Act now and you can get two ordinations for the price of one! It's the perfect Mother's Day gift. What better way to suck up to a boss or a rich relative? Show up that snooty Presbyterian "deacon" down the street. Now you out-rank him, and so does your dog Spot!
Order soon!
But wait, there's more! Ever wanted to be a real Bishop? A Cardinal? Whadda 'bout Pope? Stay tuned! As soon as legal works out the licensing arrangment, you're on your way to being a certified Pontiff!*
*Donation required.
Date: _______________
1. Please provide the following contact information:
There are many people in the world who have a hunger to be ordained into the ministry. Most of these people do not have a desire to pastor a church, but they have a desire to be ordained because it gives them a greater sense of responsibility and more boldness to step out and do what Jesus told us all to do.
If you are interested in being ordained, please pull up the application on our website or write to us and we will send you one. Type out a written testimony of what you were before you got saved, what brought you to salvation and what you are doing now. We would also like a letter of recommendation from your pastor and a picture of yourself. For the entire process, there will be a $50 fee. We will show you how to operate in the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
I guess I don't get it. Well -- yes I do, but it's hard to fathom.
If you're *called to the ministry*, you're called. Period.
A title does NOT a "Dr./ Minister" make.
This here is fraught with the possibility for disaster.
This is (imo) just like a New Year's Eve resolution.
A.) decision made;
B.) two weeks of adherence;
C.) two more weeks of good intentions;
D.) Well -- there's always next year.
I'm not trying to minimize the commitment a person may have.
However -- if they need to "learn after the fact" about the Holy Spirit,
I'm guessing they weren't called in the first place.
And the fact that these two will teach about the Holy Spirit,
almost seems as if they are telling you how to minister.
But I've been wrong before.
Teaching before (or)/ after ordination.
You just gotta *go to grow* (remember that one???), mentality.
Their camp, their style, here ya go -- here's your certificate.
I see this as a *rubber-stamp* ordination ----
void of authority or validity.
Kit -- I'm glad these folks were there for you when you needed them.
I CAN'T see where they have the authority to ordain.
This is too much like the past, where a friend of mine
(a devout atheist -- there's an oxymoron for you --- )
got a mail order *ordination* in order to escape the Viet-Nam war.
I agree with DMiller, but wanted to add, if they are asking about the seminary that was attended, and for a recommendation from your pastor, why wouldn't the denomination you are with ordain you?
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Dot Matrix
I don't like it. They ask for $50.00 and then say they will teach you stuff AFTER the people are ordained?
Looks creepy to me. I am sorry, I am glad they were there for you.
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Dots: the site looked creepy to me too. I'm glad you said something. I didn't want to look like I was being cynical because I'm an ex-wayfer.
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Did they put their green card on a PDF so you can sign it and mail it (along with the ca$h) back to them?
"Watch me do my song and dance, ... do-dahh, ... do-dahh. ....."

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Act now and you can get two ordinations for the price of one! It's the perfect Mother's Day gift. What better way to suck up to a boss or a rich relative? Show up that snooty Presbyterian "deacon" down the street. Now you out-rank him, and so does your dog Spot!
Order soon!
But wait, there's more! Ever wanted to be a real Bishop? A Cardinal? Whadda 'bout Pope? Stay tuned! As soon as legal works out the licensing arrangment, you're on your way to being a certified Pontiff!*
*Donation required.
Date: _______________
1. Please provide the following contact information:
Legal Name: _________________________________________________________________
Date of Birth: _________________________ Marital Status: ! Married ! Single ! Divorced
Address: _______________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________________________
Postal Code: ___________________Country: _______________________________________
Daytime Phone: ___________________________Evening Phone: _______________________
Fax Number: ______________E-Mail: _____________________________________________
Website (if applicable): _________________________________________________________
Please give name and location of school, year of graduation and degree earned.
High School:__________________________________________________________________
Technical School: ______________________________________________________________
College: _____________________________________________________________________
Seminary: ____________________________________________________________________
Graduate School: ______________________________________________________________
Employer: ____________________________________________________________________
Job Title: __________________________________ Dates of Employment: _______________
List licenses and certifications: ___________________________________________________
4. What religious training have you had? Use additional paper if necessary.
5. What church do you attend? ___________________________________________
PastorÃs name and address____________________________________________
6. What are your personal strengths? ______________________________________
7. What areas of improvement do you see for yourself? ________________________
8. Please write your personal testimony on a separate sheet.
9. Why do you want to be ordained? ______________________________________
10. Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the risen Son of God, that He came to earth,
born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, gave His life as a sacrifice for all humanity, was
raised to life by God and now sits at the right hand of God? ___________________
PO Box 5600 ? Kingwood, TX 77325-5600
Phone: 281.358.7575 ? Fax: 281.358.4130
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oooh, bad satori. Garth was bad but you are soooooooooooooooo bad. :)
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I guess I don't get it. Well -- yes I do, but it's hard to fathom.
If you're *called to the ministry*, you're called. Period.
A title does NOT a "Dr./ Minister" make.
This here is fraught with the possibility for disaster.
This is (imo) just like a New Year's Eve resolution.
A.) decision made;
B.) two weeks of adherence;
C.) two more weeks of good intentions;
D.) Well -- there's always next year.
I'm not trying to minimize the commitment a person may have.
However -- if they need to "learn after the fact" about the Holy Spirit,
I'm guessing they weren't called in the first place.
And the fact that these two will teach about the Holy Spirit,
almost seems as if they are telling you how to minister.
But I've been wrong before.
Teaching before (or)/ after ordination.
You just gotta *go to grow* (remember that one???), mentality.
Their camp, their style, here ya go -- here's your certificate.
I see this as a *rubber-stamp* ordination ----
void of authority or validity.
Kit -- I'm glad these folks were there for you when you needed them.
I CAN'T see where they have the authority to ordain.
This is too much like the past, where a friend of mine
(a devout atheist -- there's an oxymoron for you --- )
got a mail order *ordination* in order to escape the Viet-Nam war.
It worked -- but he's no minister.
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Ya know, I hestitated on mentioning this before but, ...
Mass ordinations?... Now why does that give a distinctive 'Moonie' ring to it? :unsure: ... As likened to 'mass weddings'?
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I agree with DMiller, but wanted to add, if they are asking about the seminary that was attended, and for a recommendation from your pastor, why wouldn't the denomination you are with ordain you?
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mass ordination
should this tread be moved into the silly thread
what a $$$ makeing racket
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