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polar bear

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Why are the choices in elections always limited to the lesser of two evils? I voted for Gore on that basis.I wish the Democratic ticket wasn't split by Nader or anyone.... in close elections that is a unfair or at least a very disappointing factor.

Somtimes I think we should throw out the Electorial College system and just count the popular vote. I hope some brilliant person is formulating a new plan and direction for our elections and our representation, and a comprehensive National Healthcare Plan.

In MHO our could use a face lift; an overhaul so to speak. Democracy would be a nice change!!!!!

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Why are the choices in elections always limited to the lesser of two evils? I voted for Gore on that basis.I wish the Democratic ticket wasn't split by Nader or anyone.... in close elections that is a unfair or at least a very disappointing factor.

Somtimes I think we should throw out the Electorial College system and just count the popular vote. I hope some brilliant person is formulating a new plan and direction for our elections and our representation, and a comprehensive National Healthcare Plan.

In MHO our could use a face lift; an overhaul so to speak. Democracy would be a nice change!!!!!

During the 2000 election, I didn't see the difference between Bush and Gore. Both appeared to be centrists with similar views. Afterwards, both turned out to be completely different.

It makes me wonder how the candidates are going to be for the 2008 elections. Will they represent who they truly are, or will they surprise us and be something else entirely?

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