DO NOT call what you have there a "forum". The word forum is described in the Merriam-Webster dic. as 1. the marketplace or central meeting place of an ancient Roman city. 2. a medium (as a publication) of open discussion 3. COURT 4. a public assembly, lecture, or program involving audience or panel discussion.
Obviously, what you have there is NONE of the above!!!
From an outfit that prides itself on ACCURACY!!! :D--> :D--> :D-->
DO NOT call what you have there a "forum". The word forum is described in the Merriam-Webster dic. as 1. the marketplace or central meeting place of an ancient Roman city. 2. a medium (as a publication) of open discussion 3. COURT 4. a public assembly, lecture, or program involving audience or panel discussion.
This message board is intended for the use of the current followers of The Way International, The registration questions reflect that involvement.
whoa, I thought they were followers of the Lord Jesus Christ?? ie,...
The Way is a fellowship of the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ for the manifestation of the more abundant life. A follower of The Way is filled with and manifests power from on high, holy spirit, and freely avails himself of fellowship meetings for spiritual nurture and growth. The Way fellowship is cemented together by the Spirit of God with each individual believer being transformed by the renewing of his mind according to the Word of God.
call me crazy, but TWI has no followers or members, the only offical members are the BOD, correct?
You know, it was kind of a stupid move on their part to close it to just current followers. If they were truthful about twi having changed and wanted us back into the fold they would have welcomed all of us with open arms for debate...for witnessing purposes... ;)-->
This just goes to show that they haven't changed a bit.
Initially I thought Family Tables would be a great opportunity for GSers and "innies" to interact and ask and answer honest questions. Although some of the questions and comments from GSers were pointed, we were all respectful, and played by their rules.
What I didn't take into account was that "leadership" was probably paying close attention, especially after we all showed up to crash the party.
But even before we were locked out (and I don't believe for a minute that the refurbishing just coincidently happened after a rush of "cop-outs" arrived, or that the new, more restrictive rules had been planned from before the GSers showd up) it seemed that people were terrified to think, deathly afraid to express an opinion. "Talk to your leadership about this" was the most common anser to any question.
One night another poster asked me "were we this bad?" - at first I said "yes", but recalled that 'back in the day' we freely expressed our opinions and argued with leadership; something that could never be done now.
Once again I seem to be coming to the defense of TWI, but I feel compelled by the facts, if not the truths.
I posted long and hard on Abigail's thread (New TWI Website) dealing with this same TWI website about the difference between a "Free Speech Forum" and a "Focused Speech Forum" and how BOTH are valid and useful entities. I won't go there any more though.
There are other issues here on this thread I will address now, yet STILL I will seem to be coming to TWI's defense, and I am in a muted way.
Yes, the suppression of the truth and facts can be a very bad thing. SOMETIMES it's good, like with children, but it's usually pretty bad, especially when it's un-enlightened administrators doing it.
It is the case that several posters here have lobbied hard to have me banned from expressing my opinions here. It is also the case that other splinter groups engage in the exact same practices of suppression.
I think the point is, Mike, was that it was a true, public forum at the start, and i really respected that, i think we all did. That would have been a great step in commuication and debate with innies.
The posts that were made by g-spotters, that i saw, were not abrasive, nor negative. It just proves that TWI cannot handle the overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing, and runs from the field of battle EVERYTIME. This is just another example of the sheltered, controlling, censorship that keeps innies in the way womb.
The fact is that they could NOT andle any posts questioning TWI, and ran away licking their wounds once again.
I was just softening our condemnation of TWI seeing that the same thing is done all the time everywhere.
It's only human what they are doing. If we want them to rise up above the human condition, maybe we could help them by example and by doing the same thing, and rising up above our human frailties. I'm talking about doing something like looking hard for ways to learn how to love our enemies.
1.) Guys, get clear and face the facts please. TWI doesn't want you and that web site does not want you. Furthermore they do not care if you return or not. THEY DO NOT CARE. The latest spin to cover that fact seems to be "we do not care about numbers anymore, only quality". In my opinion that is a convenient way to cover up the truth of what I said above. Why should they care? They have all your money in $millions of ABS to last their lifetimes as well as valuable properties.
2.) Mike the fact that NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE seems to accept your viewpoint including JB or RG should tell you something, man. I think it is time to be introspective and try to refocus on things more important in your life. You deserve better. I hate seeing what is developing in your life. You are wasting your time and wasting your life. One day you will be dead and will have not changed a thing for the better in this world including your own life. And you might be very lonely along the way. Seek counsel from human beings who just may be wiser than you, and can help you, I urge you.
Maybe this bears repeating that I posted a couple days ago on the other thread:
You might as well forget about going on this site ever again. It will not happen.
What did you expect from The Way International? Openness? Real truth? Answers to questions? Ha!
John's experiment lasted a while but its over.
This site will be closed forever to anyone who is not an active member of The Way.
Frankly I am surprised it even opened at all to any one else. Don't waste you time registering or emailing John because you will be ignored in much the same way you are ignored by TWI in all other ways.
Get it through your head.....they do NOT want you or your comments. Probably never will.
John Richeson
Tampa Bay, FL - home of Yophotoman
(Formerly in Yophotoman's branch area here)
Kicked out in 2000 for speaking up too much.
PS - Disagree or agree all you want but its his site and he has every right to do with it what he wants.
PS - John is and never has been a Branch Leader. I do not think he is even a twig Coordinator and has not been for years but I may be wrong.
john r, yes its obvious about everything you just posted. I was pointing out just another example of how TWI tries to shelter its people from the onslaught of truth when they try to deal with the "real world". calling their "forum" ,the family tables, is just too much. Its just a corruption of something that was once innocent entertainment by good hearted folks (most of the time).
Poor John B. I bet they ripped him a new one when they found out Greasespotters were soiling his pristine forum. Bet they weren't too happy when he started posting here, either. Notice he's not been around in quite some time. We'll never hear from him again is my guess---unless he leaves "God's one and only Household"... ;)-->
But really, why get your knickers in a twist over the fact that The Way is being The Way. Family Table was meant to be a feel good meeting place for Way Believers. It's not suppose to address anything "real", which is why even innies have little to post on the message boards. Witness how little traffic it has received relative to the amount of time it's had a web presence. Way people know the drill. We certainly did. If you have any doubts, if you have any concerns, you had just better keep them to yourself. Speak with leadership about such things? You've got to be kidding!
I think you have clearly and boldly;)--> made your point!
Nonetheless, I think I'll still discuss it, if it's okay with you :D-->
The way things turned out pretty much proves our point about lack of openess at TWI, discussion about it here keeps it in the open for any "innie" lurkers, since they can't get real debate on their own site.
Well, at least one good thing came out of this- contrary to some claims, lo and behold- they have NOT changed. And here is the evidence.
Witness the cyber-snobbery and cyber-mark-and-avoid. "Uh, oh. "nice" to see you. hope family is OK, (door slams)" Yep. Didn't even say "goodbye".
I remember the "instructions" we were given regarding a mark-and-avoid relative. "He is just working through a few problems.
1. Do NOT talk about the verd with the individual.
2. Do NOT talk about ministry activities, in any way, shape or form.
3. He has been "instructed" to not bother you with ANY questions.
4. If he has questions, refer him to me.
5. Oh, you can be "polite" when he runs accross your path."
I don't know what the rest of you think, but I think that this is about as rude as you can get.
Nothing has changed. Nothing at all. "They" have been told (threatened) to avoid confrontation with you at all costs. Don't wanna get "contaminated" you know. Afraid they'll get the cooties if you drink from "their" designated fountain.
If the Way International is innocent of its past and present violations that are addressed here at Greasespot and other sites, then an OPEN forum should be no problem, since those accusations can be easily dismissed.
This says it all. IF they even admitted to the wrongs they have done, then they should be willing to discuss them, apologize and tell what they have done to make sure these things don't happen again. (Which we know is a lie since the same primary violators are still in power)
They are so full of FEAR that they refuse to discuss anything with people who are not properly brainwashed. They won't even let "seekers" and those who are "hungering and thirsting after truth" to post or ask questions. That says a lot, too. But why expect that when they don't even have e-mail addresses posted on the "official" site?
I feel so sorry for John B, I'm sure he did get reamed for posting on here. Now they know he has come here and read things on here. He's contaminated his mind and very well could be under the microscope. His local leadership (Pa*l G*les and the Moynih*ns) will watch his every move, word and action. On second thought, maybe that's a good thing. Maybe he'll wise up to how much more freedom, love and "abundance" there is outside the whited sepulchre of TWI.
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From an outfit that prides itself on ACCURACY!!!
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"Mars Hill" they ain't!!!
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whoa, I thought they were followers of the Lord Jesus Christ?? ie,...
call me crazy, but TWI has no followers or members, the only offical members are the BOD, correct?
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Yes, Thelema......the distinction is made! When twi comes out "in the open" to explain itself, it differs greatly from its magazine definition.
And, you must keep your "club membership"....current.
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You know, it was kind of a stupid move on their part to close it to just current followers. If they were truthful about twi having changed and wanted us back into the fold they would have welcomed all of us with open arms for debate...for witnessing purposes...
This just goes to show that they haven't changed a bit.
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Initially I thought Family Tables would be a great opportunity for GSers and "innies" to interact and ask and answer honest questions. Although some of the questions and comments from GSers were pointed, we were all respectful, and played by their rules.
What I didn't take into account was that "leadership" was probably paying close attention, especially after we all showed up to crash the party.
But even before we were locked out (and I don't believe for a minute that the refurbishing just coincidently happened after a rush of "cop-outs" arrived, or that the new, more restrictive rules had been planned from before the GSers showd up) it seemed that people were terrified to think, deathly afraid to express an opinion. "Talk to your leadership about this" was the most common anser to any question.
One night another poster asked me "were we this bad?" - at first I said "yes", but recalled that 'back in the day' we freely expressed our opinions and argued with leadership; something that could never be done now.
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I.e., in short, their 'god' is too small.
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Once again I seem to be coming to the defense of TWI, but I feel compelled by the facts, if not the truths.
I posted long and hard on Abigail's thread (New TWI Website) dealing with this same TWI website about the difference between a "Free Speech Forum" and a "Focused Speech Forum" and how BOTH are valid and useful entities. I won't go there any more though.
There are other issues here on this thread I will address now, yet STILL I will seem to be coming to TWI's defense, and I am in a muted way.
Yes, the suppression of the truth and facts can be a very bad thing. SOMETIMES it's good, like with children, but it's usually pretty bad, especially when it's un-enlightened administrators doing it.
It is the case that several posters here have lobbied hard to have me banned from expressing my opinions here. It is also the case that other splinter groups engage in the exact same practices of suppression.
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I think the point is, Mike, was that it was a true, public forum at the start, and i really respected that, i think we all did. That would have been a great step in commuication and debate with innies.
The posts that were made by g-spotters, that i saw, were not abrasive, nor negative. It just proves that TWI cannot handle the overwhelming evidence of wrongdoing, and runs from the field of battle EVERYTIME. This is just another example of the sheltered, controlling, censorship that keeps innies in the way womb.
The fact is that they could NOT andle any posts questioning TWI, and ran away licking their wounds once again.
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I find it interesting that his last teaching was May 12, 1985, and he died 8 days later, on May 20, 1985.
Meebe there is some spiritual (numerical) significance to that as well, eh?
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I agree with you point.
I was just softening our condemnation of TWI seeing that the same thing is done all the time everywhere.
It's only human what they are doing. If we want them to rise up above the human condition, maybe we could help them by example and by doing the same thing, and rising up above our human frailties. I'm talking about doing something like looking hard for ways to learn how to love our enemies.
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I think you will find greater significance in Youngs Concordance. Any luck with finding "return" of Christ verses?
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Big surprise...
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No need to go to Young's (although --I've got one around here somewhere
--> )
Thessalonians is good enough for me.
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1.) Guys, get clear and face the facts please. TWI doesn't want you and that web site does not want you. Furthermore they do not care if you return or not. THEY DO NOT CARE. The latest spin to cover that fact seems to be "we do not care about numbers anymore, only quality". In my opinion that is a convenient way to cover up the truth of what I said above. Why should they care? They have all your money in $millions of ABS to last their lifetimes as well as valuable properties.
2.) Mike the fact that NO ONE, absolutely NO ONE seems to accept your viewpoint including JB or RG should tell you something, man. I think it is time to be introspective and try to refocus on things more important in your life. You deserve better. I hate seeing what is developing in your life. You are wasting your time and wasting your life. One day you will be dead and will have not changed a thing for the better in this world including your own life. And you might be very lonely along the way. Seek counsel from human beings who just may be wiser than you, and can help you, I urge you.
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Maybe this bears repeating that I posted a couple days ago on the other thread:
You might as well forget about going on this site ever again. It will not happen.
What did you expect from The Way International? Openness? Real truth? Answers to questions? Ha!
John's experiment lasted a while but its over.
This site will be closed forever to anyone who is not an active member of The Way.
Frankly I am surprised it even opened at all to any one else. Don't waste you time registering or emailing John because you will be ignored in much the same way you are ignored by TWI in all other ways.
Get it through your head.....they do NOT want you or your comments. Probably never will.
John Richeson
Tampa Bay, FL - home of Yophotoman
(Formerly in Yophotoman's branch area here)
Kicked out in 2000 for speaking up too much.
PS - Disagree or agree all you want but its his site and he has every right to do with it what he wants.
PS - John is and never has been a Branch Leader. I do not think he is even a twig Coordinator and has not been for years but I may be wrong.
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john r, yes its obvious about everything you just posted. I was pointing out just another example of how TWI tries to shelter its people from the onslaught of truth when they try to deal with the "real world". calling their "forum" ,the family tables, is just too much. Its just a corruption of something that was once innocent entertainment by good hearted folks (most of the time).
What they have is definitely NOT that.
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I agree. They have made this abundantly clear.
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Cherished Child
Poor John B. I bet they ripped him a new one when they found out Greasespotters were soiling his pristine forum. Bet they weren't too happy when he started posting here, either. Notice he's not been around in quite some time. We'll never hear from him again is my guess---unless he leaves "God's one and only Household"...
But really, why get your knickers in a twist over the fact that The Way is being The Way. Family Table was meant to be a feel good meeting place for Way Believers. It's not suppose to address anything "real", which is why even innies have little to post on the message boards. Witness how little traffic it has received relative to the amount of time it's had a web presence. Way people know the drill. We certainly did. If you have any doubts, if you have any concerns, you had just better keep them to yourself. Speak with leadership about such things? You've got to be kidding!
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I think you have clearly and boldly
;)--> made your point!
Nonetheless, I think I'll still discuss it, if it's okay with you
The way things turned out pretty much proves our point about lack of openess at TWI, discussion about it here keeps it in the open for any "innie" lurkers, since they can't get real debate on their own site.
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maybe it's just for posting "dear loy" and "dear rosie" letters??!!.......
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Well, at least one good thing came out of this- contrary to some claims, lo and behold- they have NOT changed. And here is the evidence.
Witness the cyber-snobbery and cyber-mark-and-avoid. "Uh, oh. "nice" to see you. hope family is OK, (door slams)" Yep. Didn't even say "goodbye".
I remember the "instructions" we were given regarding a mark-and-avoid relative. "He is just working through a few problems.
1. Do NOT talk about the verd with the individual.
2. Do NOT talk about ministry activities, in any way, shape or form.
3. He has been "instructed" to not bother you with ANY questions.
4. If he has questions, refer him to me.
5. Oh, you can be "polite" when he runs accross your path."
I don't know what the rest of you think, but I think that this is about as rude as you can get.
Nothing has changed. Nothing at all. "They" have been told (threatened) to avoid confrontation with you at all costs. Don't wanna get "contaminated" you know. Afraid they'll get the cooties if you drink from "their" designated fountain.
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This says it all. IF they even admitted to the wrongs they have done, then they should be willing to discuss them, apologize and tell what they have done to make sure these things don't happen again. (Which we know is a lie since the same primary violators are still in power)
They are so full of FEAR that they refuse to discuss anything with people who are not properly brainwashed. They won't even let "seekers" and those who are "hungering and thirsting after truth" to post or ask questions. That says a lot, too. But why expect that when they don't even have e-mail addresses posted on the "official" site?
I feel so sorry for John B, I'm sure he did get reamed for posting on here. Now they know he has come here and read things on here. He's contaminated his mind and very well could be under the microscope. His local leadership (Pa*l G*les and the Moynih*ns) will watch his every move, word and action. On second thought, maybe that's a good thing. Maybe he'll wise up to how much more freedom, love and "abundance" there is outside the whited sepulchre of TWI.
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