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My Heart goes out


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God first


Beloved friends

God loves us all - I am putting this here because of the money tread on about CES and a tread in doctrine and a few other treads


My Heart goes out


Here I sat thinking about what I said here and now and there in the past and what I will say out of context of love and what I will say in context of love.

God loves us all more than we will ever know as does his beloved son Jesus the Christ and I hope to show my love to all of us the best way I can.

About things like changing for books I may believe in my heart it is wrong but its only a small matter to deal with right or wrong.

Love is the big matter we all need to deal with every day by asking our self? Is what I wrote or said love or is it something other.

I do not like that the so called Church Fathers are said to decide what is the word of God and what is not or what is heresy and what is not.

I think things like this should be took to God one on one by each person that is searching for the truth. So I do not want to point a bad finger at the church fathers because history has gave them credit for this or that.

But what I can do is read and some things I will enjoy and others I will not. While I do not like that they use the name of the their Church Fathers to control what we should or should not read.

I like to think that I will leave no rock unturned.

But I do and have said things wrong as we all do and that is why my heart goes out because I may or may not of said things wrong.

If I did I am sorry I like the rest of us get hung up on a cause when I should get hang up on love letting others do as they see best on small things and every thing but love is small.

How much truth a person has is small to how must love each person needs to deal with this evil world.

I will stop here before I end up written in a circle. Thank you, with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy.

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So.... you're apologizing for being "human"?

We've all had these moments - transgressions, sins, whatever you wish to call them.... <_<

Whoops. I just used the word "wish", didn't I? :evildenk:

A thousand pardons or hail Marys or lashes with a wet noodle or whatever you're into... :biglaugh:

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I guess what I'm reading is that sometimes "I"m sorry," are the only words you have - but they never seem to be enough.

When I think about some of the things I've done that have ended in hurt - no matter what my intent or reason or weakness - I feel pain for the hurt that I have caused. Those are the times I just take responsiblity for the wrong I've done and ask for forgiveness.

I'm not sure if that is what you meant, Roy - but that is what I feel.

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God first

Beloved ChasUFarley

God loves you my dear friend

yes I am "human" I think anyway I pull a hair to see if it hurt and it did

Can I have the hail Marys I got a sister name Mary

its all ways good the way you lighten things up my friend

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

Beloved doojable

God loves you my dear friend

yes they never seem enough

there a subject that may or may not got to heated

at least I begin to think I was pushing to hard

I am glad you understand

yes that what I meant

So times I think we need a tread called "I am sorry" and we can all every now in then just sign our name

thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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