That story is amazing Jonny! I love to read your stories they are so out of the ordinary and funny and so charming...Storytelling is an art and it's nice you have this gift! I wish I knew how to do the cards and pictures and flashing annimated stuff too. I have been reading online to try to figure it out enough to understand what Bluzeman told me so far about it. Then I can ask him more and maybe understand it finally! The link works great at least you can links (mine don't always work)
Have a Great Birthday "Story Man" and I hope you make a book of them for you family! My Great Gramma Rena did and I have such warm memories of her. I see Her so clearly everytime that I read them. I see my brother and I running the 3 blocks after Sunday School to her house to hear her tell family stories...So picturesque and vivid the memories are that it is almost like being there. She is partly why I am such a dreamer I think! She would make us coffee with cream and sugar, fry us a burger and a parsnip. The parsnip wasn't so good but I ate it out of my great love and admiration for her! She was such a talented and a very colorful storyteller like you are! She made all my doll clothes! She made errings out of beautiful shells and beads and so on and so on.... she taught us so many crafts. I learned so much from her about our family tree; and in such away that it is so unforgettable!
I love You Jonny and thanks for what You contribute here at GRSC, RBG
That is sad that he eats pets. :( I realize Mr. Wolf needs to eat, but can't someone throw out a chicken, a rack of lamb, or something to keep him from eating the poor puppies?
So is the resident story teller celebrating a birthday. Happy birthday Johnny. I love your stories you should have sent an article along with the pics. I am jealous of what you get to see in your town but not of the cold. Glad you're back and spinning the yarns dude.
And so, old "Romeo" our local black wolf seems to have a "penchant" for small dogs. Last year, he ate a miniature Beagle, which I suppose was just a little "Beagle Bite". This winter, he tried to make off with a pug, as can be seen in this series of pictures. He doesn't seem to mess with big dogs, as can be attested by photos of my dog Jake playing with him, but he did kill and eat the beagle, and it seems to me in this photo series, that he was desirin' some "Pug Pate'. Or, maybe a little "Poached Pug Al Dente...."
Well, I tried to post the whole series, but my inability to do so has stymied me. Can any of youz guys do it for me?
Very cool indeed. I actually got to take care of two 6 week old wolf pups that were rescued in a smuggling sting of an exotic pet dealer with questionable ethics here in my state.
It is my favorite wild canine. Very cool. Thanks for sharing.
And why aren't those dogs on a leash or in a fenced in yard?! asdf.gif asdf.gif asdf.gif
ChasU and Nottawayfer:
The place where these situations occurred is on a 200 or so acre area where there are hundreds of trails intertwined where people like to hike and "get out for some air". The trail system is known as the "Dredge Lake Area" which is a series of small lakes that are fed by the Mendenhall Glacier. It is a delightful area, and was once donated by it's original owner to "the kids of Juneau" so that they could snow machines, ride dirt bikes, four wheelers etc. However, these activities have since been outlawed, and the area is now a nice place for hiking, cross country skiing, and dog walking. Because Juneau is essentially a "city" (only 30,000), complete with neighborhoods, sidewalks, malls (only two small ones), having a place so nearby to take one's dog for an off leash walk (and a run for the dog), is a big blessing. Now, the wolf, Romeo, so named because of his love to play with local domestic dogs only showed up there during the winters some three years ago. Apparently his mate was hit and killed by a car just prior to his arrival on the scene, and it has been assumed that he was just lonely for a companion due to his recent loss. And playful he is! I have pictures of him with my dog Jake, a German Wirehaired Pointer, and my wife who took the shots says that ol Romeo was downright playful and just "romping" with good old Jake. And Romeo never seemed to get out of line, although many of us here firgured that it would only be a matter of time that he would act like a wolf and gobble someones pet poch. And last winter, it finally happened. An indian guy was walking his two dogs, a big one and a little miniature beagle. Well, the little beagle (really little fella) saw the wolf standing off to the side just in amongst some scrub alder, and took off after the wolf, baying away, just like the little hunter he was bred to be. And upon coming up to the stationary (and no doubt very amused) wolf, I guess the wolf just thought he wanted a little snack or something. You know, just like when we are a little hungry and want a snack like a "fig bud" or a "pack of gum" . And so, Romeo inhaled that little guy and ran off and gobbled him up like big bad wolves are wont to do. Well the indian dude went back to his truck for his shotgun, hell bent on vengeance, but, was unable to find ol Romeo. And the majority of we Juneauites were happy that the guy was unsuccessful in his effort.
And since that time, Romeo was his usual self, frolicking with the big dogs, giving we humans marvelous photo ops and wonderful wildlife experiences. That, of course was until the infamous Pick Pocket The Pug Incident. Yeah, you can see in the first photo, that the big domestic dogs are just romping with eachother as the wolf approaches, but it is evident that the wolf is focused on the little pug dog. The next photo shows Romeo galloping off with the goodies, and the next one shows the little guy dumped on the ground and the wolf looking off to the right at something, and I suspect someone, who, no doubt was yelling at the wolf and caused him to drop his little prize. The last picture just kills me though, because, that little pug with his tail tucked between his legs is looking at that wolf as if to say; "Hey you, that was mean! Why'd you do that"? Too cute, that....
And so, this incident, with these pictures hitting the newspaper here, caused an uproar because everybody loves the wolf. There have been calls for a "special leash law" imposed on anyone who walks their dog between dredge Lake and the glacier. There have been those who want the wolf tranquilized and placed in a wolf rescue farm. There are those who believe that Romeo should be introduced to a "wild pack". Personally, I do not agree with any of these solutions. The wild pack option is definitely not a well thought out idea, because there is a wild pack already within Romeo's realm. Romeo was likely ostracized from this pack, and that is why he is a loner. They do that you know. Very strict hierarchy amongst wolves. Sometimes they will simply kill and then eat a fellow wolf who has been kicked out and warned not to return. Pretty brutal, really. When it comes to the leash law thing, I say no way. I know that I live in Alaska, and that there are Brown Bears, Black Bears, Moose and Wolves. When I go into the wild, I am armed. When I hike that trail, I know that there is a chance of me or my dog being eaten or injured. If I am quick enough on the draw (before my dog is dead in an instant-they are soo fast!), I will fire a warning shot. If the wolf proceeds to try and kill my dog after that, well, I'll shoot the wolf if I can. Law of the jungle, that's all. And, that's the way it is. Now in the case of Romeo, it was a full two years before he ate The Beagle Bite. But then we all knew, that he would romp with big dogs, and eat little dogs. And so, the pug owner took a very big risk when taking his pug for a walk out there. And the Pug owner was fortunate. But I really would be offended if the Government stepped in and mandated a leash law. I mean, this is Alaska for heaven sakes. I moved up here because I love the Wild, and I accept the dangers that come with it. And, my dog Jake loves to run! He has a serious need for speed, and that's a place where on a two hour hike, he can run like the wind, sniff the various scents, point up the snowshoe bunnies and just have a good old dog of a time.
I say that we humans should just let things happen the way that they happen as far as dogs and wolves are concerned. And by the way, I think the newspaper quashed the most recent incident that happened about six weeks ago. Romeo ate a Pomeranian! Yup, that little Pomeranian must have looked like an ice cream sundae to that big ol black wolf, and I guess he just couldn't resist. Now why a person would walk their Pomeranian back there after these first two incidents, I'll never know. Unless of course it was some disgruntled husband who didn't like his wife's dog, like VP didn't like Mrs. W's little poodle "Cocoa" or whatever it's name was...
I wish I could figure out how to post those pictures I have in my computer of Jake and the Wolf though...
And thanks for the compliments RBG, I love you too!
Rest assured, I truly hope that Romeo sticks around. I love it that we have these tales to tell, these unique experiences that my kids know about and have experienced. That's why I love Alaska, The Last Frontier
I get it that it's a special area and all that - I really do. I also like wolves. I also like dogs.
But if idiot dog owners - who own small breeds like Pugs - know this wolf is around and that he prays on small dogs, why the #%@$ are they there with their small dog?
Do they like offering up their pets as wolf kibble?
Because ChasU, they are stupid! And they get what they deserve. That's the thing about it. There are so many wolf huggers who forget that a wolf is an awesome killing machine. They want to be "One" with "Mother" so badly, that they live in a dream world. And if my dog gets "et", it'll be my problem too. Okay, and no doubt you are thinking; "But what about the dog that gets eaten? It's not fair them!" And, you are absolutely 100% correct.
But, what did people do Back In The Day when there were no Laws to protect them from their stupidity? Well, they either got smart or paid the price. And by the way:
The wolf is one of the world's most fascinating and well-studied animals. Alaskans are fortunate to have an estimated 7,700-11,200 wolves in our state. Wolves have never been threatened or endangered in Alaska, and inhabit all of their traditional range except within the largest cities. More information about wolves is available on the links below.
Really, no need to get your dander up. Fortunately, since Alaska's total human population is only around 680,000, with 350,000 in the Anchorage area, the wolves are very safe as far as their population and longevity as a wild animal group is concerned. And also remember, this state is two and a half times bigger than Texas, and that population is no bigger than some major US cities. How many live in the greater Dayton, Ohio area? Really, the wolves'll be fine, and hopefully Romeo doesn't attack a human. The he will have to be shot.
(My dander ain't up with you, Hon... it's the idiot pet owners who don't deserve a wonderful Pug like that!)
I know that, and, they should be more careful with their Pug. The thing is about Pugs and Pomeranians, they are usually perfectly happy as house dogs, and their their "daily business" out side the house a few times a day. They don't need to run like the working dogs, sporting dogs, and geez, the HUskies just love to get out and run. Anyway, Rainbows Girl sent me info on posting the photos of our dog Jake when he did the "Dances With Wolf" thing. I'll see if I can figure it out. I have been home sick all day with a wracking cough, and am really weak and tired. But I'll try to figure it out.
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The article looked complete enough to me.
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J0nny Ling0
Oh well, at least you can see the deal by clicking on the link. Purdy amazing photos...
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Happy Birthday Jonny!
That story is amazing Jonny! I love to read your stories they are so out of the ordinary and funny and so charming...Storytelling is an art and it's nice you have this gift! I wish I knew how to do the cards and pictures and flashing annimated stuff too. I have been reading online to try to figure it out enough to understand what Bluzeman told me so far about it. Then I can ask him more and maybe understand it finally! The link works great at least you can links (mine don't always work)
Have a Great Birthday "Story Man" and I hope you make a book of them for you family! My Great Gramma Rena did and I have such warm memories of her. I see Her so clearly everytime that I read them. I see my brother and I running the 3 blocks after Sunday School to her house to hear her tell family stories...So picturesque and vivid the memories are that it is almost like being there. She is partly why I am such a dreamer I think! She would make us coffee with cream and sugar, fry us a burger and a parsnip. The parsnip wasn't so good but I ate it out of my great love and admiration for her! She was such a talented and a very colorful storyteller like you are! She made all my doll clothes! She made errings out of beautiful shells and beads and so on and so on.... she taught us so many crafts. I learned so much from her about our family tree; and in such away that it is so unforgettable!
I love You Jonny and thanks for what You contribute here at GRSC, RBG
Edited by RainbowsGirlLink to comment
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That is sad that he eats pets. :( I realize Mr. Wolf needs to eat, but can't someone throw out a chicken, a rack of lamb, or something to keep him from eating the poor puppies?
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And why aren't those dogs on a leash or in a fenced in yard?!
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So is the resident story teller celebrating a birthday. Happy birthday Johnny. I love your stories you should have sent an article along with the pics. I am jealous of what you get to see in your town but not of the cold. Glad you're back and spinning the yarns dude.
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Tony Soprano
Very cool indeed. I actually got to take care of two 6 week old wolf pups that were rescued in a smuggling sting of an exotic pet dealer with questionable ethics here in my state.
It is my favorite wild canine. Very cool. Thanks for sharing.
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J0nny Ling0
The place where these situations occurred is on a 200 or so acre area where there are hundreds of trails intertwined where people like to hike and "get out for some air". The trail system is known as the "Dredge Lake Area" which is a series of small lakes that are fed by the Mendenhall Glacier. It is a delightful area, and was once donated by it's original owner to "the kids of Juneau" so that they could snow machines, ride dirt bikes, four wheelers etc. However, these activities have since been outlawed, and the area is now a nice place for hiking, cross country skiing, and dog walking. Because Juneau is essentially a "city" (only 30,000), complete with neighborhoods, sidewalks, malls (only two small ones), having a place so nearby to take one's dog for an off leash walk (and a run for the dog), is a big blessing. Now, the wolf, Romeo, so named because of his love to play with local domestic dogs only showed up there during the winters some three years ago. Apparently his mate was hit and killed by a car just prior to his arrival on the scene, and it has been assumed that he was just lonely for a companion due to his recent loss. And playful he is! I have pictures of him with my dog Jake, a German Wirehaired Pointer, and my wife who took the shots says that ol Romeo was downright playful and just "romping" with good old Jake. And Romeo never seemed to get out of line, although many of us here firgured that it would only be a matter of time that he would act like a wolf and gobble someones pet poch. And last winter, it finally happened. An indian guy was walking his two dogs, a big one and a little miniature beagle. Well, the little beagle (really little fella) saw the wolf standing off to the side just in amongst some scrub alder, and took off after the wolf, baying away, just like the little hunter he was bred to be. And upon coming up to the stationary (and no doubt very amused) wolf, I guess the wolf just thought he wanted a little snack or something. You know, just like when we are a little hungry and want a snack like a "fig bud" or a "pack of gum"
. And so, Romeo inhaled that little guy and ran off and gobbled him up like big bad wolves are wont to do. Well the indian dude went back to his truck for his shotgun, hell bent on vengeance, but, was unable to find ol Romeo. And the majority of we Juneauites were happy that the guy was unsuccessful in his effort.
And since that time, Romeo was his usual self, frolicking with the big dogs, giving we humans marvelous photo ops and wonderful wildlife experiences. That, of course was until the infamous Pick Pocket The Pug Incident. Yeah, you can see in the first photo, that the big domestic dogs are just romping with eachother as the wolf approaches, but it is evident that the wolf is focused on the little pug dog. The next photo shows Romeo galloping off with the goodies, and the next one shows the little guy dumped on the ground and the wolf looking off to the right at something, and I suspect someone, who, no doubt was yelling at the wolf and caused him to drop his little prize. The last picture just kills me though, because, that little pug with his tail tucked between his legs is looking at that wolf as if to say; "Hey you, that was mean! Why'd you do that"? Too cute, that....
And so, this incident, with these pictures hitting the newspaper here, caused an uproar because everybody loves the wolf. There have been calls for a "special leash law" imposed on anyone who walks their dog between dredge Lake and the glacier. There have been those who want the wolf tranquilized and placed in a wolf rescue farm. There are those who believe that Romeo should be introduced to a "wild pack". Personally, I do not agree with any of these solutions. The wild pack option is definitely not a well thought out idea, because there is a wild pack already within Romeo's realm. Romeo was likely ostracized from this pack, and that is why he is a loner. They do that you know. Very strict hierarchy amongst wolves. Sometimes they will simply kill and then eat a fellow wolf who has been kicked out and warned not to return. Pretty brutal, really. When it comes to the leash law thing, I say no way. I know that I live in Alaska, and that there are Brown Bears, Black Bears, Moose and Wolves. When I go into the wild, I am armed. When I hike that trail, I know that there is a chance of me or my dog being eaten or injured. If I am quick enough on the draw (before my dog is dead in an instant-they are soo fast!), I will fire a warning shot. If the wolf proceeds to try and kill my dog after that, well, I'll shoot the wolf if I can. Law of the jungle, that's all. And, that's the way it is. Now in the case of Romeo, it was a full two years before he ate The Beagle Bite. But then we all knew, that he would romp with big dogs, and eat little dogs. And so, the pug owner took a very big risk when taking his pug for a walk out there. And the Pug owner was fortunate. But I really would be offended if the Government stepped in and mandated a leash law. I mean, this is Alaska for heaven sakes. I moved up here because I love the Wild, and I accept the dangers that come with it. And, my dog Jake loves to run! He has a serious need for speed, and that's a place where on a two hour hike, he can run like the wind, sniff the various scents, point up the snowshoe bunnies and just have a good old dog of a time.
I say that we humans should just let things happen the way that they happen as far as dogs and wolves are concerned. And by the way, I think the newspaper quashed the most recent incident that happened about six weeks ago. Romeo ate a Pomeranian! Yup, that little Pomeranian must have looked like an ice cream sundae to that big ol black wolf, and I guess he just couldn't resist. Now why a person would walk their Pomeranian back there after these first two incidents, I'll never know. Unless of course it was some disgruntled husband who didn't like his wife's dog, like VP didn't like Mrs. W's little poodle "Cocoa" or whatever it's name was...
I wish I could figure out how to post those pictures I have in my computer of Jake and the Wolf though...
And thanks for the compliments RBG, I love you too!
Rest assured, I truly hope that Romeo sticks around. I love it that we have these tales to tell, these unique experiences that my kids know about and have experienced. That's why I love Alaska, The Last Frontier
Edited by Jonny LingoLink to comment
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I get it that it's a special area and all that - I really do. I also like wolves. I also like dogs.
But if idiot dog owners - who own small breeds like Pugs - know this wolf is around and that he prays on small dogs, why the #%@$ are they there with their small dog?
Do they like offering up their pets as wolf kibble?
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J0nny Ling0
Because ChasU, they are stupid! And they get what they deserve. That's the thing about it. There are so many wolf huggers who forget that a wolf is an awesome killing machine. They want to be "One" with "Mother" so badly, that they live in a dream world. And if my dog gets "et", it'll be my problem too. Okay, and no doubt you are thinking; "But what about the dog that gets eaten? It's not fair them!" And, you are absolutely 100% correct.
But, what did people do Back In The Day when there were no Laws to protect them from their stupidity? Well, they either got smart or paid the price. And by the way:
This came from the Alaska Department Of Fish And Game
Really, no need to get your dander up. Fortunately, since Alaska's total human population is only around 680,000, with 350,000 in the Anchorage area, the wolves are very safe as far as their population and longevity as a wild animal group is concerned. And also remember, this state is two and a half times bigger than Texas, and that population is no bigger than some major US cities. How many live in the greater Dayton, Ohio area? Really, the wolves'll be fine, and hopefully Romeo doesn't attack a human. The he will have to be shot.
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No, I'm just wondering why someone isn't going after the pet owners on that one...
People get more worked up about bicycle helmet laws and smoking bans but nada about the animals because 'oh lookie! a wolf!'
(My dander ain't up with you, Hon... it's the idiot pet owners who don't deserve a wonderful Pug like that!)
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J0nny Ling0
I know that, and, they should be more careful with their Pug. The thing is about Pugs and Pomeranians, they are usually perfectly happy as house dogs, and their their "daily business" out side the house a few times a day. They don't need to run like the working dogs, sporting dogs, and geez, the HUskies just love to get out and run. Anyway, Rainbows Girl sent me info on posting the photos of our dog Jake when he did the "Dances With Wolf" thing. I'll see if I can figure it out. I have been home sick all day with a wracking cough, and am really weak and tired. But I'll try to figure it out.
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