I like living here in Southern Arizona. (I am about 200 miles south of where Rocky lives.)
The air quality down here is very good!!! I live in what they call high desert about 4600 ft elevation.
There are developments around here for adults and seniors. There is alot of retired military folks in this area. Many people flock down here during the winter months.
The biggest employer in this area is the military installation and defense contrators.
Hamilton, MT is close to Missoula, which has great eating establishments and a really vibrant night life/theater/arts--plus UofM Grizzly Football. There are a number of small towns surrounding Missoula, too. Love Missoula! One of my brothers lives there. I have relatives all over the NW Montana/Idaho/Spokane areaa.
One great career for western Montana is real estate, which is booming. My sis is a realator and she is doing really well.
I think Hamilton is easier to buy into than Whitefish, but I expect any property there would become a good investment.
And all the rivers around there are great for rafting.
There are other, less popular places in Montana that are lovely--George town Lake/Pintler Scenic area, Seeley/Swan area, small towns near Helena. But, few jobs.
Lewistown Mt, in Central mT, is a nice, pretty Wal Mart-less town in the Judith Mountains. In fact, there are several MTN ranges around there. I think it will be a hot property area one day. I know it is an area Montana natives talk about moving to!
And in Hamilton MT, which is booming, there will be more and more people there that will need medical attention, and hence, no doubt room for what you do in that field. Will you be carrying away any equity from the house that you sold Dot?
And Bramble, that talk of river rafting sounds so danged inviting. I used to inner tube the Clackamas and Sandy Rivers in Oregon when I was 20-22 years old. What fun and idyllic delight!
Well I picked on poor Groucho for not being serious and it looks like a few people here need to be spanked. ;)
Dots, some time ago I was fed up with the scene over here in this area. Every time I turned on the news it was who shot who in Chicago. Now granted, it's different for you because you are living in the midst of what you are seeing your neighborhood turn into.
Think how my 87 year old Mom feels. Her old Polish neighborhoods that she grew up in, while far from perfect, are dirty crime infested slums now. How bout taking that on Al and Jesse? Or is it too much of a real problem for them?
I actually went to Maine TWICE! To get away from it all and see if I could live out there. What I found out was, after a few days of tranquility, I was bored as hell. I coudn't wait to get back to my suburban Illinois home.
What people out here do, is usually move out west. (west from the city) Farther and farther from the city. It only buys time, but who cares? As long as it buys you enough time in your life.
Can't you do something like that? Move away from your neighborhood but still stay in the general area where it's safe? And still in your home state?
Rottie, that's a very reasonable question, the one that you pose. But, since peace and tranquility is something that God says we should seek, I think that the small and quiet town, where things may be "boring" is the place that someone who is harrassed by the evils of gangwarfare and etc, should seek out, get used to, and finally learn to enjoy!
I live up here where it is very tolerable, and, I love it! Only one or two murder trials every other year! And, I like that. Peacefull is better than "not boring" in my own humble opinion. Selah...
Yeah Johnny but didn't the great apostle Paul spend most of his time in prison? And he learned you can have great joy in life no matter your circumstances. Granted, he was a different cut of the cloth. However, we can apply that to our own unique circumstances, and our own personal walk.
If it means moving 20 miles away, or if it means moving to a different continent, is all up to the individual. I'm just advising Dots to not do something drastic. :)
The county I live in is the number one spot for the illegals to move right now. The neighborhoods are being hit with the displaced criminals who were brought up out of Katrina and a huge wave of illegals.
Right now, the quiet bird singing culd-a-sac is being boomed out by rap music, the one house has maybe I dunno 15 young men of whom there are no adults, and a 17 year old girl in a home with a baby where her parents come now and then. She invites about 20 or more people over everyday, and they cover her front yard. Then, the cars come down racing and boom-boom music.
These homes were owned by good people. Now, it is like South Central LA in a suburb. We have over an acre, a huge deck, in-ground pool and three bedrooms, garage and basement. These kind-of woodsy areas never had people spray painting gang signs on their HOMES/fences. It is like city-scum (no offense to wonderful city dwellers) came to the burbs and just are out-of-control.
We have never had police in the 'hood, but we had cop cars here planning to go to a "Grow house" up over the hill in the neighborhood.
We are like sitting ducks for these highly developed professional criminals and the non-english speaking thieves that have invaded and yes, I mean INVADED our quiet country neighborhood after we opened up our town to help the hurricane victums.
IT is a problem that runs through-out "the county" and most of the areas outside of Atlanta that are affordable.
We moved to the country (woodsy, bird singing, long drive to the city - country) to avoid the traps of the city. And nobody saw this illegal problem hitting with the fury it hit us.
I called the cops and there are 1500 REGISTERED gang members in the little county, and yes there are some MS13 he said (the most violent Spanish gang)
Just NOW like 2 months ago we have pit bulls roaming and low rider cars with ethnic music blaring riding around picking them up.
I do not want the whole conversation to run to predjudice, we have two GREAT ethnic neighbors. One just put her house up for sale and the other is preparing.
My only thing is move - or pray out the crime. The police are no help.
I like Johnny's area, but the home cost --- woooo, not what I thought ----ouch
Our home, with the bad market and the change may have dropped about $30,000.00
It was my only savings plan
BTW, about a personal walk, I do not believe God wants me to stay. I am investigating other areas, I believe God wants to grant the desires of my heart. This isn't.
One more thing about Southern Arizona, There are alot of Border Patrol agents that live and work here. Also, the group called the Minutemen, come down here and report sightings of illegals to the Border Patrol. This area is anti illegal immigrants to include the Mexican-Americans.
Sierra Vista is the humming bird capital of the US. During the migration season, I have seen 20 humming birds in my back yard.
Sierra Vista is the humming bird capital of the US. During the migration season, I have seen 20 humming birds in my back yard.
Z: Don't you live in Arizona? That's hotter than hades isn't it? From what I've read it's so hot there, they have a law where you can't leave your animal alone in your car ever..not even in winter. I don't know. Enlighten me. Maybe I'm talking out of my butt. If I am I'm sorry. But that's what I heard!
Our home, with the bad market and the change may have dropped about $30,000.00
It was my only savings plan
BTW, about a personal walk, I do not believe God wants me to stay. I am investigating other areas, I believe God wants to grant the desires of my heart. This isn't.
I totally understand Dots. You know your own walk and what God wants for your life.
I moved from the midwest in 2004 to Redlands California then to Pembroke Pines Florida in 2006...moving is very expensive, but being in a small industry with a very specific area of expertise it is part of the territory. The downside is that I feel very little sense of community and sometime wake up in the morning not sure where I am. Having said that, here is my 2 cents for what it is worth...people in the midwest are the friendliest with California a close second and Florida a distant third. Geographically speaking, California and the west is my favorite part of the country. California is paridise lost though...too many people and too much traffic. Both California and Florida have a very Hispanic culture...I prefer Mexican culture to Cuban...just my opinion. California is the most expensive followed closely by Florida...the midwest is cheap! Florida has no income tax with California's income tax at almost 10% If your income is $60,0000 per year that amounts to $500 in your pocket per month. However in Florda the property taxes and insurance rates are extremely high. Having said all of that, I will not stay in Florida any longer than I have to. Besides, the weather ain't that great...too humid! My picks are New Mexico (Las Cruces), Northern Arizona (Flagstaff to Prescott), Southern Utah (St. George-the fastest growing small city in America-lots of jobs) and Nevada (Reno/Lake Tahoe area). I love Montana, Idaho and Oregon, but cannot handle long cold winters.
List of the fastest growing metro areas in the US. BTW the Atlanta Metro Area had the largest population growth of any metro area in the US in the last 6 years.
Take this quiz: Find Your Spot - They'll suggest the best places for what you want and give you lots of info on the top locations.
OMG Belle, that's so funny you would post that. My dad (long dead) is from Anderson MO. Joplin MO is like a sneeze away. I hated Joplin MO with a passion. the last time I was there was in 1994 to bury my dad's remains and I swore I would never go back to that flea/tick/cow town. I hated it.
So I took that quiz several years ago, and where did they suggest I move? Yup, Joplin Mo. Out of all the places in the universe. omg.
After moving from Illinois to DC, then to NC, now I am moving to Manchester,New Hampshire. My moving so much has included reasons,such as: Cost of living, Government jobs and Pharmaceutical..Now I am moving because of my current location and love of family..I live rural and my commute to work for several months was 3 1/2 hrs a day..I found myself just drifting along everyday..I moved here for quality of life and it has been slow going..I had the opportunity to move to NH but the snow and long winters detered me..but my love for family is stronger and my own vision..both my daughter's will be reunited, and I get to be by my future grandchildren.Also, I cannot forget my wonderful son n law...who God blessed us with.
So, I am very glad I kept my Sporto boots, all my wool clothing...I am sure I will need it..Now I have to buy Down, a 4 wheeler, and a sled team...and snow shoes..CHasUfarley watch your pm's...:)
Dot- I hope all goes well...crossroads need careful navigating..but it can be so much fun..
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J0nny Ling0
Montana. And if you move there, you could grow a crop of dental floss.
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Hey there Dot.
Bramble said it best, concerning towns and employment.
Unless you're a professional (lawyer, doctor, etc.),
the smaller towns will offer MUCH smaller paychecks, than the larger burgs do.
Duluth is considered a *big* city (for Mn.), but the pay scale here is WAY lower
than you will find in the Mpls/ St.Paul area.
Of course -- they have the big city problems you're looking to get out of.
Minnesota is not humid at all (in my area) and away from Lake Superior ---
it's quite nice for 7 or 8 months out of the year.
Humidity seems to be ever present in the south.
At least in southern Indiana it is, so maybe heading west would be the answer???
Dunno. Lot's of good suggestions here ----------------------
(except for that corps assignment thing!!)
thanks for the comic relief, Groucho!
Good luck in your decision. :)
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I like living here in Southern Arizona. (I am about 200 miles south of where Rocky lives.)
The air quality down here is very good!!! I live in what they call high desert about 4600 ft elevation.
There are developments around here for adults and seniors. There is alot of retired military folks in this area. Many people flock down here during the winter months.
The biggest employer in this area is the military installation and defense contrators.
here are a couple links:
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But if you do, remember that brown shoes don't make it.
(Just ask Susie Creamcheese.)
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polar bear
No crime, no gangs.
Sounds like you would love the North Pole.
Seriously-I'd go for the midwest.
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Hey Mr Miller.. were you just pickin on me?
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If it was up tp me it would be a galaxy far. far away!
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Tom Strange
New Knoxville, Ohio
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Hamilton, MT is close to Missoula, which has great eating establishments and a really vibrant night life/theater/arts--plus UofM Grizzly Football. There are a number of small towns surrounding Missoula, too. Love Missoula! One of my brothers lives there. I have relatives all over the NW Montana/Idaho/Spokane areaa.
One great career for western Montana is real estate, which is booming. My sis is a realator and she is doing really well.
I think Hamilton is easier to buy into than Whitefish, but I expect any property there would become a good investment.
And all the rivers around there are great for rafting.
There are other, less popular places in Montana that are lovely--George town Lake/Pintler Scenic area, Seeley/Swan area, small towns near Helena. But, few jobs.
Lewistown Mt, in Central mT, is a nice, pretty Wal Mart-less town in the Judith Mountains. In fact, there are several MTN ranges around there. I think it will be a hot property area one day. I know it is an area Montana natives talk about moving to!
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Ummmmmmm -- NO! Not me! Scout's honor!!
(Actually I wasn't. What you posted made a ton of sense.)
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Yeah but there are jobs like that in Huntsville which is an hour away...
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J0nny Ling0
And in Hamilton MT, which is booming, there will be more and more people there that will need medical attention, and hence, no doubt room for what you do in that field. Will you be carrying away any equity from the house that you sold Dot?
And Bramble, that talk of river rafting sounds so danged inviting. I used to inner tube the Clackamas and Sandy Rivers in Oregon when I was 20-22 years old. What fun and idyllic delight!
"The West Is The Best"
said some famous rocker....
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Well I picked on poor Groucho for not being serious and it looks like a few people here need to be spanked. ;)
Dots, some time ago I was fed up with the scene over here in this area. Every time I turned on the news it was who shot who in Chicago. Now granted, it's different for you because you are living in the midst of what you are seeing your neighborhood turn into.
Think how my 87 year old Mom feels. Her old Polish neighborhoods that she grew up in, while far from perfect, are dirty crime infested slums now. How bout taking that on Al and Jesse? Or is it too much of a real problem for them?
I actually went to Maine TWICE! To get away from it all and see if I could live out there. What I found out was, after a few days of tranquility, I was bored as hell. I coudn't wait to get back to my suburban Illinois home.
What people out here do, is usually move out west. (west from the city) Farther and farther from the city. It only buys time, but who cares? As long as it buys you enough time in your life.
Can't you do something like that? Move away from your neighborhood but still stay in the general area where it's safe? And still in your home state?
Edited by RottieGrrrlLink to comment
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J0nny Ling0
Rottie, that's a very reasonable question, the one that you pose. But, since peace and tranquility is something that God says we should seek, I think that the small and quiet town, where things may be "boring" is the place that someone who is harrassed by the evils of gangwarfare and etc, should seek out, get used to, and finally learn to enjoy!
I live up here where it is very tolerable, and, I love it! Only one or two murder trials every other year! And, I like that. Peacefull is better than "not boring" in my own humble opinion. Selah...
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Yeah Johnny but didn't the great apostle Paul spend most of his time in prison? And he learned you can have great joy in life no matter your circumstances. Granted, he was a different cut of the cloth. However, we can apply that to our own unique circumstances, and our own personal walk.
If it means moving 20 miles away, or if it means moving to a different continent, is all up to the individual. I'm just advising Dots to not do something drastic. :)
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Dot Matrix
The county I live in is the number one spot for the illegals to move right now. The neighborhoods are being hit with the displaced criminals who were brought up out of Katrina and a huge wave of illegals.
Right now, the quiet bird singing culd-a-sac is being boomed out by rap music, the one house has maybe I dunno 15 young men of whom there are no adults, and a 17 year old girl in a home with a baby where her parents come now and then. She invites about 20 or more people over everyday, and they cover her front yard. Then, the cars come down racing and boom-boom music.
These homes were owned by good people. Now, it is like South Central LA in a suburb. We have over an acre, a huge deck, in-ground pool and three bedrooms, garage and basement. These kind-of woodsy areas never had people spray painting gang signs on their HOMES/fences. It is like city-scum (no offense to wonderful city dwellers) came to the burbs and just are out-of-control.
We have never had police in the 'hood, but we had cop cars here planning to go to a "Grow house" up over the hill in the neighborhood.
We are like sitting ducks for these highly developed professional criminals and the non-english speaking thieves that have invaded and yes, I mean INVADED our quiet country neighborhood after we opened up our town to help the hurricane victums.
IT is a problem that runs through-out "the county" and most of the areas outside of Atlanta that are affordable.
We moved to the country (woodsy, bird singing, long drive to the city - country) to avoid the traps of the city. And nobody saw this illegal problem hitting with the fury it hit us.
I called the cops and there are 1500 REGISTERED gang members in the little county, and yes there are some MS13 he said (the most violent Spanish gang)
Just NOW like 2 months ago we have pit bulls roaming and low rider cars with ethnic music blaring riding around picking them up.
I do not want the whole conversation to run to predjudice, we have two GREAT ethnic neighbors. One just put her house up for sale and the other is preparing.
My only thing is move - or pray out the crime. The police are no help.
I like Johnny's area, but the home cost --- woooo, not what I thought ----ouch
Anyway, we are looking to move.
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Dot Matrix
Our home, with the bad market and the change may have dropped about $30,000.00
It was my only savings plan
BTW, about a personal walk, I do not believe God wants me to stay. I am investigating other areas, I believe God wants to grant the desires of my heart. This isn't.
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One more thing about Southern Arizona, There are alot of Border Patrol agents that live and work here. Also, the group called the Minutemen, come down here and report sightings of illegals to the Border Patrol.
This area is anti illegal immigrants to include the Mexican-Americans.
Sierra Vista is the humming bird capital of the US. During the migration season, I have seen 20 humming birds in my back yard.
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Z: Don't you live in Arizona? That's hotter than hades isn't it? From what I've read it's so hot there, they have a law where you can't leave your animal alone in your car ever..not even in winter. I don't know. Enlighten me. Maybe I'm talking out of my butt. If I am I'm sorry. But that's what I heard!
I totally understand Dots. You know your own walk and what God wants for your life.
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Take this quiz: Find Your Spot - They'll suggest the best places for what you want and give you lots of info on the top locations.
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I moved from the midwest in 2004 to Redlands California then to Pembroke Pines Florida in 2006...moving is very expensive, but being in a small industry with a very specific area of expertise it is part of the territory. The downside is that I feel very little sense of community and sometime wake up in the morning not sure where I am. Having said that, here is my 2 cents for what it is worth...people in the midwest are the friendliest with California a close second and Florida a distant third. Geographically speaking, California and the west is my favorite part of the country. California is paridise lost though...too many people and too much traffic. Both California and Florida have a very Hispanic culture...I prefer Mexican culture to Cuban...just my opinion. California is the most expensive followed closely by Florida...the midwest is cheap! Florida has no income tax with California's income tax at almost 10% If your income is $60,0000 per year that amounts to $500 in your pocket per month. However in Florda the property taxes and insurance rates are extremely high. Having said all of that, I will not stay in Florida any longer than I have to. Besides, the weather ain't that great...too humid! My picks are New Mexico (Las Cruces), Northern Arizona (Flagstaff to Prescott), Southern Utah (St. George-the fastest growing small city in America-lots of jobs) and Nevada (Reno/Lake Tahoe area). I love Montana, Idaho and Oregon, but cannot handle long cold winters.
List of the fastest growing metro areas in the US. BTW the Atlanta Metro Area had the largest population growth of any metro area in the US in the last 6 years.
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OMG Belle, that's so funny you would post that. My dad (long dead) is from Anderson MO. Joplin MO is like a sneeze away. I hated Joplin MO with a passion. the last time I was there was in 1994 to bury my dad's remains and I swore I would never go back to that flea/tick/cow town. I hated it.
So I took that quiz several years ago, and where did they suggest I move? Yup, Joplin Mo. Out of all the places in the universe. omg.
I'm going to take it again now though.
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Nice site Belle ... I got mostly small towns in the Northwest, or Kentucky/North Carolina
I guess preferring not to have hot and humid eliminated the midwest. :)
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After moving from Illinois to DC, then to NC, now I am moving to Manchester,New Hampshire. My moving so much has included reasons,such as: Cost of living, Government jobs and Pharmaceutical..Now I am moving because of my current location and love of family..I live rural and my commute to work for several months was 3 1/2 hrs a day..I found myself just drifting along everyday..I moved here for quality of life and it has been slow going..I had the opportunity to move to NH but the snow and long winters detered me..but my love for family is stronger and my own vision..both my daughter's will be reunited, and I get to be by my future grandchildren.Also, I cannot forget my wonderful son n law...who God blessed us with.
So, I am very glad I kept my Sporto boots, all my wool clothing...I am sure I will need it..Now I have to buy Down, a 4 wheeler, and a sled team...and snow shoes..CHasUfarley watch your pm's...:)
Dot- I hope all goes well...crossroads need careful navigating..but it can be so much fun..
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