I still got most of my accent and I refrain from saying (ugh!), "Y'all"
Does that help???
Sprawled - maybe you can send my a slice from Ray's down in the Village???? :biglaugh: I need to renew my Yankee strength!
you know, i just took my kids to Famous Joe's on carmine st. what a disappointment! i get better pizza in sayville...though NOTHING compares to that slice i had at my father's cousin's pizza joint in brooklyn....sitting at the counter, the windows all steamed up...mmmmmmm.
you know, i just took my kids to Famous Joe's on carmine st. what a disappointment! i get better pizza in sayville...though NOTHING compares to that slice i had at my father's cousin's pizza joint in brooklyn....sitting at the counter, the windows all steamed up...mmmmmmm.
So should I PM you my address..... :biglaugh:
I make a really GOOD homemade pizza myself. I have a pizza stone so the crust gets crispy on the bottom but doesn't overcook.
Got my new Sower and on p. 21 there is an announcement about a conference being postponed due to serious disagreement among the Board about the direction of the ministry, a request for prayers, and an invitation to contact the Home Office.
This is the second time in the Sower the issue has been referenced, to the extent that it can be, considering the limitations of an ongoing lawsuit.
fine but the vacation trip to Isreal went ahead. I bet it was mark or karens project and now no one eles wants to do it! They knew they were leaving last year one way or another so this is not exactly wow news, it is the law suit that is giving them trouble .
so they have no vision for the ministry now? I knew it would be a fight all of these men have huge egos and want their own way.
how many people became so disgusted with their infighting they no longer give them money?
hmm? MONEY oh yeah they might have to break out of another need (cant do THAT) so it is not so important to have a servant leader thing. must have priorities ya know.
call them im really sure they will say well a few hundred left with mark and we have a certain life style to maintain ya know, and um yeah we do not want to take a chance it take more time and money than we are willing to share.
Pond the ministry of Jesus Christ is a lot bigger than any denomination, church group or organization of any kind. You are not responsible if the CES people won't listen to good advice. You are only responsible for your own life and personal ministry with the Lord Jesus.
Pond, if you feel this bad you may be expecting to much from CES. Here is an article that may help you get over this and emphasize the Lordship of Jesus instead of the lives of imperfect and sometimes sinful people.
nah im ok it is ok to be sad, and it is ok to be excited about a ministry that does work for the LORD , and approriate to feel sad when they fall into a mess.
do ya think this is the first time i saw a mess at the hand of a leader. not it is not.
Jesus Christ loved his "leaders" and when they fell asleep in the garden when he had asked them to pray Im sure he felt more than a little disappointed and frightened of what will come of us all.
thanks for the link . Mark all along this long strnage trip it has been the LORD and me first most.
but to just dismiss the pain and struggle of my brothers and sisters for another handy dandy bible verse or clever sermon is not my style.
they are my brothers and sisters and I do believe they have worked for the good Lord.
I never "followed" them. very seldom even spoke to them, i think some of the tapes and books they have are helpful for people who want answers concerning the bible.
i wont just dump them in a pile and say well they the folks who wrote these have issues in life and have made some serious bad judgements calls and have hurt people.
in my life i have been guilty of the same things, and i love the lord very much.
but to just dismiss the pain and struggle of my brothers and sisters for another handy dandy bible verse or clever sermon is not my style.
Is that really what you think ChristAlone, myself and others here are trying to do in encouraging you to exalt the Lord Jesus instead of an organization? Some of us love people enough to put our feet down and say "enough is enough". As one example Pond, did you hear how John and Elizabeth overcame the pain of their separation and got back together as a loving couple? It was because Elizabeth's letter was published on Grease Spot Cafe and then after I read some of it, seeing that it was of a very high spiritual quality, I phoned John Lynn myself and kept pestering him until he actually read Elizabeth's letter. Before that when he had on the blinders of the political struggle of CES, John had not even read Elizabeth's letter even though it was addressed to him. Once John finally read the letter he realized that the dirt that was being passed by certain ignorant individuals at CES as the spirit of prophecy with regard to Elizabeth was a lie. And if you have any doubts to my story contact Elizabeth or contact John. Ask them yourself.
This is the kind of personal victory that I rejoice in. Frankly, for to long we have put corporate organizations above the personal lives of those we supposedly love. I will no longer do that. The individual must live and breath and if we are wise enough by God's grace and truly spiritual we can also rejoice in the saviour, the Lord Jesus. Organizations can come and go. It is the individual heart that matters.
So Pond were you one of the people in CES that gave the false prophecies about Elizabeth? If so have you repented of this ungodly act? Do you know if the people that were involved with CES and gave the false prophecies about Elizabeth, and I can imagine others, repented of their ungodly acts? And if they have not apologized to Elizabeth and asked forgiveness publicly for their ungodly actions do you think that CES will ever recover as a biblical ministry?
And even if you were not involved with the false prophecies at CES and they don't relate to you, then the last question above still should be considered.
i do not get the whole PP thing at all, and when they did a "practice session" at the fellowship I attended I walked out before it started. it ended up causing the fellowship to break up and dissolve tho, those who did go for it couldn't get along and ended up not speaking .
the last time i saw john was before he met his new wife, i think, she wasn't with him and he was single. i do not go to their official get tog ethers.
no Mark
i do not get the whole PP thing at all, and when they did a "practice session" at the fellowship I attended I walked out before it started. it ended up causing the fellowship to break up and dissolve tho, those who did go for it couldn't get along and ended up not speaking .
the last time i saw john was before he met his new wife, i think, she wasn't with him and he was single. i do not go to their official get tog ethers.
Will they recover?
I'm not sure what you mean by recover. they seem the same to me as always, i do not get personally involved with them, and as far as i know i have not seen any new books i am interested in to buy. define recover please.
do i think they will stay in business and carry-on doing what they have been doing? YES.
do i know how to post so it looks stupid or what? sorry but you understand
I am glad you had the good sense to not get involved with the personal prophecy Pond. I e-mailed Elizabeth yesterday and asked her if the CES leaders involved with personal prophecy had apologized to her regarding their false prophecies of her. She previously e-mailed me and told me that John had definitely apologized to her for his part in this. And now they are back together so John obviously benefited greatly by this expression of humility and loving fruit. I will let you know the response I get back from Elizabeth. I don't want to be to much of a pest, but I don't think CES is going to do very well unless they come clean on the hurt that they have caused people and not just Elizabeth. Before I make a fuss and start confronting people I need to hear back from Elizabeth though. And I do have CES leaders e-mail addresses.
This whole thing is so obvious to me and others that CES is reaping the fruit of the hurt that they have caused to others with their current lawsuit. If they would start publicly and privately apologizing from the heart (like John Lynn did with Elizabeth) then their ministry would do much better than the pathetic state that it is in now.
my disappointment and sadness really is with I like their bible stuff.
i will tell you a story , i was listening to a tape once and mark said you know like this idea your life would be all this better and blessed if ( you had organized your life better)
OK mark let me tell you i was at my home in a mess just lost my job pending surgery I mean to tell ya my life was pathetic and about all i had was those tapes to bring me hope.
trust me i was far from ORGANIZED.
and i fell apart now I'm not even going to get along with my tape sermons people and that is it i am not organized I'm going to hell .
my point is i was really hurt and felt like such a loser after listening to that tape.
so I prayed about it.
and I began to change my mind about what they were saying on the tapes they sounded different less everything.
then mark was removed .. and i hear story's on this web site i don't telephone them why bother for me it isn't worth the long distance call.
I have e-mailed them all of them but with limited success.
i am not so sure God uses the reaping and sowing idea as punishment Mark, that is a harsh , they may be dealing with fall outs from bad decisions.
i was sad over CES because and I am sad because this happened again to folks who have alot of knowledge of the bible who can help others learn and who say they want to serve.
it was as they say the camel that broke the straw. or something . now i do not really try to understand their tapes or think about giving them money anymore.
but it has not been oh well see ya for me i think it is very sad.
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I still got most of my accent and I refrain from saying (ugh!), "Y'all"
Does that help???
Sprawled - maybe you can send my a slice from Ray's down in the Village????
I need to renew my Yankee strength!
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sprawled out
you know, i just took my kids to Famous Joe's on carmine st. what a disappointment! i get better pizza in sayville...though NOTHING compares to that slice i had at my father's cousin's pizza joint in brooklyn....sitting at the counter, the windows all steamed up...mmmmmmm.
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So should I PM you my address.....
I make a really GOOD homemade pizza myself. I have a pizza stone so the crust gets crispy on the bottom but doesn't overcook.
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sprawled out
sounds good! i'll take a slice!
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so you come to texas - bring the wife and kids - we'll eat some pizza!
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sprawled out
thanks for the invite. i'll take you up on it--next time i'm in texas!
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I DO know that John and Elizabeth have remarried and are quite happy now ... heard from a reliable friend. I know no other details.
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Once again.....Greasespot helped to expose errors and injustices and was instrumental in this process and happy reunion.
Amazing how far-reaching this little website can be...!!
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Holy Smoke
Got my new Sower and on p. 21 there is an announcement about a conference being postponed due to serious disagreement among the Board about the direction of the ministry, a request for prayers, and an invitation to contact the Home Office.
This is the second time in the Sower the issue has been referenced, to the extent that it can be, considering the limitations of an ongoing lawsuit.
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For those who don't get The Sower -- here's most of the quote from it.
(quoted from page 21, Jul/Aug 2007 issue):
Important Announcement
The Servant Conference has been Postponed
(quote)You may be aware that in the past year
there has been a serious disagreement among the Board of Directors
concerning the direction and leadership of our ministry.
We had hoped that these issues would be settled by now,
but that is not the case.
Traditionally, our fall Servant Conference is where
we unify around our vision for this ministry.
However, in light of the yet unsettled differences,
we believe it is inappropriate to continue with our plans
for the September Servant Conference this year.
We are therefore postponing our Servant Conference until
such time as the Board issues are resolved.
We very much appreciate your understanding concerning this change,
and your prayers for us. (end quote)
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fine but the vacation trip to Isreal went ahead. I bet it was mark or karens project and now no one eles wants to do it! They knew they were leaving last year one way or another so this is not exactly wow news, it is the law suit that is giving them trouble .
so they have no vision for the ministry now? I knew it would be a fight all of these men have huge egos and want their own way.
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how many people became so disgusted with their infighting they no longer give them money?
hmm? MONEY oh yeah they might have to break out of another need (cant do THAT) so it is not so important to have a servant leader thing. must have priorities ya know.
call them im really sure they will say well a few hundred left with mark and we have a certain life style to maintain ya know, and um yeah we do not want to take a chance it take more time and money than we are willing to share.
no i wont call them . I know what I know to haha
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Good point Pond!
Think about it though. If they have the mind of Christ and let the Bible have the final say,
you would not see all of this confusion and jockeying for domination. That's Satan's deal!
As long as they keep revereing Momentus and Wierwille as the m.o.g. they will continue
to fight, split, offshut and fail. That's why the Bible says:
"...For if their purpose or activity is of HUMAN origin, it will fail." Acts 5:38
20/20 hindsight shows that they have already failed and ruined many lives in the process
of doing so. So we can see this ministry is of human origin producing rotten fruit all along
the way. Bless God I'm free now though!
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I was marked and avoided while in twi.
I was involved with CES, stf, a along the years I never went to their conventions but went to see them here localy.
I will say this I was shocked when i was marked by twi, BUT this in fighting at sft has hurt me much more.
it isnt personal this time and no way can i even in the back of my mind think it must have been me all along.
which i think i still do about twi .
no the fact is they are fighting and they are crazy with the PP stuff.
the good LORD is not letting me make any excuse this time.
im very very sad about it.
my brain says i should continue to support men who teach me the bible.
my brain says it should be them because they must have some of the real truth cause they took pfal.
my brain hurts, but my heart and ability to trust even more.
I wish they knew how much they hurt me.
i really had to try to trust them and I think i did a little and i know I wanted to keep trying.
and IM sad.
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Mark Sanguinetti
Pond the ministry of Jesus Christ is a lot bigger than any denomination, church group or organization of any kind. You are not responsible if the CES people won't listen to good advice. You are only responsible for your own life and personal ministry with the Lord Jesus.
Pond, if you feel this bad you may be expecting to much from CES. Here is an article that may help you get over this and emphasize the Lordship of Jesus instead of the lives of imperfect and sometimes sinful people.
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thanks for the reproof there mark.
nah im ok it is ok to be sad, and it is ok to be excited about a ministry that does work for the LORD , and approriate to feel sad when they fall into a mess.
do ya think this is the first time i saw a mess at the hand of a leader. not it is not.
Jesus Christ loved his "leaders" and when they fell asleep in the garden when he had asked them to pray Im sure he felt more than a little disappointed and frightened of what will come of us all.
thanks for the link . Mark all along this long strnage trip it has been the LORD and me first most.
but to just dismiss the pain and struggle of my brothers and sisters for another handy dandy bible verse or clever sermon is not my style.
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I'm really upset to hear that Pond. You deserve to be happy and anyone who is standing in the
way of that is most likely not happy themselves. They can not give what they themselves do not
I can only speak for myself here so don't take this as a "reproof" but my honest opinion. TWI
was NOT of God. Wierwille was a false prophet and lived worse than most pagans who never
even knew God. Therefore his spirit still controls the offshoots such as CES and STF because
they still call him the teacher and consider him the m.o.g. when the Bible tells us people who
lived like he did will have no inheritance in His Kingdom.
The only one I trust now as my teacher is Christ. None of the so called prophets I followed
died for me so why should I trust them? I can truly say that I have joy in my life now and am
blessing people in my community with good fruits. PFAL classes, conferences, books and tapes
are come from the root of the same tree. That's why the offshuts are going down the same destructive
path. They have not held Christ as their head but put their faith in the teachings of a false prophet.
The only way I was able to break free and regain my joy was to get honest with myself and do the following:
1.) Admit and renounce the false prophet whom I followed.
2.) Ask Jesus for forgiveness for following anyone but him in the first place.
3.) Put my faith in Christ alone and asked God for wisdom.
I don't keep looking back at what my old cult is doing now because I've left them completely.
That's how I know that I am free for he/she whom the Son frees is free indeed! Jesus can
break those chains of sorrow and pain. I know he did it for me and he will do it for you.
Bless you much Pond,
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they are my brothers and sisters and I do believe they have worked for the good Lord.
I never "followed" them. very seldom even spoke to them, i think some of the tapes and books they have are helpful for people who want answers concerning the bible.
i wont just dump them in a pile and say well they the folks who wrote these have issues in life and have made some serious bad judgements calls and have hurt people.
in my life i have been guilty of the same things, and i love the lord very much.
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Mark Sanguinetti
Is that really what you think ChristAlone, myself and others here are trying to do in encouraging you to exalt the Lord Jesus instead of an organization? Some of us love people enough to put our feet down and say "enough is enough". As one example Pond, did you hear how John and Elizabeth overcame the pain of their separation and got back together as a loving couple? It was because Elizabeth's letter was published on Grease Spot Cafe and then after I read some of it, seeing that it was of a very high spiritual quality, I phoned John Lynn myself and kept pestering him until he actually read Elizabeth's letter. Before that when he had on the blinders of the political struggle of CES, John had not even read Elizabeth's letter even though it was addressed to him. Once John finally read the letter he realized that the dirt that was being passed by certain ignorant individuals at CES as the spirit of prophecy with regard to Elizabeth was a lie. And if you have any doubts to my story contact Elizabeth or contact John. Ask them yourself.
This is the kind of personal victory that I rejoice in. Frankly, for to long we have put corporate organizations above the personal lives of those we supposedly love. I will no longer do that. The individual must live and breath and if we are wise enough by God's grace and truly spiritual we can also rejoice in the saviour, the Lord Jesus. Organizations can come and go. It is the individual heart that matters.
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Well Mark
i never had so much money to be a corporate gal.
and i do not believe loving people stops just because they happen to work in a group that is having serious problems .
The fact we all worship God and love the lord Jesus makes it even more so for me.
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Mark Sanguinetti
So Pond were you one of the people in CES that gave the false prophecies about Elizabeth? If so have you repented of this ungodly act? Do you know if the people that were involved with CES and gave the false prophecies about Elizabeth, and I can imagine others, repented of their ungodly acts? And if they have not apologized to Elizabeth and asked forgiveness publicly for their ungodly actions do you think that CES will ever recover as a biblical ministry?
And even if you were not involved with the false prophecies at CES and they don't relate to you, then the last question above still should be considered.
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no Mark
i do not get the whole PP thing at all, and when they did a "practice session" at the fellowship I attended I walked out before it started. it ended up causing the fellowship to break up and dissolve tho, those who did go for it couldn't get along and ended up not speaking .
the last time i saw john was before he met his new wife, i think, she wasn't with him and he was single. i do not go to their official get tog ethers.
Will they recover?
I'm not sure what you mean by recover. they seem the same to me as always, i do not get personally involved with them, and as far as i know i have not seen any new books i am interested in to buy. define recover please.
do i think they will stay in business and carry-on doing what they have been doing? YES.
do i know how to post so it looks stupid or what? sorry but you understand
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Mark Sanguinetti
I am glad you had the good sense to not get involved with the personal prophecy Pond. I e-mailed Elizabeth yesterday and asked her if the CES leaders involved with personal prophecy had apologized to her regarding their false prophecies of her. She previously e-mailed me and told me that John had definitely apologized to her for his part in this. And now they are back together so John obviously benefited greatly by this expression of humility and loving fruit. I will let you know the response I get back from Elizabeth. I don't want to be to much of a pest, but I don't think CES is going to do very well unless they come clean on the hurt that they have caused people and not just Elizabeth. Before I make a fuss and start confronting people I need to hear back from Elizabeth though. And I do have CES leaders e-mail addresses.
This whole thing is so obvious to me and others that CES is reaping the fruit of the hurt that they have caused to others with their current lawsuit. If they would start publicly and privately apologizing from the heart (like John Lynn did with Elizabeth) then their ministry would do much better than the pathetic state that it is in now.
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Is it pathetic ?
My life is pathetic sometimes too.
they do not advertise that.
my disappointment and sadness really is with I like their bible stuff.
i will tell you a story , i was listening to a tape once and mark said you know like this idea your life would be all this better and blessed if ( you had organized your life better)
OK mark let me tell you i was at my home in a mess just lost my job pending surgery I mean to tell ya my life was pathetic and about all i had was those tapes to bring me hope.
trust me i was far from ORGANIZED.
and i fell apart now I'm not even going to get along with my tape sermons people and that is it i am not organized I'm going to hell .
my point is i was really hurt and felt like such a loser after listening to that tape.
so I prayed about it.
and I began to change my mind about what they were saying on the tapes they sounded different less everything.
then mark was removed .. and i hear story's on this web site i don't telephone them why bother for me it isn't worth the long distance call.
I have e-mailed them all of them but with limited success.
i am not so sure God uses the reaping and sowing idea as punishment Mark, that is a harsh , they may be dealing with fall outs from bad decisions.
i was sad over CES because and I am sad because this happened again to folks who have alot of knowledge of the bible who can help others learn and who say they want to serve.
it was as they say the camel that broke the straw. or something . now i do not really try to understand their tapes or think about giving them money anymore.
but it has not been oh well see ya for me i think it is very sad.
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