's blood couldn't cleanse it, and they decided (for God, apparently) that the person belonged with the devil.
I believe that it also had to do with people sinning after they had been taught the Word, and knew better. As if Christ's blood cleansed only the sins that we'd committed before we came to the Word, but afterwards, our freedom of will made Christ's sacrifice of lesser strength.
I don't think that TWI preached nearly as much about the strength of Christ's sacrifice, as they did about the "strength" of Weirwilles "research."
Anyway, I heard them mention the practice of "giving somebody over to the devil" a few times during mealtime annoucements, and that's the remembrance I have of the matter.
Does anybody else remember anything else? Perhaps more clearly?
Is not the #1 Way Law to get all the members money first than love them by how must they give
While that was some leaders laws written in the little dark book of the Way
Yes unwritten laws
Something to think about
with love Roy
May God the Father, Holy Breath the Mother, and Jesus Christ the Brother give you the saints the brothers and sisters of Christ love, grace, joy and peace
Wecome sat a while take you shoes off enjoy the waters of truth here the water is cool
Oh, this is classic! TWI teaches from the lecturn (from the upright commode) that any who leave are walking away from God's protection as though their "fate" will come upon them no matter what happens....BUT...let's just help God out here a bit by cursing them ourselves.
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Roy, where in the world did you hear this?
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Hi Sadie
I can not give the name but I know the person to be truthful for many years
I sure there are some that can give us more details about this
May God the Father, Holy Breath the Mother, and Jesus Christ the Brother give you the saints the brothers and sisters of Christ love, grace, joy and peace
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You may want to read this thread about this subject regarding TWI and witchcraft:
"A battle of wits is hardly enjoyable when the other party is unarmed"
Copyright 2004 by the author.All rights reserved. Duplication prohibited
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I never heard of any curses, like voo-doo stuff. But I heard "You will die without the household."
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
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Hi Pjroberge
I have read some of that post and will look into it more later
Now is the a differ in a curse and witchcraft I do not know but more to think about
May God the Father, Holy Breath the Mother, and Jesus Christ the Brother give you the saints the brothers and sisters of Christ love, grace, joy and peace
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Does waybrain count as a curse???
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
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A curse..........................................
GUFFAW, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh LOLOLOLOL hee hee ROFL Pi$$ing in my pants funny.
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Juan Cruz
They better not mess with me.
I got curses they haven't even found in their "Advanced" class!
I got curses they don't know about.
I got curses where they got "positive believing."
I got curses where they're out roasting wieners by the campfire.
I got curses even Rhoda never heard.
I got curses you can't put on tape and sell.
I got co-lateral curses.
I got curses Bullinger couldn't find in the stars.
I got curses for them if they mess with me.
I've learned the real Word of God and from it
I got curses for people who f with the truth.
It's just grace (I happen to have a red light from Daddy right now)
that I don't unload on the whole pack of them hyenas.
But the forbearance of Daddy might not last forever, OK?
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Juan Cruz
I got curses I took from the carburetor of the motor coach.
I got curses I stole from Chris Geer’s running shoes.
I got improper puja the family pundit put on Pillai’s sleeping bag
outside his door
when he got home from Mar‘s Hill.
I got curses worse than living downwind in Emporia.
... ones Ted would never sing about.
... Life Magazine won’t write about.
... Mick Jagger won’t think about.
(I got curses you can’t get at the racetrack.)
Tree parts snap off and fall
when my breath blows cold on them.
How long, O Lord, wilt Thou keep sealed
this apocalyptic pneumatic pestilence?
They won’t be safe at Dunkin’ Donuts
when Senora Cruz’s little boy
gets the green light
to do his deuteronomic paso doble.
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I don't know what Juan is smokin' but I want some...
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"
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you're in rare form tonight groucho
between full moon shining and dog and pony faculty shows....
you're just making me laugh my head off
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I always figured that I was their CUrse------
(who Used to be Maure)
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Noawww---seeing as I still believe God looks on the heart...they are the ones that should be worried about a curse.
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curses? CURSES? I DON'T NEED NO STINKIN CURSES!!!$%^&*(&$##*$$@#
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... too dumb to post pics http://gscafe.com/groupee/forums?s=9716057...a&ul=4846073735
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No...but I know I've cursed (cussed) them many a time...
I'm with Wayfer...Waybrain is a curse, or is it a mental defect????
Peace and Love.
Love y'all,
''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''
-Bruce Springsteen
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[This message was edited by dougie73 on March 15, 2004 at 23:46.]
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Juan, that was a very well written, poetic post. You ought to be a poet, at least on the side, if you aren't already. Not joking.
What this post may be referring to is the practice of "giving over to the devil" people whom TWI leadership considered too far gone to ever fellowship with again. It had to be for some strong offense, and I don't exactly know how they claimed to do it. It was something about taking God's hand of protection off of someone (like they would ever be able to do that, the pompous idiots).
It was, in my opinion, them deciding that somebody's sin was so horrible that even Christ's blood couldn't cleanse it, and they decided (for God, apparently) that the person belonged with the devil.
I believe that it also had to do with people sinning after they had been taught the Word, and knew better. As if Christ's blood cleansed only the sins that we'd committed before we came to the Word, but afterwards, our freedom of will made Christ's sacrifice of lesser strength.
I don't think that TWI preached nearly as much about the strength of Christ's sacrifice, as they did about the "strength" of Weirwilles "research."
Anyway, I heard them mention the practice of "giving somebody over to the devil" a few times during mealtime annoucements, and that's the remembrance I have of the matter.
Does anybody else remember anything else? Perhaps more clearly?
"Live just, and fear not."
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Ginger Tea
Only if you believe in curses!
Isn't that against the way law?
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Hi Ginger Tea
Is not the #1 Way Law to get all the members money first than love them by how must they give
While that was some leaders laws written in the little dark book of the Way
Yes unwritten laws
Something to think about
May God the Father, Holy Breath the Mother, and Jesus Christ the Brother give you the saints the brothers and sisters of Christ love, grace, joy and peace
Wecome sat a while take you shoes off enjoy the waters of truth here the water is cool
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Tom Strange
CURSES!... foiled again!
(sorry, I've been dying to say that ever since I saw this thread)
It's hard to make that change, When life and love turns strange. And old.
To give a love, you gotta live a love. To live a love, you gotta be "part of". When will I see you again?
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Oh, this is classic! TWI teaches from the lecturn (from the upright commode) that any who leave are walking away from God's protection as though their "fate" will come upon them no matter what happens....BUT...let's just help God out here a bit by cursing them ourselves.
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Juan Cruz
Thanks! (I thought maybe I was cursing up the wrong Way Tree.)
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