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Are the TWIs Bathrooms Breeding Bolsheviks?


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I couldn't resist after seeing Mr and Mrs B's handles. Reminded me of an old advertisement I saw in a friend's bathroom back in college.

"Is your bathroom breeding bolsheviks? Employees lose respect for a company that fails to provide decent facilities for their comfort."

From my experience and the experience of family and friends, seems like a there's a lot of bathrooms breeding bolsheviks at twi... Newly married couples not having their own bathrooms, telephones in the halls with no privacy, lack of internet, too many work hours...

Not to mention FAMILIA!! and CHARD!!

Not quite my picture of the More ABUNDANT Life...

How about you?

**edited to add poster image**


Edited by JavaJane
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Heh heh.

I would agree. The same intellect that they require to really run things often tend to be their undoing.

Same thing happened in China a few years ago. They chose to put down "the enemy", which in my opinion was their true friend.

Now it makes sense why OLD rosie demanded a sign out sheet for who happened to have a need to go to the bathroom..

gotta keep an eye on the "enemy" you know..


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Our last few weeks in the FC 20 we were on a short hallway with a kitchen at one end. There were about 6-8 rooms, including a room for 4 boys, one of which was ours. There was 1 unisex bathroom on this hall. It contained 2 toilets, 2 sinks, and 1 bath/shower stall with that opaque glass around it in addition to a shower door. So it was not transparent but could be somewhat seen through. The first time I cringingly took a shower there (we were strictly forbidden from sneaking down to the main hall and using our own gender's larger bathroom), some 19th FWC guy I had known in Charlotte came in, sat down in a stall and spent about 5 minutes talking to me! I was trapped! There was no way I was grabbing for my towel and robe with him in the room.

My son, almost 12 and in the throes of puberty, LOVED it. He would spend hours in the bathroom, to my amazement as he'd never been too interested in cleanliness, until an embarrassed 19th WC woman told me she thought he was spying on her.

What in he11 were they thinking? I can't believe I went along with any of that crap for a single minute. I should have marched down to WC's office and told him NO WAY am I or my son going in there again. I should have said exactly what I thought - that it was provocative, voyeuristic, and an open door for all kinds of trouble. Not what I wanted my troubled child to see or be tempted by.

Good grief!


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Boys will be boys... so don't even give them an opportunity if you can help it!

It always bothered me when I would hear about multiple married WC couples having to share a room together. Did this actually happen, or is it a rumor? I heard it so long ago, I may have just not heard it correctly.

Then again, with some of the things I have heard posted here, maybe it really did happen.


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Just looked at the link that Chas provided...what a scream...

Here's one that I remember...

Kathy O...gets up to lead songs in front of 500 people...she's wearing a tube top...when she lifts her arms to lead the song, both of her breasts pop out!...she pulls the top up and finishes the song...Ross Tracy then comes on stage and thanks Kathy for keeping us all "abreast" of things...laugh?, I thought I would die.

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I couldn't resist after seeing Mr and Mrs B's handles. Reminded me of an old advertisement I saw in a friend's bathroom back in college.

"Is your bathroom breeding bolsheviks? Employees lose respect for a company that fails to provide decent facilities for their comfort."

Are you saying I was born of a twi toilet?


sure do feel that way at times.

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Are you saying I was born of a twi toilet?


sure do feel that way at times.

No, not that you were born of a toilet, simply that your name was... How can they expect people to stay as an employee when basic human dignity is ignored??

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Ok, one more question for you guys who were around for longer than me....

I had heard from someone a long time back that interracial marriages in twi were discouraged? Is this true? what backing did they use from the Bible?

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Ok, one more question for you guys who were around for longer than me....

I had heard from someone a long time back that interracial marriages in twi were discouraged? Is this true? what backing did they use from the Bible?

I think I heard lcm say that at a service because our culture wasn't ready. (The purpose of marriage is for witnessing, remember.) It was because witnessing would be more difficult that interracial marriages were discouraged.

I also heard at the gulag the vpw didn't like blacks because one killed his brother in a car accident in Lima. The gulag was a bit racist. He lightened up once Cl@udette Roy@l came on the seen.

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Speaking of racist: During my interim year in the 13th Corps at HQ, I went with a black woman from the 12th Corps to Adolph's. They would not allow my friend to order because she was black ... this was 1984! Talk about racist ... I think the entire town of New Knoxville had some issues with black folk, if the folks at Adolph's were any indication.

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Speaking of racist: During my interim year in the 13th Corps at HQ, I went with a black woman from the 12th Corps to Adolph's. They would not allow my friend to order because she was black ... this was 1984! Talk about racist ... I think the entire town of New Knoxville had some issues with black folk, if the folks at Adolph's were any indication.

And to think the place was named "Adolph's" Who would have thought?

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Here's a perspective from the 1970s:

Interracial marriage( Or "mixed marriage", as it was known then) was still very rare in most of society.

I never heard it promoted or discouraged in The Way. I can only speak from what I myself experienced.

I did hear teachings that tried to show racial diversity as evidence of horizontal evolution as opposed to vertical. This was taught in conjunction with the lessons from Genesis about "after its own genus"(never cross genus) and supposedly explained the existance of multiple species within a genus. In other words, were all of the same genus but because of climatological differences some developed fair complexions and others dark complexions. It always struck me as a way to try to prove we were right about our interpretation of Genesis and the socialogical issue was peripheral at best.

Moses married an Ethiopian(very dark skinned) and created quite a flap, not with God but with the society he was a part of.

There was always a "trophy mentality" in TWI.

"If only we could recruit some famous actor. If only we could recruit some famous athletes. If only we could recruit some African Americans(the term was not actually in usage at that time) then we could speak to a whole other segment of society. I really think VP saw Claudete as a trophy of sorts, because , not only was she black, she could rip your heart out with her ability to deliver a song. Thirty plus years after the fact, my dad will still rave nostalgically about her singing.

We had one black "sister" my whole time as a fellowlaborer. She was a beautiful person and very well liked by all. We lived in such close proximity that her race was not something that was thought of at all. I can't tell you what it did to her social life being the only black person in a group of 50 because, honestly, none of us had much time for much of a social life anyhow.

I guess that went pretty far off topic -----Sorry

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