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The Sibylline Oracles

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God loves you my dear friend

"The Sibylline Oracles" is a very long book but I am enjoying reading it so far

As I been reading I been talking out notes and dividing as I see best but rember all divion is man made

you can read more here


have fun


The Sibylline Oracles

Translated from the Greek

Into English Blank Verse

By Milton S. Terry

Professor in Garrett Biblical Institute

New Edition Revised after the Text of Ruch

New York: Eaton & Mains

Cincinnati: Curts & Jennings


.The Sibylline Oracles Book 1

Chapter 1

1. Beginning with the generation first Of mortal men down to the very last I'll prophesy each thing: what erst has been, And what is now, and what shall yet befall The world through the impiety of men. First now God urges on me to relate Truly how into being came the world.And thou, shrewd mortal, prudently make known, Lest ever thou should'st my commands neglect, The King most high, who brought into existence The whole world, saying, "Let there be," and there was. For he the earth established, placing it Round about Tartarus, and he himself

Chapter 2

1. Gave the sweet light; he raised the heaven on high, Spread out the gleaming sea, and crowned the sky With an abundance of bright-shining stars, And decked the earth with plants, and mingled sea With rivers, and the air with zephyrs mixed And watery clouds; and then, another race

2. Appointing, he gave fishes to the seas And birds unto the winds, and to the woods The beasts of shaggy neck, and snakes that crawl, And all things which now on the earth appear. These by his word he made, and every thing Was speedily and with precision done; For he was self-caused and from heaven looked down And finished was the world exceeding well. And then thereafter fashioned he again A living product, copying a new man From his own image, beautiful, divine, And bade him in ambrosial garden dwell, That labors beautiful might be his care.

3. But in that fertile field of Paradise He longed for conversation, being alone, And prayed that he might see another form Such as he had. And forthwith, from man's side Taking a bone, God himself made fair Eve, A wedded spouse, and in that Paradise Gave her to dwell with him. And, when he gazed Upon her, on a sudden filled with joy Great admiration held his soul, he saw A pattern so exact; and with wise words Spontaneous flowing answered he in turn For God had care for all things. For the mind They darkened not with passion, nor concealed Their nakedness, but with hearts far from evil Even like wild beasts they walked with limbs exposed.

4. And afterwards delivering them commands God showed them not to touch a certain tree;

But the dread serpent drew them off by guile To go away unto the fate of death And to gain knowledge of both good and evil. But the wife then first traitress proved to God;

5. She gave, and urged the unknowing man to sin. And he, persuaded by the woman's words, Forgot the immortal Maker utterly, And treated plain commandments with neglect. Therefore, instead of good, received they evil According to their deed. And then the leaves Of the sweet fig-tree piercing they made clothes

6. And put them on each other, and concealed The sexual parts, because they were ashamed. But on them the Immortal set his wrath And cast them out of the immortal land. For their abiding now in mortal land Was brought to pass, since hearing they kept not The word of the immortal mighty God.

7. And straightway they, upon the fruitful soil Forthgoing, with their tears and groans were wet; And to them then the immortal God himself A word more excellent spoke: "Multiply, Increase, work constantly upon the earth, That with the sweat of labor ye may have Sufficient food." Thus he spoke; and he made The author of deceit to press the ground

8. On belly and on side, a crawling snake, Driving him out severely; and he sent Dire enmity between them and the one Is on the look-out to preserve his head, But man his heel; for death is neighbor near

9. Of evil-plotting vipers and of men. And then indeed the race was multiplied As the Almighty himself gave command, And there grew up one people on another Innumerable. And houses they adorned Of all kinds and made cities and their walls

10. Well and expertly; and to them was given A day of long time for a life much-loved; For they did not worn out with troubles die, But as subdued by sleep; most happy men Of great heart, whom the immortal Saviour loved, The King, God. But they also did transgress, Smitten with folly. For with impudence

11. They mocked their fathers and their mothers scorned; Kinsmen they knew not, and they formed intrigues Against their brothers. And they were impure, Having defiled themselves with human gore, And they made wars. And then upon them came The last calamity sent forth from heaven,

12. Which snatched the dreadful men away from life; And Hades then received them; it was called

Hades since Adam, having tasted death, Went first and earth encompassed him around.

And therefore all men born upon the earth Are in abodes of Hades called to go.

Chapter 3

1. But even in Hades all these when they came Had honor, since they were the earliest race.

But when Hades received these, secondly [Of the surviving and most righteous men] God formed another very subtile race

2. That cared for lovely works, and noble toils, Distinguished reverence and solid wisdom; And they were trained in arts of every kind, Finding inventions by their lack of means. And one devised to till the land with plows,

3. Another worked in wood, another cared For sailing, and another watched the stars And practiced augury with winged fowls; And use of drugs had interest for one, While for another magic had a charm;

4. And others were in every other art Which men care for instructed, wide awake, Industrious, worthy of that eponym Because they had a sleepless mind within And a huge body; stout with mighty form

5. They were; but, notwithstanding, down they went Into Tartarean chamber terrible, Kept in firm chains to pay full penalty In Gehenna of strong, furious, quenchless fire. And after these a third strong-minded race Appeared, a race of overbearing men And terrible, who wrought among themselves

6. . Third strong-minded race.--The successive races here mentioned appear to be in imitation of Hesiod's ages or races of mankind. Hesiod applies to them the epithets of golden, silver, bronze, and iron.

Chapter 4

1. Many an evil. And fights, homicides, And battles did continually destroy Those men possessed of overweening heart, And from these afterward another race Proceeded, late-completed, youngest born, Blood-stained, perverse in counsel; of men these Were in the fourth race; much the blood they spilled,

2. Nor feared they God nor had regard for men, For maddening wrath and sore impiety Were sent upon them. And wars, homicides, And battles sent some into Erebus, Since they were overweening impious men.

3. But the rest did the heavenly God himself In anger afterwards change from his world, Casting them into mighty Tartarus Down under the foundation of the earth. And later yet another race much worse

4. [Of men he made, to whom no good thereafter] The Immortal formed, since they wrought many evils. For they were much more violent than those, Giants perverse, foul language pouring out.

Single among all men, most just and true,

5. Was the most faithful Noah, full of care For noblest works. And to him God himself From heaven thus spoke: "Noah, be of good cheer In thyself and to all the people preach Repentance, so that they may all be saved.

6. But if, with shameless soul, they heed me not The whole race I will utterly destroy

Chapter 5

1. With mighty floods of waters. Quickly now An undecaying house I bid thee frame Of planks strong and impervious to the wet.

2. I will put understanding in thy heart, And subtile skill, and rule of measurement And order; and for all things will I care That thou be saved, and all who dwell with thee. And I am He who is, and in thy heart

3. Do thou discern. I clothe me with the heaven, And cast the sea around me, and for me Earth is a footstool, and the air is poured Around my body; and on every side Around me runs the chorus of the stars.

4. Nine letters have I; of four syllables I am; discern me. The first three have each Two letters, the remaining one the rest, And five are mates; and of the entire sum The hundreds are twice eight and thrice three tens

5. Along with seven. Now, knowing who I am,

Chapter 6

1. Be thou not uninitiate in my lore." Thus he spoke; and great trembling seized on him At what he heard. And then, within his mind Having contrived each matter, he besought

2. The people and began with words like these: "O men insatiate, smit with madness great, Whatever things ye practiced they shall not Escape God's notice; for he knows all things, Immortal Saviour overseeing all,

3. Who bade me warn you, that ye perish not. Be sober, cut off badness, do not fight Perforce each other with blood-guilty heart, Nor irrigate much land with human gore. Revere, O mortals, the supremely great

4. And fearless heavenly Creator, God Imperishable, whose dwelling is the sky; And do ye all entreat him--he is kind– For life of cities and of all the world, And of four-footed beasts and flying fowls;

5. Entreat him to be gracious unto all. For when the whole unbounded world of men Shall be destroyed by waters loud ye'll raise

Chapter 7

1. A fearful cry. And suddenly for you The air shall be disordered, and from heaven

2. The fury of the mighty God shall come Upon you. And it certainly shall be That the immortal Saviour against men Will send wrath if ye do not placate God And from this time repent; and nothing more

3. Fretful and evil lawlessly shall ye One to another do, but let there be A guarding of one's self by holy life." But when they heard him each turned up his nose, Calling him mad, a frenzy-smitten man.

4. And then again did Noah sound this strain: "O men exceeding wretched, base in heart, Unstable, leaving modesty behind And loving shamelessness, rapacious lords, Fierce sinners, false, insatiate, mischievous,

5. In nothing true, stealthy adulterers, Flippant in language, pouring forth foul words, The wrath of God most high not fearing, kept To the fifth generation to atone! In no way do ye wail, harsh men, but laugh;

6. Sardonic smile shall ye laugh, when shall come That which I speak--God's dire incoming flood,

When Eve's polluted race, in the great earth Blooming perennial in impervious stem, Shall, root and branch, in one night disappear,

7. And cities, men and all, shall the Earth-shaker

Chapter 8

1. From the depths scatter and their walls destroy. And then the whole world of unnumbered men

Shall die. But how shall I weep, how lament In wooden house, how mingle tears with waves?

2. For, if this water bidden of God shall come, Earth shall float, hills float, and even sky shall float;

Everything shall be water, and all things Shall be destroyed by waters. And the winds Shall stand still, and a second age shall come.

3. O Phrygia, thou shalt from the water's crest First rise up, and thou first another race Of men shalt nourish, once again anew Beginning; and thou shalt be nurse for all." But when now to the lawless generation

4. He had thus vainly spoken, the Most High Appeared, and once more cried aloud and said: "The time is now come, Noah, to proclaim Each thing, even all which I that day to thee Did promise and confirm, and to complete,

5. Because of a people disobedient, Throughout the boundless world even all the things Which generations of a former time Did practice, evil things innumerable. But do thou quickly enter with thy sons

6. And the wives. Call as many as I bid, Of tribes of beasts and creeping things and birds, And in as many as I ordain for life Will I then put a willingness to go." Thus spoke he; forth went (Noah) and aloud

7. Cried out and called. And then wife, sons and brides, Entered the house of wood; then also went

Chapter 9

1. The other things, as many as God willed To shut in. But when fitting bolt was put About the lid, and in its polished place

2. Was fitted sideways, then was brought to pass Forthwith the purpose of the God of heaven. And he massed clouds, and bid the sun's bright disk, And moon, and stars, and circle of the heaven,

Obscuring all things round; he thundered loud,

3. Terror of mortals, sending lightnings forth; And all the winds together were aroused, And all the veins of water were unloosed By opening of great cataracts from heaven, And from earth's caverns and the tireless deep

4. Appeared the myriad waters, and the whole Illimitable earth was covered o'er. But on the water swam that wondrous house; And torn by many furious waves, and struck By force of winds, it rushed on fearfully;

5. But with its keel it cut the mass of foam While the loud-babbling waters dashed around. But when God deluged all the world with rains Then also Noah took thought to observe By counsels of the Immortal; for he now

6. Had had enough of Nereus. And straightway The house he opened from the polished wall, That crosswise was bound fast with skillful stays. And looking out upon the mighty mass Of boundless waters Noah on all sides–

Chapter 10

1. And 'twas his fortune with his eyes to see!– Fear possessed and shook mightily his heart. And then the air became a little calm, Since it was weary wetting all the world Many days; parting, then, it brought to light

2. How pale and blood-red was the mighty sky And sun's bright disk awearied; scarcely held Noah his courage. And then forth afar Sent he a dove alone, that he might learn If yet firm land appeared. But with tired wing,

3. Flying round all things, she again returned; For not yet had the water ebbed away; For it was deeply filling every place. But after resting quietly for days He sent the dove once more, to learn if yet

4. Had ceased the many waters. And she flew And flew on, and went o'er the earth and, resting

Her body lightly on the humid ground, Again to Noah back she came and bore An olive branch--of tidings a great sign.

5. Courage now filled them all, and great delight, Because they hoped to look upon the land. But then thereafter yet another bird, Of black wing, sent he forth as hastily; Which, trusting to its wings, flow willingly,

6. And coming to the land continued there. And Noah knew the land was nearer now. But when on dashing waves the craft divine Had here and there o'er ocean's billows swum, It was made fast upon the narrow strand.

7. There is in Phrygia on the dark mainland


thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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God first

Beloved friends

God loves you my dear friend

"The Sibylline Oracles" here the rest of the book but the is a book 2 and 3 plus many pages to look at


Chapter 11

1. A steep, tall mountain; Ararat its name, Because upon it all were to be saved From death, and there was great desire of heart; Thence streams of the great river Marsyas spring.

2. There on a lofty peak the ark abode When the waters ceased, and then again from heaven The voice divine of the great God this word Proclaimed: "O Noah, guarded, faithful, just, Come boldly forth, with thy sons and thy wife

3. And the three brides, and fill ye all the earth, Increasing, multiplying, rendering justice To one another through all generations, Until to judgment every race of men Shall come; for judgment shall be unto all."

4. Thus spoke the voice divine. Then from his couch Noah, encouraged, hastened on the land, And with him went his sons and wife and brides, And creeping things, and birds and quadrupeds,

And all things else went from the wooden house

5. Into one place. And then went Noah forth As eighth, most just of men, when on the waters He had made full twice twenty days and one Because of counsels of the mighty God. Then a new stock of life again arose,

6. Golden first, which indeed was sixth, and best,

Chapter 12

1. From the time when the first-formed man appeared; Heavenly its name, because all things to God Shall be a care. O first race of sixth age! O mighty joy which I thereafter shared,

2. When I escaped sheer ruin, by the waves Much tossed, with husband and with brothers-in-law, Stepfather and stepmother, and with wives Of husband's brothers suffering terribly. Fitting things now will I sing: There shall be

3. On the fig-tree a many-colored flower, And afterward the royal power and sway Shall Cronos have. For three kings of great soul, Men most just, shall distribute portions then, And many a year rule, rendering what is just

4. To men who care for toil and deeds of love. And earth shall glory in her many fruits Self-growing, yielding much corn for the race. And the foster-fathers, ageless all their days, Shall from diseases chill and dreadful be

5. Far aloof; they shall die as fallen on sleep, And unto Acheron in the abodes Of Hades they shall go away, and there Shall they have honor, since they were a race

Chapter 13

1. Of blessed ones, fortunate heroes, whom

2. The Lord of Sabaoth gave a noble mind, And with whom always he his counsels shared. But blessed shall they be even when they go In Hades. And then afterward again Oppressive, strong, another second race

3. Of earth-born men, the Titans. All excel In figure, stature, growth; and there shall be One language, as of old from the first race God in their breasts implanted. But even these, Having a haughty heart and rushing on

4. To ruin, shall at last resolve to fight Against the starry heaven. And then the stream Of the great ocean shall upon them pour Its raging waters. But the mighty Lord Of Sabaoth though enraged shall check his wrath,

5. Because he promised that again no flood Should be brought upon men of evil soul. But when the great high-thundering God shall cause The boundless swelling of the many waters– With their waves hither and thither rising high--

6. To cease from wrath, and into other depths Of sea their measure lessen, setting bounds By harbors and rough headlands round the land; Then also shall a child of the great God Come, clothed in flesh, to men, and fashioned like

7. To mortals in the earth; and he doth hear

Chapter 14

1. Four vowels, and two consonants in him Are twice announced; the whole sum I will name: For eight ones, and as many tens on these, And yet eight hundred will reveal the name

2. To men insatiate; and do thou discern In thine own understanding that the Christ Is child of the immortal God most high. And he shall fulfill God's law, not destroy, Bearing his very image, and all things

3. Shall he teach. Unto him shall priests convey And offer gold, and myrrh, and frankincense; For all these things he'll also bring to pass. But when a voice shall through the desert land Come bearing tidings to men, and to all

4. Shall call to make straight paths, and from the heart Cast wickedness out and illuminate With water all the bodies of mankind, That being born again they may no more From what is righteous go at all astray--

5. And one of barbarous mind, by dances bound, Cutting that (voice) off shall bestow reward–

Chapter 15

1. Then on a sudden there shall be a sign To mortals, when, watched over, there shall come Out of the land of Egypt a fair stone;

2. And on it shall the Hebrew people stumble; But by his guiding nations shall be brought Together; for the God who rules on high They also shall know through him, and the way In common light. For unto chosen men

3. Will he show life eternal, but the fire Will be for ages on the lawless bring. And then shall he the sickly heal, and all Who are blameworthy who shall trust in him.. And then the blind shall see, the lame shall walk,

4. The deaf shall hearken, and the dumb shall speak. Demons shall he drive out, and of the dead There shall be an uprising; on the waves Shall he walk; also in a desert place Shall he five thousand satisfy with food

5. From five loaves and a fish out of the sea, And with the remnants of them, for the hope Of peoples, shall he fill twelve baskets full. And then shall Israel, drunken, not discern, Nor shall they hear, oppressed with feeble cars.

6. But when the maddening wrath of the Most High Shall come upon the Hebrews, and take faith Away from them, because they slew the Son Of the heavenly God; then also with foul lips

Chapter 16

1. Shall Israel give him cuffs and spittle drugged.

2. And gall for food and vinegar unmixed For drink will they, with evil madness smitten In bosom and in heart, give impiously, Not seeing with their eyes, more blind than moles, More terrible than crawling poisonous beasts,

3. Fast bound by heavy sleep. But when his hands He shall spread forth and measure out all things, And bear the crown of thorns, and they shall pierce His side with reeds, for which dark monstrous night Shall be for three hours in the midst of day,

4. Then also shall the temple of Solomon Bring to an end a mighty sign for men, When he shall to the house of Hades go Proclaiming resurrection to the dead. But when in three days he shall come again

5. Unto the light, and show his form to men And teach all things, ascending in the clouds Unto the house of heaven shall he go Leaving the world a Gospel convenant. And in his name shall blossom a new shoot

6. From nations that are guided by the law Of the Mighty One. But also after this There shall be wise guides, and then afterward There shall be a cessation of the prophets. After that, when the Hebrew people reap

7. Their evil harvest, shall a Roman king Much gold and silver utterly destroy. And afterward shall other royal powers Continuously arise as kingdoms perish,

Chapter 17

1. And they will oppress mortals. But great fall

2. Shall be for those men, when they shall begin Unrighteous arrogance. But when the temple Of Solomon in the holy land shall fall, Cast down by barbarous men in brazen mail, And from the land the Hebrews shall be driven

3. Wandering and wasted, and among the wheat They shall much darnel mingle, there shall be Evil contention among, all mankind; And the cities suffering outrage shall bewail Each other, in their breasts receiving wrath

4. Of the great God, since they wrought evil work


thank you

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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