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Mark, that was way cool and very moving. It made me miss my grandma something awful though, because she would have loved it. She was learning break dancing in her 60's and was young up until the day she died at 78. Wow, I just did the math to figure out exactly how old she was when she died and I never would have guessed she was that close to 80.

My dad turns 70 this summer, just retired from his lawfirm a couple of months ago and is still practicing part-time out of his home. He also works for the state and travels all over. No way is he old.

As I watched the video, I couldn't help but also be awed by all the years of wisdom that was gathered together to make that video. Imagine the questions they could answer - the experience they have, the "history" they have lived through!!

No way should such precious and wise people be locked away in a "home" like a criminal or other unwanted scourge upon society.

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I respect your posts so I watched the entire video but I don't get why you think there's some message here. I *did* recognize the Abby Road album comparison but other than that?? You're gonna' have to give me some clues I guess. Unless everybody else sees stuff in it like you do in which case I'll just admit to being a dummy.

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Did you see where the old guitar players were beating their guitars on the ground ... like the guitarist in the Who did? :biglaugh: All we need now is Mick Jaggar that looks more like Don Knotts in there, and you really got a party!

Man, for a while there, I thought that it was a Woodstock 50th Anniversary Edition video!

:B) th_1a155668.jpg

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They didn't all die before they got old did they? And they knew what it would be like to be old even as young men. Society has proven once old no longer of value which is a crying shame because the stories that can be told if you only sit and listen. I regret I didn't ask more of Ted's mom who lived into her mid 90's almost. The things she saw and the way the world changed in her lifetime were valuable words.

I moved here so that neither my mother or my husband's mother would ever have to feel they were no longer valuable. They are and will only become more so in my heart.

Thanks Mark.

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I must admit that old is something I see more here than I did in Ohio but it's active old not sitting around waiting to die old.

The thing is that I feel younger than I am so I sometimes forget when young people ask me if I have any discounts when getting a hotel room or something that I could actually get an AARP one because I ain't old just because my hair is salt and pepper. But I feel old when they ask.

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  Sudo said:

I respect your posts so I watched the entire video but I don't get why you think there's some message here. I *did* recognize the Abby Road album comparison but other than that?? You're gonna' have to give me some clues I guess. Unless everybody else sees stuff in it like you do in which case I'll just admit to being a dummy.


Regardless of who is singing them -- lyrics are timeless. :)

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  ChattyKathy said:
I must admit that old is something I see more here than I did in Ohio but it's active old not sitting around waiting to die old.

The thing is that I feel younger than I am so I sometimes forget when young people ask me if I have any discounts when getting a hotel room or something that I could actually get an AARP one because I ain't old just because my hair is salt and pepper. But I feel old when they ask.

I work out at the local community college fitness center, four times a week (at least). It makes me feel young, not just because of the exercise, but because MOST of the people there are OLDER than me... a whole lot of folks who go there are in the 70s and 80s... so, even they act/talk to me like I'm just a kid (at 52). Yes, there ARE kids just out of high school going to that school, but they don't seem to be as interested in work outs except if they're playing in a sport for the school, or to get the PhysEd credits... They'll figure it out someday...

Anyway, I haven't watched the video yet... but will go do that now.

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  Sudo said:

I respect your posts so I watched the entire video but I don't get why you think there's some message here. I *did* recognize the Abby Road album comparison but other than that?? You're gonna' have to give me some clues I guess. Unless everybody else sees stuff in it like you do in which case I'll just admit to being a dummy.


I don't think you're "being a dummy" on this... I'd have to guess (so I will)... that mature folks can participate in a "team sport" and it isn't just for young people. As in the old saying that "youth is wasted on the young!" Well, it looks like these folks have recaptured some youthfulness...

I particularly liked the guy with the closing shot... "flipping off" the camera. :)

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I love this song! I am not sure what you see Mark and I am looking forward to finding that out too??

They are all valuable and I applaud this generation for all they have given to this world! A Flashback in time to a few of the ways they made their marks is part of what i sse here. Just our earth suits get old, usually far faster than our hearts and our minds. They still shine and dream and do it all!

Things I learned from my Gramma's knitting, crocheting tattting, sewing, making jewelry, cooking canning freezing were all the more memorable when they shared their life stories.

The simple little loving touches that we keep in society seems to help us sustain the values this country was founded on. Seems in away that the age of quality and craftsmenship is slip sliding away with each passing year.

It is just awesome to think what this generation and our generation has accomplished. It also on the other hand seems a little forbodding as to what the current and upcoming generations are adding, will add, or may have to add to survive. Maybe that is as it should be, Perhaps that is a common view point from one generation to another generation.

Remember all the silly things our parents could not relate to; that are now the standards or at least commonally used, employed or enjoyed and even obsolete. We didn't find the fountain of youth persay; but we did find ways to extend our youth both mentally and physically with great spirit and I hope we have loved, inspired and taught our children all they will need to carry on!

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I could have sworn that I saw Dorothy Owens playing organ somewhere in that video. The weird thing is that a few years ago me and my next door neighbor were playing Neil Young and Doors songs at a local coffee shop and everybody in the crowd is 50 or so and I'm looking out there and thinking "why are we playing for all these old people? Oh, yeah!" But back in the day it was people our current age that used to make fun of us for liking that music.

Come to think of it, when I was a child the ONLY time I ever saw an old person wearing blue jeans was in Greenwich Village in NYC. It stands to reason that it's easier to be a hip old person if you were a hip young person. Thank God for our generation.

Edited by johniam
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