And since my sis cuts my hair, I tip her what a regular haircut would be, $10... Only, she usually hates that and tries to give it back.. Oh welL!
Having one brother myself, he's done automotive favors for me and refused any compensation. I've slipped cash into his truck's ashtray, and somehow before I left, he found it and placed it in my van, only to be found later, usually by one of the kids~
It shows respect I think, not wanting to take advantage... just a game us siblings play :B)
It's the cheapest meal. They work just as hard to bring it to you. And they want to be there less than the lunch waitress or the dinner waitress. Why should the dinner waitress get a bigger tip just because your meal is more expensive and you're drunker?
I don't subscribe to all this. I just googled the phrase "always overtip the breakfast waitress" and this came up. My dad taught me to overtip the breakfast waitress from when I was a knee-hi.
I concur with Raf--I always overtip my breakfast waitress...she's up early every morning and makes peanuts compared to her evening counterparts--heck I gave my regular breakfast waitress a christmas check the last few years for graciously putting up with and listening to me about every subject under the sun all year....she earned it
Listen for all you "$145.00 Yikes" people -- With the tip it was $161.00
I look really, really good right now, I am admiring myself as I type, later I will blow kisses at myself in the mirror I look so dang good.
I had foils (highlights done as well) I told her I love God but I do NOT want to look like I am going to church. I want to look like I date Bon Jovi. "Do what you want", pointed at a few pictures I liked and she did a great job.
Now, I do not look at all like Crystal Benard, but this is the hair I got. You can wear it down or add a bunch goop and pull it out and have it messy wild -- so, pretend Crystal is in her fifties, with brown eyes and red lipstick
I spiked it all over today and looked like this at work-
Not really, but I cannot find a good spiked hair picture.
I know some of you are thinking I should get my tip back...
I want to look like I date Bon Jovi. Do what you want, pointed at a few pictures I liked and she did a great job.
Now, I do not look at all like Crystal Benard, but this is the hair I got. You can wear it down or add a bunch goop and pull it out and have it messy wild -- so, pretend Crystal is in her fifties, with brown eyes and red lipstick
Sounds wonderful Dot!!!! She did a great job & it seems like you love it!
What a good deal for you ~ $145.00 for 2.5 hours... only $58 an hour... that's less than the cost of a massage!
People would be shocked at the $$ I spend on Vixen... lessons, competitions, etc. :o
We all have things we spend money on that make us happy. I'm sure you're as beautiful on the outside as I know you are on the inside! And the self-esteem that comes from having good "hair days" is immeasurable, imo.
Heck, Vixen's groomer is her breeder and I tip her about as much as it costs to get her groomed just because it's Teri and it's only once, maybe twice a year.
I've never thought about breakfast that way, but will add a little extra next time I dine out for breakfast. Thanks, Raf.
My hubby is a horrible tipper. He thinks it's ridiculous that "the going rate has gone up from 10%" and barely gives 10% at that! I try to suppliment, but I don't always have money onhand. It's really embarrassing when the service was good. Now that the kids are older, I ask one of the kids to figure out what 15% would be, and when they come up with the answer, I tell them, "that's how much we should leave". That usually guilt trips him into leaving 15%! LOL! To me, 10% is reserved for the waitress/waiter that did bare minimum(as in, bringing refills only after we ask and having an attitude about it) , less if it's really poor service. The note why is a good idea.
Hairdressers, and dog groomer, about $2 for a plain old haircut--usually the cheapie places, and they usually don't do that good of a job. I get perms and such at nicer places, and I give $10 or more depending on the price. Dog groomer gets about $10 also. And I feel I was probably cheap!
I hate when the bag boys offer to help me with my bags at the store, cuz i know they want a tip, and I pay for the groceries with the debit card, and rarely have cash. And I don't know what is a rightful tip for them--a dollar? Anyone have an opinion on that?
I'm probably ignorant in other situations where it is expected to tip. If there is a tip jar, I'll dump change in, depending on what the service is.
20% at a restaurant except if the service is bad or if the waitress spends all her time paying attention to the guy I'm with instead of me. Since my friend and I alternate paying the check when we go out to eat --it is a foolish waitress who automatically assumes the man will be paying the check and therefore flirting will gain her a bigger tip!
I go to a beauty school for hair cuts etc. Since the girls are paying to attend the school as well as for housing etc they get no money from the school itself except for tips. For a $10 harcut I tip $5, for hair color etc I tip 20%
I tip maids at hotels a minimum of $5 a day more if they go out of their way to bring me more towels Etc
For food delivery people I tip more in the winter months $5 than in the summer months $2-$3 unless they take forever to get my food to me and it is cold on arrival then they may leave with nothing
I've never tipped a hotel maid either, because I didn't know I was supposed to, but a lot of people I know who travel do, and they leave $5 a night.
I tip my hair dresser 15%. She does everything-shampoo, and cut and style.
When my car was in the shop, I tipped the cab driver who took me to work and back, 15%. If I could get a ride from a coworker, I would give them the money I would have used for cab fare to them for gas money.
Pizza and Chinese food deliveries are usually a dollar. I don't tip other deliveries, like furniture, or flowers. Should I?
My dog's groomer gets 15%.
A waiter or waitress gets 15%, more if I ask them to do more than usual. Bad service gets reported to management. Being vegan, I wish I could tip the cook, but usually, I tell the management when things are good.
I would tip the bagger at our grocery store; he's very good, and so funny! But the store's policy is no tipping.
$2 if a short hop to or from the grocery store etc.
$3-5 for trips around town
Airport usually 5-10 depending if they get out of the car and help with the luggage. If I have to carry it myself--tip goes down ditto groceries above.
As for tipping maids
I worked as a maid for two years at Holiday Inn. It is back breaking filthy work, You would be amazed at the state people leave their hotel rooms in, figuring "the maid will take care of it".
Tubs filled with dog hair when the sport trials were in town.
cases of empty beer and wine with leftover pizza smeared on the walls and ground into the carpet.
Soggy towels containging Lord knows what strewn all over.
Figure a maid usually has 6-8 rooms a day not counting checkouts
My friends who are former waitresses tip well at restaurants because they know the whole story--Maids unlike waitresses work for the most part out of sight--you return after a day out to made beds and clean towels--so people never really stop to think just what is involved in cleaning up behind 12-20 people everyday including weekends
Having worked as a waitress throughout high school and college, and I tip very well for a good waiter/waitress 20% or more, and lousy for lousy service. Middle of the road service gets about 15%. At favorite restaurants, they know I'm a good tipper so I get excellent service, even though I don't go out to eat often.
Hair and nails, 20%, for a good job.
Baggage people, $1 per bag, unless packed to the gills, then $2 a bag.
Taxi, about 10% rounded up to nearest dollar, unless bags involved, then 10% plus per bag.
Mo, thanks for the information about the maid. Will start tipping for that also.
Bartenders (long ago when I used to go to bars), $5 with the first drink, and set up tab. Insured excellent service. I could wave from the back of the crowd at the bar, and he would get the drink to me. Then tipped about 10 to 15% at the end on the tab total.
Guess my tipping philosophy, you must earn it, but if you do, I'm very generous.
Dot, I think $20 is fine. You could do more, you could do less, depending upon what you feel the service deserves. Often 10% is considered more than generous at a hair salon. There's probably a web site somewhere that lists the "usual and customary" tips.
Dear, you need to listen to the podcast we did tonight as your haircut was one of the topic's of conversation.
OK, I don't get the whole tipping thing ... I have never been tipped a dime.
So I order a simple thing on the menu, I make no demands, I watch as the waitress chatters with her friends in the back and ignores me ... fine ... I pay my bill in full ... and for not demanding even normal service do I get anything from her? NO ... not a friggin nickel! What the heck?
I go to get my haircut ... $10 for a normal cut, but mine is easy, worth maybe five. Bada bing bada boom .. a little crooked, no extra talc, hair on my pants ... does she give me a buck or two? NO .... she takes my full ten dollars and off she goes ... I don't get it.
Oh let me add this one ... video poker ... the cute little bartender watches me lose $10 bucks for weeks, does she throw a buck or two my way since I will obviously not be able to afford food that night? NO ... but that one day I won $100, she had those eyes .. like, WEEEEE WON! Where is my 20%? I'm so happy for us! MAN ... but I drink there ... what happens if I don't pay? I mean I only put in a few bucks and got a hundred ... I owe her, right?
The whole begging tipping thing is a little strange ...
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Having one brother myself, he's done automotive favors for me and refused any compensation. I've slipped cash into his truck's ashtray, and somehow before I left, he found it and placed it in my van, only to be found later, usually by one of the kids~
It shows respect I think, not wanting to take advantage... just a game us siblings play :B)
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It's the cheapest meal. They work just as hard to bring it to you. And they want to be there less than the lunch waitress or the dinner waitress. Why should the dinner waitress get a bigger tip just because your meal is more expensive and you're drunker?
New Agey Rules of Life, some silly, some interesting.
I don't subscribe to all this. I just googled the phrase "always overtip the breakfast waitress" and this came up. My dad taught me to overtip the breakfast waitress from when I was a knee-hi.
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I concur with Raf--I always overtip my breakfast waitress...she's up early every morning and makes peanuts compared to her evening counterparts--heck I gave my regular breakfast waitress a christmas check the last few years for graciously putting up with and listening to me about every subject under the sun all year....she earned it
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Over tip the Breakfast Waitress it is then! :)
(Sounds like some of you eat out often~ wow)!
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Dot Matrix
Listen for all you "$145.00 Yikes" people -- With the tip it was $161.00
I look really, really good right now, I am admiring myself as I type, later I will blow kisses at myself in the mirror I look so dang good.
I had foils (highlights done as well) I told her I love God but I do NOT want to look like I am going to church. I want to look like I date Bon Jovi. "Do what you want", pointed at a few pictures I liked and she did a great job.
Now, I do not look at all like Crystal Benard, but this is the hair I got. You can wear it down or add a bunch goop and pull it out and have it messy wild -- so, pretend Crystal is in her fifties, with brown eyes and red lipstick
I spiked it all over today and looked like this at work-
Not really, but I cannot find a good spiked hair picture.
I know some of you are thinking I should get my tip back...
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Dot Matrix
Okay more like this with spikes but blonde
Now, why over tip at breakfast because they do not cost very much -- Cause I do over tip at breakfast.
Sorry Raf
I just saw your answer.
My hubs tips the garbage guy --- or maybe bribs him to take thigs they usually leave behind -- like a chair.
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Sounds wonderful Dot!!!! She did a great job & it seems like you love it!
What a good deal for you ~ $145.00 for 2.5 hours... only $58 an hour... that's less than the cost of a massage!
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That sounds right, but I really thought raf meant tip the wife (or significant other) at home, as with the hair thing.
And then I thought, over tip her, or tip her over ... :o
Dot ... glad you got all spiked up ... nothing wrong with being bold and beautiful ... :)
I looked like that before, but it was from an electrical shock after drinking jagermeister ...
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Awww, Dot, we're just razzing you. :P
People would be shocked at the $$ I spend on Vixen... lessons, competitions, etc. :o
We all have things we spend money on that make us happy. I'm sure you're as beautiful on the outside as I know you are on the inside!
And the self-esteem that comes from having good "hair days" is immeasurable, imo.
Heck, Vixen's groomer is her breeder and I tip her about as much as it costs to get her groomed just because it's Teri and it's only once, maybe twice a year.
I've never thought about breakfast that way, but will add a little extra next time I dine out for breakfast. Thanks, Raf.
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Rhino, this is all just too funny

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Psalm 71 one
My hubby is a horrible tipper. He thinks it's ridiculous that "the going rate has gone up from 10%" and barely gives 10% at that! I try to suppliment, but I don't always have money onhand. It's really embarrassing when the service was good. Now that the kids are older, I ask one of the kids to figure out what 15% would be, and when they come up with the answer, I tell them, "that's how much we should leave". That usually guilt trips him into leaving 15%! LOL! To me, 10% is reserved for the waitress/waiter that did bare minimum(as in, bringing refills only after we ask and having an attitude about it) , less if it's really poor service. The note why is a good idea.
Hairdressers, and dog groomer, about $2 for a plain old haircut--usually the cheapie places, and they usually don't do that good of a job. I get perms and such at nicer places, and I give $10 or more depending on the price. Dog groomer gets about $10 also. And I feel I was probably cheap!
I hate when the bag boys offer to help me with my bags at the store, cuz i know they want a tip, and I pay for the groceries with the debit card, and rarely have cash. And I don't know what is a rightful tip for them--a dollar? Anyone have an opinion on that?
I'm probably ignorant in other situations where it is expected to tip. If there is a tip jar, I'll dump change in, depending on what the service is.
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Psalmie - we used to tip by the bag..
So I think it's a dollar a bag.
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I spend $65.00 to $80.00 (minimum) on (4) fiddle strings.
(And I have 3 good and working fiddles).
Luckily -- I don't need them new more than once every year or so.
I don't tip there at all.
They have to order in the ones I want,,
but it's nothing more than a phone call for them.
About the breakfast waitress thing -----
I agree. Saw some statistics about tippers (best vs. worst).
Don't remember the exact numbers, but the jist of it was ---
The WORST TIPPERS were the Sunday *after church crowd*; and
the BEST TIPPERS were the *just got out of the bar at closing time* crowd.
Guess the church folks spent their money in the *horn-o-plenty*,
and felt they had little to spare.
While the bar hoppers put their's in a different *horn-o-plenty*,
and were still in a giving mood.
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i'll give you a tip. Plant your peas early,don't look into the bright sun and don't bet on a mudder on a nice day
when i was a chef i very seldom got a tip
when i did it was a good one.
i shared it with my key staff
what a crying shame that the wait staff made better money than the pros in the back of the house
yeah i know they are pros too but they didn't spend the big bucks to go to school maybe i should have been a waiter?
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20% at a restaurant except if the service is bad or if the waitress spends all her time paying attention to the guy I'm with instead of me. Since my friend and I alternate paying the check when we go out to eat --it is a foolish waitress who automatically assumes the man will be paying the check and therefore flirting will gain her a bigger tip!
I go to a beauty school for hair cuts etc. Since the girls are paying to attend the school as well as for housing etc they get no money from the school itself except for tips. For a $10 harcut I tip $5, for hair color etc I tip 20%
I tip maids at hotels a minimum of $5 a day more if they go out of their way to bring me more towels Etc
For food delivery people I tip more in the winter months $5 than in the summer months $2-$3 unless they take forever to get my food to me and it is cold on arrival then they may leave with nothing
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Dot Matrix
I have never tipped the maid at the hotel. I am suppose to? I did not know that?
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I've never tipped a hotel maid either, because I didn't know I was supposed to, but a lot of people I know who travel do, and they leave $5 a night.
I tip my hair dresser 15%. She does everything-shampoo, and cut and style.
When my car was in the shop, I tipped the cab driver who took me to work and back, 15%. If I could get a ride from a coworker, I would give them the money I would have used for cab fare to them for gas money.
Pizza and Chinese food deliveries are usually a dollar. I don't tip other deliveries, like furniture, or flowers. Should I?
My dog's groomer gets 15%.
A waiter or waitress gets 15%, more if I ask them to do more than usual. Bad service gets reported to management. Being vegan, I wish I could tip the cook, but usually, I tell the management when things are good.
I would tip the bagger at our grocery store; he's very good, and so funny! But the store's policy is no tipping.
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Cabdrivers depending on the length of the trip
$2 if a short hop to or from the grocery store etc.
$3-5 for trips around town
Airport usually 5-10 depending if they get out of the car and help with the luggage. If I have to carry it myself--tip goes down ditto groceries above.
As for tipping maids
I worked as a maid for two years at Holiday Inn. It is back breaking filthy work, You would be amazed at the state people leave their hotel rooms in, figuring "the maid will take care of it".
Tubs filled with dog hair when the sport trials were in town.
cases of empty beer and wine with leftover pizza smeared on the walls and ground into the carpet.
Soggy towels containging Lord knows what strewn all over.
Figure a maid usually has 6-8 rooms a day not counting checkouts
My friends who are former waitresses tip well at restaurants because they know the whole story--Maids unlike waitresses work for the most part out of sight--you return after a day out to made beds and clean towels--so people never really stop to think just what is involved in cleaning up behind 12-20 people everyday including weekends
So Yeah Please tip your maid
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Having worked as a waitress throughout high school and college, and I tip very well for a good waiter/waitress 20% or more, and lousy for lousy service. Middle of the road service gets about 15%. At favorite restaurants, they know I'm a good tipper so I get excellent service, even though I don't go out to eat often.
Hair and nails, 20%, for a good job.
Baggage people, $1 per bag, unless packed to the gills, then $2 a bag.
Taxi, about 10% rounded up to nearest dollar, unless bags involved, then 10% plus per bag.
Mo, thanks for the information about the maid. Will start tipping for that also.
Bartenders (long ago when I used to go to bars), $5 with the first drink, and set up tab. Insured excellent service. I could wave from the back of the crowd at the bar, and he would get the drink to me. Then tipped about 10 to 15% at the end on the tab total.
Guess my tipping philosophy, you must earn it, but if you do, I'm very generous.
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Dot Matrix
So, I give about $20.00 for the hair color and cut. The amount was $145.00 (I wanted to do Twently but only had $16.00)
So, $20.00 is not enough?
It should have been about $22.00? at 15%. Shoot, I will have to drive over with more money
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Dot Matrix
The church people would leave me a pamphlet on Jesus and getting saved and NO money -- cheap people!
The drinkers were geerally good, unless they were so drunk they'd forget
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Dot, I think $20 is fine. You could do more, you could do less, depending upon what you feel the service deserves. Often 10% is considered more than generous at a hair salon. There's probably a web site somewhere that lists the "usual and customary" tips.
Dear, you need to listen to the podcast we did tonight as your haircut was one of the topic's of conversation.
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Protocol for tipping
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OK, I don't get the whole tipping thing ... I have never been tipped a dime.
So I order a simple thing on the menu, I make no demands, I watch as the waitress chatters with her friends in the back and ignores me ... fine ... I pay my bill in full ... and for not demanding even normal service do I get anything from her? NO ... not a friggin nickel! What the heck?
I go to get my haircut ... $10 for a normal cut, but mine is easy, worth maybe five. Bada bing bada boom .. a little crooked, no extra talc, hair on my pants ... does she give me a buck or two? NO .... she takes my full ten dollars and off she goes ... I don't get it.
Oh let me add this one ... video poker ... the cute little bartender watches me lose $10 bucks for weeks, does she throw a buck or two my way since I will obviously not be able to afford food that night? NO ... but that one day I won $100, she had those eyes .. like, WEEEEE WON! Where is my 20%? I'm so happy for us! MAN ... but I drink there ... what happens if I don't pay? I mean I only put in a few bucks and got a hundred ... I owe her, right?
The whole begging tipping thing is a little strange ...
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